

Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254.When he was 17,he travelled across Europe and Asian along the Silk Road with his father,who wanted to do trade with the Chinese.Finally they arrived in Beijing.They were guests at the Emperor's Palace.Although Marco was young,he was very clever and could speak four languages.The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends.He asked Marco to serve in his court and sent him to do many important tasks across the country.

Marco was amazed by how beautiful China was.He was impressed bu Beijing and the Emperor's Palace,especially the Summer Palace which he described as "The greatest palace that ever was…"The walls were covered in gold and silver and the hall was so large it could easily seat 6,000people for dinner."

There were inventions and developments in China which couldn't focused in Europe at that time.Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets.In Europe,people paid for goods with gold and silver.He could not understand how people pay for food and valuable things with paper! He was also puzzled by the black stones people used to burn to produce heat.The black stones were coal,but Marco had never seen coal before!

In 1291,after 17years of service to the Emperor,Marco returned to Italy.He was now a very wealthy man.A writer wrote down all the stories that Marco told him in a book called The Description of the World,which became one of the best﹣selling books in Europe.

Although people enjoyed reading the book,many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.But Marco always stood by his tales.Just before he died,aged 70,Marco was asked the question,"Was it all true?"And this was his answer:"I have only told a half what I saw!"

69.Why did Marco Polo and his father travel to China?  

70.What does Paragraph 2mainly tell us?  

71.Marco Polo saw that there were inventions and developments in China which couldn't be found in Europe at that time.Give TWO examples.  

72.Was Marco Polo the writer of the book The Description of the World?  

73.What does the last sentence"I have only told a half what I saw!"mean?  

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Finding a New Place

Max is new in town.His family just moved into a new apartment.Max asked the landlord(房东)where he might go to meet people of his own age.

"The Community Center is for people of your age.I am sure you could find some friends there,"said the landlord."Is the Community Center far from here?"Max asked."No.It's only a few blocks away.It's about a ten﹣minute walk from here,"replied the landlord."Give me a minute,I'll write down the directions."

Max smiled.He hoped that he would make some friends at the Community Center.

The landlord gave Max a note.Max read the words on the note.

Max's smile disappeared.He would never be able to find the Community Center because he didn't know how to follow directions that used words like north and west.

Max needs to get a map of his neighborhood.This map could help him find directions.He took the directions and the map from his landlord.He was sure he could find the Community Center.The landlord told Max that the front door of his building faces west.

When he came out of his building,he walked west on the Main Street until he came to the park.

Taylor Street was right next to the park.He looked at his direction note.It said,"Then,walk north on Taylor for one block."

Max looked at the map.He could tell that if he was facing west,north would be on his right.He turned to the right on Taylor Street.He walked one block.He could see a big building with a sign.It said"Community Center".He found it!

31.Where can Max meet young people of his age?  

32.What was the landlord's note about?  

33.What is more helpful for Max to find the direction,the note or the map?  

34.If Max wants to go to the park,which direction should he go?  

35.How can Max get to the Water Tower if he starts from his building?  

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

High school can be a terrible time if you get it all wrong.Find out how to survive (度过) high school with a few easy tips.

    Be Yourself.High school is a fun time to make new friends,meet new people and socialize.Just be yourself.Don't give in to anyone's wants.

    Keep Good Company.Choose your friends carefully and make sure you won't get influenced by anyone.You will find friends,but stay away from the ones who don't want to be your friends.

    Be Optimistic (乐观的).Always wear your smile.Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect (尊敬) your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful.

  When you believe in yourself,others believe in you.Talk and walk confidently.Confidence is something you grow with,and people respect you for that.

    Love High School.Fall in love with it.Make the most out of it,and you will never get those moments back.Come up with wonderful ideas,top your class,make the best friends,go to parties,but just make as many memories as you can!

    With these tips to survive high school,you will surely be proud of graduating (毕业) as an all﹣round adult.So when you throw those hats in the air,feel the freedom and remember every moment you spent in"High School".

