
Frank Smith ________ a boy. ________ is a student.   ________ _ is ________  family name and Frank is his  ________  name. His ________   number is 806-8027 and his ID number  ________    8283928655. His mother ________  a teacher. His father is a teacher,   _________. He and his parents are in the same ___________.

A.am B.are C.is D.aren’t

A.she B.She C.He D.I

A.Frank B.Smith C.Frank Smith D.Smith Frank

A.her B.she C.she’s D.his

A.family B.last C.middle D.first

A.phone B.ID C.bus D.card

A.is B.am C.are D.am not

A.are B.is C.am D.aren’t

A.two B.to C.too D.OK

A.room B.photo C.box D.School
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hello, My name is Millie. I am a       at Sunshine Middle School. I love my school. It’s very big. I am in Class1, Grade 7. I like my classroom because it is         and bright.
There are lots of nice people      my class. Amy is my best friend. After class we often chat with each other or         games in the playground. My new classmates are all nice to           . All my friends are really great! I love them very much.
The school day       at eight every morning. We do morning exercises first. Our lessons begin at 8.25 a.m. My favorite         are Chinese and English. I like math, too.        takes me about two hours a day to do my homework.
I like reading very much and I am a member of the        Club. We often read books there after school every Tuesday and Friday. I also like playing volleyball. I          practice with my friends after school, but not very often because we have too much homework.
I always have a good time at our school.

A.teacher B.student C.worker D.master

A.small B.old C.big D.free

A.in B.at C.on D.of

A.learn B.show C.watch D.play

A.I B.me C.my D.mine

A.begins B.takes C.comes D.goes

A.subjects B.sports C.teachers D.activities

A.There B.They C.We D.It

A.Art B.Computer C.Reading D.Music

A.seldom B.never C.sometimes D.always
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。
Beethoven had an ugly face and a very       temper(脾气), but people        him to their homes.When he lost his temper, they forgave(原谅)him.He was often poor and ill during his life.After one illness, he suddenly         himself deaf.At that time he was      31.What a blow it was on him!
this didn’t stop Beethoven          on in his life.He went on       much music. He wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and       ones.During his life, he composed(作曲)about 300 pieces.      people’s surprise, he wrote some of his best and most beautiful pieces        he became deaf.Many of them are known and loved all over the world.

A.good B.better C.bad D.worse

A.didn’t like to ask B.liked to invite C.didn’t like to take D.liked to let

A.looked for B.found C.found out D.looked at

A.just B.just now C.still D.even

A.Because B.As C.But D.So

A.to walk B.walk C.for walking D.from walking

A.write B.to write C.wrote D.writing

A.wonderful B.sad C.hard D.strong

A.For B.In C.At D.To

A.before B.until C.after D.if
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My parents always told me that I couldn’t dance, because it was a girl’s sport. But I never gave up my dream of becoming a dancing star. I practiced secretly, learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents’ support, that ________  seemed all but impossible to reach.
One summer, my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessons. I immediately asked my parents for permission(允许)to take her to the lessons. What a  ________  chance to learn dancing!
One afternoon, I was practicing a new dance in my room, when Maggie walked in.
“What’s the matter, Maggie?”I stopped ________ .
“Denis, you are a great dancer! Can you help me?”
“What is it?”I wondered.
“There’ll be a dancing performance in my school,  ________  the boys think I’m slow, and none of them wants to be my partner. ________ you dance with me for it?”She looked at me anxiously.
“You can be a good dancer!”I encouraged her.“Let’s show those people that they have been ________all along.”
In the following months, we  ________ every evening, hiding from my parents. I was having a fantastic time and soon Maggie improved a lot.
Finally came the big day. I became ________ when I heard my parents would come to watch the performance. As the music began, I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. We moved perfectly, shining with pride. From the cheering of the crowd, I was sure we had  ________ .
My heart was beating wildly when I saw my father coming towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Well done, Son. Though it is hard for me to admit it, you really looked like you ________  this stage(舞台).Go for it and make us proud.”
I’d been waiting for this moment for so long. I knew that the road ahead wasn’t going to be easy, but I wouldn’t give up. I wanted nothing more in life than to dance.

