
When you feel sad, you should try going outside if it is sun. Doctors                 (1)   

know that how manysunlight we got can change how we feel.                              (2)   

Scientists learned this by interviewpeople who live different parts of                      (3)   

the world. In the far north, the days ∧ very short in winter. People there often (4)   ____

say that they feel unhappy in thewinter. In the south where there are more                  (5)   

daylight hours, fewerpeople say they are unhappy in winter. The reason is          (6)  _____

how much sunlight these people get each day. Sunlight changesomething in          (7)  ______

our bodies, which can make people feel happily.Another way to feel                   (8)   

happy is to get much exercise. Just like sunlight, exercise helps our bodyfeel      (9)  _____

happier. Thatyou are upset about something, exercise is a good way to get         (10)  _____

those bad feelings out of yourself.

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This  is   Lucy   book .   (    )_________
A.     B.     C.
How  many desk  are  there ?  There is  one. (    )_________
A.           B.                     C.
I   father is  a  teacher.  (    )_________
A.    B.    .
There is  two books  and  a  pen  on  the desk.(    )_________
A.                          B.       C.
How can  you  spell  it?   (    )_________
A.    B.              C.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The finally event in the Olympics is the                           1_____________
marathon, which name comes from a battle                           2_____________
in Ancient Greece. One of the most famous                        3____________
marathons is in New York , watch by                             4____________
two million people. Great Wall Marathon,                        5____________
which most competitors find the toughest course                 6____________
to be run. There are marathons around the                       7____________
world today and most of people can run one                      8____________
if you train for it. As time passes, many                       9____________
changes have happened the marathon.                              10_____________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


People enjoy sports all over the world.Sports are good for people's healthy.Many people like to watch others play sports.

They buy tickets or turn offtheir TV sets.People play different games in different season.They often play outside a room,but sometimes they play inside.We can findingsports here and there.Some sports are interestedand people everywhere like it.Football,for example,is verypopular that we can see muchpeople in the world practice it.People from different countries can't understand each other,but beforea game they often become good friends. Dosports is also a good way to relax.We all can get a lot from sports.

  • 更新:2021-02-23
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

改错。 (共10小题,计10分)
       have important something to  tell you.
A          B             C        D
         There  are many   people  are   waiting  for  the  bus.
A    B               C      D
         You  should  just  be  you.
A       B    C    D
         My    sister  have   long hair and  big eyes.
A            B     C        D
         Why  not to  buy  a  bicycle for  your  son?
A    B   C               D
         Although  the  storm  broke  many things  apart, but it
A          B           C
brought  families closer.
         I  run  to  the  bus stop  but  I still missed  the  bus.
A                 B          C    D
         He went  away as soon as  he finished do  his  work.
A             B             C    D
        A man saw Yu Gong and his family when they worked on moving
A                                B        C
the mountains.
          As soon as you woke up, you must go to the forest with your
A           B              C            D

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jim Green teaches our English . He has been in China for more than two year. He has been to many interesting places in Beijing, and he has not yet been to many others parts of China. Last week he goesto Mount Emei in Sichuan Province with his family. Many people like travel by air, but Jim family think that traveling by train is the best. It is much cheap and far more enjoyable than a rushing trip by air. He had a wonderful train ride to Chengdu after they went to Mount Emei by bus.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知





There lived a unhappy king a long time ago.He slept badly.His face was always pale.He often cries for no reason.This made the queen worrying.One day,a doctor was called^to examine the king.He said to the queen."Something is wrong in your mind.He needs to wear the shirt of a happy person to make himself happy."Then,the palace singers came to the palace and said."It's true that I'm famous.And I'm not happy because I'm always worried about being followed by the others."Finally,a poor man came to the king room.This was what he said"Even^I am neither an officer nor a famous person,I'm happy,because I have everything I want,I don't want what I can't have."

