
What should we do to keep healthy? One important rule is to exercise__31__. The Fang family try to exercise every day. Mr Fang__32__exercise in the morning because he must get to work at exactly seven o'clock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, __33__. He walks to school every day, and after school he__34__different sports with his friends. Mr Fang goes to a yoga (瑜加功) class__35__.
But it wasn't__36__this way. Last year Mr and Mrs Fang used to(过去常常)__37__everywhere in their car, even to the drugstore(药店) two blocks(街区)away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldn't walk.
The Fangs all__38__better(更好的) now. They believe they shouldn't be lazy. We__39__exercise every day, but we should try our__40__to exercise as often as possible.

A.often B.sometimes C.late D.later

A.may not B.can not C.would not D.should not

A.either B.also C.too D.again

A.watches B.plays C.loves D.likes

A.in two weeks B.for two weeks C.after two weeks D.twice a week

A.always B.even C.sometimes D.no

A.riding B.drive C.fly D.walk

A.had B.make C.feel D.feel like

A.needn't B.don't C.won't have D.mustn't

A.best B.good C.well D.better

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sam goes home from school. He’s hungry(饿的).And he has a lot of homework. He wants to see Mike and   26   football, too. He doesn’t have   27   time.
“Hello,Sam,”says Mrs Green.“    28   is school today? ”
“Fine. But I have a lot of homework,and I’m hungry. ”
“There are some apples on the table.”
“No,I don’t want any  29  . Is there   30   cake? ”
“Yes. But please    31  eat too much.”
Sam eats some cakes. Then he sits(坐)   32   at the table. He opens his book and begins to write. Mrs Green   33   to the shop.
Mrs Green comes back   34   the shop. Sam is   35  . Mrs Green says,“My son,you’re a good boy.”

A.have B.play C.buy D.make

A.a lot B.very C.many D.much

A.How B.What C.Where D.Which

A.bananas B.pears C.apples D.cake

A.an B.many C.some D.any

A.doesn’t B.don’t C.isn’ t D.aren’t

A.on B.in C.up D.down

A.buys B.makes C.goes D.asks

A.from B.to C.for D.in

A.eating B.drinking C.studying D.playing

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Helen and Sally are cousins. Helen is a writer. She lives  41  to Sally, She is  42  writing every day. She doesn’t want to talk to others when she is  43  . Her friends know her well. If they want to see her, they often 44  her first. If Helen tells them she has  45  , they will come to her house.
Sally works in a  46  , She is a bank clerk. She has lots of friends and they often come to see her and talk with her.  47  Helen can’t write well when they are talking. She doesn’t know what to  48  to Sally. Now Helen is talking about it with her best friend Ruth. Ruth is  49   to help Helen. She says, “You can put a note on  50  door. It would say, ‘Nobody is at home. Please come another day.’”

A.across B.next C.before D.behind

A.friendly B.shy C.busy D.lazy

A.working B.studying C.playing D.sleeping

A.ask B.meet C.call D.see

A.news B.food C.music D.time

A.hotel B.restaurant C.bank D.post office

A.And B.But C.Or D.When

A.bring B.give C.say D.take

A.quiet B.happy C.tired D.sorry

A.Helen’s B.their C.Sally’s D.your

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out, we found an old woman 16 at the door. She said, “Hi, my name is Susan, I’m seventy years old.” While we were  17  what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age, she said with a smile, “I'm here to meet a rich husband, get  18  , have two children and travel together.” Hearing this, all of us laughed. “In fact,” she went on, “I always    19  of having a college education, and now I’m getting  20  !”
After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good  21  . I often listened to this “time machine” as she shared her study with me.
At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a  22  . When she was stepped up to the front, suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated(沮丧的) and said, “I'm sorry. I’m so nervous that I can’t get my ready talk    23  , so I have to tell you  24  I know .”
In her speech she told us, “We don’t stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying  25  , being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something  26  every day. I think there is a great  27  between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I  28 in bed for one full year and never do anything. I’ll become seventy – one. Since anybody can grow older, my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can’t be avoided(避免的), growing up can be  29  . It’s never too late to be all you can be possible.”
During the four years’ study, it was so easy for Susan to make friends  30  she went. In the end, the wonderful woman got a college degree.

