
The sound from Miranda's alarm,clock(闹钟)would not stop.Miranda reached over.and stopped the noise ringing in her room.The action brought her,a few minutes of peace and quietness.

On a usual day,Miranda jumped out of bed even before the alarm clock could ring.She did not.mind getting up early.She loved morning because she could,complete her two﹣mile run before most of her family members got up.She ran every morning so that she would realize her dream of being the best runner in the school.However,this morning was different.She would go and find out whether the pain in her leg was something that could be easily treated or would stop her.from doing something she loved most:running with the school track team.

As the alarm clock rang out again,      .She cut off the annoying (讨厌的)noise and rose from her bed.She could hear the sound from the kitchen where her mother was making her favourite breakfast of pancakes and bacon.Her mother always made her favourites whenever Miranda was facing a problem or in a bad situation,but she'd never faced anything like this before.

Sighing (叹气)deeply in the quiet room,she tried to stand up.She could feel the pain in her right leg.It was serious but not unbearable.Surely,Miranda thought,it would not be as bad as she had imagined.

She shook her head to clear her thought and got ready to join her mother.As she walked into the kitchen,her mother gave her a big smile.Immediately,Miranda felt comforted.If nothing else,she at least knew one thing was certain.She was not alone in this and that would make all the differences,no matter what the day would bring.

(1)What did Miranda usually do every morning?    


She woke her family up.


She cleaned her room.


She cooked for her mother.


She ran for two miles.

(2)Which of the following sentences can be put in the in Paragraph 3?    


Miranda jumped out of bed


her mother came into her room


Miranda knew she had to get up


the telephone rang at the same time

(3)What did the smile on her mother's face mean to Miranda?    









(4)What would Miranda probably do after breakfast?       


She would go to see the doctor.


She would go to bed and have a rest.


She would join her team members.


She would join her mother in the kitchen.

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may study differently from your friends,but your study habits are not wrong!

    Kelly and Maria are best friends with a lot in common.They love doing things together,such as going to movies and concerts,shopping,or just sitting at a small cafe.Since they take a lot of the same school subjects,they would love to study together,but they find this impossible.Their working styles are so completely different that they can't be in the same room while they are studying!

    Kelly would like to study in a clean,open space,while Maria works best with books,papers and other things around her.Kelly prefers to study in a totally silent room,but Maria loves to play music or even have the TV on.Kelly can sit for hours without moving,and often gets all her homework done in one sitting.Maria,however,is always getting up,and says that she thinks best when she's on the move.

    You might be asking yourself:which way of studying gets better results?Many people believe that a silent,tidy setting(环境)is the way to go,.Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus(聚焦)their attention,because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.

    So,if you're a student who chooses to study while sitting at a table in a busy shopping center,don't worry about it.If you work in total silence,that's OK,too.Judging from Kelly 's and Maria's study habits,the best way to study is the way that works for you.In their very different ways,both of them do well in school,and both finish their work within the required time as well.

(1)Kelly and Maria are mentioned as an example in this passage to    .

A.discuss two different study habits

B.compare the differences in their hobbies

C.show the importance of a good study habit

D.express the writer's worry about their friendship

(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?    

A.and they have difficulty in study

B.and it can be true for most of them

C.but that doesn't seem necessarily true

D.but nobody does research on this question

(3)What can we infer from the last paragraph of this passage?    

A.Students who like to study in silence will be more successful.

B.Both study habits can help students make progress in their studies.

C.Only a small number of students can study well in a noisy situation.

D.Friends with different study habits can do better by studying together.

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?    

A.Are you studying the "right" way?

B.How can you improve your study habits?

C.Is it possible for friends to study well together?

D.What are the advantages of different study settings?

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ludwick Marishane,a South African,was with his friends in Limpopo when they started talking about inventing something to put on your skin(皮肤)so you don't have to take a bath.Ludwick thought that this was a great idea.He did some research on the Internet,and he found some surprising facts.

    About 2,500,000,000 people around the world haven't got clean water.This is a huge problem because dirty water can create illnesses.One of them' is trachoma:8,000,000 people all over the world get trachoma every year.They wash their faces with dirty water,get ill and go blind.To stop trachoma,people don't have to receive expensive medical care.They have to wash their faces with clean water.That's it.