81.How many tips are mentioned in the passage?

82.What's the writer's advice on making friends?(no more than 2 pieces)

83.Fill in the blank with proper words.(no more than 3 words)

84.Put the underlined sentence into Chinese.

85.Give a proper title to the passage.

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays,camping has been popular among young people.It's a great way to be outside and enjoy the nature.Whether you prefer to be in the woods,mountains,or by the river,you are sure to have a wonderful experience when you go camping.Here is some advice for camping.

Fire may he dangerous,so just use fire only when you must.(72)Make sure to put the fire out when you don‘t use it

When you are talking,keep your voice down.If you talk loudly,you may disturb (打扰)other people,and you will also miss the chance to see wild animals outside.

It is necessary to put up your tent(帐蓬)only in safe areas.If you put up your tent in other areas,you may get into trouble.Remember to do it for your safety.

Don't forget to take your camera so that you won‘t miss the wonderful natural wonders.Later,You'll understand how nice (73)they are.Make sure your camera has enough power.

People often get lost in the forest.It's a good way to take a map that helps you to get the right direction.Now,people usually take GPS with them.Maps and GPS can help you find the way easily.

71.The writer gives us  pieces of advice for camping.(填数字)

72.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.  

73.What does"they"in Paragraph 5 refer to(指代)?  

74.Which two things are needed to avoid getting lost in the forest according to the passage?  

75.Give a proper title(题目)to the passage.  

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yearbooks in the United States

Most high schools in the United Sates publish a yearbook once a year,usually in the spring.It is a record of the school year﹣a"book of memories"for the students.

Inside a yearbook is each student's photo.The seniors are graduating soon,and their photos appear firs.Next are the juniors,They are one year behind the seniors.Then come the second﹣year students.The last photos are the first﹣year students.The yearbook is not only about students.The teachers have photos,too.

They yearbook also has photos and descriptions of extracurricular activities.These are activities that students do after school,such as the chess club and Spanish club.There is even a yearbook club.Students in this club write,design and take photos all year for the yearbook.

In the yearbook,some students receive special titles,The seniors vote and choose the"class clown"(a funny student ),the"most likely to succeed"(a student who got the best grades ),and the"best dressed"(a student with a good fashion sense ).There are also other awards.

Students usually sign each other's yearbooks,This is especially important for the seniors because they are graduating.Students write notes to each other,such as,"We had a lot of fun,"or because they are graduating.Students write notes to each other,such as,"We had a lot of fun,"or"I'll never forget you."They also write about the fun and funny experiences they shared in school together.

回答下面5 问题,每题答案不超过5个词

56.How many grades are there in most high schools in the USA?  

57.Whose photos can we see in a yearbook?  

58.What title might a student with a good fashion sense get?  

59.Why is it important for senior students to sign each other's yearbooks?  

60.What do you think of the yearbooks in the USA?  

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An 8.3﹣magnitude(里氏8.3级)earthquake can often cause fallen buildings and hundreds or even thousands of victims.But only 13 people were killed in the powerful earthquake in Chile on Sept 16,2015.That is the most surprising thing.

According to New York Times.Chile had spent quite a lot of money on the project of making its buildings stronger.Also,it had changed its tsunami(海啸)warning system.Both of these helped prevent a disaster in the country.

Besides,strict laws and rules have made people more ready for earthquakes.Schools have increasingly started doing drills(演练),all society is filled with creative ways to keep safe in earthquakes.

Chile,a South American country,is one of the places where earthquakes are most likely.Its 17 million people have been taught more than enough information about earthquake.The strongest earthquakes ever recorded happened in Chile:a 9.5﹣magnitude earthquake in 1960 that killed more than 5,000 people.And most recently,an 8.8﹣magnitude earthquake in central Chile in 2010 killed more than 500 people and destroyed 220,000 homes.

