
词汇运用,请根据中文提示和首字母写出适当的英语单词,请务必把首字母抄在答题卷上!  (共10小题,计10分).
-- Good                (晚上)!
--Hi,Nice to see you.
--               (什么) is that ?
--It’s a book.
The quilt is                (蓝色).
Look at              (那些) photos.
--How are you?
--Fine,               (谢谢).
Five and two is s            .
--What’s your QQ  n           ?
--It’s 34910385.
--Is this y            brother?
-- Yes, he is.
That boy is my friend. H       name is Tom.
I’m in Sunson Middle S           .

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

语法填空 (本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)
I’ve never been late for school, but this morning I came very close. _________ I got out of home, the early bus had left away just in front of me. Seeing the gone bus, I ran after it at once, hoping to catch it. At the same time, I ___________ (shout) “Stop! Stop!”, but the bus didn’t stop----it was clear that he didn’t hear me. As soon as I thought that I might be late for school, I became really worried. _____________ went by and you could imagine how upset I was. A moment later, there came another bus. It was a “wrong” bus. I had no ________(choose) but to get on it because they were in the same direction. I asked the driver _________ he could drive faster and help me to catch the front bus which I missed just now. To _________ surprise, the kind driver agreed and said he would have a try. Nobody knew how upset and worried I felt all the way. __________ (luck), the front bus had a stop halfway because of some _____________ (passenger) getting-off. The two buses met finally… I happily thanked the bus driver and jumped down from the bus as quickly as _________________ . I made it! What an unusual and __________(tire) bus ride!

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you watched the hit movie Dearest? It is directed by Chen Kexin. The story is bout protecting children from trafficking (非法交易). It reflects a ____________  (社会) problem in China. The main characters are a ____________ (夫妻) who have a lovely son named Tianpeng. After Tianpeng’s parents separated(分手), he lived with his father in a ___________(吵闹的)  and crowded village near Shenzhen. Unluckily, he was trafficked, and his mother was heart-broken and regretted leaving him and had no ___________ (勇气) to live on. His father encouraged his mother to look for him together. At the same time, Tianpeng was ___________ (抚养大) by another single woman with almost no ___________  (教育). ____________ (事实上), her husband was a children trafficker. When she knew that, she ____________  (意识到) that neither her son nor her daughter wouldn’t belong to her. She tried her best to take them back.
All the actors ___________ (表演) really well in the movie. People think it’s a ___________  (完美) movie which brings people deep thinking.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)
Many children in Britain __________ (allow) to have their own bank cards these days.
Dr. Ma __________ (teach) hundreds of local nurses new skills about eye operations so far.
The little boy __________ (punish) sooner or later if he doesn’t behave politely.
No doctors gave up __________ (operate) on the old man.
Mr. Wu, together with his wife __________ (prepare) for their son’s birthday party from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.
They are talking about how __________ (translate) the sentence into English.
My classmate tells me the book on the desk __________ (cover) the culture of France.
We were happy because our dream __________ (come) true at last.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Can you take a         (消息) for me, please?
Lucy’s brother always         (修理) his bike by himself.
The nurses are very kind to look after the         (生病的) people.
Sandy is good at drawing, and she is going to be an         (艺术家).
My parents will        (准备) plenty of food and drinks at my birthday party.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you decided to take a direct         (fly) to Beijing?
Siemens is a         (Europe) company. It has new technology.
The Great Wall runs across the         (north) part of our country.
The man         (translate) five books since he came to this company.
This novel is popular among young people. I bought two         (copy) online before they were sold out.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Edison was one of the most famous __________(科学家) in the world.
Expo 2010 Shanghai is the ________(骄傲) of the whole world.
Yesterday Uncle Wang fell off his motorbike, but _________ (幸运地) he wasn’t badly hurt.
It’s twenty ________(分钟) ride from my school to my home.
We can see _________ (千) of stars in the sky on a summer night.
I don’t think he is the murderer.It’s __________(possible).
Do you have any difficulty in __________(solve) the problem?
She devoted all her lifetime to _______ (care) for the poor.
Tomorrow is Lucy’s _________ (twenty) birthday.Let’s buy some presents for her.
There is less air _______(pollute) in this village than in the other areas of Beijing.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The boy often feels _____________(孤独)when he stays at home alone.
I hear you have been to Hong Kong, can you tell me your e_____________ there?
He ___________(意识到)he was wrong.
We would take action to _____________(减少) the pollution.
The car rushed at high s___________.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Life is like the weather.Sometimes it rains but most of the time we have__(sun)days.
People not only in China but also from many other__(country)are influenced by
Job said try to do things best try to do things__(different).
-Many teens spend much time in front of__(they)smart phones ,computers and TVs
-They should cut down screen time.
-Hey,you have so many clocks in your bedroom!Are you crazy or what?
-No.I am a heavy__(sleep).I just want to make sure I can wake up on time.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lots of us have dreams of doing big business when we grow up. However, Moziah Bridges, a 14-year-old boy in the US, is now the CEO of his own company. He        ( sell) $200,000 bow ties(领结) since 2011.
One day about four years ago, when Moziah        (shop) for bow ties, he found they were only in "ugly" black and red. He wanted a change. So he asked his grandma       (teach) him how to sew(缝). and finally developed the talent of creating bow ties. However, his first bow tie       (not look) nice. The boy never gave up and kept on      (practice). He used colorful cloth with different pictures. His parents and friends started to like his bow ties. Then he tried to sell them online to several stores in the south. Moziah's bow ties soon    (become) popular.
Now his business has increased quickly. As Bridges' mother said, "You don't have to wait until you're older. If you      (have) a dream, just go for it."

