
There’s a big supermarket called Jiahui in our city. It’s very   46   to find. It is in the center of our city. It’s   47  the bus stop and it’s also very easy to take a taxi, too.
The supermarket is big   48  nice. It    49   at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. So every day, lots of people go   50   at it    51  work. You can buy   52  , drinks, clothes, shoes, vegetables,…and stationery there. The workers at the supermarket are very  53  . So many people like shopping there.
At the weekend, people don’t go to work or go to school, so there are  54   people shopping there. We must  55   our turn a long time to pay for what we buy.

A.hard B.difficult C.easy D.good

A.in B.near C.at D.between

A.but B.or C.and D./

A.opening B.open C.is open D.to open

A.shopping B.swimming C.running D.shop

A.at B.to C.after D.with

A.dogs B.food C.cats D.nothing

A.busy B.well C.nice D.tired

A.too many B.too much C.a few D.some

A.see B.look at C.look for D.wait for

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

May Day holiday is coming. My family are discussing w   1    to do for it. We are planning to travel a  2     . We want to go to Singapore because my dad has g    3  to Singapore for a meeting. He has b   4   there  twice. It’s a nice and clean c 5     . We will f   6   there next Monday. It will  t__7___ us about two hours to go  there  by  air. The weather there is very good all year r    8  . We will visit many p  9     of interest in Singapore .  I think  we  will  be  happy  t 10      the whole trip.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it____ our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest ___activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.
Reduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. This ____money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think _______it is really necessary—or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if _______ and try not to buy too many things from abroad.
Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they ____ a long time. We should look after them___ they will last and we should repair them if we can instead of  throwing them away and buying new ones. Don’t use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them ____.
Recycle means “change things into something else”. Although it takes ____ to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your___ and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This is our nice ___21___ . In our school, there___22___ twenty classrooms. __23____ every classroom, there is a TV __24_____ some computers. ___25___ to the classrooms, you can see two beautiful __26_____. The students like reading __27______ and magazines there. There are six science labs in our school,___28_____.We can have science lessons there. Oh, look! Some students are playing games in the __29_____. After school, let’s ___30___ tennis there.

A.library B.gym C.classroom D.school

A.has B.are C.is D.have

A.On B.Behind C.In D.Under

A.or B.and C.with D.but

A.Next B.Behind C.On D.In

A.libraries B.gyms C.classrooms D.offices

A.flowers B.books C.matches D.television

A.also B.either C.too D.only

A.library B.gym C.classroom D.school

A.watch B.look C.play D.read

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and stayed out until he caught enough    36   to feed the family nearly every day. When the weather was bad he would    37   me to school. An old truck was used in his fishing business. When we got to the school, he would give me a big   38   on the face and tell me to be a good    39  . It was so embarrassing for me. I was 12 years old, and my dad would still kiss me goodbye!
I remember the day when I decided I was too    40   for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean (倾斜) toward me, but I put my hand up and   41  , “No, Dad.” It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way. He had a surprised look on his face for a long time, and his    42  started to be wet. He turned and looked out of the windshield (挡风玻璃). “You’re   43  ,” he said.“You are a big boy—a man. I won’t kiss you any more.”
It wasn’t long after that when my dad went out to   44   and never came back. It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home except Dad. He had a big family to feed
How I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would    45   have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.

A.food B.birds C.animals D.fish

A.ride B.carry C.drive D.bring

A.kiss B.laugh C.look D.hand

A.man B.boy C.teacher D.fisherman

A.old B.young C.excited D.moved

A.spoke B.said C.repeated D.answered

A.hands B.feet C.eyes D.face

A.kind B.clever C.wrong D.right

A.school B.sea C.boat D.river

A.still B.ever C.never D.only

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look at the picture. It’s a nice    1    . In the picture you can see a teacher’s     2   on his desk. It’s a Chinese book. There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in the room. There is also a big blackboard. You can see a girl and    3    boys.
The girl’s    4    is Julia. She is thirteen. The boy with the football is Tom. He likes playing    5   . The other boy is Tony. They    6    the same coats and they are the same age. They look the same. I    7    they are twins. Tom is a    8    boy. A book is in his hand. You    9    see the teacher.   10    is the teacher? He is taking the picture.