A.escaped B.appeared C.reached D.hurried

A.finding B.getting C.wanting D.wondering

A.married B.worried C.excited D.relaxed

A.liked B.made C.knew D.dreamed

A.one B.each C.some D.much

A.teachers B.friends C.students D.neighbors

A.lesson B.present C.talk D.story

A.again B.back C.down D.away

A.which B.how C.what D.why

A.old B.young C.clear D.awake

A.natural B.difficult C.interesting D.possible

A.difference B.chance C.pleasure D.confidence

A.lie B.hide C.leave D.turn

A.noticed B.chosen C.thought D.mentioned

A.whenever B.however C.wherever D.whether

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Martin is an American boy. He is eight years old. His parents   41  _ five years ago and he is now living with his grandmother in New York.
  One morning,  Jimmy ,  one of his classmates, came to his home with an exercises book in his hand. Jimmy lives in a house not far from Martin's. They often go to school together.
  "Would you help me with this maths problem?" Jimmy said as soon as he came into the room. "It's too hard for me and I can't work it out."
  "Let me try, " Martin said. "I   42   it isn't too hard for me. "
  Martin tried his best but he couldn't work it out,   43    .
  "If we had a small computer,  all the problems would be  44    for us to do. " Jimmy said.
  "A small computer . . . , " Martin thought for a minute,  then he said, "I've got an idea. We can   45   one in a shop. "
  "A computer is very   46    ,  and we don’t have enough money. "
  "That's OK, " said Martin. "We can ask the new president (总统)   47   some money. He said he would help anyone in trouble. I' m sure he will help us. He is very rich, you know."
  So they decided to write a letter to the new president. Soon the letter was finished and they hurried to the post office.
  In front of the post office stood a small box. They   48    the letter into the box carefully and went home happily.
The next morning, they    49    the post office on their way to school. They found   50   ,  the box was not a post box but trash-box (果皮箱).

A.have died B.had died C.died D.have been death

A.sure B.think C.hope D.wish

A.neither B.either C.too D.also

A.easy enough B.enough easy C.difficult enough D.enough difficult

A.borrow B.lend C.bring D.buy

A.expensive B.cheap C.important D.useful

A.to B.for C.about D.on

A.place B.took C.dropped D.bring

A.passed B.past C.pasted D.passing

A.with their surprise B.in their surprise C.to their surprise D.of their surprise

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked up at me and said, “I  31   you.” I did not know  32  to say, and I just stood there, looking  33 at him. My first thought was that he must need help with his homework. Then I asked, “What was that all about ?” “Nothing,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and see what they say.”
The next day I called his teacher to  34  more about what my son said and how the other parents had reacted﹡. “Most of the fathers had the  35  response﹡ as you did,” the teacher said, ”When I first suggested ﹡that we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would be surprised.”
Then the teacher explained , “ I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of  36  . I’m trying to tell them it’s too bad that we don’t express﹡ our feelings. A boy  37 tell his parents he loves them.” The teacher understands that sometimes it is  38  for some of us to say something .
That evening when my son came to me, I took him in my arms and held on for a while, saying, “Hey, I love you,  39  .” I don’t know if saying that made either of us healthier,   40   I did feel pretty good.

A. dislike B. love C. like D. enjoy

A.how B. why C.what D. which

A.away B.for C.down D.on

A.talk to B.talk with C.find out D.do with

A.same B.different C.usual D.unusual

A.study B.work C.health D.body

A.might B.can C.should D.need

A.easy B.difficult C.crazy D.silly

A.either B.too C.also D.again

A. and B.but C.so D.when

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A man died and was on his way to another world, either heaven or hell(天堂或地狱). He saw a very beautiful palace half way and the owner of it __1___  him to live in the palace.
The man said, “I have been working hard during my life and now I just want to eat and  ___2__  without any work.”
The owner said, “If so, there is nowhere else_3____ than here for you. There is a lot of delicious food in __4___ palace and you can eat whatever you want. You can have a good rest and __5___ needs to be done by you. ” Then the man stayed in the palace.
At the beginning, the man felt __6___. But gradually, he felt a bit lonely. So he went to the owner and asked, “It is boring to live _7______  just eating and sleeping every day. Could you help me find a __8___ ?”
The owner replied, “Sorry, there is no job here.”
Several months later, the man couldn’t __9___the present life and went to the owner again, “I am really fed up with(厌倦) this kind of life. __10__ you don’t offer me a job, I would prefer to go to hell instead of living here.”
The owner of the palace smiled, “Do you think it is heaven here? It is hell!’’