A.line B.dream C.answer D.message

A.similar B.funny C.good D.strange

A.drawing B.dancing C.singing D.writing

A.but B.or C.so D.if

A.Need B.Must C.Could D.Should

A.sad B.lazy C.sorry D.wrong

A.chatted B.rested C.slept D.practiced

A.shy B.bored C.nervous D.angry

A.arrived B.finished C.succeeded D.regretted

A.took away B.paid for C.fell into D.belonged to
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A farmer found a wounded eagle(受伤的鹰) in his field. He was so ________  that he took it home and cleaned its wounds(伤口). After that he placed it outside in the yard, in the hope that it  ________get well soon.
Strangely enough, the eagle soon got used to the  ________  of all the chickens in the yard. It learned to walk from side to side like chickens, and eat happily from a trough(食槽). For many years, the eagle ________   his new life on the farm.
Then one day, one of the farmer’s friends pointed to the playing eagle and asked , “________  is that eagle acting like a chicken?” The farmer told him what had happened, and the friend felt quite ________ .
“What a pity!” said the friend. “It should fly in the sky instead of living here!” He picked up the eagle, and threw it into the air. The eagle was  ________ , and cried loudly. Then it just fell down on the ground.    That night, the friend could hardly sleep as he remembered the chicken-like(像鸡一样的) eagle. The next morning, he headed back(回到) to the farm for another________ . This time he carried the eagle to the top of a nearby mountain.
When he stood at the highest place of the mountain, he looked into its eyes and shouted, “Don’t you understand? You weren’t made to live like a chicken!” As he ________ the eagle up, he made sure it was facing into the bright light of the rising sun. Then he ________  tossed(抛) the bird into the sky. This time the eagle opened his wings, and disappeared(消失) into the clouds.

A.polite B.brave C.kind D.proud

A.would B.should C.must D.need

A.food B.sounds C.water D.habits

A.missed B.enjoyed C.lost D.forgot

A.When B.Why C.How D.What

A.puzzled B.sorry C.amazed D.worrying

A.frightened B.guilty C.excited D.angry

A.drink B.meeting C.rest D.try

A.tied B.put C.held D.filled

A.easily B.hardly C.quickly D.Powerfully(有力的)
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the old man’s living room. The old man pointed(指着)to the box and said, “There’s only one thing you        do. Don’t open the box.”        saying this, he left his home.
The woman said to her husband, “There must be       expensive in the box. Let’s open it, shall we?” Her husband said         to her. But the woman didn’t give up her        . One day, she decided to find out        was in it. Her husband didn’t stop her. She opened the box and looked inside. To her surprise, she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it, but she           .
That evening the old man came home and found the box was         . He was very       and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.
“But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said, “We didn’t take anything at all.” The old man         them, “The box is not important, but I cannot believe you. That is important.”

A.may not B.mustn’t C.could not D.needn’t

A.After B.For C.By D.Before

A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

A.no B.yes C.goodbye D.much

A.work B.box C.way D.idea

A.which B.what C.who D.that

A.did B.opened C.failed D.stopped

A.lost B.open C.empty D.broke

A.general B.happy C.careful D.angry

A.turned to B.listened to C.shouted at D.smiled at
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I am a student. My ____ name is David. My last name is Miller. Look! This is a photo ____ my family. This is ____ father. His favorite ____ is white. My favorite (最喜欢的) is __   , too. And this is my mother. Who's that girl near her? She is my sister, Jane. My grandparents are in the picture, too. And ____ are in Chengdu now. Who's the little boy? Is it me? Yes, _   _ is. __    the name of the dog? It's Mickey. My sister and I ____ his good friends. We are so happy together. I love my ____ very much. How about you?

A.last B.family C.full D.first

A.on B.of C.in D.at

A.his B.your C.my D.her

A.name B.boy C.color D.girl

A.red B.white C.black D.grey

A.he B.these C.those D.they

A.it B.he C.she D.I

A.Who B.Who's C.What's D.What

A.am B.is C.are D.be

A.School B.family C.class D.classroom
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi, I’m Mary. I like playing the piano. When I grow up, I’m going to be a professional(专业的) ____. My biggest dream is to ____the International Chopin Piano Competition. It is one of ____ competition for pianists in the world. ____ I play the piano in concerts, I can make people ____and also give the money I ____to charities. So ____ am I going to do it? First, I am going to find a part-time job and save some ____. And I’m going to ____ playing the piano every day and take piano lessons on weekends. Then I’m going to be a ____at a music school in China. I think I can realize my dream one day.

