
The smell of popcorn was in the air.I could hear kids laughing and shouting.People were everywhere!

My family and I walked around the amusement park,getting snacks and going on rides.I loved almost all types of rides.The (1)o    rides that I didn't like were rides that turn you upside﹣down.But my elder sister,Laura,loved them.When we finally were near a ride that went upside﹣down,she started asking me to go with her.I told her I didn't like those rides,but she kept asking (2)b    she really didn't want to go alone.I was feeling sympathy (同情)for her,so I stalled thinking that maybe I (3)s    go with her,even though I really don't like to go upside﹣down.I turned to my parents for (4)h    .

" Matt,you are allowed to stand up for yourself.If something makes you feel really uncomfortable,you can tell people (5)n    .It's OK to tell Laura that you love her, (6)b    that you can't go with her because going upside﹣down makes you uncomfortable.Be strong but kind when you tell her,so that she will (7)k    you're serious. " Mom said.

"I don't want to make Laura mad or sad," I replied to Mom, "and I don't want her to think I'm being mean. "

"There's a (8)d    between being aggressive (有攻击性的)and being assertive(坚决主张的).Saying 'no' doesn't mean you are willing to hurt her feelings.You're just listening to your own feelings to make sure you stay safe. " Mom answered. "The

(9)s    goes for Laura.If you ask her to arm wrestle (角力)and she doesn't feel comfortable,she's allowed to say 'no',too.We are all allowed to stand up for ourselves. "

"Thanks,Mom."I said.I told Laura that I love her and like to do things with her,but that the upside﹣down rides make me uncomfortable because they scare me.She was sad,but went on the ride by(10)h     and was really happy when it was over.We had a great rest of the day at the amusement park!

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sitting at the bedroom window,Melissa was watching her new neighbor Lily Green.

There,in the garden,Lily (1)        (play) freely and wildly,in jeans and a T﹣shirt.

"How I want to be like her!" Melissa sighed (叹息), " But I(2)    always

   (ask)to be a little lady in dresses. "

One day,the doorbell rang.Melissa and her mother opened the door They were Mrs Green and Lily.Lily stared at Melissa,who was wearing a princess dress with crown (皇冠),as if she came from another planet.

" Do you want (3)    (come)and have tea? ",said Mrs Green.

"How kind of you. . . ,but. . .maybe tomorrow, " said Melissa's mother.

All next day Melissa worried about the tea.What would she wear to the party?How would Lily laugh!Suddenly,she threw all her smart dresses onto the floor and jumped on them.

Finally,she put on her only trousers and a school T﹣shirt.

Just then her mother came in. "What (4)    you    ( do)there?"

"Getting dressed for tea!" said Melissa.

"But you've spoiled (损坏) all your lovely clothes!" shouted her mother.

They are not my clothes,they are yours. " Melissa shouted back, " You only want me to look like YOUR DOLL(玩偶)!But I won't-not ever again!"

With these words,she (5)    (run) next door.

Lily stared down at her from the tree house. "You (6)       (look) different today!Would you like to be in?I bet (敢说) you (7)    (not get) up here! "

Huh,that's easy. " said Melissa-and swung herself quickly to the top.

Melissa's mother was watching from the Greens' kitchen,worried and upset.

"Melissa was so naughty (顽皮的), "sighed Melissa's mother, " She has spoiled all her pretty clothes. "

"Oh?And why do you think she did that?" asked Mrs Green.

"I. . .don't know, "said Melissa's mother.

" Maybe she just doesn't like (8)    (look) like that, " Mrs Green said, "Maybe she just wants to be herself.Don't you think we have to let our kids just be kids?"

Just then Lily and Melissa ran into the kitchen,laughing loudly.

"I(9)     never       (see) Melissa look so happy." thought Melissa's mother.She felt sorry for what she had done to her daughter. "I(10)    never    (do) it like before. "

"Oh,Mum-You're here," Melissa said,looking worried, "I . .I'm sorry about the clothes.I'm sorry I was so naughty. "

"Oh,but I'm not. " Melissa's mother reached out the arms and hugged her.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



When Ariel rode her bike to the riverside,last November,she planned to go hiking and bird﹣watching.Bingo!A mile into her walk,she (1)    a beautiful swan(天鹅)lying near the riverside.Ariel had worked at the Wild Bird Fund rehab center (康复中心)and knew that swans can be aggressive(攻击性的).But as she got close to this one,she found that it was hurt. "I (2)    it,or it will die," she thought.