    Ludwick started thinking.He wanted to make something to help people in parts of the world where it's difficult to find clean water.He did more research on the Internet,and he did more thinking.Ludwick had a plan.He wanted to make a gel(凝胶)for people to put on their skin so.they don't have to take a bath.When he was at university,he never stopped thinking about his invention.He started to talk to other people about it,and three years later the dream came true.He made the gel and called it "DryBath".

    Ludwick is the winner of lots of prizes.People call him "one of the brightest young men in the world".He is happy about his success.DryBath is helping people to be healthy.And DryBath also helps to save water.That's important in many parts of the world,where it 's difficult to find clean water.Now he wants to invent other things and also wants to help other young people to become inventors.

(1)Trachoma is a kind of illness that may make people    .

A.feel hungry

B.feel thirsty

C.become blind

D.become sleepy

(2)Ludwick invented the gel "DryBath" to    .

A.treat people with skin trouble

B.make dirty water become clean

C.show people how to be an inventor

D.help people without enough clean water

(3)Which word best describes Ludwick according to the passage?    





(4)What can we learn from Ludwick's experience?    

A.Luck is very important in achieving success.

B.People can succeed by sticking to their dreams.

C.Young people can easily come up with new ideas.

D.Going to university can make young people smarter.

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Takeover Day

    Want to be a football coach,a policeman or a musician?If you could do any job for a day,what would it be?Takeover Day offers young people this chance.

    Takeover Day is an event for young people to "take over" the day from adults(成年人).Of course,it's difficult to give someone the job of a film star or a model!However,Takeover Day has offered young people jobs as news reporters,teachers and even politicians(政客).

    The event serves two purposes.First,it gives young people experience in different kinds of jobs.Second,adults can learn from young people's opinions and fresh ideas.

    Here's what the students say about their Takeover Day.

Simon,16,went to Coventry Football Club.He became coach of the football team for a day. "Having a go at training professional players.was an unforgettable experience,"said Simon. "If I had the chance,I would do this job every day."

Sally,15,became the head teacher of her school. "I'd go mad if I were a head teacher!" she said."So many meetings!"Sally thinks she learned a lot."My favourite part of the day was meeting the school cook and improving the school menus for the week.I was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating!"

Paul,17,spent the day with an important politician.He even went to a meeting at Buckingham Palace!' Paul thought that if everyone;had the chance to follow a politician for a day,they'd be amazed. "It isn't a nine﹣to﹣five job:It's 24/7,"he said. "We even had no time for lunch."

(1)What may Simon choose to be in the future?   

A.A model.

B.A politician.

C.A head teacher.

D.A football coach.

(2)What do Sally and Paul probably think of their Takeover Day?   

A.Busy but exciting.

B.Peaceful but tiring.

C.Amazing and relaxing.

D.Easy and unforgettable.

(3)Takeover Day is set up for young people to   .

A.spread ideas

B.become famous

C.know more about jobs

D.work for their schools

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Masa walked slowly towards the house,stopping now and then to cut off dead leaves or fading flowers.There were few weeds(杂草).Yuki had spent many hours of her two﹣week visit weeding in the garden.Masa wondered if Yuki had spent so much of her time outside because she wanted to avoid talking to her.

    But Yuki must have wanted very much to see us,Masa told herself.She had visited in the last weeks of June,as soon as her college was out for the summer.

    She said she wanted to stay longer but couldn't because she had to work.Besides,she needed to use the studio at her college for photography and she had to go to the library to read,"Why do you have to go to college to study art?"Masa asked her. "All the great artists didn't go to college. "

    Yuki shook her head. "That was a different time.It's hard to explain. "

    "I was thinking you could live with us all year round and still be an artist.This is a nice quiet place to live. "

    "I don't know.How would I support myself here?" "You can always give lessons. "Masa said.

    "But I don't want to spend a long time looking at kids' drawings. "

    "What will you do after you graduate,anyway?Will you become a teacher somewhere else then?"

    "Grandma,I don't know. "Yuki sighed.

    "What is the use of going to college if you don't know what you're going there for?" "Maybe I'm going because I don't know.I just want to study art now.I don't want to think that far ahead. "

    The minute Masa was going to point out that this was too careless a way to live,Yuki suddenly stood up and put on her straw hat.

    "I'm going to the garden to weed your flowerbed",she said, "Let me know if there's something else I can do."

    On Yuki's visit,Masa felt strained when they talked,and she was sure Yuki also felt it.But Yuki was never rude or irritable(易怒的).Even when they disagreed,her face was always full of patience.

