

A.Although B.Noiselessly C.As a result D.Sometimes E.prefer to stay F.keep away from

G.become silent, watchful and suspicious H.As soon as I.will never see J.However

       There are wild elephants in Malaysia, Thailand and several other countries but most people (1)   them. Elephants dislike the hot sun. They (2)   in the cool shelter of the jungle,coming out at night to feed on the vegetation on the fringe of the jungle.

(3)   they are big animals, elephants can move silently when necessary. When then are no hunters(猎人)near them,elephants often make a lot of noise. They tear up young bamboo shoots and eat noisily. But as soon as hunters appear. the elephants (4)  . A big bull elephant stretches out(伸展) his sensitive trunk and moves it round slowly, searching for the scent of his enemy. His large ears protrude from the side of his head and he listens for the slightest sound. (5)  he detects(察觉)any danger, the bull taps on the ground with his trunk. Tonk! Tonk! This is the danger signal (信号). (6)  the elephants disappear into the protection of the jungle.

(7)  an elephant will attack(攻击) human beings, particularly if it is defending(保护)its young or it has been wounded. An angry elephant can trample an enemy to death or pick him up with his trunk and smash his hated enemy on the ground, Sometimes hungry elephants damage(毁坏)crops but usually they (8)   human beings. In recent years, poachers have killed huge numbers of elephants in Africa to get their ivory tusks. (9)  , many countries have banned(禁止)trade in objects made of ivory. (10)  , elephants are still in danger of disappearing completely from many countries where they have lived peacefully for thousands of years.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


       Mr Lee, the head teacher of starlight School,(1)  (write)an email to all the teachers and students.

Dear teachers and students.

We are almost at the end of the second term. It (2)  (be)a busy term and you all deserve(应得)a break.But there is still plenty happening at school.Please read the following.

Classroom change

We are fixing the windows in Classroom 6. The work (3)  (expect) to take a couple of weeks. In the meantime,all lessons which were in Classroom 6 are now in Classroom 15.


Please (4)  (return)all the books and DVDs you've borrowed from the school library before the end of term. You cannot borrow any books during the holiday,but you can read them in the library.

School play

This year, the school play is Snowy Days. Students can buy tickets from the entrance of the school. Friends and family are welcome. Pets aren't allowed.If you like, you can hand in your play and we (5)  (take)a look.If it is good enough, you can act it out.

School trip

Mr Williams (6)  (plan)an exciting school trip.Forty students from Year 7 and 8 will go South America (7)  (visit)a school.The school is on top of a mountain.They will make new friends, and learn about new cultures.If you are interested,talk to your teacher before the end of nest week.

I do hope that all of you have a good break.Remember (8)  (bring) your sports clothes with you at the beginning of next term.

Best wishes

Jack Lee, Head teacher

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

he,   kill,   scared,   silly,   lie,   courage,   hear,   against,   fight,   strong

One sunny afternoon, a young deer and an old deer were(1)   under a tree in the forest. Suddenly, in the distance, they (2)   some sounds of dogs' barking.

    The old deer stood up quickly. He felt nervous and (3)  . He said to the young deer, "Be quick! It's time to find a place to hide in. The barking dogs are fierce(凶猛的) and they will (4)   us. "

    The young deer laughed and said, "Why should we hide from the dogs? We are bigger and(5)  than them. We can toss(扔)them aside with our big antlers(角). We should fight with them bravely. "

    The old deer admired the (6)  of the young deer, but he did not believe the young. "We'd better run away now." said the old deer.

    The young deer refused to run away. He decided to fight (7)   the dogs. As the dogs ran to (8)  , he put down his antlers and wanted to toss them aside, But he didn't win the (9)   because there were too many dogs. He was killed by the dogs in the end.

    The young deer lost his life because he didn't know his strength and weakness. We can learn a lesson from the story. Don't be like the (10)   young deer when we are in danger. We should know our strength and weakness.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Anna lost her arms in a car accident when she was a child.What was worse,she lost her parents (1)   the age of twenty.Her elder sister,who was ten years (2)   (old)than her,wanted to take care of her.However,Anna refused (3)   (live)with her sister,saying that she would like to take care of herself.She managed to enter college and (4) __  (study)very hard.Four years later,she graduated and found a job.Once she wrote in her diary,"I am quite lucky.I lost my arms,(5)   I still have my legs."

    Anna chose to face her misfortune(不幸)in an active way.Instead of (6)   (feel)sad every day,she decided not to let it hold her back.She has taught us a good lesson.When something bad happens to us,we have two (7)   (choice).One is to complain(抱怨),and(8)   other is to face it bravely.If we choose to run away,(9)   will follow us wherever we go.If we decide to be strong,new hopes will come.So choose (10) __  (wise).

