
Drinking too much juice can be  (有害的) to people's teeth.

  • 更新:2021-02-11
  • 题型:未知
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The use of new energy cars helps to reduce air  (污染).

  • 更新:2021-02-11
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There will be a high﹣speed railway,  (在……之间)Ningbo and Zhoushan.

  • 更新:2021-02-11
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The  (努力)you work, the more progress you'll make.

  • 更新:2021-02-11
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    Have you ever heard of "National Smile Month"? It started on the 14th of(1)  (五月) in the UK.During this month, people are made to think about the importance of brushing their teeth,(2)  (吃) less sweet foods and going to see the(3)  (医生) from time to time.

    The British are (4)  (出名的)for their bad teeth. Even a dictionary has the expression " British Smile", meaning "Any smile with bad teeth".(5)  (然而), in America, the " Hollywood Smile" gets its name because American movie(6)  (明星) are so proud to show off their beautiful teeth.

    But what about smiling in the UK?Do the British smile a lot,or do they look(7)  (悲伤的) all the time? It's said that the British don't often show their feelings. But actually it all(8)  (取决于) on the situation. For example, Britain doesn't(9)  (允许)smiling in passport photos.But if you are at a party,you'll find everyone smiling(10)  (开心地) and loudly.

    So, the British smile as much as anyone else.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How important is your mobile phone to you?

    Imagine that you went to a day camp without your phone. How would you feel? Do you think you could get through your (1)   (社会的) life? Share your thoughts with us!

I'm not sure, but why would anyone do so? The mobile phone has brought us a much easier life. My old granny says it has(2)  (控制) our life. However my friends and I still think it has many(3)  (优点).

                                                                                                         ﹣﹣Lizzie Wong

I would thank it if my family members could leave their mobile phones at home,(4)  (尤其) when we get together. Every time we eat out, my son and his wife are always busy checking and replying to emails, while my (5)  (孙子) plays online games or texts his friends all the time. We only talk to each other when the waiter(6)  (给……看) us the menu. A family get﹣together is supposed to draw everyone together to have fun, but mobile phones(7)  (引起) people less attention on each other.

                                                                                                                                       ﹣﹣Thomas miller

My mobile phone is(8)  (有帮助的). I use it to check my calendar and to keep in touch with others. The idea of not having it around worries me. (9)   (一次) I left my phone at home and I couldn't pay attention to my work at all. My (10)  (同伴) in my office have the similar experiences too.

                                                                                                                                           ﹣﹣Alex Watson

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
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Smoking has not been allowed in public places in England since July 2007. This was a successful(1)  (决定)made by the government in years. It was popular with most people. In a survey last month, 78% of the people said they would still(2)  (支持) the smoking ban.

    It is now much more pleasant to go into a pub or a (3)  (餐馆). Before that, pubs were filled with smoke which made you cough and made your hair and clothes (4)  (发出气味). However, (5)  (最近), a study shows that 16% of the bar and pub owners are upset to notice a drop in business,because smokers prefer killing time at home and (6)  (很少地) go out for a drink.

    No smoking in public places is good for people's (7)  (健康). 400, 000 people in England have given up smoking(8)  (慢慢地) and the number of people with heart problems has fallen by more than 2%. It also has a good (9)  (影响) on non﹣smokers. For example, the number of children with asthma has dropped by around 20%.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
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A few years ago, I was eating dinner with my children before we went to a museum. We were

talking(1)  (愉快地) when a man walked up to me and asked if I had a(2)  dollars to give him. I replied that I didn't even have one coin on me. Of course, my kids stood up and said: "Yes, you do, mommy." I was a little embarrassed because I felt as if they (3) _ (抓住)me not telling the truth. Normally, I don' t carry lots of money in my(4)  . Instead, I pay with my bank card every where I go.

    So I told the man I could (5)u  my bank card to buy him something to eat. His disappointing(6)  (表情) quickly changed into a smile. Then I went to get him some kinds of food. He thanked me when I (7)h  him a bag of food. After he left. I had a talk(8)  my children: "Usually, I don't always like giving money to everyone who asks for it. (9)H  ,I am not against meeting the needs of others as (10)l  as I have it. "I felt good knowing that the man had a nice meal that evening.

  • 更新:2021-02-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why are some animals pets and others lunch?

In some countries,dogs and cats are commonly considered as pets,while chickens,ducks,and (46)  (猪) are food.However,in some other countries dogs and cats are food,and the food animals are pets.

People (47)  (分开,将…分成) animals into several kinds to their own needs.For example,you may have (48)  (朋友) who keep rabbits as pets.Some people (49)  (烹饪) rabbits as dishes.People treat a rabbit as a pet because it (50)  (带来) them pleasure.They eat it,for they think it is a kind of meat.They kill it because they believe it is (51)  (有害的) to plans or people,

People also treat animals differently based on their own cultures.Most of us have dogs as pets.Dogs live in our house,like a (52)  (成员) of the family.However,in some cultures,dogs

are considered unclean.People (53)  (几乎不) ever keep them as pets.In some parts of Southeast Asia,dogs are on the menu.(54)  (百万) of dogs are killed every year.

What's (55)  (正确的) and wrong in the way we treat animals?

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
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A neighborhood party is a great way to raise money for a charity.You can also celebrate a   (假期) or get to know each other in your neighborhood.

Before you begin,you first need to work out where to have the party.Community centers or   (教堂) are often available for it.If the weather is nice,many people   (更喜欢) to have the party outside.It could be a   (公共的) place like a park or a street.

