
Does my goldfish know who Ian?

    I think this is a great question.I do spend my days(1)      (study)how fish go about their lives.First of all,fish are much smarter than people think.People often talk of goldfish having three﹣second memories,but in fact they can learn all kinds of things,and remember them(2)      quite a long time.

    This shouldn't surprise us too much.Just like other animals,they can find enough to eat.And(3)   (know) when it is sale to be out in the open.Being able to learn and remember things helps(4)     (they) do this.

Many kinds of fish can tell one from another,according to their group,their relatives

(5)  even their own eggs.But fish live in(6)   very different world from us,For many kinds of fish,although seeing is important,(7)   (sense) such as smell and touch are even more important.

    So,does your fish know who you are?I believe your fish will(8)    (sure) know when it is feeding time,My own fish become very(9)      (excite)when my hand appears near their tank,even before I drop the food in.I'm not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face(10)     (look) like,but I wouldn't be too surprised if it could remember you in other ways,perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A high﹣tech zebra crossing with flashing lights and audio warning(语音提示)

(1)  (put) into use for the(2)  (one) time in Bishan district,Chongqing a few months ago.It can also take pictures of the people who are against the traffic(3)  (rule) in the area.

    At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School,the crosswalk is installed(安装)(4)  (keep) the students safe when they cross the road after school.

    The zebra crossing area has light strips.When people cross the street,they flash to "tell"(5)  (drive)to slow down and wait for people to go across the street.At the same time,display screens(显示屏)on either side of the crosswalk tell people to only cross the street when the light(6) (be)green.

    Jiang Fei,a traffic(7)  (office)in Bishan,said that the lighting system was very useful in the evenings and on(8)  (rain)and foggy days.

    Rong Sheng from the school's safety department said,"In the past,our school safety guards(9)  (have)to stand in the middle of the road after school to stop the cars."

    Now the students feel(10)  (safe) than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sometimes,children can't keep a single bit of information in their mind while they are doing something else.If so,they may have problems with their working memory.It is an important (1)s      for children.Here are some (2)t    to help improve children's working memory.

Read actively.They may form long﹣term (长时间的) memories more (3)e   when children take part in active reading.Active reading (4)i    not only asking notes,but also speaking aloud and asking questions about the material that they are reading.

    Use visualization (形象化) skills.When reading something,ask children to imagine the scene of the story and (5)d   it.For example,ask them to set a table for a few people and have a (6)p   in their mind,and then have a description.

    Ask them to teach others.Teaching(7)a   person means being able to understand the information well before saying it aloud.When children are learning a new skill,ask them to show others (8)h   to do it.They should be able to explain it to others.

    Moreover,there are lots of matching games that can be (9)p   to improve their working memory,or you can use something simple (10)1     a magazine or a newspaper.Have them find a certain word as many times as they can in one minute.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Li Yunxia,Chinese paper cutting master,was born in Shanxi Province,where paper cutting is still practiced and taught.She learned paper cutting (1)  her mother.

    "I'll continue to (2)  a role in passing the ancient skill on.I'll spread the form to people from different places and people of every (3)   whether young or old.I believe that (4)   you know how to make paper cuts,your life will be nice and more colorful, "Li Yunxia said.Whenever you see China paper cutting,you will be amazed to say (5)  a wonderful art form it is.

    Li sets a good example to spread the traditional Chinese culture.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

we feel total which accept festival add hard close refuse discuss although

The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table.When I was still little,my whole family would get together on different traditional(1)   to have dinner.We kids   would be sitting around or playing hide﹣and﹣seek under the table while the grown﹣ups were having a(2)   .

When I got a bit older,my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully

(3)   another seat to the round table.It seemed a little more crowded,but we all felt much(4)  to each other.When I was twelve,my grandpa passed away.That made us

(5)   sad.However,when the whole family got together once again,we(6)   agreed that his chair,his bowl and his chopsticks should remain the same,even though his seat was empty,we felt like that he had never left us.

    We all have a table like this in(7)   homes.It is a sign of reunion of our family showing our feelings(8)   the reason why we come together may be different,the    feelings behind it are the same.Usually different cultures(9)   by us around the table.What's more,we express the love not only for our family,but also for a community,our nation and even the whole world.

   The history of our nation has been the stories of looking for or running to the round table(10)   we belong to.The round table has been a symbol of the Chinese feelings.It was,it is and will always be.

  • 更新:2021-09-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Her grandparents bought her a pink _______(钱包). It really made her feel happy.
We should try our best to protect our__________(环境)•
The______(口号)of Beijing Olympic Games is “One World, One Dream.”
His father is a _________(农夫). So he likes working in the field.
If you want to learn how to use the new software, you should go there on _____(星期三).

