
I went to Sydney with my parents last month. We went there for the summer vacation. I was so excited about the .We did many things there. On the first day,   we Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) in the morning. Then we some delicious food for lunch. After lunch, we went to Taranga  .  We saw lots of kangaroos (袋鼠) and koalas there. The kangaroos were very   and the koalas were very cute! In the evening wealong Darling Harbor (港口). Then we had dinner at a restaurant the harbor and next we went back to the hto relax. There are a lot of interesting places to   in Sydney. We went to the beach and had fun the next day. It was an exciting trip. I really e the vacation there! I hope to go there again.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My n_______ is Tony. My father, my m________ and I are in China, too. My father is a t________. My mother is a teacher too. They come to China to teach English in a middle school. My father is 40 y_______ old. But he still looks y_______. He likes running in the m________. My mother loves shopping. She often goes shopping in the evening. She can s________Chinese. I’m a  s_________. I’m twelve. Li Ming is my n_________ friend. He is twelve, too. We study in the same class. Our English teacher is Miss Fang. She is a nice teacher. Mr. Zhang is our Chinese teacher. He is k_________. I like him.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are two ________(电脑) rooms in our school.
----How old is your grandma?  ---- She is _________(九十).
Her________(裤子) areveryold.
Don’t________(担心). I can help you.
Excuseme. CanIusethe       (厕所)?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In a primary school, a teacher asked her students what they wished to become when they grew up. There were several a—a doctor, a teacher, a film-star and so on.
One of the students gave a s  answer. This child said, “I want to be a television!” The teacher asked the child w he had such a wish. He said, with his eyes full o  tears, “There is no one at home to watch me or care for me. Everyone sits around the television. If there is a wrong with the TV, they give great attention to it and fix(修理) it at once.”
The loving teacher met the child's mother and t  about this with her. The mother said,
My husband is a very busy businessman. He n  has time to look after the child.” “But what about you?” the teacher asked the mother. “What do you know about me? I'm the head of the women's club. I have s  many meetings and activities.” The teacher now understood why the child f  lonely at home.
“I think children want their parents to spend m time with them.” said the teacher.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s __________(possible) to finish the job in such a short time. We need two more days.
Now people hope to eat healthily and begin to care about the _________(safe) of food.
They are looking forward to _________(win) the first prize in the coming competition.
Which do you think is _________ (interesting), going on a picnic of going fishing?
Follow that _________(doctor) advice and you will get better soon.
It’s reported that some wild animals __________(face) the danger of dying out now.
I can’t understand your suggestion. Would you mind explaining it __________(clear)?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
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  • 难度:未知

The two    jumped up and down in the trees.  (monkey)
We’ll celebrate our grandma’s    birthday at the Peace Hotel tomorrow.  (ninety)The novel was so exciting that they all lost     in it.   (they)
Alice Munro is the first      to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. (Canada)
Mr. Rogers finally took the decision for     reason.  (person)
With e-books coming, printed books aren’t people’s first     of reading.  (choose)
Learning and practising will surely     us to make greater progress.  (able)
One cannot refuse if you ask      .  (polite)

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If prices rise too high, the government has to do something __________ (stop) it.
Are you frightened to see such a little mouse hide __________ (it) in your room?[来
Daniel is __________ (energy) enough to be the host of the charity show.
It is worth __________ (mention) that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities.
Miss Li is a kind teacher and she always talks to us __________ (gentle).
Fight to the end _______________(cover) live on JSTV twice a week.
The Eiffel Tower, a cultural Icon of France, was completed at the end of the _________ (nineteen) century.
She likes talking to others while________(wait) for the bus.
Taizhou is developing quickly. A number of ________ (visit) around the world come here every year.
The twins___________(argue) about what TV programmes to watch when I got home.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   We are now living in the modern society. Most of the energy we use for heating, lighting, transportation and manufacturing (制造业) comes from fossil (化石) fuels. These are carbon-based fuels from oil, coal and natural gas. When we burn these fuels we release heat which p_____ the energy.
There are three main disadvantages to using these fuels. Firstly, they are causing climate problems because of the G____ Effect. When we burn fossil fuels they produce carbon dioxide which causes global warming. Secondly, when we have used up all our coal, oil and natural gas, we will have n____ left to burn. Thirdly, they are not very efficient. The internal combustion engine (内燃机) that we use in most cars, trucks and buses, for example, is only about 14% efficient.
Scientists are working on another fuel—hydrogen. There are a couple of advantages to using hydrogen as a fuel. Firstly, because two-thirds of the e____ surface is water and water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. There is an almost unlimited supply of hydrogen. Secondly, burning hydrogen does not cause global warming. Thirdly, it is much more efficient than carbon-based fuels.
Unfortunately there are problems with hydrogen at the present time: there is the problem of separating (分离) it from water c____, and there is the difficulty of storing it. It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe. It can also be stored as a liquid but only at extremely low temperatures. It seems likely, therefore, that there will have to be a completely new technology before hydrogen replaces fossil fuels. S_____ these problems is an urgent (急迫的) matter. Although China, India and Australia have huge amounts of cheap coal, and there are still l_____ oil and gas reserves(储藏量) elsewhere, the effects on the planet’s climate will be bad if they are used.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Complete the sentences with the given words intheir proper forms(用括号中所给单词的恰当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)
Don’t be afraid of making __________. They help you learn. (mistake)
The medicine should be taken_______a day after meals, George. (two)
I plan to enter for a summer camp with a friend of_______. (me)
I am not satisfied with the service here. I want to speak to the_______. (manage)
The boy moved__________  into the hall as the concert had already begun. (quiet)
The soldier saved the boy from the flood with a piece of ___________. (wooden)
Shops are not allowed to __________cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18.(sale)
Many people enjoy reading e-books, but I__________ it as it’s bad for the eyes. (like)