A.invited B.encouraged C.allowed D.ordered

A.sleep B.drink C.play D.travel

A.bigger B.better C.worse D.cleaner

A.your B.our C.my D.his

A.angry B.happy C.bored D.anxious

A.as B.by C.at D.without

A.friend B.child C.job D.pet

A.stand B.refuse C.follow D.imagine

A.If B.Unless C.So D.Because

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One evening my father and I went to see a circus(马戏). A family was standing in front of us ,__56__ for tickets.
The family had eight children. Their clothes were not __57__, but they were clean. They were talking about the clowns and elephants excitedly.
“I want __58__ tickets, eight for children and two for adults,” said the father to the ticket lady.
The ticket lady told him the __59__. When he heard that, the man couldn’t believe his __60__. He asked again, “How much?”
The ticket lady spoke again. The father looked sad. Clearly, he didn’t have __61__ money.
My dad took a $20 bill and __62__ it on the ground. Then he said to the man, “Sir, this bill fell out of your pocket.”
The man knew __63__ was going on. He looked into my dad’s eyes and took the __64__. “Thank you, thank you, sir. This __65__ means a lot to me and my family.”
We didn’t go to the circus that night, but we didn’t feel sorry for it at all.

A.waiting B.looking C.working D.leaving

A.dirty B.cheap C.expensive D.ugly

A.two B.five C.eight D.ten

A.ticket B.number C.price D.time

A.eyes B.ears C.nose D.head

A.enough B.any C.little D.few

A.brought B.got C.dropped D.gave

A.what B.how C.who D.where

A.book B.bag C.ticket D.bill

A.hardly B.really C.only D.nearly

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was in my parked car, holding a book and reading. Once in a while I looked up, watching the people passing by. When I raised my    35    again, I saw an old lady with a large bag walking slowly towards my car. The bag seemed not only to make her steps    36   , but also make her out of breath. She looked tired and I thought she must be more than 70 years old.
She stopped and put a hand out to rest    37    it, gently (轻柔地,徐缓地) closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Was there a way I could do something? I tried to keep my body still while my mind    38    for answers. However, because of my careless head movement, she noticed me, and she    39   moved her hand away from the car. I picked up a bottle of water at once, gently opened the door and offered the bottle to her. She    40    me, and then shook her head and walked away.
I was so    41    with myself. I should have been more careful not to move. Instead of    42   a hand, I had interrupted (打扰,中断) the old lady’s    43    moment of rest. I was feeling blue. Just at that moment, I saw the lady coming back again. I opened the door and patted (轻拍) the    44    next to me. She sat down, opened her bag and offered me a banana. I took it and offered her the bottle of water again. She took it.
I ate, she drank and we smiled. She    45    for a couple of minutes. Those minutes brought such quietness to me. Then she took my head in both her hands, made a small kissing    46   in the air, opened the car door and walked away.
I was trying to help someone in distress (困苦,苦恼). In turn, I became distressed and she took away my distress and replaced it with quietness.

A.hand B.arms C.head D.eyes

A.heavy B.large C.quick D.usual

A.in B.over C.under D.against

A.paid B.cared C.asked D.searched

A.softly B.quickly C.strangely D.thankfully

A.looked at B.looked after C.listened to D.waited for

A.lonely B.angry C.worried D.surprised

A.holding B.taking C.giving D.showing

A.sad B.quiet C.magic D.proud

A.bed B.floor C.chair D.seat

A.slept B.talked C.rested D.listened

A.sound B.voice C.music D.note

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. White is seventy years old. He has been staying at home since he retired. Last year his wife 41 .He was very sad. He has four children, but they all have their own families. Now he lives in an old house  42. Sometimes he feels lonely. One day, one of his children bought a parrot for him. It could  43 and usually gave it nice  44. But one afternoon, a cat ate the parrot. He was very sad and  45 to buy another one. He also bought a strong and beautiful cage for it and began to  46 it to speak. Every morning, as soon as he got up, he said“Good morning”  47 the bird. The bird had a look at him but said  48 . He kept on teaching it but the parrot didn’t learn anything. He felt sorry for it and lost his patience(耐心).
One evening his  49  called and told him that his granddaughter was  50  in hospital. He went to see her  51 . When he got there, she was being operated(手术) on and he didn’t see her. The doctors asked him to go home. He was so worried about her that he couldn’t  52  the whole night. The next morning, when he was passing by the parrot, he  53  to say “Good morning” to the bird.
Suddenly(突然地) he  54  someone saying,“What happened to you this morning?” He looked  55 . There was nobody except himself in the room. It was the bird.

