
Mr Smith      from London. Now he is in China. He is         .He teaches English        a middle school. He works very hard. His students like      very much. He can      a little Chinese . His students often teach him Chinese     Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football     his students.
Mr Smith      a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school      bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes      TV in the evening.

A.come B.comes C.are D.coming

A.a teacher B.a worker C.a driver D.a farmer

A.on B.in C.to D.from

A.he B.him C.she D.her

A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell

A.at B.on C.of D.in

A.for B.to C.with D.at

A.has B.have C.there is D.there are

A.on B.by C.in D.of

A.seeing B.looking C.watching D.looking at

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many parents want their children to be famous(著名的) one day. But do children have the same      ?A new   , Hi, Ke’ai, is on at Beijing Children’'s Art Theatre(剧院). It tells the story of a boy called Ke’ai. His parents would like him to become a painter(画家) or a    one day. So they teach him to    and to play the violin, but Ke’ai doesn't enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke’ai’s parents see Mo Yan won an award (奖)for his works, and they want him to be a writer, too.
     do they want me to be someone else?” Ke'ai asks and says, “I       want to be myself.”
The play(话剧) shows us that it is       for parents to learn to understand their children. It helps parents to       what kids really want to be in the future.
Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the    in the play(话剧). There are two songs in the play. One of them, Ke’ai’s Song, is very easy to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home    the play!

A.jobs B.dreams C.stories D.hobbies

A.song B.film C.play D.cartoon

A.writer B.teacher C.sportsman D.musician(音乐家)

A.paint B.write C.run D.drive

A.How B.Why C.When D.Where

A.only B.seldom C.never D.sometimes

A.easy B.important C.interesting D.exciting

A.talk about B.worry about C.think about D.talk of

A.light B.clothes C.skill D.music

A.before B.in C.after D.at
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jim is interested in reading. One day, he wants to borrow a book from the    . He goes there     Jack. They can’t see      assistants there, only some robots standing there. Then Jim says to one of       , “Hey, give me a book.” But the robot      work.
“What’s wrong    the robot?” he asks Jack. Jack tells him, “When you want   something from somebody, you must     ‘please’ first.”
So Jim says, “Please      me a book, Mr. Robot.”
Then the robot brings him the book. But again, Jim can’t take the book out of the robot’s hands.
Jack says, “You must say ‘Thank you’ before you take the book.”        Jim says “Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Robot.” Then he gets the book he wants from the robot’s hands.

A.office B.shop C.library D.hospital

A.to B.with C.from D.at

A.a B.some C.the D.any

A.a robot B.robots C.the robots D.robot

A.isn’t B.don’t C.not D.doesn’t

A.at B.with C.to D.about

A.to borrow B.borrows C.borrowing D.to borrowing

A.to say B.say C.says D.saying

A.give B.gives C.to give D.giving

A.But B.And C.So D.Or

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would _____ soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days _____ the doctor came and looked over the sick man. ______ asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen ______ paper in the village, because no one could write.
The doctor _____ up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the ______ of the house. “ Get this medicine for him, and he will get ______ soon. ” he said.  Mark’s family and friends did not know_______ to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man _______an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage(马车) and drove to the nearest ______. He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again.
A. wake           B.cry          C.die
A. late            B.later         C.ago
A. The sick man    B.Mark         C.The doctor
A.and             B.or           C.then
A.picked          B.held         C.made
A. ground         B.window       C.door
A.well            B.worse        C.bad
A.when            B.what         C.where
A.thought         B.hit          C.caught
A.shop           B.farm         C.hospital

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear dad,
Happy birthday to you! On this special day, I’d like to talk to you in a special way.
I don’t think I’m good at telling you my thought face to face with you, so I’m         to show my deep love for you. You’re not a rich man         a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of the greatest        in the world. I’m     you. You’re     interested in being famous and rich. You do       things like paying for your phone on time, and working as a worker in your factory. The smile on your face shows you’re pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and do some shopping with mom on Sundays.
In the past, I didn’t care     you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I didn’t
   you before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me.
I am quite lucky that I have      a great father. And I feel happy that now I can let you know
   I love you. You are successful as a son, a husband, a father and a friend.
Love from,