A.house B.station C.classroom D.shop

A.backpack B.basketball C.book D.hat

A.one B.two C.three D.four

A.name B.age C.brother D.notebook

A.basketball B.chess C.football D.cards

A.are B.wear C.lose D.is

A.think B.see C.look D.meet

A.dear B.first C.lost D.good

A.aren’t B.can’t C.doesn’t D.be not

A.What B.How C.Where D.When

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now here’s a true story of an American girl, Sarah.
__________she left university, she began to live in New York City on her own. She  ________a job in a publishing(出版) house, but the salary was    ______  $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah   ______  live on her salary and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that       in one of the most expensive cities in the world?
Cheap living   __  starts with keeping the big cost small. For most people, that   ____  housing. So Sarah chose to share a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was   _____  , When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants.  _____   she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then    ____  the chicken bones home and made soup out of them. Nowadays, young people often   _____  a lot of money on entertainment. But Sarah said,” I enjoy walking ____  in New York City. I love going to museums and parks.”
Did Sarah feel poor   ____  cheap living? Not really. She even managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, ____   to Porland.
“Don’t think of saving money as something   ____   . It’s a kind of game.” She said.

A.Until B.Because C.After D.Unless

A.found B.tried C.asked for D.looked for

A.more than B.less than C.shorter than D.higher than

A.can B.may C.could D.might

A.difficult B.possible C.useful D.different

A.already B.never C.hardly D.always

A.helps B.becomes C.makes D.means

A.food B.rest C.studying D.playing

A.Soon B.Finally C.Once D.Again

A.prepared B.took C.caught D.picked

A.pay B.lend C.spend D.save

A.along B.up C.down D.around

A.by B.up C.at D.between

A.another B.the other C.others D.the others

A.hard B.interesting C.nice D.great

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Richard found work in a big office after he had finished college. He liked to use his (1)____and was good (2)_____ his work. So he was often paid more than his workmates and he worked (3)______. But something was wrong with the young man one month. He couldn’t fall (4)____ at night. So he was always (5)____ in the daytime and often made mistakes. He had to go to a hospital. The (6)______ looked him over and (7)_____ him to buy some highly effective sleeping pills(高效安眠药). He took them (8)_______ the went to bed. Soon after that he went to (9)_____.   Richard (10)_______ in the morning, he had a look at the (11)_____ on the wall. It was a quarter to seven. He got up and went to work after (12)____ . As soon as he went in the office, he said to the head of the office, "Good morning, Mr. Clarke! I’ve(13)_______  had a good sleep like last night’s. And I’m feeling (14)_______better now!"   "Skunk(混蛋)!"the head (15)_____ loudly.”We’ve looked for you for two days! I wanted you to do something important, but it’s too late now!"