A.violinist B.pianist C.pilot D.artist

A.hold B.beat C.win D.get

A.famous B.more famous C.the most famous D.much more famous

A.Where B.When C.Why D.How

A.sad B.unhappy C.happy D.angry

A.take B.make C.rent D.send

A.where B.when C.how D.why

A.time B.money C.room D.food

A.stop B.finish C.practice D.enjoy

A.doctor B.worker C.reader D.student
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Like any other good mother, Karen did whatever she could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, get prepared for a new baby when she found out that another baby was on the way.They         that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his       in Mommy’s tummy.
Finally, Michael’s little sister was born.But she was in         condition.The baby was sent to St.Mary’s Hospital.Days went by.The doctor told the parents “There is very        hope.Be prepared for the worst.”
Michael kept asking his parents to let         see his sister.“I want to sing to her,” he said. Two weeks passed. It looked as if the worst situation would come before the week was over.Michael kept requesting about singing to his sister, but kids were       allowed in ICU .However, Karen made up her mind that she would take Michael to see his sister who was sick.
She        him in an oversized scrub* suit and went into ICU.The head nurse shouted, “Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed.” Karen said “firmly ”“He is not leaving           he sings to his sister!” Michael was sent      his sister’s bed. He began to sing.In the pure- hearted     of a three-year-old, Michael sang: “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine;you make me happy when skies are gray.”    ,the baby girl responded. The pulse rate* became calm.
Michael kept on        , “You never know, dear, how much I love you.Please don’t take my sunshine away.”The breathing became smooth.
Michael kept on singing, “The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my       .” Michael’s little sister relaxed.
Michael kept on singing, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
The next day—the very next day—the little girl was         enough to go home!
The doctors just thought it a miracle.Karen         it a miracle of love!

A.came out B.got out C.found out D.took out

A.brother B.sister C.son D.daughter

A.serious B.good C.nice D.fine

A.few B.little C.a few D.a little

A.us B.me C.her D.him

A.sometimes B.never C.often D.always

A.watched B.played C.dressed D.worked

A.until B.since C.as D.when

A.below B.beside C.above D.down

A.letter B.noise C.cry D.voice

A.Suddenly B.Carefully C.Recently D.Sadly

A.playing B.saying C.singing D.asking

A.hands B.eyes C.legs D.arms

A.well B.bad C.happy D.excited

A.noticed B.shouted C.called D.saw
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day a small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. It was a cold winter day in 1900. ______ he could have no breakfast ______ lunch. He wanted to buy bread, but he didn't _____ any money.
His father ______when he was very young. His mother was often very ill, so she could not ______Tom and his brother, Mike. ______ had to work to help their ______ mother.
He was small but his dream was very big. His wish was ______a great man in the world of film. So he worked very hard ______ singing and dancing. Then ,a man came to him and asked," ______ for my film?" "Cetrainly." He answered. And he did his ______ in it. Many people asid,"We have never seen ______ interesting film."
Thirty years ______ ,this same boy was ______ the most famous people in the world. He made many good films. A lot of people liked ______ .

A.This day B.That day C.On the day D.A boy

A.and B.or C.with D.also

A.has B.look for C.have D.lend

A.died B.worked C.lived D.dead

A.look after B.look for C.look at D.look out

A.Two of them B.Every of them C.All of them D.Both of them

A.sick B.hungry C.bad D.worried

A.to get B.to become C.to be like D.to work for

A.on B.for C.in D.with

A.Do you work B.Do you enjoy C.Will you work D.Will you like

A.good B.better C.best D.well

A.such B.so a C.so an D.such an

A.before B.past C.later D.after

A.among B.between C.with D.beside

A.it B.them C.films D.that
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr. Sanders, the man who started this ______ was not always very rich. At one time, he _____ a small gas station next to a highway. Many truck drivers ______ there to get gas and take a rest. Mr Sanders realized they were often _____,so he began serving sandwiches and coffee._____ the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didn’t _____ too much, more and more ______ came to eat at his place.______ Mr Sanders began to serve fried chicken. People _____ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly. Not long after, however, another highway was _____,and many drivers no longer went ______ Mr Sanders’ restaurant. So he had to ______ it. Then he traveled around the country ______ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He ______.By 1967,there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now,______ you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

A.business B.shop C.life D.search .

A.found B.worked C.saw D.owned

A.passed B.got to C.stopped D.left

A.late B.hungry C.tired D.sick

A.Although B.If C.As D.Once

A.need B.pay C.spend D.cost

A.passengers B.drivers C.students D.doctors

A.Then B.So C.But D.For

A.ate B.liked C.tried D.drank

A.appeared B.found C.built D.broken

A.out B.to C.over D.on

A.close B.run C.return D.take

A.trying B.believing C.thinking D.suggesting

A.failed B.fails C.succeeds D.succeeded

A.whenever B.wherever C.where D.when
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom is a middle school student. He enjoys ________  football. He also likes watching football matches. As he hasn’t enough money to buy tickets, he has to watch them on TV at home if he is free. But Tom must go to school ________  Monday to Friday. So he watches on Saturday    ________   Sunday.
Last Thursday morning there was a big football match on TV. Tom knew it. He got up late when his mother came into his bedroom and asked, “Why do you get up late? What’s wrong with you?” “I have a very bad headache (头痛) . I’m afraid I can’t go to school today. Mum, could I  ________ home this morning? I think I  ________ this afternoon.” Tom answered. “ But if the match is over, you must go to school this afternoon .” His mother said.