(1)According to the passage,Yuki was   .

A.a gardener

B.an artist

C.a college student

D.an art teacher

(2)From the underlined sentence,we can infer(推断)that Yuki wanted to   .

A.end the conversation

B.weed the flowerbed

C.leave Masa's garden

D.take some photos

(3)It can be learnt from the passage that   .

A.Yuki studied art because she wanted to be a teacher

B.Masa wasn't satisfied with Yuki's work in the garden

C.Masa and Yuki agreed on living together all the year

D.Masa and Yuki had very different ideas about college

(4)The underlined word "strained" in the last paragraph probably shows Masa felt something   .





  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why is it that the people you meet when backpacking(背包旅行)seem to be more interesting and outgoing than your friends at home?That's my experience,anyway.Very often,you'll meet people that are fun to travel with and worth getting to know.I've spent time with people of many countries and have found out some interesting things about their cultures.It's a great way to learn more about the world.

    It's often easy to make new friends while you're traveling,and you'll be able to hang around with them for a few days,until one of you leaves for the next exciting place.Relationships of this kind are shorter but can be just as strong as friendships back home,because you do so much together in that short time.I often find I like to share things about myself that I'd never say to my close friends.It is safe,I think,because we probably won't meet again,except online.

    One thing that's important when you're backpacking is to make sure you carry only basic needs,so your backpack isn't too heavy.I travel" "light" these days.One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on,instead of washing and waiting for things to dry.Many hostels(小旅社)don't provide shampoo and shower gel.You can get mini bottles in supermarkets.

    I've discovered that many backpackers visit little places other tourists don't go to,and by using local shops and guest houses,they help those places with much﹣needed financial(经济上的)support.Most small guest houses allow you to stay for unlimited time,so you can spend as long as you like exploring the local area.Backpackers are also kinder to the environment,because they use trains and buses rather than cars.So,what are you waiting for? (By Andy Robinson)

(1)According to Andy,friendships made with other backpackers   .

A.are less serious than those with his friends at home

B.end at the moment they separate from each other

C.help him to decide where he would like to travel to

D.allow him to talk about himself in an honest way

(2)Which text message would Andy send to a friend?"     


"Why don't you fly out to visit me?We'll stay in a famous hotel on the coast. "


"I'm leaving here tomorrow and then I will drive a car along the coast. "


"I've met some great people.Tomorrow we're going by boat to an ancient village in the mountains together. "


"I'm glad I filled up my backpack –I've got everything I need,though it isn't easy to carry it around!"

(3)The best title for the passage can be   .

A.Friendships on the Way

B.Traveling with a Backpack

C.A Backpacking Experience

D.Tips on Travel

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you and your family go out for dinner,do you notice how many dishes you usually order?It's OK if you finish all of them.But if you waste too much food,you need to pay for it.

    Last year,China's top legislature (立法机关)reviewed (审议)a draft law (法律草案)for stopping food waste for the first time.In general,a draft will become law after the top legislature reviews it three times.

    According to the draft law,restaurants should tell customers not to order too much.If customers leave too much food uneaten,restaurants can charge (收费)them for food waste.The law also bans (禁止)waiters from encouraging people to order too much food.Some restaurants may use the"N﹣1"mode for people to order dishes."N" stands for the number of persons at a table.So if there are six people at your table,you should order just five dishes,which can help people control the amount of dishes in a proper way.

    The draft law also asks schools to teach their students to avoid food waste.It also bans TV programs about overeating and overdrinking.Producers of such programs will face a fine of up to 100,000 yuan.

    Food waste happens in many places and has long been a big problem around the world.We need to obey the law and refuse to waste food.

(1)If customers waste too much food,they       .

A.need to pay some money for it

B.need to say sorry about it

C.can't enter the restaurant again

D.can leave the restaurant for free

(2)According to the"N﹣1" mode,if 9 persons plan to eat in the restaurant,they need to order    dishes.





(3)Which is NOT true according to the passage?       

A.Students should avoid food waste at school.

B.Programs about overeating will be allowed on TV.

C.Food waste has been a big problem all over the world.

D.Waiters can't encourage people to order too much food.

(4)You may read the passage in       .

A.a storybook

B.a guidebook

C.an advertisement

D.a newspaper

(5)What does the passage mainly talk about?    

A.Harm of food waste.