A.tired B.went C.left D.worked

A.happily B.alone C.angrily D.carefully

A.say B.shout C.tell D.speak

A.house B.clothes C.food D.words

A.asked B.liked C.hoped D.decided

A.want B.teach C.have D.with

A.to B.with C.at D.about

A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something

A.parrot B.friend C.wife D.son

A.ill B.serious C.bad D.worried

A.at first B.at once C.all year round D.all the time

A.wake up B.stay up C.sleep late D.fall asleep

A.forgot B.remembered C.planned D.stopped

A.thought B.knew C.heard D.found

A.up B.around C.down D.over

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A woman is going shopping. She is going  46  boat. The boat is going across(穿过)the river. Her basket is empty(空的). Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the  47  .“Help!”she says.“Look! My basket is in the river.”
A boy sees the basket. He says, “Don’t worry! I can  48  it! I’m a very good swimmer.” He takes off his shoes and shirt. “Look  49  my shirt and shoes, please!” he says and then jumps into the river.
A  50  sees the basket. “I can go by basket!” it thinks. It gets to the basket. The boy  51  in the river. “Where’s the basket?” he calls:“It’s over there!” calls the woman. “It’s behind you!” It’s  52  that duck! The boy gets to the basket.“Go away!” he says to the duck. The duck  53  out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the land. “Oh, thank you!” says the woman. “Thank you very much!”
“Not at all!” says the boy.“  54  you like to give me my shirt and shoes?”
“Yes, here you are. Oh, what’s in the basket? It’s the duck’s  55  .”

A.on B.in C.by D.to

A.water B.boat C.ship D.tree

A.clean B.buy C.do D.get

A.after B.at C.for D.like

A.dog B.chicken C.duck D.monkey

A.is fishing B.is swimming C.is playing D.is flying

A.beside B.under C.on D.behind

A.climbs B.comes C.jumps D.walks

A.Are B.Do C.Would D.Could

A.meat B.hair C.hand D.egg

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Sunday morning, Helen usually gets up very late. She washes her face and then goes out to   41    morning exercises. It is about 8.20 a.m. After eating her   42     , she goes to a shopping centre called Times Shopping Centre   43    her mother. The shopping centre is not far   44    their home. It only  45   them about 20 minutes to get there  46    , so they like walking there. Helen enjoys shopping   47 there very much. It is new  48  big.  49 many things, such as TVs, fridges, bikes, computers, clothes, books, food and drinks. There are many   50    too. There are men and women, old and  51  . Parents must   52  their children. The shopping centre is so big. Young children may get lost (迷失) in it.   53  do so many people come here to buy things? Do you know? Helen said that things there are usually good and  54  .The workers there are always nice and friendly. She also said that she would take   55  there and have a look if you come to her home.

A.play B.do C.run D.make

A.dinner B.lunch C.supper D.breakfast

A.with B.to C.for D.of

A.to B.into C.at D.from

A.takes B.makes C.spends D.costs

A.by foot B.use foot C.on foot D.with foot

A.to B./ C.at D.to

A.but B.with C.and D.or

A.They're B.There are C.There be D.There is

A.tall B.short C.young D.small

A.look for B.look like C.look at D.look after

A.What B.Who C.Why D.When

A.cheap B.expensive C.big D.new

A.you B.them C.him D.her

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are times in our lives when we remember. Remembering the good things of __46__   is a most precious (宝贵的) time; these memories are __47__  in the corner of my mind.
When I was four years old, I often went to a kindergarten (幼儿园). I __48__ many toys and friends that made me laugh and cry. The teachers were __49__ and friendly. They taught us many interesting songs and games.
We played all day long. We did not know what learning was at that time, __50__ we were learning every day.
When I was __51__ years old, I started school. I was very __52__ because I became a school student and began to learn school subjects. My favourite subject was __53__. I remember, the first day, our science teacher told us the sun was like a big fire ball and __54__ was very, very far away. Nobody could stay close to that "ball". We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open. We began to wonder at the __55__ of the universe(宇宙). Later on, more ideas __56__ weather, planes, railways, wildlife, deserts and even pollution came to our ears. We began to learn __57__.
When I was about ten years old, I __58__ quite a lot of things. I began to read newspapers, keep a diary, visit museums __59__ make many friends. Every day was something new. Every day was interesting and exciting.
Now I am in the middle school. Each day is new to me. Happily I am still learning, which is like a journey to me. I have finished the first part, but there is still a long __60__ for me to go. I hope I will become a learned person someday.