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A bus ran off a bridge into the Yangtze River in Chongqing on October 28, 2018.The accident(1)  (cause) by a fight between the driver and a passenger, killing all 15 people on the bus.

    According to the police report, a 48﹣year﹣old female passenger, surnamed Liu,argued with the driver, surnamed Ran. Liu was angry because Ran refused(2)  (stop) the bus after she missed her station. She then hit the driver, causing the accident. The video shows that Liu hit Ran with her mobile phone twice while Ran(3)  (drive) the bus. Rather than stop in the middle of the road, Ran kept driving. But in protecting himself, he lost control of the bus and a tragedy(悲剧)happened.

    The police said that both Liu and Ran had broken criminal law by seriously endangering (危及) public safety. And the police(4)  (announce),"Liu hit the driver with her phone and prevented the driver from driving the bus safely. The driver,too, didn't do his best to make sure that his driving was safe."

    The accident also caused heated discussions on the Internet. Besides feeling terribly sorry for the tragedy, most Internet users blamed (指责) Liu, while some others criticized the driver.More users were talking about what they should do One Weibo user said, "We(5) __ (stand)up and stop such fights between passengers and drivers(6)  (avoid)this kind of tragedy."Another user advised that a safety barrier (屏障)should be set up on the bus. It can stop passengers from(7)  (touch) the bus driver.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.wonderful B.terrible C.with D.daughter's E.right away F.rushed

King Midas was sitting hungrily at the dinner table when his little daughter ran to him. He hugged her and the little girl became a gold statue(雕塑)(6)  . The king felt afraid. "Fairy,he shouted,take away this(7)  gift! Give me back my little girl!"

    In a moment, the fairy was standing before him. "Do you still think that gold is the greatest thing in the world? " asked the fairy. " No, no! "cried the king. "I have learned my lesson! ""Very well,"said the fairy. "There is a spring(泉)in the garden.Sprinkle(洒)things that you have touched(8)  the water from the spring.

    The king(9)  to the spring. He ran back with a bottle of water and sprinkled the water on his(10)  head. Soon, the little girl came to life. He then sprinkled his breakfast. To his great joy, it turned back to real bread and meat!

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.come true   B.everything   C.as soon as   D.richest   E.finger   F.nothing

Many years ago, there was a Greek king named Midas. King Midas loved gold very much. He had more gold than any other king in the world, but he still wanted more.

    One day, a beautiful fairy (仙子) came to his palace. "Midas, you are the (1) __ man in the world, "said the fairy. "Yes, "said the king, "but I want more gold because gold is the most wonderful thing in the world! ""Your wish will (2)  , "said the fairy. "From tomorrow morning, you can turn everything you touch into gold.

    King Midas got up very early the next morning. He wanted to see if his wish had really come true. He touched his bed with his(3)  , and the bed was turned into gold.The king was wild with joy. He ran

around his palace and touched everything he saw.Everything was turned into gold!

    The king felt hungry after running around for a long time. He decided to have his breakfast,However(4)   he touched a bowl of milk, the bowl, together with the milk in it, was turned into gold. What's more, the bread and the meat were also turned into gold when he touched them. In the end, the poor king ate (5)  

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Ms. Zhang,

    Last week, my friend Liu Lei came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad's computer. I was worried, (1)  (连词)I should ask my dad before I use his computer. He uses it for(2)  (he)work, and I can only use it for my homework. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play (3)   (game)on it.

    Well, while my dad was out, we decided to(4)  (try)out Liu Lei's game. We copied it to the computer, and after we finished (5)  (play), we took it off the computer. However, when I(6)  (start)the computer again to check if everything was OK, some of my dad's documents were missing. Then, when my dad used the computer last night, he was(7)  (real)angry. He could no longer find the important documents anywhere.

    I did not tell him about(8)  (冠词)computer game because I did not want him to be angry(9)  (介词)me. Now I feel terrible. I am not sure whether a computer repair(10)  (shop)can get the documents back. Should I tell him about the computer game?

Should I pay to repair it?

Your student

Feng Guoxing

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


action, alone, care, other, praise, unexpected, when, for sure, for a while

Most people think children only have some simple wishes, such as getting delicious snacks and having enough playtime. But one six﹣year﹣old girl named Peyton surprised everyone by making a(n)(1)   decision.

      Peyton′s teacher Tara promised Peyton a reward in a class ,choose to sit with whoever she wanted at lunch. Mrs. Tara thought (2)   that she knew who Peyton would pick(挑选).However ,Mrs.Tara was surprised by Peyton (3)  she picked a little boy who never got picked by anyone for anything. The boy was very shy, and he was (4)  all the time. Peyton's decision really made his day. Since then, (5)   children have started picking the boy as well. Now, he is a completely different child.