B.Importance of healthy food.

C.Law to stop food waste.

D.Advantages of stopping food waste.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a young man who was in trouble.He went bankrupt (破产)and his wife went away from him.From then on,failure was all that he had seen.Struggling (斗争)with this,he went into the forest alone.There,he met an old man who had lived there for a long time.He shared his story with the old man and asked"Can you give me one good reason not to give up?"

    "Look," the old man said,"Do you see that fern (蕆类植物)and bamboo there?"

    "Yes." the man answered.

    "When I planted the fern and bamboo seeds,I watered them carefully.Within a few days,the fern quickly grew from the land," the old man went on.

    "However,I watered the bamboo seed for years,it still didn't sprout.But I didn't give up and continued looking after it.In the fifth year,a small sprout came out of the land.Within six months,the tree grew a hundred feet tall."

    "The little bamboo tree had been growing underground in the past four years,developing a root strong enough for its ground growth (生长)in the fifth year.If it hadn't done this,it would not be so strong.So you know,all the time you were struggling,you were actually growing strong roots." the old man said.Finally,the man thanked the old man deeply.Then he left the forest with the hope for life.

(1)What happened to the young man?      

A.He was seriously ill.

B.He was badly hurt.

C.He went bankrupt and his wife left him.

D.He went to a bank with his wife.

(2)The difference between the fern and the bamboo mentioned in the passage is their    .





(3)The underlined word "sprout" in Paragraph 5 means "   " in Chinese.





(4)The young man felt    after hearing what the old man said to him.





(5)Which can be the best title for the passage?      

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.The early bird catches the worm.

C.Learn to share with others.

D.Never lose hope when in trouble.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Named after the "quest for heavenly truth",Tianwen 1,China's first Mars probe(探测器),has given us impressive pictures of the red planet.The first high﹣resolution(高分辨率的)pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1 were made public by the China National Space Administration(CNSA)on March 4.

   "These are the first close﹣up pictures of Mars' surface taken by China, " said Bao Weimin,a scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

   The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars.The two black﹣and﹣white pictures were taken by the high﹣resolution camera on Tianwen 1 when the probe was about 330﹣350 kilometers above the Martian surface.As for the color picture,it was taken by Tianwen 1's medium﹣resolution(中分辨率的)camera when the probe was about 5,000 kilometers above the red planet. Itshows Mars' North Pole.

   The high﹣resolution camera can take both color and panchromatic(全色的)pictures.Panchromatic pictures,which are black and white,are the clearest,having the largest amount of data for scientific study,said Liu Tongjie.The medium﹣resolution camera,can only produce lesser clear pictures.Scientists put the panchromatic and color pictures together to form a clear and beautiful color picture,Liu added.

   Tianwen 1,the country's first independent Mars task,was sent up on July 23,kicking off the nation's planetary exploration program.The probe entered its preset orbit above Mars on Feb 24 and is looking for a landing site on the planet's largest plain.The probe is expected to land on the red planet sometime between May and June.

(1)When were the first high﹣resolution photos of Mars made public by CNSA?    


On Feb 24.


On March 4.


On July 23.

(2)What does the word " It" refer to in paragraph 3?    


The color picture.


The black﹣and﹣white picture.


The clear and beautiful picture.

(3)What do we know about the pictures according to the text?    


The first close﹣up pictures of Mars' surface were taken at different distances from Mars.


The color pictures have the largest amount of data for scientific study.


The clearest pictures were taken by the medium﹣resolution camera.

(4)What will be most probably discussed next?    


Tianwen 1 will take more pictures of Mars.


Tianwen 1 will land on the red planet,Mars.


Tianwen 1 will do some scientific research on Mars.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs may be man's best friends,but for Sisu,a stray dog,the unicorn(独角兽)is his best friend.

   Recently,Sisu broke into a store in North Carolina five times,trying to steal the same purple unicorn toy.But every time he got it,a salesman would find him,take the toy away and put it back on the shelf.When it turned out that Sisu wouldn't give up,the salesman had to lock the door and not let Sisu in,and then called Duplin County Animal Services for help.

   Samantha Lane,the officer who answered the call,was so moved by Sisu's love for the unicorn that she bought the $10 toy for the dog.

   "The only thing we can think of is that he came from a family that had a similar toy or had children who had one, " said Joe Newbum,a director of Duplin County Animal Services.

