
Sunday,May lst
I have been here in Singapore ____(和) my family for a week. This country is actually a ________(城市). It’s small but clean. This morning it was ___(晴朗的),so we got up ___(早) and went to the beach. I ____(打) beach volleyball with others. My parents walked ____(缓慢地) on the soft sand. We ____(全体) had a good time there. In the evening,we arrived at Night Safari. We saw a young __(老虎). It was very cute!
Tomorrow my parents will ____(带去) me to the Singapore Flyer,which is the ____(最大的) Ferris wheel in the world! It’s an exciting place. I am looking forward to it.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
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There are twelve months in a year, and May is the ________ month of the year.
People are not allowed to drive if they drink ________.
I ________ to be afraid of the dark, and now I’m still afraid of it.
Stop ________ in the reading room. The students are reading books.
Parents should not be too strict ________ teenagers.
We felt ________ when we heard that Li Na won the first prize in the tennis competition in France.
Communication is very important in our life. It’s a bridge ________ the old and the young.
E-mail English is a new kind of written English ________ is being used to save time.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


He has been         (collect) coins for 2 years
The population of China is the        (large) in the world
My grandma got a special gift on her        (ninety) birthday yesterday
These days many         (foreign) from all over the world go to visit San ya
Dropping litter is almost never         (allow)
May I have a s        ? I want to post a letter
We are not         (应该) to play football in the street
Milk is wearing a new pair of         (牛仔裤)
Talk loudly in a library,a museum,or a movie theater is
The children are old enough to look after t      .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We had a long __________ (讨论)about the plan.
Driving on mountain roads always makes me __________ (紧张).
I__________ (写 )her several letters, hut she didn’t reply.
He introduced his lovely daughter to the guests __________ (高兴地 )
I couldn’t decide  __________(是否)or not to go to the party.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
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Sally was a student in a small town. It was going to her mother’s birthday. She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not e       .
She went s     after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for about forty minutes, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and she d   
       to take a black one. She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of a       color.” So she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her until her classfinished. On her way home on the train she felt h   
 . So she went to the buffet car (餐车). She left the umbrellaon her s   . But when she returned, it had gone. Sally began to cry. The orher passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was. She told them the black umbrella she bought for her mother had gone, and she had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers h    this , they asked her for her mother’s  a    so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by mistake (弄错) and brought it b    .
And now a week passed. Sally got a letter from her mother. It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely g  , but why do you send me three black umbrellas?”

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We must be p________ if we ask others questions.
Kate r________ a letter from her grandparents three days ago.
She is an e________ teacher, so we all like her class.
you must be careful to c________ the road. It’s dangerous.
The teacher looks very angry. Do you know what h________?
She was very___________(紧张) while she was having a test.
It’s not right for you  ___________(抄) others’ homework.
She had a very unusual _____________(经历) on last Sunday.
She wants to be a _________(科学家) when she grows up.
If you have a ____________(机会)to go to America, take it.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You eat too much junk food. Why not eat some healthy food i__________?
He gets a_________ when someone talks to him while he’s reading.
My classmate has been s__________ on the ice for the whole five hours.
I hope that there will be more trees and less p__________ in our city.
It was raining when the plane l__________ in London.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A passenger told all air hostess(空姐)that he needed a cup of water to take his when the plane just took off. She said to him,“I’ll bring you the water     ten minutes."
Thirty minutes later, when the passengerring for service sounded, the air hostess ran ill a hurry .She Was so busy that she to bring him the water. As a.the passenger couldn’t take his medicine in lime. The air hostess hurried over to him with a cup of wale. but he   it.
After a short while, the air hostess came up to him with a smile,” Could you please tell me what I can do for you, sir? "The passenger turned around without any words. The second time .also with a sweet smile, "Would you like I can do for you?” Again the passenger refused.
In the following hours 013.the flight, each time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him a smile whether he needed some help or not. But the passenger never replied to her. When the passenger was going to get the plane, he asked the air hostess to hand him the passenger’s booklet (小册子).She knew that he would write down terrible words about her job.   still with a smile she handed it to him.
Getting off the plane. the air hostess opened the booklet, and smiled because the passenger wrote,” How can I refuse your twelve sweet     ?"

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr.Wang is always the first to get to school and the l _ to leave school.
Kanas Lake is a very beautiful place.A large number of _ (旅游者) come here to enjoy themselves every year.
Dan Lang’s songsquite______(流行) today in the whole country.
There is too much noise in the classroom. Please speak more______(大声的)。

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
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—Did you see the ____ (通知) of the sports meeting?
—No, I didn’t. Let’s go to see it together.
Mom, the medicine is a little ____ (苦味的), I don’t want to take it.
My teacher told me to give a ____ (演讲) about how to learn English.
People all over the world are looking f_____ (向前的) to having a peaceful life.
Every _____ (空间) on the walls is covered with pictures.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—What did you do last night?
—I went to the c_____ with my friends. Hero was on.
If you want to go to other countries, you need to have a p_____.
Please speak quietly, the baby is a_____.
We came to r_____ that happiness is the most important thing in our life and work as we grow up.
He faced his illness with great c_____.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
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My watch doesn't work. It needs to ______ (repair).
Who ______ (take) away my pen? I can't find it.
Lucy said she ______ (visit) the primary school the next month.
It's correct ______ (not let) strangers come into your house.
Coffee ______ (not drink) by most Chinese people.
It is necessary form to finish ______ (design) a poster before school.
The places ______ (mark) in bright red have been visited.
Can I have a ______ (medicine) examination today? I don't feel well.
I think I should Share his ______ (happy) when he is sad.
It's ______ (mean) to join a charity walk than to play computer games.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Wu spent a lot of time______(解释)why he was late.
The ______(手术)done by Doctor Ma were all successful.
We have ______(更新鲜的)air in the country than in the city.
My teaching style is ______(相似)to that of most other teachers.
The audience were screaming ______(激动)when they saw the star.
Look! The teacher is sitting ______ (在……中)the children.
What she said has been ______(记录)on the notebook.
---How is Miss King?   ---She is still under ______(治疗)in hospital.
Most of the students in our country are well ______(教育).
Do you know the saying, “Practice makes ______(完美)”.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
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When ________ Luoshe Middle School __________ (set up)?  ---In 1940. 
I was made ________ (perform) the dialogue once more by Miss Chen.
Dr. Zhang like other volunteers ________ (train) the local doctors and nurses when we went to visit him. 
---How do you like our city?
---Wonderful. I _________ (stay) here for two more days.
Any book in the library mustn’t ___________ (take) away.
A fridge is used _________ (keep) food flesh.  
Doctors should pay more attention to _________ (operate) on the ill people.
Adults always told children the sun _________ (rise) in the east when they were young.  
If it __________ (not be) rainy tomorrow, we will have a trip to Yangshan.
________ the police ________ (group) themselves into a team of nine since they started to work?

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I don’t feel well. Can I have a _____________ (medicine) examination today?
Do you like to wear the overcoats like those ___________ (postman)?
As usual, mum didn’t go out until she _________ (hang) out our clothes.
Try to find the beauty of the world around us instead of _____________ (ugly).
Two English teachers of Luoshe Middle School will go to England for ____________ (far) study this summer holiday.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