A.the future B.the past(过去) C.last year D.next year

A.sometimes B.seldom C.never D.always

A.borrowed B.bought C.had D.saved

A.beautiful B.old C.kind D.young

A.as B.but C.if D.before

A.three B.seven C.eleven D.fifteen

A.angry B.excited C.tired D.worried

A.English B.Physics C.Science D.Maths

A.they B.I C.he D.it

A.size B.colour C.shape D.place

A.about B.to C.with D.for

A.quietly B.carelessly C.slowly D.suddenly

A.kept B.bought C.knew D.took

A.and B.but C.so D.or

A.time B.trip C.way D.road

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last week I went to a supermarket. After I  36  the bill and was passing through the door, the alarm suddenly started to ring. Suddenly, a young guard ran toward me and ordered me to  37 him. I felt so upset and   38  . He took me to a small room, but I was   39  frightened that I stopped at the door. Finding me  40to enter the room, he shouted that I had to go into the room.
He closed the door. I thought he was going to hurt me. Suddenly, a   41   voice said in my ear: “Take out the things you’ve stolen!” “I stole nothing.” I said. “Do as I tell you. If we find them, you’ll be in trouble.” “There is nothing.” I answered. “I didn’t take anything.” I said, taking everything out of my pockets and bag.
  42   this point, a guard came in and asked a salesgirl to   43  me.   44  , they found nothing.
But they didn’t believe that I hadn’t stolen anything. So the young guard ordered me to pass through the door alarm again.
I was   45  when it rang again. I felt   46  and burst into tears. I didn’t know how to prove   47  I was innocent(清白的).
They made me go into the small room again.
“Take out the stolen things quickly,  48  we will dial 110.” They said.
“OK, call the police. I’ m not afraid.” I said  49.
Suddenly,  they  50 their tone. After a while, a salesgirl asked me to raise my feet. I did   51   she had told me. There was a label (标签) on the bottom of my shoe. That was it! That was the  52 thing that had brought me such great trouble. But it  53my innocence.(清白)
After that, they 54  to me in the small room, But they should have apologized 55  , shouldn’t they? A lot of people were there when I was taken away. What did they think of me?

A.buy B.paid C.passed D.paid for

A.obey B.beg C.follow D.listen to

A.angry B.excited C.happy D.puzzled

A.very B.much C.such D.so

A.disagree B.unwilling C.voluntarily D.willingly

A.high B.low C.sound D.sharp

A.On B.In C.At D.From

A.look at B.watch C.examine D.keep

A.Needless to say B.So far C.On one hand D.As a result of

A.afraid B.frightened C.shocked D.sad

A.wronged B.upset C.scared D.unpleasant

A.what B.whether C.that D.how

A.and B.but C.or D.so

A.unhappily B.forcefully C.terribly D.widely

A.changed B.raised C.increased D.closed

A.like B.as C.according to D.as if

A.only B.last C.very D.just

A.tested B.showed C.proved D.gave

A.said B.apologized C.agreed D.promised

A.loudly B.together C.politely D.in public

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bill, a thirteen-year-old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man. But his parents told him, “ You won’t be a real man until you begin to_1_____  helping others.”
One morning, his parents gave him some money to 2____ some milk for them. Outside a shop he saw a homeless old man who looked very 3____. Bill went to him and asked, “ What’s wrong with you?”
The old man answered, “ I’m hungry. I haven’t had any food for two days.”
All the thought of his parents’ words, Bill said to the old man, “Let’s go to the 4_______.”
When they got there, Bill asked the waiter to bring out bread and coffee to the old man. The old man finished the meal quickly. After the waiter 5_____the plate and the cup, the old man said, “Sorry for give you too much6_____. I’m fine now. I’ll 7____ forget your kindness! You are a very good young man”
Bill was 8______ when he heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal, the waiter came. Bill and the old man learned 9______ that he food was free 10___ it was the birthday of the boss, and they were the first customer(顾客) that day.

A.think about B.depend on C.give up D.go on

A.lend B.buy C.drink D.borrow

A.afraid B.glad C.sick D.angry

A.bank B.library C.hospital D.restaurant

A.sent out B.got down C.gave back D.took away

A.excuse B.advice C.trouble D.difficulty

A.never B.always C.usually D.sometimes

A.nervous B.pleased C.sorry D.shy

A.in surprise B.as usual C.once again D.at first

A.when B.until C.unless D.because

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