Ariel put her jacket over the bird's head (3)    it calm.She gently picked it up,and held it in her arms.And then she thought, "What do I do now?" Her best choice

(4)    the rehab center,but that was across the river and on the other side of the city.How was she going to transport a 17﹣pound swan on her bike all that way?Luckily,when she

(5)    around for help,some strangers drove by and offered her,her bike and the swan a ride to a nearby subway station.

Ariel called the rehab center on the way,and an animal﹣care manager picked her up at the subway station and drove the bird,the bike and her to the center.There,the swan(6)    ,treated and taken good care of.By now,the bird (7)    many swan friends there,and it is living a happy life.It's really a happy ending.

The real story is just how far some people are willing to go to save a swan in the big city.In all,Ariel spent two hours (8)    on foot,by car and subway. "If an animal is in danger,I (9)    whatever I can.I always (10)    happy because of this," she said.

That's the perfect summary of who she is.Do you agree?

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



Row Boats in the Park

I keep a number of lists about things I want to do,places I want to see,and food I want to eat.And for a long time ﹣ nearly seven years ﹣ rowing boats in the park has always been the (1)    thing on my lists.

Somehow,checking this one off the list always meant that many things had to be just right:the right weather,a free day,and childcare﹣free.

Well,to my (2)    and happiness,all three of those things did come together on my birthday morning!After breakfast,Jordan and I made our way to the park (3)    .

(4)    the autumn colors weren't yet at their peak(峰值),the autumn scenery(风景)was still great to see.It was (5)    ,and the wind was soft and gentle.Our limited(有限的)row﹣boating skills gave us reasons to laugh at (6)    .

We made our way past the trees,under the bridge,and into the lake.The water was still and clear (7)    a mirror(镜子)under the boat,in which we can see the reflections(倒影)of the boat and our smiling (8)       .

Everything was fun as I imagined.I can't think of a (9)       way to get relaxed on my birthday than this.

"Have you decided (10)    to do next on your lists? " Jordan asked me.

"I have to think it over," I replied.

"Take your time, " Jordan said to me, "I will always be here."

  • 更新:2021-09-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Party Works to Serve Us

Since 1921,the Communist Party of China (CPC,中国共产党) has been leading Chinese people to live better lives.

Both of my parents joined the Party when they were in university.They are

(1)    (pride) of it.As members of the Party,they know they (2)    (serve) the people.They always take part in community efforts (3)    (active).During the

(4)    (usual) winter holiday in 2020,they joined a team of volunteers to help check people's information and spread knowledge about COVID﹣19.Their behaviors show me the duty of the Party members.I want to learn more from(5)     (they)and be a member of the Party.

When I was younger,my parents told me many touching(6)    (story)about the CPC.The spirits of Hong Yan,Jinggangshan and Yan'an moved me so much.From that time forward,I became(7)       (interest) in the Party.

Many years have passed,I(8)    (read)lots of books and watched movies that show the spirit of the CPC.What's more,I have joined in many activities that are about the Party in order to learn more about it.Now I am a League(团)member.I believe that before long,I

(9)    (be)a real Party member.If I become a member of the Party,I will do as much as I can (10)    (help)others.I'm looking forward to that day!

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a government official named Yang Zhen during the Eastern Han Dynasty.One day,Yang ran into his old workmate Wang Mi (1)      he was on a trip.Once Yang noticed Wang's talent and promoted(提拔) him.Wang never forgot Yang and

(2)      (invite) Yang to spend the night with him.

It was near midnight.Wang knocked on the door of Yang's bedroom.He gave Yang a bag of gold and said, "Thank you for your(3)h      in the past."

"I thought you knew me(4)      (good)!Do I look like a person who accepts bribes(贿赂)?"Yang said(5)      (angry).

"No one will know if we keep(6)      secret," said Wang.

"What do you mean no one will know?Heaven knows,Earth knows,you know and

(7)      know," Yang said.

Wang left the room in(8)      [ʃeɪm].

This story happened 2,000 years ago.Bat the lesson is (9)s        important today.(10)         [prezɪdənt] Xi Jinping told government officials about this story at an important meeting in 2017.As for students,we should be honest when we' re alone,too.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



Pupils in China all like the traditional Chinese book (1)  Journey to the West.In the past,it wasn't popular with western children,but most of them (2)    their minds already.