The 2010 earthquake was 5.6 times more powerful than the 2015 earthquake.And the 2010 earthquake hit in the middle of the night,while the 2015 earthquake happened during an evening when many people were outside for barbecues and other celebrations before the country's Independence Day on Sept 18.

The biggest problem in 2010 was human mistakes.The government failed to warn people to move off the coast after the earthquake hit near the southern city of Concepcion.

The government made no such mistakes this time giving tsunami warnings minutes after the earthquake hit.To reduce more risk in the earthquake,classes were canceled and factories closed across the country on Sept 17.


46.Where is Chile?  

47.What is the most surprising thing about the powerful earthquake in 2015?  

48.How many people died in the earthquake in 1960?  

49.What was the biggest problem during the 2010 earthquake in Chile?  

50.Why were classes canceled and factories closed on Sept 17,2015?  

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Jamila,I just found one dollar sitting on the coffee table,"said Mrs.Johnson."Is that your money?"

Jamila looked up from the book she was reading."Oops,it's mine.I emptied my jacket pockets before I left for basketball practice yesterday.I was running late,so I didn't have time to take it up to my room."Jamila placed it quickly in the back of her book and went back to reading.

"Jamila,you just put that money into the back of your book.I'm quite sure that you're not going to be able to find it when you need it."her mother said."You see,some of your money is in the pencil case on your desk.Some is in the glove hanging behind the door.I think you might also have a few dollars in your bag.You are such a careless girl."

"Mom.I'm too busy to take care of my money."

Mrs.Johnson smiled,"It looks like it's time for you to get your own bank account (账户)."

"My own bank account?Is it necessary?Kids know little about it."Jamila replied.

The next day,Mrs.Johnson took Jamila to a bank and opened an account for her.The banking manger explained how the money in the account would increase."The longer the money stays in the account,the more it will earn(获利),"he added.

Jamila was surprised to learn that she could earn money just by keeping her money in a bank account."I wish I had done this a long time ago."

53.Where did Mrs.Johnson find Jamila's one dollar?  

54.Why was Jamila thought a careless girl?  

55.Do you want to have your own bank account?Why or why not?  

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How to Start and Keep a Good Conversation Going

How to Start a good conversation

"Hi,my name is Sara.""I'm Frank.Nice to meet you."

Introductions,like the one above,are a great way to begin a good conversation.When you introduce yourself,be confident and comfortable.That will make others comfortable,too.After the introduction,wait a bit.If the other person doesn't ask a question,you ask one.Starting with a question shows interest in the other person.You could ask "What do you do?"or "How do you know our host?"But asking something a little different shows you are clearly different."What did you do last weekend?"and "Have you seen any good movies recently?"are two topics you could ask about.Another good way to start with is "Tell me about yourself."Most people love talking about themselves.

How to keep a good conversation going

As the other person begins to answer your question,look for the same opinion.If you ask about last weekend,the person could talk about a bike ride they took.When the person finishes his opinions,you could mention an experience that you had with biking.You can then move on to discussing other sports the person may be interested in.

When the other person is talking,be interested in them.Listen carefully to their answers.Don't look around the room.That gives the other person the message that you are not really interested in them.

If you are answering the question,don't go on and on.Answer the question and then stop.A good conversation is like a tennis game where the ball goes back and forth.

With some practice,you'll be able to start and keep a conversation going with anyone!


(1)How do you show interest in the other person after the introduction?  

(2)Why is it good to start a conversation with "Tell me about yourself."?  

(3)What can you do when the other person begin to answer your question?  

(4)Why can't you look around the room when the other person is talking?  

(5)What is your good way to keep a good conversation going?(请自拟一句话作答)  

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a summer day. An old man walked on a hill cheerfully.

    He wiped the swear off his face with his left hand and kept singing songs.

    Suddenly he heard someone talking to him.

    "Hello. sir."

    The old man turned around but saw no one.

    "I'm here."