A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play

A.from B.on C.in D.about

A.but B.or C.on D.in

A.stayed B.stay at C.stayed at D.live

A.am good B.am well C.will be well D.will is well
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Thanksgiving Day was coming. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment (作业) — to draw a picture of  ________  for which they were thankful.
Most of the class might be considered poor, but still many would   ________   the holiday with turkey and other traditional food of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the subject of most of her students’ art. And they were.
But Douglas made a(an)  ________  kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher’s true child of weak and unhappy. As other children played at  ________  ,Douglas used to stand close by her side. One could only guess at the pain that Douglas felt behind those sad  ________  .
Yes, his picture was different. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a   ________ . Nothing else. Just an empty hand.
His abstract (抽象的) picture caught the ________ of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers ________  turkeys. Another suggested a police officer, because the police protect and ________  people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the discussion went on — until the teacher almost forgot the young artist ________  .
When the children had gone on to other assignments, she stopped at Douglas’ desk, bent down, and   ________  him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and murmured, “It’s yours, teacher.”
She recalled the  ________  when she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there, as she had the other students. How ________ she had said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was very   ________  for his teacher’s hand. Brushing aside a tear, she went on with her work.
The story speaks of more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship, and how much it means to the Douglases of the world. They might not always say thanks, but they’ll remember the hand that  ________   out.

A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything

A.congratulate B.spend C.celebrate D.consider

A.good B.interesting C.exciting D.different

A.break B.rest C.desk D.first

A.noses B.hands C.faces D.eyes

A.gift B.person C.hand D.turkey

A.thought B.description C.respect D.imagination

A.raised B.needed C.bought D.showed

A.look at B.care for C.take away D.drive off

A.himself B.itself C.herself D.themselves

A.said B.asked C.talked D.spoke

A.chances B.forms C.ways D.times

A.much B.many C.often D.long

A.thankful B.helpful C.careful D.beautiful

A.moves B.holds C.reaches D.puts
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A woman saw three old men sitting outside. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you           be very hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.”
“We don’t go into a house        .” They replied.
“Why is that?” she asked.
One of the old men answered, “His name is Wealth(财富), this is Success(成功), and I am Love.” Then he said, “Now go in and         with your family which one of us you want in your house.”
The woman went in and told her family what had happened. She said, “Let’s invite Wealth. We have been so        .” Her husband disagreed, “My dear, why don’t we invite Success? Don’t you want me to be a successful man?” then her daughter asked, “Would it be         to invite Love? Our life will then be filled with love!”
In the end the family decided to take the         advice. The woman went out and asked, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and         our guest.” Love got up and started walking to the house. The other two also got up and         him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, “I            invite Love. Why are you coming along?” The two old men answered, “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two would have to stay out. But since you have invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him.         there is Love, there is Wealth and Success.

A.need B.must C.have to D.may

A.together B.alone C.crowded D.lonely

A.play B.exercise C.agree D.discuss

A.poor B.rich C.lucky D.happy

A.worse B.better C.less D.more

A.father’s B.mother’s C.daughter’s D.parents’

A.be B.is C.are D.am

A.left B.followed C.stopped D.pulled

A.only B.hardly C.never D.almost

A.when B.what C.how D.where
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her. So she was  ________   happy. She always stayed at home by herself and didn’t talk to  ________  .
One day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发夹). When she   ________  it, she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to go to school in the beautiful hair clip.
On her way to   ________, she found that everyone who saw her smiled (微笑) at her. Most of her schoolmates said hello to her,  ________  this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip  ________  them all to her. She was so happy   ________ all of the wonderful things.
Though all her classmates wanted to know ________   happened to her, she didn’t want to tell  ________  about her beautiful hair clip.
When she went back home after school, her mother asked her, “Did you know you  ________  your hair clip at home?” I found it by the door this morning.”
She was  ________ to hear what her mother said. She understood that she didn’t wear the hair clip to school  ________.
It’s not important what we wear or how we  ________  . The most  ________  thing is how we think about ourselves (我们自己).  ________  we want to do a thing successfully, first try to be confident (自信). If we think we can, we can.

A.often B.usually C.hardly D.always

A.anyone B.someone C.no one D.some one

A.wear B.wearing C.wore D.wears

A.work B.school C.class D.house

A.so B.because C.and D.but

A.took B.brought C.got D.bought

A.to B.of C.like D.about

A.what B.when C.why D.how

A.us B.him C.them D.her

A.left B.forgot C.put D.missed

A.angry B.surprised C.excited D.meaningless

A.at last B.at least C.in all D.at all

A.look B.feel C.think D.act

A.difficult B.important C.interesting D.comfortable

A.Although B.Until C.If D.So
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