      Mrs. Tara says that Peyton's (6)  reminds her why she loves teaching. People on the Internet also (7)  the little girl for her kindness. Peyton shows us that a simple act of kindness can change a person's life.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

China's first set of AI(人工智能) textbooks(1)  (come) into the classrooms of primary and secondary schools soon in many parts of China. The AI textbooks have already appeared in Shanghai and some experts (2)   (test) some of them. It's said that these AI textbooks are popular with local students.

      It is reported that(3)  (hundred) of schools in China will use the textbooks for primary and secondary school students in 2019. These schools plan (4)  (use) them in some of their classes as an experiment.

      In fact,AI has brought huge benefits(好处)to the education field.Students can not only choose (5)  (they) own ways to study, but also can study at home without going to school.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

       As we all know, Wang Xuan was a very famous computer scientist and inventor in the world. He is famous (1)  the Chinese Language Laser typesetting(激光照排系统).

      Laser typesetting for Chinese language was a serious problem for scientists all over the world. But Wang Xuan was not afraid to try new technology. Although he (2)  (fail) many times, he never gave up. He is believed to be the (3)   (important) developer in printing Chinese after Bi Sheng. Now, Wang Xuan's amazing invention(4)  (use) all over the world.

      Wang Xuan's story teaches us that a person (5)  (follow) his own dream and try his best to make it come true.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

include       start       cry       sound       express

How do you "laugh" when chatting with friends on the Internet? Is it "haha" or "hehe"? In Thailand, they use "555" (1)  their laughter. What other different ways do people use around the world?

    It has been quite a long time since people (2)  to use online expressions. Some common expressions of laughter include LOL, meaning laugh put out, and ROFL, rolling on the floor laughing. You can see the influence of these expressions everywhere. LOL (3)  in Oxford English Dictionary in 2011.

    But how do other languages express meaning online symbols? Most languages follow the rule that they have similar sounds. Sometimes, numbers or letters in one language (4)  very different in another. "555" sounds like a person (5)  in Chinese, but like laughter in Thai. This is because the number 5 is pronounced "ha" in Thai. "Jaja" is the Spanish way of writing "haha". In Spanish, "j" is pronounced like the English "h". Isn't it funny to find these interesting ways to "laugh" ?

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

so       and       for       picture       famous

Dear David,

    How's it going? I'd like to tell you about my travel experiences.

    Last month, I went to Chengdu (1)   my vacation with my parents. Chengdu is in Sichuan, in the southwest of China. It's (2)  for its beautiful mountains, forests and lakes. Many people go there to enjoy their vacation every year. We had a five﹣day trip and took many (3)  . We saw pandas and monkeys. They were (4)  cute that we couldn't help watching them.

    We had an exciting trip! I felt tired but happy. Please e﹣mail me soon (5)  about your vacation.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A young couple decided to go c(1)   in the mountains to celebrate their first year of marriage(结婚). They took with them the t(2)  they would need ﹣ warm clothes, food and a tent.

    They went up to the mountains and f(3)  a fine place to set up their tent. Then they decided to go for a hike(徒步旅行)to see more of the mountains.

    A(4)   a long hike, they went back to their camp, built a fire and cooked d(5)  . Finally, it was time to go to sleep.

    Sometime in the middle of the n(6)  , the wife woke up her husband and said:"Look up at the sky. What do you see? "

    Her husband answered,"I see m(7)   of stars in the sky. "

    His wife said:"That's right. W(8)  does that mean to you? "

    The husband said:"Well, if there are so many stars out there , that means there might a(9)   be a planet just like ours. And if that's true, then there could be life on one of those planets. That's kind of e(10)  !"

    His wife said:"You are wrong. It means that someone has stolen our tent! "

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you've ever stayed up late and then gotten up early the next day, you know what it's like not to get enough sleep. It's very uncomfortable feeling. In fact, for many years scientists (1)  (believe) that sleep is like food ﹣ if we don't get enough of it, we might get sick or even die. But now they (2)   (start)to wonder just how much sleep we need.

    Researchers at Imperial College London did a study on fruit flies(果蝇). They found that flies that slept for very short periods of time ﹣ about72 minutes a day ﹣still(3)   (live) about as long as flies that slept for normal amounts of time. One of the female slept for just 4 minutes each day on average. This has led the researchers to wonder if sleep is less necessary than we previously thought.

    Humans are very different from fruit flies. Sleep(4)  (help) repair tissue (组织) when our bodies perform a lot of maintenance (维护). Sleeping allows our bodies(5)   (get) well again from the stress we experience each day.

    But can we really die from not seeping? No humans have died so far from (6)  (stay) awake for too long. The current(现在的)world record for sleeplessness (7)   (hold) by Randy Gardner from the US, who stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes in 1964.

    Scientist have not yet found any animals that don't sleep at all. Even animals that only seep for short periods are not completely sleepless.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