A.writing B.thinking C.reading D.speaking

A.and B.or C.also D.as well

A.kids B.adults C.men D.women

A.worried about B.proud of C.afraid of D.sorry for

A.always B.ever C.already D.never

A.common B.interesting C.wonderful D.popular

A.whether B.that C.what D.where

A.realize B.regret C.respect D.remind

A.too B.so C.very D.such

A.how many B.how much C.how often D.how wide

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Green lives in a village. He has a big      and a strong dog. He has no work       in winter, so he goes to a city and      work there.
When New Year is coming, he      his home to see his wife and children. But something is wrong with his eyes. When he       his door, his dog comes out and bites(咬) him. His wife       to drive it away(驱赶).
He goes to see the doctor. The doctor gives him some medicine(药). Before he      , he tells him about his dog. The doctor      and says, “Something is wrong with its eyes, too, I     .”
When he gets home, he tells his wife about what the doctor said. The woman says. “I’m       it’s true. If a thief(小偷)comes in, it won’t see him and he’ll steal(偷) something.”
Mr. Green has to make the dog take his medicine.

A.ground B.family C.room D.floor

A.do B.to do C.does D.doing

A.wants B.hopes C.finds D.begins

A.lands B.telephones C.returns to D.gets ready for

A.hits B.does C.looks D.knocks at

A.hurries B.laughs C.jumps D.walk

A.falls asleep B.goes to bed C.leaves D.falls behind

A.cries B.laughs C.writes D.works

A.see B.understand C.wish D.think

A.afraid B.sorry C.angry D.happy

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Two little boys were playing one day when a Fairy (仙女) suddenly appeared before them and said, “Father Time asks me to       you New Year presents.” She handed each child a package and disappeared immediately.
Carl and Philip opened the       and found two books with clean pages in them.
Twelve months passed and the       came again and said, “I have brought you another two books and will take the first one back to Father Time.”
“May I keep       book a little longer?” asked Philip, “I’d like to paint something on the last page.”
“No,” said the Fairy.
“I wish that I could finish reading mine at a time,” said Carl, “I can only open the book once each day       see only one page every time, because when the page turns over, it sticks fast.”
The Fairy said, “Well, you can       Philip’s book.” Then she lit (点亮) two little lamps for them. By the light of the       they saw the pages as she turned them.
“Who did this?” they asked in surprise, “Every page was       when we first opened it. But now some pages are drawn with beautiful things like birds and       and some pages with ugly, black spots and scratches (划痕) on them!”
The Fairy, smiling at the two little      , said, “See, Philip, the beautiful birds and flowers appeared when you share toys with your friends, or when you try to be kind to others.”
“But what made the ugly,       spots and scratches?” asked Philip.
The Fairy said, “That came when you told a lie one day, or when you did not listen to your mum. All these ugly spots and scratches in your books were made when you were naughty (淘气的). Each pretty thing in your books came on its page when you were      .”
“Oh, we wish to read the books      !”
“They can’t be read once more,” said the Fairy, “See! They are only for this year, and they must now go back into       bookcase, but I have brought you each a new one, and perhaps you can make these more beautiful than the first ones.”
With these words, the Fairy      . The boys were left alone, but each held in his hand a new book open at the first page.
And on the back of each book was written in letters of gold, “For the New Year”.