The Monkey King is not just (3)    normal monkey.In fact,he sometimes does not even look like a monkey!This is(4)    he can make 72 changes to his shape and size,turning himself(5)    different animals and objects.But unless he can hide his tail,he

(6)    turn himself into a man.(7)    bad men,the Monkey King uses a magic stick.Sometimes he can make the stick (8)    small that he can keep it in his ear.At other times,he is able to make it big and long.

The Monkey King has excited Chinese children for many years.Western children have also become(9)     in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the (10)     just like a super hero.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

sold words dress pleased wear left away strict hundred others sent goodbye

One will be happy when he is flattered (奉承)in his face.It is said that the best way of flattering is to give him a "top hat" to (1)    .

Jeff found a job in the capital,which was far (2)    from his hometown.The day before he started,he came to say (3)    to his grandpa.

"It is not easy to work in the big city, " his grandpa said. "You must be(4)    with yourself and you should be very careful. "

"Don't worry about me,grandpa, "Jeff answered. "I have got one (5)    top hats,which will make those people quite happy. "

"But we are really gentlemen!A real gentleman won't do like that!" His grandpa was kind of angry. "You should always remember the (6)    I told you!"

"You are always right,grandpa.I also hate such things.But,grandpa, (7)    aren't gentlemen like you in the world now. "said Jeff.

After hearing this,the grandpa was (8)    . "What you said is true!"

"I have (9)     out one top hat already.Now I have ninety﹣nine (10)     ."Jeff said to his grandma later on.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Dreams are often mysterious (神秘的). (1)    day,a man named Zhuang Zhou had a very interesting dream.He dreamed of becoming a beautiful butterfly.Flying (2)    ,he could do anything he wanted.How happy and carefree (无忧无虑的)he was!He forgot that he was a man.

Then he woke up from his dream and found he was a man.

"Who am I,indeed (到底)? " he asked(3)    .

"Am I Zhuang Zhou or the butterfly? "

Finally,he said, "Maybe I am a butterfly.In my dream,I (4)    a man and my name was Zhuang Zhou. "

Zhuang Zhou lived (5)    than 2,000 years ago.We also call him Zhuang Zi.

Zhuang Zi loved nature and freedom (自由).He thought that people and animals should (6)    equally (平等地).There are many interesting (7)    about him and animals.

Once,Zhuang Zi and his friend were taking a walk (8)    the river.After a while,Zhuang Zi said, "Look at the fish!How happy they are! " His friend asked him, "You are not a fish.How do you know they are happy? " Zhuang Zi smiled, (9)    you are not me.How do you know that I don't know the fish's feelings?"

Is Zhuang Zi's question a (10)     one?What do you think he was - a man or a butterfly?

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


his ,provide,into,lose,ago,have ,money ,later,young,fill,hundred ,so

Years ago in Scotland,Mr.and Mrs.Clark had a dream of travelling to the United States with their nine children.Clark and his wife worked hard and saved enough (1)    and got passports for the whole family on a new ship to the United States.The whole family was(2)    with excitement about life in America.However,seven days before their trip,the (3)       son of the four was bitten (咬) by a dog.The doctor required that all the family should be separated for fourteen days.

The family's dream ended.They would(4)       to cancel the trip to America.The father was very disappointed and cursed (咒骂) both his son and the dog because he didn't want to(5)       the chance to travel to the United States.Five days(6)       ,the sad news spread around Scotland ﹣Titanic had sunk (下沉).The famous ship had sunk with(7)    of lives in it.The Clark family was to have been on that ship,but the son had been bitten by a dog, (8)    they were left behind in Scotland.When Mr.Clark heard the news,he hugged (9)    son and thanked him for saving the family.He thanked his son and the dog for saving their lives and turning what he felt was a sad thing (10)    a lucky one.Although we may not know why,all things happen for a reason.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


as,just,which,drink,begin,slow,if,fall,cost,little ,it,time

Do you know China's Teeth Care Day?It (1)    on September 20 every year.It began in 1989.Its aim is to take good care of people's teeth.

There are thirty﹣eight students in Wang Bin's class,and eleven of them have tooth problems (2)    bring them much trouble.

Mao Kang said, "I had three bad teeth.Each tooth (3)      me four hundred yuan,and I had to see the dentist five (4)    ."

Liu Jian said, "Something is wrong with my front teeth,I don't like to open my mouth.My classmates say my teeth look like an old woman's,I'm sad to hear that.And I can't speak clearly now."

Do you have good teeth,my friends? (5)     you want to take care of your teeth,please do these:

◆Brush your teeth at (6)       once a day.If you can,brush them after every meal.