    The voice came from beside the old man's feet, He looked down and saw a beautiful flower.

    "Sir, can I ask you a question?" asked the flower.

    "Of course, my child. What do you want to know?" said the old man.

    The flower kept silent for a second and then said:"Why are you so happy? You don't seem to have many days left to live."

    The flower didn't wait for the old man to answer. She just kept saying, "My days have passed and I'm going to die very soon. That makes me so sad." At this time, she began to cry.

    The old man smiled.

    "Yes, I don't have many days left. But, so what?"

    "Why ruin(破坏) such a lovely day for something that hasn't happened?"

    "What's gone is gone. What's to come is to come. You can't change them. but you can decide to enjoy this very moment that you truly have.

    He didn't wait for the flower to answer.He just walked away,continuing the song he had been singing.

    Slowly the flower stopped crying. As the wind was blowing softly. she swung happily.

(1)When did the story happen?


(2)Where did the voice come form?


(3)Why was the flower so sad?


(4)How did the flower felt after the old man walked away?


(5)What do you learn from the story?


  • 更新:2020-12-30
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You only have one pair of eyes, so take care of them. When you're in the sun, wear sunglasses. Sunshine can damage your eyes. When your eyes itch or hurt, don't rub them.Your fingers have germs on them. These can get into your eyes and make you sick. Staring at a computer screen can strain your eyes.You blink (眨眼) your eyes 10 times every minute. But when you stare at something, you only blink two or three times per minute. So remember to blink more. This helps your eyes.

(1)Why should we take care of our eyes?


(2)When you're in the sun, what can you wear?


(3)Why shouldn't you rub your eyes when they itch or hurt?


(4)How can you protect your eyes when you stare at a computer screen?


(5)What does the writer want to tell us?


  • 更新:2020-12-30
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    In China, the 12th month of the lunar calendar(阴历) is called Layue. The month is full of interesting festivals and customs.

    Laba Festival, which is on the 8th day of Layue, is the first festival in this month. From this day on, people begin to get ready for the Chinese New Year.

    On Laba Festival, people eat hot Laba porridge. There are usually eight things in the porridge: rice, red beans, peas, dried lotus seeds, dates, and three different kinds of fruits and nuts. The porridge is not just good for your health, but a blessing for the coming of Chinese New Year.

    Laba porridge is not the only tasty food in Layue. Laba garlic(腊八蒜) is popular in the north. People begin to soak garlic in vinegar from that day on, and eat it with dumplings during the Chinese New Year. While in the south, people like making sausages.

    Another major celebration before Spring Festival is Xiaonian. It is usually on the 23rd or 24th day of the last lunar month. Traditionally it is an important day when people offer sacrifices to the Kitchen God who looks after the family.

    Don't forget to clean your home. This is also an important thing to do to prepare for the Chinese New Year. It means sweeping away the dust of the old year and welcoming a fresh start. Now, the last thing for you to do is to wait for the coming Spring Festival.

(1)When is Laba festival?


(2)What do people often eat on Laba Festival?


(3)Is Laba garlic popular in the south?


(4)What do people do on Xiaonian?


(5)Why do people clean their homes before the Spring Festival?


  • 更新:2020-12-30
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

COVID﹣19(新冠肺炎)is spreading all over the world. What should we do to prevent the virus(病毒)from spreading? Here are the suggestions.

    First, we should seldom go out. It's easier to get sick outside. When we have to go out, we must wear face masks(口罩). Second, we should often open the windows in order to keep the air in the room fresh. Fresh air is good for us to keep healthy. Third, we ought to wash our hands many times a day, especially before meals and after going to the toilet.And each time we should wash them with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. Fourth, make sure we have a good sleep at night. People who are tired or under stress can get sick easily, so it's important to have enough sleep. Lastly, we can do sports like walking or running slowly at home.

   Everything will go well as long as we take good care of ourselves. We believe that we will win the fight soon.