Next,ask your friends and neighbors who are   (有耐心的) to help.Volunteers are important for making sure the party runs successfully.Get plenty of people to help tell others about the party,set up the party,and   (最后) clean up after the party.

  (在…期间) the party,many activities are organized for kids so that they can enjoy   (他们自己).At most parties,food and drinks are served.The best parties are when everyone brings something to   (分享).There's no better way to bring the community together and   (传播) love and joy than to throw a party! After all,that's what being part of a neighborhood is about.

  • 更新:2021-02-12
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Daniel Kristiansea is a 14﹣year﹣old schoolboy from Denmark.Recently,while doing his history homework about World WarⅡ,he had a surprising discovery (51)  (在…后面) his family's home.He found the remains of a World WarⅡplane and a (52)  (飞行员).

After telling his father about his history homework,Daniel was encouraged to go out onto their farm with a special machine to find (53)  (金属).He and his father hoped they might find some old plates or something he could(54)  (给…看) to his classmates at school.Much to their surprise,on the (55)  (第五) day,they found some broken plane pieces.When they (56)  (挖) down seven meters,they suddenly came across pieces of (57)  (灰色的) clothes.They reported what they found to the government,and soon the news was (58)  (广泛地) heard across Danmark.Each day their house was (59)  (拥挤的) with news reporters.

Daniel's father,Klaus,remembered being told by his grandpa that a plane from (60)  (德国) had hit their farm during World WarⅡ.But Klaus thought it was just a good story.Now it turns out to be true.

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
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As a child, I made the most important decision of my life: My problems with my body would never stop me from(51)  (实现) my dreams, and nothing would stop me from being truly happy with my life.

When I was a child, I was seriously ill. It(52)  (几乎) killed me. Luckily, I came back to life after the(53)  (第四) operation. However, my doctor told my parents that maybe I couldn't walk again and had to stay at home all my life. I felt(54)  (无望的). Thanks to my parents, I was first placed in a(55)  (特别的) school, together with children that suffered from different diseases. I(56)  (学习) hard and later entered a school with healthy kids. Because my parent swished me to(57)  (享受) my life like any other kid of my age.

It wasn't easy, but I(58)  (尝试) again and again and finally succeeded. I showed to the whole world that there was nothing that I couldn't get.

Today, I own three big(59)  (工厂). I have a lot of true friends. I travel around the world with my friends when I'm free. I'm glad to teach people how their dreams come true. In my life I (60)  (相信) where there is a will, there is a way.

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Pizza has a long history.The ancient Greeks(希腊人) first had the idea of putting (46)  (蔬菜) on pieces of bread,and "Pizza ovens" have been found in Roman cities.But for centuries one important ingredient was (47)  (找不到的,失踪的) the first tomatoes were not brought to Europe until the sixteenth century.from South America.It was the nineteenth century before Rafaela Esposito,a baker from Naples,began to sell the first (48)  (现代的) pizzas.He was asked to bake a special pizza for a (49)  (拜访) by the Italian King and Queen in 1889,and so the first pizzas Margarita was (50)  (创造),named after the Queen.

Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy,but pizza really became an (51)  (国际的) dish after the Second World War,when (52)  (千) of American soldiers went home from Europe.(53)  (不久) there were pizzerias all over the USA,and American chains(连锁店) like Pizza Hut (54)  (传播) the idea around the world.Today the average American eats over ten kilograms of pizza a year,and the world's (55)  (最大的) pizza was baked out not in Italy,but in Cuba!

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Welcome to Cape Town!

Cape Town isn't the capital city and it isn't the(56)  (大的)city in South Africa either,but it is the most popular city.Every year,millions of tourists(57)  (参观)Cape Town.From the beautiful beaches to great shopping centers,Cape Town has something for everyone.

For outdoor or sports fans,Cape Town(58)  (提供)fantastic activities like hiking and climbing.The beautiful beaches are good for water sports,including surfing.If you are brave enough,you can even try to go down into the deep sea and get eye to eye with a great(59)  (鲨鱼)in cage!

But of course,it's also a good choice for you to walk(60)  (沿着)the wooden roads and enjoy natural(61)  (风景)around if you are not so brave.

The weather in Cape Town is pleasant.In summer,the(62)  (当地的)temperature is about 26℃.And remember mid﹣summer here is(63)  (一月)!And the winter temperatures don't usually fall below 10℃.(64)  (二)of the main languages here are Xhosa and English.The population of Cape Town is about 3.5 million.

Cape Town is the city that has(65)  (一切).It will make your vacation unforgettable.

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A ceremony(仪式)where boys become crocodile(鳄鱼)men

When does a teenager grow up and become an adult?In many countries,it happens on your 18th(51)  (生日),but in some parts of the world,you have to do something special to(52)  (进入)the world of grown﹣ups.

On an Oceanian island,some people live near the Sepik River,which is(53)  (充满的)of crocodiles.They believe that crocodiles made the(54)  (地球)and its people.When it is time for teenager boys to become men,a"crocodile ceremony"take place.

The boys are taken to a small house(55)  (叫作)the"Crocodile Nest".In the house,the boys are told to think of their crocodile"father and mothers".Old people in the village say that if the boys think of their crocodile parents,they will be stronger and(56)  (勇敢的)because the ceremony will cause great pain.To take their minds off the pain,the boys tell jokes in the house,rather than just stay(57)  (沉默的).Surprisingly,some of the boys even sleep(58)  (在…期间)the most painful parts of the ceremony!It will be(59)  (八)weeks before they leave the house.

When the boys (60)  (最后)leaves the crocodile house,there is singing and dancing in the village to welcome the new crocodile men.

  • 更新:2021-02-12
  • 题型:未知
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