
How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r_______(1)classes. The students go from one group to a _________(2) when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s_________(3) group. They work at their o__________(4)studies. Nobody tells them what they should or shouldn’t be doing.
The day I visited, school b___________(5) at nine. Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons. Others were watching TV on maths. A group was reading in the school l__________(6). I didn’t see anybody just sit doing n________(7). Everybody was studying.
At lunch time I could see students w_________(8), too. They were talking about their lessons while they were e_________(9). When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s _________(10) in the world. 

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know apples? Have you ever e  1 apples? What funny questions! You know I’m t  2 about the apple products(产品) from the USA. Now, there are m  3 of apple fans in China. Many of t  4 are teenagers. The price of apple products is very h  5 , but people think they are b  6 modern and fashionable, as if they are from the future. It is said that there is a student who would like to s  7 his kidney(肾)to buy an i-phone. In fact, it is not n  8 for students to own the expensive mobile phones because even you can use the most common one to play games, chat on QQ with friends o  9 search on the Internet. The biggest use of a mobile phone is making c  10 and in most schools mobile phones are forbidden(禁止).

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The maths problem is so difficult that few of the students can work it out_______ (easy).
Jim is a brave man. He always tells_________ (he) to calm down when he meets trouble.
Very few of people believe what the boy says because he is_________ (honest).
Everyone was very happy because of the famous writer’s _________ (arrive).
In the film, the soldiers were excited when they got their________(wife) letters.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The maths problem is so difficult that few of the students can work it out_______ (easy).
Jim is a brave man. He always tells_________ (he) to calm down when he meets trouble.
Very few of people believe what the boy says because he is_________ (honest).
Everyone was very happy because of the famous writer’s _________ (arrive).
In the film, the soldiers were excited when they got their________(wife) letters.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The maths problem is so difficult that few of the students can work it out_______ (easy).
Jim is a brave man. He always tells_________ (he) to calm down when he meets trouble.
Very few of people believe what the boy says because he is_________ (honest).
Everyone was very happy because of the famous writer’s _________ (arrive).
In the film, the soldiers were excited when they got their________(wife) letters.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Children’s Day, children could not hide their______________(excite).
He comes from the _______________(south) city of China.
Jim is happy to live on the ____________ (twelve) floor because he enjoys the view out of the windows.
Mr. and Mrs. Wang will celebrate their fifteen years of ____________ (marry) this weekend.
The water in the river is______________(harm). You can drink it without cooking.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The government has________________(意识到)the importance of protecting the environment.
He was ten minutes late for the _________________(大型会议) last Friday.
The charity show had lots of support from local ________________ (企业).
Usually the capital city is the _________________ (文化) centre of that country.
If you answer a question _______________ (错误), you will lose a point .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know the differences _______ “beside” and “besides”.
Edison devoted all his effort to           new things.
Last week, Miss Brown was robbed of her necklace. Now when Miss Brown closes her eyes, one of the                _____face comes into her mind.
He has been ________(死)for years, but I still remember what he was like.
Ten days later,at the age of 63,Audrey passed away,______(安宁地),in her sleep.
It’s nothing_______ (严重的) , she’s only too tired.
Three years ago, Ann _____(更喜欢)apples to bananas.
The_______(丧失)of living areas makes wolves have nowhere to live.
The patient kept________________(咳嗽) all night.
Traditional Beijing opera will be ___________(增加) to the music courses in 200 schools in China.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One night Mr. Lee was driving his wife home from work. She was a nurse in a hospital. It was almost midnight and she was quite tired. She soon fell (66)a________, Mr. Lee looked at her and smiled.
Mr. Lee was a (67)c ________ and experienced driver. He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night. (68)A _________ a while, he noticed a car following him. It was travelling very fast. Suddenly it overtook(超过) his car.  .
The driver of the car was in such a (69)h _________ that he did not see the approaching(临近的)truck. To avoid hitting it, he suddenly turned his car. The car skidded(滑) off the road and hit a big tree. The driver and the passengers were injured(受伤). They were badly hurt by the  (70)b_________ glass of the car. Mr. Lee quickly (71)s__________ his car and called the police. His wife got out of the car to help them. About twenty-five minutes (72) l _________, a police car and an ambulance(救护车) (73)a__________. The injured were taken to hospital.
The policemen wrote down details of the accident. Mr. Lee and the truck driver told (74)t_________ what they could remember. The policemen (75)t _________ them for their help. Then Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee got into their car and continued their journey.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

__________ (幸好) he wasn’t hurt in the traffic accident.
Thanks for your valuable __________(suggestion). It’s very helpful to me.
The Chinese ____________(政府) is taking actions to protect these endangered birds.
___________ is the second month of the year.
—What’s the _____________. of the bag of apples?   —Three kilos.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Eighty students have entered the writing competition since it __________. (hold)
Girls, ________ (not be) nervous about speaking English.
His bike ______ ( break) down when he went to work yesterday.
I think more money ______(need) to carry on with our work.
The oil price________(rise) a lot in the past ten months.
While they _________ (prepare) for the exam tomorrow, the door bell rang.
It is important __________ (not feed) your goldfish too much food.
My teacher told me that light ________ (travel) faster than sound.
They were heard ______ ( sing) in the room just now.
The report says some animals can ________ (make) to work for people after training.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you heard of the recent __________ (develop) in online education?
I believe our charity show will be _______ (success) held.
The environment is destroyed ________(serious) now.
Would you please help me find out the _______ (support) names on the list.
Some _______( operate) have been performed on the blind people.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

That old printer doesn’t print as__________(quick) as this new one.
It’s ________ (meaningful) experience I have ever had. I’ll never forget it.
—How does the robot work properly?   —Oh, it _______ (control) by the computer.
On the _________(five)day, we went to the cultural centre of Hong Kong.
There __________ (not be) much pollution in our hometown two years ago.
The _________ (mouse) in the computer room are useless. Please throw them away.
Someone knocked at the door while Jim __________(sweep) the floor.
—What's wrong with your TV set?    —The picture_________ (not come) out yet.
I don’t think we need to bring everything with _________ (we) when traveling.
The aim of the charity show is _________(raise) money for Project Hope.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Now your plan is __________(clean ) the blackboard.
When someone knocked at the door, he _________(watch) TV.
I was busy preparing for my exam yesterday, so I couldn’t help_________(do) some cleaning.
Is he used to _________ (get) up early?
Did you make a _________on the spring trip? (decide)

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A: Hello! I’d like to speak to Michael .
B:This is Michael speaking. Oh, Darren! How are you ?
A: Fine . I was so glad to _(1)______your postcard . While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy .But now I’ll have a vacation .
B: Darren , would you like to come to China ___(2)__your vacation ?
A: You bet . I’d like to .That would be very nice ,but I’m afraid that it _(3)________too much .
B: Mm ,don’t worry. My parents would like you to stay at my house.
A:Your parents are so kind. Please say _(4)_____to them . Where shall we go then ?
B: I know you are an explorer .Why not __(5)___ our bicycles to explore Beijing ? It would be great fun .
A: Good idea ! See you soon .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