A.bring B.make C.sell D.buy

A.door B.window C.packages D.cards

A.Fairy B.Queen C.Witch D.Princess

A.her B.their C.his D.my

A.but B.and C.or D.so

A.look after B.look for C.look at D.look out

A.candles B.stoves C.campfires D.lamps

A.dirty B.untidy C.clean D.old

A.trees B.flowers C.grass D.houses

A.boys B.girls C.women D.men

A.red B.black C.white D.blue

A.good B.rude C.selfish D.stubborn

A.too B.again C.though D.before

A.Fairy’s B.Carl’s C.Philip’s D.Father Time’s

A.arrived B.came C.disappeared D.appeared

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was in the sixth grade, one day my teacher asked our class to think about the question “What does ‘doing the right thing’ mean to you?” over the weekend. We could talk to our parents or anyone else we thought might have a good answer.          Monday, we were to hand in an essay(论文) on it, and be prepared to live up to(实践) our         .
The entire weekend, I was trying to      something that would impress my teacher and be easy to live by. I talked to my parents, called my grandmother and asked my neighbor. Everyone had good answers, but I didn’t feel like I could live up to them.
On Sunday afternoon, my parents said they were going to my Aunt Cindy’s house. That usually meant that I would have to entertain my four-year-old cousin Andrea         my parents visited. I found a Disney movie for Andrea, and then I sat down and started to write my essay. It was due(到期的)the next morning and this was my last          .
Soon I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Andrea.  “What are you doing?” Andrea asked. “I have to write an essay about what ‘doing the right thing’ means to me.” I answered. Andrea laughed. Could this smart four-year-old possibly know the answer?  “That’s easy,” she said. “Doing the right thing means being nice to your family and friends. Never lie. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Take a bath when you’re          . And never put rocks in your mouth.”
I stared with great         at my little cousin. Then I jumped up and gave her the biggest hug. Not only had Andrea answered a very tough question for me, but I could easily live by          of her answers. All I had to do was to be nice, not to lie, to keep myself clean and healthy, and never put rocks in my mouth. So when I wrote my essay, I        the story about Andrea and how she had answered my question.
Two weeks later, my teacher returned everyone’s essays. I          an A+ along with a little note my teacher had written at the top: “Always do the right thing and give Andrea an A+, too!”

A.By B.Over C.About D.For

A.answers B.plans C.advice D.information

A.look through B.keep on C.make up of D.come up with

A.since B.because C.while D.before

A.task B.chance C.step D.choice

A.dirty B.tired C.sleepy D.unhappy

A.pride B.fear C.surprise D.worry

A.any B.all C.some D.none

A.read B.found C.included D.returned

A.prepared B.expected C.introduced D.received

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s spring now. New leaves come out from the tree. Everything begins to turn green. It makes us feel happy.
I watch the apple trees and remember a little story.
A long time ago, there was an apple tree and a little boy. The boy came and          around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the          , and rest under the shadow (树荫). He loved the tree and the tree loved him. Time went by … The little boy         up and no longer played around it. The old tree was very sad. It didn’t know          . The boy said, “I am not a kid. I want to play with toys. But I don’t have money.”
“You needn’t            about it. Pick all my apples and sell them, you will have money.” After that the boy didn’t come back. Years later, the boy returned and the tree was happy. But           its surprise, the boy cut it down to build a house. Many years later the boy returned again. The old tree was happy and said to him “Sorry, my boy. I can’t give you           more. The only thing left is my dying roots. But you can sit down and rest here. This is your forever          .
This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parents. When we were young, we loved playing with them. When we grow up, we          them, and only come to them when we need something or are in trouble. No matter what happens, parents will be there and give what they have to make us         .
We may say the boy is cruel (冷酷的) to the tree but that’s how we are treating (对待) our parents. Nowadays, many old people feel lonely because their children don’t live with them. We hope all of us try to help those old people and manage to make the old have a happy life.

A.rest B.played C.play D.eat

A.apples B.leaves C.food D.birds

A.got B.set C.grew D.took

A.what B.who C.how D.why

A.worry B.feel C.talk D.dream

A.in B.to C.on D.of

A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything

A.home B.tree C.bed D.place

A.love B.leave C.bring D.hate

A.angry B.tired C.happy D.sad

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Several years ago, I was at a train station in Amsterdam. I saw a young homeless man       people for money so he could buy breakfast. Most of the       simply took no notice of the young man or gave him a dirty look. There was one exception(例外) though: an older, well-dressed lady. When the young homeless man moved         this elegant lady, she turned and looked straight into his eyes and           asked, “How much do you need?” I couldn’t hear what the young man said but watched         the old man pulled several bills(纸币) from her wallet and      them in the young man’s hands.
I don’t know whether the young man actually used this money for breakfast or for some other purpose. What I do know is that I saw two completely different reactions(反应) to the same     . I saw people who were either afraid or annoyed or distrustful(猜疑的). And then I saw this old lady who      the homeless man as her brother. I decided then and there that, even though we have to be       in this world, I would rather be like her.
Every day may bring us many chances for       . The key is to do it or not.

