
It was about six years ago. We were at the junior middle school. Those days in school were _____ to most Chinese students because of the senior high school examination pressure. Not our parents and teachers didn't love us, _____ they loved us too much. The only happiness for us was a good ______
One afternoon after the final exam, we four girls came to a small _____ and we felt it only belonging to us that afternoon. We talked and laughed. We played all the games that we could _____. We felt we were on the top of the world for the first time in our _____. We totally forgot the unhappiness in our life and we threw the homework and the endless _____ far away out of the woods. In the middle of the woods ran a small and ____ stream. Now and then, we could see some wild ducks on the water seeking food. The birds sang and the water weeds (水草)_____ happily while the water passed beside them. The air was so fresh that we breathed it freely. The sun had set _____ we knew it. We had to leave the place which brought us much happiness. We agreed to come back again every time we felt dull. Years later, we went there several times. But, every time we went there with the purpose of finding that great feeling, we _____. Strangely, the feeling was different from that of several years ago.
I know that wonderful experience was just for once. We can_  __ find that kind of happiness again which only belonged to the special_____ in our life. That was a release(释放) of our uneasy heart. We can never go_____ to that young age or that simple life. It was our golden ages. No matter _____boring and hard the life was, it gave us sweet memories. We'll treasure(珍惜) it forever.

A.gray B.pink C.white D.green

A.and B.so C.but D.also

A.praise B.grade C.award D.spirit

A.forest B.road C.lake D.playground

A.listen to B.try on C.think of D.find out

A.school B.class C.youth D.life

A.lectures B.exams C.books D.sports

A.noisy B.peaceful C.dirty D.deep

A.looked B.swam C.danced D.sang

A.before B.when C.after D.because

A.got B.failed C.lost D.won

A.easily B.finally C.never D.nearly

A.afternoon B.morning C.place D.home

A.again B.alone C.back D.freely

A.when B.what C.where D.how
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One night a man came to my house. He told me, “There is a family with eight      . They have not eaten for days.” After I asked him where the family was, I took some       with me and left.
When I finally got to that family, I       those little children were too hungry to say    . There was no sadness in their eyes, just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the food to the mother. She took half of it, and then      . When she returned, I asked her, “     did you go?” She gave me this simple     , “To my neighbors — they are also      !”
I was not surprised that she gave food to others, because poor people are always very kind. But I was surprised that she knew her      were hungry when she was also in need of food. Usually, when we are in trouble, we always       ourselves first. and we have no time for others.
A. children        B. workers        C. farmers
A. flowers         B. bread          C. food
A. showed          B. found          C. looked
A. a word          B. nothing         C. it
A. came hack       B. went out       C. rushed in
A. When           B. Where           C. How
A. question       B. decision        C. answer
A. ill            B. hungry         C. tired
A. people         B. neighbors      C. family
A. think of      B. talk about      C. laugh at

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I sat down to read under an old tree in the park.I felt my life was_______, for my whole world was dark.
A young boy ran up to me, out of breath.He stood right before me with his head down and said_______, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and______.I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play.
However, he sat n ext to my side and placed the flower to his_______and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and it’s beautiful, too.That’s_______I picked it.Here, it’s for you.” The flower before me was dead.But I knew I must_______ it, or he might never leave.So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I want.” Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not see — he was blind.
Tears (眼泪) came down my face as I______him for picking the best one.“You’re welcome,” he smiled, and then ran off to______.I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain.
Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me.And for all those years I myself always was ______.I decided to see the beauty in life, and_______every second of my life.And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.