A.hand B.head C.ear D.nose

A.for B.in C.with D.at

A.hard B.fast C.harder D.faster

A.asleep B.alone C.afraid D.behind

A.well B.hungry C.thirsty D.tired

A.doctor B.policeman C.driver D.nurse

A.tell B.say C.ask D.told

A.after B.since C.before D.because

A.asleep B.sleeping C.sleep D.slept

A.stood up B.woke up C.at down D.lay down

A.o’clock B.map C.picture D.clock

A.meal B.dinner C.party D.breakfast

A.always B.usually C.never D.often

A.much B.more C.most D.than

A.laughed B.shouted C.smiled D.asked

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers of volunteers serving there.
Chen Chuan,a 19- year-old student at Fudan University, is usually fast asleep at 6 am. But over the May 1 holiday, he was rising early to eat breakfast and   41    answer questions like,“Where can I find the toilet?” Such is the life of a Shanghai World Expo volunteer. But Chen and his 72,000 colleagues(同事)aren’t complaining,   42   ,they’re trying not to. “Volunteering is   43   work,”Chen said,“but it makes me feel happy. ”
Other student volunteers have   44   feelings. Wang Lin an 18-year-old volunteer from Chongqing University,told us about trying to explain to a tourist why a line to visit a pavilion was so long. When the tourist suddenly got quite angry, Wang became upset   45   being shouted at. Wang said. “I didn’t expect we would have to face so many difficulties in our service. But I know serving is about giving   46  . ”Still,the very next day, Wang received a reward(嘉奖)when she helped a lost child   47   his parents. “The happy smiles and their gratitude(感谢)made me feel so   48   ,”Wang said. “That’s   49  I now always smile to others,even if they don’t look happy. Smiling makes me happy. ”
  50   their green and white clothes,people call volunteers “Little Cabbage”. Wang likes this nickname(绰号). “We’re green, we are fresh,just like the vegetable,”Wang said.

A.get ready to B.get ready for C.be ready D.get ready

A.at most B.at least C.after all D.at last

A.hardly B.a hard C.a hardly D.hard

A.same B.different C.difficult D.the same

A.for B.at C.in D.with

A.and receiving B.not receiving C.for receiving D.with receiving

A.found B.with finding C.to be found D.find

A.sweetly B.sweet C.sweets D.sweetness

A.what B.how C.why D.where

A.Because of B.Because C.Thank to D.Thanks for

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once, there was a little girl named Meredith. Meredith enjoyed spending (1)   free time with her friends, but there was something different about Meredith. She was always interested in things (2)   chemistry and history. Meredith never wanted to (3)   about these interests because she was afraid she would be judged(评头论足). she always learned more about these topics when she was by herself, (4)   no one could find out about this. One day, a new girl , Josie, joined her sixth﹣grade class, and the new girl was (5)   to say three things about herself. Josie stood up and(6)   to talk about her interests. First ,she said she was (7)   in reading and writing stories. Second, she said she liked history. (8)   ,she said she enjoyed chemistry. Meredith's eyes lit up with joy. Finally, she had found someone who had common interests as her. (9)   that day, Meredith found Josie on the playground and ran over to talk to her. They immediately(立刻) became (10)   and start to play at each other's houses on the weekend.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, a man was walking by the corner of a street. Here he met(1)   little boy holding a bird cage and selling the birds inside. He(2)   (stop) and looked very sadly at the birds without freedom in front of him. The birds were screaming in the cage, trying to fly away.

After standing(3)   a moment,he said to the boy,"How much does(4)   (you) bird cost? I want…"

"One fifty cents, sir," the boy answered quickly.

"I am afraid that you are mistaken. I am not asking how much it is."The man said,"I would like(5)   (buy) all of them. What I ask is how much you want for them."

Hearing this, the boy(6)   (happy) counted the number of the birds in the cage.

"They cost five dollars."

"Here(7)   (be) the money! "The man passed the money. The boy counted excitedly. However, he then was(8)   (surprise) to find all the birds had flown away.

"OH, my god, for what reason did you do that, sir? You don't even get a bird!" The boy asked the man who set the birds free.

"My boy, let me tell you(9)   I did this. " The man said, "I have no right to get them.Every life should be free and they are our(10)   (friend) So we should give them freedom."