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The horse is asthinner as the cow . ________
A     B   C
I like dogs, but she don’t. ________
A    B      C
We often goes walkingin the countryside. ________
A  B        C
Sorry. Can you tell me the way to the bus stop?  ________
A                B         C
I meetyour teacher two days ago.  ________
A       B                C

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do North Americans dress? What do they wear in special      
days? In fact, there is very few formal days, though there are some            
festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, or Thanksgiving                    
Day. What people wear depend on their likes and dislikes. On birthday,              
some child wear paper party hats. At Christmas, some people wear           
Santa Claus hats. In winter, Canada people usually wear coats, gloves,            
boots and hats. It is near the same in northern China. Generally, people                              
in Canada and the United States wear suits for work in offices, as                  
well as for most formal occasions, just as people do in China. People                
in cities around a world wear rather similar clothes.                              

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

注意:该行若无错, 不要改。  
It was sunny this afternoon. Mum and I go to               ________________  
the park where is near my home for a walk.               ________________  
When we were walking, I saw the little girl. She             ________________  
was eating a banana. After she finished eating them,     ________________  
she threw the banana skin on the ground into the         ________________  
park. I walked over to pick it and told her it                                            
was wrong to do so. If all of us do like that,                     
the park has become dirty. Then we can’t                         ________________  
enjoy by ourselves in it. All of us must                          ________________  
improve our environment and then we can                        ________________  
make our environment clean but beautiful.                         ________________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Red Cross is an international organization. It provides the number of service with the public, such as care for people, teaching them the knowledge of first aid (急救) and helping people in need.
Mary is a 20-years-oldgirl. His mother is proud of her because of she is a nurse in the Red Cross. As soon as Mary finished school, she joins the Red Cross and trained as a nurse. She was taught that if she meets an accident, she should gave the first aid at once and then send for a doctor. She studies hard and want to be an excellent nurse.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉.


注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Dear Tom,

    I'm writing to tell you something about the Water Festival of the Dai people. The Water Festival is one of ^most important traditional festivals of the Dai people and it is popular among them. It lasted about three days from April 13 to 15 every year. During this festival, people clean their houses and put on traditional clothes. People celebrate this festival by throw water at each other to wash away from bad things and bring good luck in the new year. People have great fun in this festival. I hope he will come to China to experience it at your convenience.



(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)     (5)  

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


例: We often visitthe museum last year.                           答案: visited

Last month, my English teacher asksme to                              (1)   asked

take apart in an English speaking competition. But                      (2)   a 去掉

I doubt thatI have the ability to win. It is known                         (3)   whether

to all my classmatethat I can always speak English                   (4)   classmates

as goodas a native speaker. However, I dare not                       (5)   well

express my ideas, especiallyin public. My best friend               (6)  √

Lisa has been encouraging me acceptthe challenge                 (7)   to accept

Onher opinion, as long as I try my best, I will                       (8)   In

make it. After hearthis, I have decided to have a try                  (9)   hearing

I hope I will be luck.                                             (10)   lucky

  • 更新:2021-02-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary had a problem. She want to go to college,(1)  

but she was not sure what to go.Should she want to(2)  

go to a college near his home and stay with her(3)  

friends, or shall she want to go to a college in a(4)  

different country? One a night , she thought(5)  

about her problem before she went to sleep. When(6)  

she woke up next morning,she knew the answer.(7)  

Doctor in the hospital say that when we sleep, we(8)  

can use our dreams to help yourselves.We need to(9)  

keep thinking about the problem as we fall sleep, and write the dream on a piece of paper,so that we will remember the dream and try to understand it.(10)  

  • 更新:2021-02-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know something about the holiday camps(露营) in
Hong kong? The students in Hong kong used to  took  part in an English holiday camp in their holidays. And their parents weren’t with them though they are very young. Now they still enjoy  taking  part in many kind of holiday camps without their parents. Many parents let their children take part in holiday camps in order to learning  some practical know ledge in their life. And also learn some knowledge about living skills, science, reading and writing … The  more  important for the children is to learn to look after  himself . Holiday camps in Hong kong are not expensive. Most of families can afford to send their children there for further study, for  make  their bodies  strongly  … And the government never charges for them. It  saying  that students in Hong kong have much knowledge about many things.  May be  it has something with kinds of holiday camps.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