◆Brush all your teeth,do not (7)       brush the front ones.

◆Brush your teeth (8)       and carefully.Spend four minutes or more each time.

◆Do not use your teeth (9)       tools to open bottles.It's very easy to hurt your teeth to do such jobs.

◆Use soft toothbrushes.Get a new toothbrush every three months.

◆Eating and drinking is also important to your teeth.Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water.Try not(10)          Coke and other drinks.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



Dear students,you will graduate from your school soon.At this special moment,I'd like to say something helpful to all of you.Never fail (1)    thankful to your parents,your teachers and your friends.They are (2)    of all the people around you.The life of senior high school is on the way.Maybe you'll make a lot of mistakes along the way.However,along with many (3)    ,there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.(4)    you have to go your separate ways now,I hope that in a few(5)    time,you'll come back to visit our school.

Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2,000 years ago.Chinese gardens are a special form of (1)t    Chinese culture and art.

At the entrance to a Chinese garden,there is usually a huge stone or wall to screen(挡住)your view.This is to give you a pressed﹣in feeling,in order to later produce unexpected joy (2)w    you turn around the hall to see the amazing rock formations(假山)and a big lake.The best (3)e    is the Summer Palace.

Rock formations play an (4)i    role in the design of a Chinese﹣style garden.Without them,a garden could not be considered a Chinese﹣style garden.They are as important to a Chinese﹣style garden as sculptures are to a European﹣style garden.Ge Garden in Yangzhou is famous for (5)i    Four Seasons Rockeries(假山花园).

(6)G    in the south are mostly small in size.Chinese garden designers have used the method of "borrowing scenery with a mirror(镜子)" to create a sense of (7)s    .A mirror is hung opposite a window to take in the outside scenery.A fine example of this is Pian Shi Shan Fang,a rockery in He Garden,Yangzhou.A big mirror is built into the wall of its west corridor.The whole garden will be (8)s    in the mirror wherever the visitors are.A pool or a lake in a garden (9)a    serves this purpose.A pool runs from south to north through the garden of Pian Shi Shan Fang.East of the rockery,a man﹣made moon is reflected(倒映)in the (10)p    .

Whatever methods used,every effort is made to achieve the purpose of giving visitors a sense of space in the garden.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ways to reduce food waste

Food waste is a big problem around the world. While some people t ___ 1___away unwanted food, lots of people in other parts of the world face food shortages.

In order to reduce food waste, many c ___ 2___in the world like German and France have food banks. People and grocery stores can give extra food to them and they can give the food to t ___ 3___in need. Shanghai Oasis opened China's first food bank in 2015. In five years, it saved seven million tons of food and h ___ 4___760,000 people.

Many fruits and v ___ 5___go to waste because they look ugly. For example, about 25 to 30 percent of carrots don't make it to the store because of their l ___ 6___. So try to buy ugly food next time, since it is j __ 7___as good as "normal" food.

Many Chinese restaurants are telling people to o ___ 8___dishes by using the "N-1"formula. "N" s ___ 9___for the number of people in your group. So if you're in a group of s ___1 0___people, you should order five dishes.

To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. Everyone can do something to make a difference.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All the runners stood nervously at the starting line.All of them had prepared

(1)    (they) for this important race.

The race meant more to a boy named Bill,because most of the other runners had greater speed.Could Bill realize his dream of being (2)    "all﹣school"runner?He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.

Bill's life (3)    (fill)with disappointment.Primary school had been a long nightmare(噩梦) for him.Of all the reading skills,he even couldn't pick up(4)        (basic) one,although he had tried many times.Bill did not complain(报怨).He simply tried hard.But in the following years he was till unable to catch up with his classmates.

Then one day his teacher called us in (5)    a conversation.She said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this,but Bill isn't trying anymore.He has given it up(6)    (complete). "I became very sad and afraid.I was afraid Bill might have forever lost heart.

I had a talk with Bill.I told him about my own experiences.I said, "(7)  I was the slowest one in my class in primary school,my parents and teachers were loving and understanding.Because of that,I made it through those years and finally went on to a music school.Now,you know,I'm a(8)      (piano).We think achievements come easily to others.Life usually isn't like that.The person who(9)       (success)is usually only a few percent. "Bill said, "Dad,I guess that not doing so well isn't all that bad if someone loves you and stands by you.

In the (10)        (nine) grade,Bill went out for the race again.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