A.hopeless B.colorful C.simple D.wonderful

A.sadly B.strictly C.angrily D.excitedly

A.dead B.fresh C.alive D.heavy

A.head B.nose C.ear D.neck

A.how B.when C.where D.why

A.buy B.sell C.accept D.break

A.forgave B.thanked C.paid D.hated

A.sleep B.study C.dance D.play

A.cheerful B.useful C.blind D.deaf

A.waste B.enjoy C.lose D.forget
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was so excited after I had found the holiday in the guidebook. It said, “Enjoy a week of sightseeing in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities          staying at one of its best hotels.” Now I wasn’t so sure. I waited fifteen minutes at reception (前台) after I       and now the shower in my room wasn’t working. I        hotel reception.
“Hello. This is Room 308. There isn’t any        in my bathroom. ”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure!”
“I’ll         our hotel engineer at once. ”
An hour later, the engineer came to look at the        . He hit the pipes (水管) a few times and looked       . “Sorry, but I cannot fix it today. Maybe, tomorrow.” Then he       his hand. I couldn’t believe it! He wanted a tip (小费) for doing       ! I was very angry. But suddenly, I had a better idea.       , I gave the engineer a few coins. He hadn’t fixed my shower but he had taught me something        staying in his country. Two minutes later I was at the reception desk. I explained the        to the receptionist (接待员) and he replied, “Sorry. This is a ________ situation, but what can we do?” I knew exactly         to do. I gave the hotel manager a very large tip. Fifteen minutes later I      into Room 405. It was twice the size of Room 308, it had a wonderful view (景色) of the city, a comfortable bed and, most importantly, there was water in the bathroom.

A.since B.while C.after D.before

A.arrived B.passed C.left D.stopped

A.asked B.ordered C.called D.told

A.toothpaste B.water C.shampoo D.soap

A.send B.catch C.trouble D.watch

A.door B.TV C.shower D.fridge

A.proud B.worried C.angry D.excited

A.put up B.cleaned up C.looked after D.held out

A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

A.Seriously B.Especially C.Quickly D.Luckily

A.at B.with C.of D.about

A.problem B.idea C.way D.mistake

A.helpful B.perfect C.terrible D.busy

A.how B.what C.why D.where

A.broke B.looked C.rushed D.moved
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A teenage girl couldn’t stand her family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and         years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has been dead. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still         her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she        a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you. Come back home!”
One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was surprised and she couldn’t believe her________ “Is that me?” She moved         and read the words, “I still love you.” She cried. She couldn’t wait         back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She         her mother up, “It’s me! Your daughter has come back home!” The mother and her daughter looked at each other in excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “    ________ is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly, “The door has never locked ________  you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that you’ll come back some day.”
As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents.   ________  this way, both parents and children can be happy.
A. a little            B. a few               C. much
A. looking for        B. looking after       C. looking at
A. sets on             B. puts up             C. cuts up
A. eyes               B. ears                C. nose
A. further             B. closer              C. away
A. go                  B. to gone             C. to go
A. wake                B. wakes               C. woke
A. Who                B. When                C. Why
A. since               B. for                 C. before
A. With               B. In                  C. By

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mike was the best table tennis player in his school and always won the games. He was afraid of losing ____. When he won, he would feel really good. If he lost, he would feel ____. Mike thought losing was the worst(最坏的) thing in the world.
A new kid, Albert, came to Peter’s school. He also does well ____ table tennis. Soon there would be a game ____ Mike and Albert. Mike worked hard to prepare for the game, but Albert didn’t think much of it. When the game began, Albert was a real ____. There was always a smile(微笑) on his face, while Mike looked serious(严肃的) all the time. Mike thought it was so important to win the game ____ he even(甚至) wanted to cheat(舞弊),but he lost in the end.
“You played very well, Mike. I think we can play again sometime,” said Albert. But Mike didn’t feel happy and couldn’t ____that night.
One day, Mike saw Albert ____ basketball. He lost again and again, but the happy smile never _____ his face.
Whether Albert won or lost the game, he enjoyed it. Mike came to know that ____ a game was much more important than winning or losing it. He felt happier than anytime.

A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

A.angry B.excited C.happy D.sorry

A.in B.at C.with D.for

A.around B.against C.between D.through

A.teacher B.student C.pilot D.player

A.this B.that C.than D.until

A.relax B.skate C.sleep D.pass

A.feel B.feeling C.play D.playing

A.left B.won C.hit D.grew

A.looking B.enjoying C.kicking D.keeping
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Wen Qian,
Today is March 12th. I get up early in the morning. After breakfast my cousin Linda takes me to Mike’s birthday party. Mike is Linda’s good friend, but I don’t know him. Of course I don’t know where his house is. Oh, Linda knows the way to his house. At about eight o’clock we get to Mike’s house. Mike is very friendly, and I like him very much. I have fun at his party. And I know a lot about Mike’s family. His parents are teachers, but they don’t work in the same school. Mike has two sisters, they are Susan and Alice. They both like sports. And they both have pen pals in China. Who do you know is Alice’s pen pal? Her pen pal is Zhang Xuefeng, He’s your cousin. Isn’t it interesting?
__________ knows the way to Mike’s house.

A.Helen B.Wen Qian
C.Linda D.Mike

Mike’s__________ is a teacher.

A.father B.sister C.cousin D.friend

There are_____________ people in Mike’s family.