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When we __________(到达) to the theatre last night, the performances had already started.
--- Susan, is this Millie’s sweater?
--- Oh, no. ______________(她的) is blue but this one is red.
Go ______________(穿过) the bridge, and you can see the shopping mall on Fourth Street.
__________ (百) of workers in Libya(利比亚) returned to China successfully in March, 2011.
Mother is busy __________(准备) for the coming big dinner in the kitchen.
In late autumn almost all the _________(leaf) turn yellow.
Sandy got a couple of presents at her _______(twenty) birthday party.
Mrs Smith often_____________(search) for some information about children education on the Internet.
As we all know, the weather in South-west China is ____________ (dry) than any other time in history.        
It gives us much____________(please) to welcome our new teacher.
While the Disney characters were marching on Main Street, the visitors couldn’t stop ____________ (scream) last Saturday.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

动词填空 括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)
1.My father with his friends ________ (talk) about their work at this time yesterday.
2. Miss Green ___________(teach) English for nearly 5 years before she moved here.
3.Get it now before all the copies _________(sell ) out.
4. Bad weather _________(cause) natural disasters from time to time.
5. Tom said that he ____________(visit) the Palace Museum with his good friends the next day.
6.As a student, he is often told_____________(study) hard..
7. ---Tell me how long you __________(have) a cold. ------Ever since last night.
8. We can never follow the fashion because it _________(change) all the time.
9. When I grow up, I ___________(be) a doctor and help the patients.
10. The computer can work again!________ it ________(repair)by you just now?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all think she is ________ (energy) enough to complete the work in time.
Pluto used to be the _______ (nine) planet in the solar system. But now it no longer is.
Do you know the _____ (win) names in the 100 meters race? I wonder if my friend is among them.
Who wrote _________ (badly) among the boys standing in front of the teacher’s desk.
“Help __________ (you) to some sweets,” Kate said to her friends.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Helen took a deep ________ (呼吸)  and continued her story.
The local people _________ (提供) us many good services when we visited the small village.
Is the national day celebrated _______________ (遍及) the country every year.
I’m sorry to tell you that book you ordered is not __________ (可找到的).
we can see the little girl has something weighs _________ (沉重地) on her mind.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The life in the countryside we were used to _________ (change) greatly since five years ago.
It is said that this kind of fashionable bags ___________ (carry) easily.
These days the girl is worried all the time because she _________ (suffer) from the loss of money.
All the books must __________ (put) away within five minutes, or you will be punished.
The police searched the building carefully but _________ (find) nothing.
The Kings ______ just _______ (leave) for the train when I saw them, so we had few words.
Would you please ________ (not disturb) him when he is giving a report.
I missed the beginning of the volleyball match .when I turned on the TV, it ________ (begin).
---Could you tell me when the meeting __________ (end)?   --- In ten minutes.
Quite a lot of people are against _______ (do) scientific experiments on animals.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Someone says, "Time is money." But I think time is  important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. floweret, when time is  it’ll never  . That’s  we mustn’t waste time.
It goes without saying that the is usually limited (有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do  useful.
But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the  of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own. In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t    today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to waste.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
(A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. There are two ________ (child) in my family.
2. The lovely room is the  ________ (twin), not their parents’.
3. These newspapers are yours and those ones are ________ (we).
4. There are some ________ (America) coming to our school every year..
5. The supermarket isn’t closed now. It is ________ (closed).
(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。
6. ---How many ________ (堂兄弟) do you have?     ---I have three.
7. The students in our school are all ________ and helpful (有礼貌的).
8. The boy in a white ________ ( 衬衫) is my cousin Andy.
9. The little children like to play  ________ (模型)  planes in the playground.
10. Jiangyin has many ________ (图书馆). Many people like to borrow books from them.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If the weather is ____________(晴朗的), we’ll plant trees along Xihe River.
We’ll make a _____________ (决定) to have a meeting in memory of(纪念) “5.12 Earthquake” at school next month.
Thanks to the policy, the government is sending home-electric machines to farmers, they can pay much ___________ (少的) money.
My son is looking forward to ____________ (收到) letters from his pen pal in England.
The busier you are, the ______________(幸福的)you’ll feel.
I’m waiting for my friend. If she ____________ (返回), I’ll go shopping with her in Huangshang Supermarket.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I want to show _________ (她) my new computer
Kobe Bryant is one of the best basketball ________(运动员).
Mike is really _________(乐于助人的). We all like him.
Let’s _________ (见面)after school.
Lily _______(戴) glasses.
We often play basketball on the basketball ________(场).
Sandy _________(学习) at Beijing Sunny Secondary School.
My father likes watching ________(比赛) on TV.
Simon is tall and ___________(强壮).
We often go to eat dinner in a __________(餐馆).

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