  • 更新:2021-02-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was very cold. It was snowing fast and almost dark; the evening—the last evening of the old year was drawing in. In the cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, wa cap and shoes. When she l her home she had shoes on . H, they were much too large for her f ---shoes that her mother had used till then and the poor little girl lthem when she was running across the street when two carriages(四轮马车) were pby terribly fast. When she looked for them, one was not to be found, and a boy hid the o and ran away with it, saying he would use it as a house for his mouse.
In the old c that she wore were boxes of matches, and she carried a box also in her hand. No one had bought so much as a box all the long day, and no one had gher even a penny.
Poor little girl, shaking with cold and hunger, she walked slowly, q  and carefully along , a perfect picture of great unhappiness.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was born is Spain. There is no doubt he was one of the ________artists of the twentieth century. ________ he was a small child, he could draw and paint very well. ________the age of nineteen years old, he visited art galleries(陈列室) in Paris to learn ________ other artists. Picasso was _________ important painter who invented new ways of painting. For one period of his life, he used mainly blue in his paintings. Then with his friend, Georges Braque, he invented a way of painting called Cubism(立体派). He tried ________ round shapes look flat(公寓).
When a war broke in Spain, it made Picasso very _______ and angry. During the war, a town ________ Guernica was destroyed. So he made a large painting, ________ the name of Guernica, about the war. In the picture, a woman is crying and a horse is making a loud high noise. This painting, which is very famous, shows us _________ Picasso felt about the war.
A. great               B. greater          C. greatest
A. When            B. Where          C. What
A. In            B. At          C. On
A. front               B. from         C. for
A. a              B. the          C. an
A. to make         B. make        C. makes
A. happy            B. glad           C. sad
A. call               B. called       C. calls
A. with             B. without          C. of
A. what             B. how          C. where

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Time is very important in our life. However, I had never realized it until I received a beautiful gold watch from my father one day when I was 19 years old. This        always tells me the importance of time in my life.
It was a cold rainy day. My father asked me to go to the         to pick up my uncle and take him home. I should have arrived there         4:30 p.m. We had a basketball match at school that afternoon         the match was too exciting. When the match was nearly over. I suddenly remembered my uncle and         to the airport. It was too late. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to our house.
I was very worried that my father would be         with me. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw my uncle in the sofa looking very tired. I dared not(不敢)         my uncle and my father. I said hello to them in a very low voice. My father didn’t say        . Instead, he asked me to sit next to him. “Peter, did you have a good time today?” He         very disappointed, but his voice was still calm. I felt so sorry and answered in an ever         voice. “Yes, Dad, but I’m really sorry about not         my uncle. This will         happen again. I promise.” My father handed me a box with a beautiful gold watch inside. It was a gift my uncle bought for him. He gave it to         and said. “I hope you have learned something important today, and this watch will help you remember the importance of time.”
The watch has been with me for twelve years. I wear it not because of its price, but because of         I learned from it. It tells me to respect         and never be late to do what I have promised to.

A.watch B.clock C.bell D.time

A.hotel B.station C.bus stop D.airport

A.before B.from C.after D.to

A.though B.because C.and D.so

A.moved B.turned C.hurried D.flew

A.happy B.angry C.sorry D.lucky

A.look up B.look for C.look at D.look after

A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything

A.is B.was C.does D.did

A.funnier B.louder C.happier D.lower

A.waking up B.giving up C.picking up D.putting up

A.always B.never C.often D.usually

A.you B.him C.them D.me

A.what B.that C.which D.who

A.culture B.friendship C.time D.family

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Captain Lim,
I used to be afraid of flying, but after reading your book, I felt much    (good)every time before I flew.    (read) your book helped me to build up my courage (勇气) to fly. However, I have had this scary    (feel)again since the MH370 incident (事件). Last week, I also read a pieceof news that a plane went through severe turbulence (强烈的气流). Most passengers on it were      (scare) and several of     even got hurt. May I know whether this kind of severe turbulence often happens and have you    experienced this kind of situation before? How do pilots usually take     of it? For passengers, it seems that it’s not    to control(控制). But do pilots feel the same or is everything actually controlled by pilots when there’s severe turbulence? I really hope you can answer these
  (question). Captain Lim, please help me as I am so afraid     sometimes I can’t sleep after thinking so much about flying.
Thank you very much.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