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

Zhang Xuefeng is Wen Qian’s__________

A.cousin B.brother
C.friend D.pen pal

Which of the following is true about Helen?

A.Helen takes a taxi to Mike’s house
B.Helen doesn’t have pen pals in China
C.Helen has fun at mike’s birthday party.
D.Helen isn’t happy at the party
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空 (每空1分,共10分)
As an NBA star, Dwight Howard is busy. But he still          time to help others.
         July, 2009, Howard went to South Africa with some other players for a special trip. Howard and the other NBA         were very busy. But when they were          , they went to meet some poor children there and stayed with them the whole        . They taught children how to play basketball in the morning        played with them in the afternoon.
On the fourth day of the          , the players visited a small place near the city of Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡). The children were          when they saw the famous players. The players        the children about their basketball experiences. Howard also          the children to be good players.
The children in Africa liked Howard a lot and thought he was a real superman (超人).

A.sees B.looks C.finds D.watches

A.On B.In C.At D.Of

A.teachers B.players C.students D.balls

A.tired B.fine C.interested D.free

A.day B.night C.evening D.morning

A.but B.or C.and D.when

A.study B.place C.trip D.city

A.tall B.bored C.sad D.happy

A.spoke B.told C.talked D.said

A.encouraged B.believed C.communicated D.realized
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi, my name is Simon. I live _  __my family in a new neighbourhood. There __  _____lots of tall buildings in our community centre. Every day thousands of people come and visit it. Our community centre _  ____a big family.
My family member are social workers. My father is a computer __  ____. He often helps others check and fix their computers. My mother is a college teacher. She always tries to help students with __  ____homework. At the weekend my sister and I often go to _  _____the old people and do some shopping for them. Our neighbours are all kind __  _____helpful. They always say“Hello”to us when they meet us. When our bicycle are broken, they are ready to help us. Love House is our favorite __  ______. We go there when we need help _  ______all kind of problems.
We love our community centre. We think it is __  ____for us to have a community centre like this. Are you going to visit it? Welcome you.

A.in B.with C.at D.on

A.am B.is C.are D.be

A.is like B.are like C.look like D.likes

A.doctor B.policeman C.postman D.engineer

A.your B.our C.their D.her

A.watch B.see C.read D.look at

A.and B.or C.but D.so

A.friend B.subject C.sport D.place

A.to B.for C.about D.with

A.special B.sick C.lucky D.true
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hi, my name is Simon. I live _  __my family in a new neighbourhood. There __  _____lots of tall buildings in our community centre. Every day thousands of people come and visit it. Our community centre _  ____a big family.
My family member are social workers. My father is a computer __  ____. He often helps others check and fix their computers. My mother is a college teacher. She always tries to help students with __  ____homework. At the weekend my sister and I often go to _  _____the old people and do some shopping for them. Our neighbours are all kind __  _____helpful. They always say“Hello”to us when they meet us. When our bicycle are broken, they are ready to help us. Love House is our favorite __  ______. We go there when we need help _  ______all kind of problems.
We love our community centre. We think it is __  ____for us to have a community centre like this. Are you going to visit it? Welcome you.

A.in B.with C.at D.on

A.am B.is C.are D.be

A.is like B.are like C.look like D.likes

A.doctor B.policeman C.postman D.engineer

A.your B.our C.their D.her

A.watch B.see C.read D.look at

A.and B.or C.but D.so

A.friend B.subject C.sport D.place

A.to B.for C.about D.with

A.special B.sick C.lucky D.true
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary Miller is a      . Her       name is Mary.She       in London(伦敦).She is       No.1 Middle School. She is in Class3,Grade7.Her favorite       is red. Her pen is red. Her jacket is red. Her dog is        ,too.Her telephone        is 274-3410.Look!This is a photo         her family.There are four people in        family.She is my      friend.
A. boy          B. girl            C. aunt
A. first       B. last            C. family
A. am           B. are            C. is
A. at          B. in             C. of
A. friend       B. color           C. card
A. red          B. green           C. black
A. name         B. number         C. key
A. of          B. in              C. to
A. my           B. her             C. she
A. China      B. America         C. English

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hello! My name is Lily. I       babysitting(婴儿保姆).
The Greens have a baby. The baby is one year old. He can stand up and walk. But he cannot     . Mr and Mrs Green often go       , so they ask me to look after their baby. I like the     and I like babysitting. And I think I can look after him very well.
The baby has brown hair. He often      . But I can try my best to make him      .
Today is Saturday. Mr and Mrs Green go to visit their friend. They bring the baby to me in the morning. Then they say     to me. They say they will pick up the baby in the evening.
In the afternoon, the baby cries. I    stories to him, but it does not help.
I sing    to him. But he does not like them. He just cries.
Then, I take the baby to the    . He smiles. He likes the flowers and he likes to meet other babies. He wants to make friends too.