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Now I      (read) an article about Kevin Richardson. He is a South African animal behaviour scientist who has spent many years        (live) with lions in an animal reserve. He has created such love and trust with the lions that he       (consider) to be one of the family. Kevin never       (worry) about the danger of being so close to the lions, though if you watch him lie down with three or four huge lions, you wonder if maybe he should! He knows their personalities in the same way as a mother knows about her children. So far, he    (make) documentaries about his experiences. His wonderful film, White Lion, follows the story of how a very special lion survived, though he       (face) many problems.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Let’s have a look at some different kinds of entertainment (娱乐).
Watching television is one. There are different kinds of programs on TV. Change the channels (频道) and you can see everything on TV, from news, to music, to movies.
Going to the cinema is another. Once a week or twice a month, it is good entertainment, if you like watching movies. You make a plan, go out, watch a movie and eat out! It’s more interesting than sitting on the sofa and changing channels.
Surfing the Internet is another! You can talk with friends and play games. You can use it to do work and study. You can find everything you like on the Internet.
Books are still man’s best friend. Reading a book is the best way to get calm. A good book will take you to a new life. Now many people don’t like this entertainment, but you should try it, if you are bored with others.

Different kinds of cntertainment
Watching television
You can see    on YV, from news, to music, to movies.
Going to the cinema
It’s more interesting than sitting on the sofa and       .
Surfing the Internet
You can use it to talk with friends,      . do work and study .
You can find everything you like on the Internet.

Its is the best way to       and a good book will take you to a new life.
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A: Alice, help me! My parents are giving me too much pressure about school.
B: Hey, Wei Ming. Although you may ___ unhappy with your parents,  you should talk to them. Ask them ___ they give you so much pressure.
A: It’s because they want me to get good grades.
B: But life shouldn’t just be about grades. Free time activities like sports and hanging out with friends are important, __.
A: I totally ___. I need more free time to do activities I enjoy. This can help me relax and be healthier.
B: Yes, you won’t get good grades __you’re stressed out all the time.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Can you find Hepu on the _______(地图) of Guangxi?
–What does your aunt look like?
--She’s of medium build, and she has long _______(头发).
–Which of the two T-shirts do you like better?
--The _______(黄色的) one.
My uncle goes fishing to relax every _______(星期天).
She began to learn to _______(做饭) when she was eight years old.
When I’m down or tired, I _______(更喜欢) movies that can cheer me up.
The geography teacher tells us that the Caspian Sea is 1,025 meters _______(深的).
The boy who is often absent from classes will _______(不及格) his exams this time.
Hangzhou is _______(广泛地) known for the West Lake and Longjing Tea.
There are over _______(三十) new words in Unit 3 and I’ve already memorized all of them.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Our government is trying to improve the living ____ of the farmers in the mountains.
--Have some families in China been _________ to have two children.
It’s impossible for children to walk _________ such forests within two days.(穿过)
She is strict with her students. But __________ speaking most of her students like
her. (总的)
I’m afraid I’m ___________ of the facts of the case. (不确定)

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