A.asking B.calling C.disturbing D.kidnapping

A.guests B.audience C.neighbours D.travelers

A.from B.after C.before D.over

A.softly B.sadly C.loudly D.hopefully

A.because B.unless C.as D.although

A.cheeked B.put C.covered D.threw

A.location B.survey C.situation D.programme

A.ordered B.treated C.required D.recommended

A.famous B.creative C.careful D.successful

A.richness B.happiness C.fitness D.Kindness

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was a junior high school student in 1980 , God gave me a gift —it was happiness . One weekend , I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside . On my way home , a car ran over me and cut off my ____because of it’s high speed .
Several days later when I woke up at the hospital , I realized I had to spend the rest of my life____ arms . How sad and scared I felt at that time ! ____ slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it . I couldn’t get my arms back even though I____ every day . However,
it’s easier ____ than done . It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness     . I got so much from my past story . From then on , I could treat(对待)my life with a ____ mind . But in our daily life , I often see my classmates ____ about little things . For example , they get bad grades in the test ; their bus comes ____ ; they don’t have a mobile phone but ____ have . But I only ____ life . I was lucky to realize from an accident : it is a waste of our life to focus on(关注)what you have ____ . We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say , “ My whole life would improve ____ I have a new car . ” But when you get the car and what ___ ? For a whole week you are walking on air . Then you go right back to being unhappy .
Happiness depends on what we have ! It’s in our heart . It’s a state of mind .Even though you own the whole world, you may still feel____. Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激)and taking pleasure in what your really have .

A.feet B.legs C.arms D.ears

A.with B.without C.for D.on

A.Or B.But C.So D.Once

A.cried B.laughed C.sat D.stood

A.dreamed B.acted C.called D.said

A.strongly B.especially C.completely D.similarly

A.crazy B.normal C.full D.special

A.get excited B.get nervous C.get serious D.get worried

A.early B.first C.fast D.late

A.the other B.one another C.other D.others

A.hate B.dislike C.enjoy D.save

A.lost B.had C.found D.spent

A.because B.as C.if D.whether

A.happens B.takes place C.used D.uses

A.funny B.happy C.excited D.unhappy
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)
a magic chair
One afternoon, Grandpa wanted to bet(打赌)me a big bag of popcorn that I didn't have as many true friends as I thought.  I          the bet happily. However,1 wasn't sure      Icould test whether my schoolmates were true friends or not.
The next day,        I went to school, Grandpa walked towards me and it seemed that he was carrying something in his hand. But I could see          there. Grandpa said, "Take it. It's a(n)    chair.  Because it's invisible(隐形的),it will be      for you to sit on it. However, if you can sit on it        ,you can use the chair's magic power to tell who your true friends are. ”
Then I took the strange invisible chair to school.  At break I        everyone to stand in a circle(圆圈),and put myself in the middle, with the      ."Look! Something amazing is coming.” I said, and then tried sitting on the chair.  Of course, I         and fell to the ground. Everyone had a very good       .  I kept trying to sit on the magic chair again an again.        ,I made it.  This time l was hovering(盘旋)in mid-air. Then I really experienced the        that Grandpa had ever talked about. Looking around, I saw George, Lucas and Diana        me up, while some of my schoolmates did nothing but make fun of me.
I was quite         to Grandpa. It was he who helped me test who my true friends were.
That evening, we four true friends went to see Grandpa and had a great time eating popcorn.