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are          (seventh) small apples in the bowl.
Mona also bought an alarm clock yesterday. I compared my alarm clock with          (her).
Everyone knows that          (library) are places for people to study.
Listen. Do you hear the sound of birds outside? Thanks to your ears, you can hear it         (clear).
It is said that          (tomorrow) sports meeting has been put off because of the bad weather.
His two daughters are very          (difference) from each other.
The          (win) of the photo competition was a 30-year-old man from Shanghai.
Mr Smith and his son used to smoke, but they          (like) smoking now because they think it’s unhealthy.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To be honest, it’s really hard to say g__________ to parents when leaving homes.
It was terribly cold, we sat around the fire to keep o_________ warm.
I sleep with my window open u       it’s really cold outside.
Words written alike are often pronounced d       in English.
Many rivers in Africa have d__________ up recently because it hasn’t rained for a long time.
I don’t like making speeches. I feel n       talking in front of many people.
All of my classmates are going hiking next Friday e        Wang Hong and me.
Can you p        me with some information about student exchange programs.
He took my umbrella by m       and returned it to me as soon as he realized.
In summer, we have two m___________ holiday. It is in July and August.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
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  • 难度:未知

British teenagers can leave school at sixteen after taking their GCSE exams. They study for exams in as many as ten subjects, s  they have to work pretty hard! Today’s teens spend more time doing their homework than any teenagers in the past, s   for 2.5 – 3 hours every evening.
Free Time
It’s not all work, of course. What do British teenagers do to have f   ? They love watching TV, going out, meeting friends in Internet cafés and listening to music.
In addition to (除......之外)the Internet, teenagers in Britain use their computers to play games and do their homework. They a love their mobile phones, and spend hours texting their friends and chatting. Today, phones are getting smaller and lighter and you can do a lot more
wthem than just talk. Text messaging has b the coolest and most popular way to communicate. More than 90% of 12- to -16-year-olds have a mobile, and experts say that this stops t  from spending their money on sweets and cigarettes(香烟).
Fashion (服饰)
At school, almost all British teenagers have to w a school uniform. However, in their free tthey can wear whatever they like, and what they like is designer names such as Nike, Diesel and Paul Smith. In fact, 40% of British teens say that they think it is important to have the latest fashion. Looking good doesn’t come c, but many teenagers think it usual or easy to spend more than £100 on one item (件)of clothing.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Your brain (大脑) is faster than a supercomputer.
Your cat is in the k____73____. She’s going to step onto a hot oven. You have a very short time to act. When your brain r____74_____ the message coming from your eyes, it quickly calculates when, where and at what speed you will need to stop her. Then it orders your body to move.
Neurons (神经系统) send messages to your brain at more than 150 miles an hour.
A bee lands on your f_____75____. The neurons in your skin send this message to your brain at a speed of more than 150 miles an hour. Your brain then passes the message to your foot to shake the bee off q____76____.
When you learn, you change the structure of your brain.
Riding a bike seems i_____77_____ at first. But soon you learn it. How? As you practice, your brain sends “bike riding” messages along certain pathways (路径) of neurons over and over, forming new connections (关联). In fact, the structure of your brain changes every time you learn. It changes too whenever you have a new t_____78____.
Exercise helps make you s______79____.
It is well known that exercises like r_____80____ or playing basketball are great for your body. Scientists have recently learned that a short time after you’ve exercised, your body produces something that makes your brain more w____81____ to learn. So if you have trouble s_____82____ a math problem, go out and do exercise, then try the problem again. You might d_____83____ that you’re able to solve it.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone wants to be happy. But life isn’t like our imagination. In fact, everyone   _    sometimes. How do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or    , you can take these three steps to deal with them:
1. Try to find out what you’re worried about.
Sometimes, you will know what you’re worried about. Other times, you might not. Try to find it out first; if you     , you can ask for help.
2. Think of ways to make it better.
There is always something you can do to help you feel    worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it will not solve your     .
If your worry is a fight you had with a       , you might write down all the things you could do: write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, say       to him or her, etc. Once (一旦) you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.
3. Ask for help.
When you’re worried, it can help to find someone to talk to. You can ask      parents, friends or teachers for help.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On the morning of March 8th , the Malaysian g   _   announced that Malaysian flight MH370 lost the contact with the Air Traffic Control. The flight t    off at 00:41 am. that morning and planned to a _  _   in Beijing at 6:30 a.m. It carried 239 passengers, including 154 C    _  . The passengers come from 14 countries and a   __  . Nobody knows w    happened to the plane. Over twenty countries took part in s    for it. On March 24, Prime Minister of Malaysia said that MH370 crashed in southern Indian Ocean and n ___   of the passengers survived. When we heard the b  _  news, we were very sad. So far the plane wreckage(飞机残骸) hasn’t been found y   __ .We hope they will find it soon.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