(1)What must we wear when we go out?  

(2)What should we often do to keep the air in the room fresh?  

(3)How long should we wash hands each time?  

(4)Why is it important to have enough sleep?  

(5)Can we do sports at home?  

  • 更新:2020-12-30
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Simon, a 28﹣year﹣old German student, rode 5,800 kilometers in China for his trip blog (博客). He wanted to learn about the Chinese Dream.

    "What's your Chinese Dream?" This is the question he asked every stranger he met on his 100﹣day trip.

Simon came to China for the first time in 2011. After a year in China, he was able to speak Chinese. Because of his interest in Chinese culture, he went to Zhejiang University in 2017.

    Simon learned "Chinese Dream" in 2013, and now it has become one of the hottest words in China. To learn the true meaning of it among Chinese people, he started his trip in May 2018.

    Simon believes that riding across China is natural.And it is also environmentally friendly(环保的).During his trip, he found that people in the cities usually follow their hearts. What's more, older generation (一代) of Chinese cares more about social stability (社会的稳定) but the young generation cares more about education and environment.

   "People look for their ways to make their dreams come true. They all believe that a strong country is the most important." Simon said.

(1)Where did Simon ride for his trip blog?


(2)How long did it take him to ride across China?


(3)What does Simon think of his riding across China?


(4)What do young people in China think more about according to Simon?


(5)Do Chinese think it's important to make their country strong?


  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once upon a time, there was a rich man. He loved his son very much. Because he wanted to make his son have a happy life, he decided to send him to see a smart old man for advice on happiness. When the old man knew about this, he gave the boy an empty bowl and asked him to go to the river and fill the bowl with water. "If no water is spilt (洒) when you come back, I will tell you about it."

    The boy walked to the river and came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, "Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing in the trees?" The boy could say nothing about them because he pay much attention to the bowl in his hands.

    The old man smiled and said, "Bring me another bowl of water and enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds."

    When he came back, the boy could describe everything he had seen to the old man. But when he looked at his bowl, he found most water was gone. He forgot all about his bowl when he enjoyed the beautiful things along the road.

    "Well, young man," the old man said. "Enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget your dream in your heart. This is the secret of happiness."

(1)Why did the rich man decide to send his son to see a smart old man for advice?  

(2)What did the old man ask the boy to do?  

(3)How did the boy go to the river?  

(4)Could the boy describe the beautiful flowers and the singing birds at last?  

(5)What can you learn from the passage?  

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are plenty of myths(神话) to explain how the world came to have a moon to bring light to the night time. But now there is a plan for a man﹣made moon. It will give us much more light than the natural Moon.

    China is preparing to put a man﹣made moon in the sky above Chengdu by the end of 2020.It will reflect sunlight back onto the Earth. If it succeeds, three more such objects will be sent out in 2022,according to Wu Chunfeng, a space scientist. Wu said it would be similar to how we get moonlight, but he predicted(预言) that the man﹣made moon would have eight times the brightness of the real one.

    This is because the object will be about 500 kilometers above the Earth. That will make it much closer to us than the moon, which is over 380 ,000 kilometers away,Wu added.

    If the plan works, the man﹣made moon will save a lot of power.Scientist predicted that Chengdu could save around 1.2 billion yuan in electricity every year if a new moon lit up 50 square kilometers of the city.And in 2022 , four man﹣made moons can take turns reflecting sunlight as they will not always be in the best position relative to the Sun. Together, they can give light to an area of up to 6 ,400 square kilometers on the Earth for 24 hours.That means its brightness will be seen in most areas in China,so reducing the need for streetlights.

(1)Which country is preparing to put a man﹣made moon in the sky above Chengdu by the end of 2020?


(2)What does Wu Chunfeng do?


(3)How far is it from the Moon to the Earth?


(4)Will it reduce the need for streetlights if the plan of man﹣made moons succeed?


(5)What do you think of this plan ?


  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