A.accepted B.started C.received D.made

A.where B.why C.how D.when

A.after B.as C.until D.before

A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

A.important B.comfortable C.special D.expensive

A.difficult B.funny C.different D.dangerous

A.carefully B.slowly C.quickly D.successfully

A.warned B.asked C.refused D.promised

A.chance B.popcorn C.friend D.chair

A.lost B.missed C.rushed D.jumped

A.laugh B.cry C.noise D.whisper

A.Finally B.Immediately C.Next D.Indeed

A.fun B.magic C.pleasure D.trouble

A.picking B.giving C.holding D.cheering

A.fair B.kind C.helpful D.grateful
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his ______ and now he has near sight. But he wouldn’t want______ to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often ______ him some trouble.
One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He______a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth. He fell over some times and it______his clothes dirty. ______he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his ______was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if (似乎 ) it had ______. And he ran into the house, ______.
A woman stopped him and shouted ______ , “What are you running after my hen for?”

A.ears B.nose C.mouth D.eyes

A.anybody else B.nobody C.woman D.somebody

A.follows B.takes C.brings D.carries

A.took off B.got off C.got on D.came on

A.let B.made C.gave D.felt

A.At first B.At home C.At times D.At last

A.clothes B.bag C.hat D.glasses

A.legs B.hands C.shoes D.arms

A.always B.also C.either D.too

A.angry B.happy C.angrily D.happily

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章相应空白处的最佳答案。
I have a friend, Linda. Linda is          girl. She is          years old. She lives with           parents .She studies in a middle school near her home. Her classes begin at eight o’clock in the morning. She usually            at six thirty in the morning. And she washes             seven fifteen. Then she has breakfast. She            school at seven thirty. In the afternoon, the classes begin at two o’clock. There are only two            in the afternoon. She can              at five o’clock. In the evening, she usually            her homework and watches TV. She goes to             bed at 10:30.

A.a America B.a Australian C.an England D.an English

A.third B.three C.thirteen D.thirty

A.she B.her C.his D.hers

A.gets up B.get up C.gets on D.is getting up

A.in B.on C.at D.for

A.go to B.goes to C.goes D.to go

A.class B.friends C.classes D.game

A.goes to home B.go to school C.goes home D.go home

A.is doing B.to does C.does D.do

A./ B.the C. a D.An

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly before the deadly disaster of the typhoon. Bernadette Tenegra, a 44-year-old high school teacher, was in her          which was on the bank of a river. The Tenegra family           together in their shelter to keep away from the storm. They thought that the powerful storm would die out soon as it did           .So they were just hanging on there.
But things didn’t happen          they had thought, the water rose with a frightening speed and their           house fell down, sweeping away the occupants (居住者),including Tenegra’s husband and her other daughter. They were able to struggle to                , but the 6-year-old Tenegra was          against the strong wind and water, along with sharp deadly debris(残骸). Bernadette made her way to the child and was holding her and kept         her to keep on.
“I crawled(爬) over to her, and I tried to pull her up. But she was too         and wasn’t able to make it. It seemed she had already          , ” Tenegra said,  crying. I screamed but it didn’t work."
The mother said          that she would never forget the last words of her daughter before           , “Ma, just let go, just let go. Save           . I love you forever.
“Yolanda” , the super typhoon destroyed a great number of houses and buildings. The 6-year- old Tenegra          her life. She has just seen a small part of this wonderful world         that short lifetime, while the whole world witnessed all the beauty of her.

A.family B.school C.building D.home

A.marched B.stayed C.arranged D.collected

A.in the past B.in the day C.in the end D.in the future

A.while B.before C.as D.since

A.wooden B.golden C.hidden D.modem

A.strength B.warmth C.safety D.difficulty

A.fighting B.beating C.touching D.preventing

A.inviting B.ordering C.training D.telling

A.sleepy B.weak C.impatient D.careless

A.given hack B.given away C.given up D.given off

A.excitedly B.sadly C.angrily D.confidently

A.arrival B.break C.choice D.death

A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself

A.lost B.saved C.spent D.changed

A.above B.below C.during D.beyond

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