A.look B.love C.see D.have

A.smile B.eat C.drink D.speak

A.out B.in C.down D.up

A.girl B.man C.baby D.one

A.talks B.walks C.swims D.cries

A.happy B.cute C.long D.big

A.morning B.afternoon C.goodbye D.hello

A.get B.read C.do D.wear

A.football B.songs C.game D.cards

A.park B.house C.room D.school
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers, and they happened to pass a lake.So they stopped there to         for a while, and the wise man said to one of his followers, “I am very      .Could you please       me some water from the lake?”
The follower walked to the lake       the wise man requested.Some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several carts (手推车) started crossing the lake.      , the water became very muddy.Then he went back and told the wise man that the water was very muddy and not        to drink.After they had rested for about half an hour, the wise man again asked the         follower to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink.As requested, the follower went to the lake.This time he found that all the mud had          to the bottom.The water was very        and looked fit to drink.So he         his water bottle and took it to the wise man.
The wise man took the water bottle and drank, then looked up at the follower.“See what you did           the water clean?” he said.“You let it be for a while and the mud settled down on its own,        you could get some clear drinking water.Your mind can also be like that lake when it is           by something.If you just let it be and give it a little time, it will most likely settle down on its own        putting in any effort at all to          it.”

A.rest B.look C.watch D.see

A.hungry B.thirsty C.happy D.sad

A.get B.give C.take D.bring

A.while B.before C.as D.until

A.However B.Instead C.In addition D.As a result

A.fit B.able C.important D.interesting

A.different B.same C.other D.left

A.gone B.been C.settled D.lived

A.dirty B.clear C.fresh D.sweet

A.got B.finished C.reached D.filled

A.making B.to make C.made D.had made

A.so that B.in order to C.because D.when

A.woken B.left C.disturbed D.given

A.without B.with C.after D.like

A.prevent B.calm C.protect D.fix
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

August 10thSunny
Today is the third day in Florida, the USA. You will never know        I went today. I visited the Harry Potter Theme Park! It was really a great        for Harry Potter fans.
In the theme park, I saw all the places in the movies, such as the school, the stores and the restaurant. I also went into these buildings and took a lot of pictures. I had lunch in the park, but I didn't         in dollar. I used the money in the movies. Wasn't it interesting?
As a Harry Potter fan, I really wanted to         Harry Potter and his friends in the park.       , it was a pity that I didn't. But I got a chance to fly like them. It was exciting!

A.when B.how C.where D.what

A.zoo B.place C.city D.book

A.pay B.use C.afford D.take

A.read B.like C.meet D.wait

A.Or B.Though C.So D.However
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This story is about Mrs. Jones, an 82-year-old lady.       her life was hard, she was always nicely dressed every day.
This morning Mrs. Jones was moving to the nursing home(养老院). The nursing home was very         .
After hours of waiting, Mrs. Jones still smiled sweetly when she was told that her room was ready.       the way to her room. I told her what the room was like.
Suddenly she said, “I love      !”
     Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room yet!” I was surprised at her reply.
She stopped and said, “Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is      . It depends on how I decide to           the room. I have already decided to love the room before I      see it .”
Then she continued, “I have a      . I can spend the day in bed and consider how tiny my room is. Or I can just get out of bed and be thankful that I can       enjoy a new day. Each day is a      , I’ll enjoy my life and all the happy memories that I have stored in my bank account(帐户) before.”
Life is like a bank account. You can take out what you’ve put in. If you have put a lot of       in your bank account, you can take out some of it when you feel sad.
Attitude(态度)is everything.

A.When B.Since C.Although D.If

A.busy B.beautiful C.old D.small

A.On B.In C.By D.Through

A.them B.her C.you D.it

A.So B.But C.And D.Or

A.repaired B.made C.bought D.placed

A.take up B.think about C.tidy up D.ask for

A.clearly B.carefully C.actually D.nearly

A.habit B.dream C.choice D.suggestion

A.also B.still C.ever D.only

A.gift B.mess C.lesson D.journey

A.love B.courage C.kindness D.happiness
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