   "It's a nice dog," Newbum added. "He likes to play and he is very smart.He sits,stays and shakes hands.He is very polite."

   And whoever is lucky enough to adopt(收养)Sisu will get two best friends for the price of one.According to the Facebook post from Duplin County Animal Services,Sisu and his stuffed animal have already had an adopter.

(1)Why did Sisu break into the store in North Carolina?    


To meet his adopter.


To look for some food.


To get the unicorn freely.

(2)What can we learn from Joe Newbum's words?    


The family had only one child.


The family owned many unicorns.


Joe Newbum thought highly of Sisu.

(3)What is the right order according to the story?    

a.Sisu was adopted at last.

b.Sisu broke into the store.

c.The salesman called for help.

d.The officer bought Sisu the unicorn.







(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?    


Brave for Love


Kind to Animals


Proper Feeding of Dogs

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What time does your school start?Do you wish you could get up later every morning?You are not alone if your answer is "Yes." In the US,many middle school students have the same wish.

   In America,many schools start before 7:30 am.But that may change soon.A new law has been passed in California.According to the law,middle schools should not start before 8:00 am.The government hopes school children will have longer time in bed.

   Many scientific studies show that teenagers are more active in the afternoon and in the evening.Simply telling them to go to bed earlier doesn't work well.Most of them don't get enough sleep because of bad sleeping habits and early school starting time.They need more sleep in the morning.Scientists suggest middle schools should start at 8:00 am.or later.Students can get well ready to learn and they won't fall asleep in class.______The change can help improve students' grades.

   While scientists are happy with the new law,many parents disagree with it.They won't be able to send their children to school before they go to work.They also fear that later school starting time will lead to later ending time.As a result,their children will have less time to take part in after﹣school activities.

   It's good news that Chinese education experts have noticed the problem and made some rules about that.So what's your opinion?Do you expect China to pass a similar law?

(1)The schools shouldn't start       according to the new law in California.


before 7:30 a.m.


after 7:30 a.m.


after 8:00 a.m.


before 8:00 a.m.

(2)Why don't most of the teenagers get enough sleep?    


Because their parents need them to do housework.


Because their sleeping habits are bad and schools start early.


Because they play computer games ill ate.


Because they have too much homework.

(3)Which sentence do you think can be filled in the blank in paragraph 3?        


They can put on weight.


They will like their teachers.


They will join more clubs.


They will pay more attention to classes.

(4)What can we know from the passage?        


The government of New York has passed a new law.


All the parents disagree with the law.


Later school starting time may lead to fewer after﹣school activities.


Teenagers are more active in the morning.

(5)From the passage,we can infer(推断)that        .


students should have enough sleeping time in the writer's opinion


students in California will have less sleeping time


Chinese experts aren't worried about students' sleeping time


China has already passed a similar law

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Several months ago,Chinese COVID﹣19 vaccines(疫苗)were put to use widely.Our government offers free vaccines to Chinese people.Here is some information you need to know.

   How is the vaccine given?

   It is given by injection(注射).There are several ways to get injected.For the most common way,you are supposed to get it twice.After the first injection,you have to get the second one.

   Is the vaccine bad for human bodies?

   Some people are afraid that the vaccines are dangerous and may make them sick.In fact the vaccines have been tested for a long time.They won't cause any diseaseInstead,they can protect our bodies from being hurt.

Who is suitable?

   Medical researches have shown that Chinese vaccines are suitable for most people.And people aged 18 to 59 would be the first ones to get injection.Our government expects people over 60 who are in good health to get injected as well.You'd better ask doctors for advice at first.

   Should we still wear a face mask?

   Yes.It takes a few weeks or the body to build the ability to fight the COVID﹣19 after injection.Sometimes the vaccines might not work well in the body.So it's best to keep wearing face masks in public and wash your hands often.

(1)     can get the COVID﹣19 vaccines first in China.


People of all ages


People aged 3 to 17


People aged 18 to 59


People aged 60 and above

(2)The underlined word "disease" means    in the passage.









(3)From the passage,we can know that the vaccines    .


will make people sick


can protect people from being hurt


can only be given in two ways


are very expensive

(4)People should still wear masks after injection because       .


their bodies need time to build the ability


the masks can make them more beautiful


they may catch a cold more easily


the masks help the vaccines to work

(5)This passage mainly talks about        .


physical health


face masks


doctors' advice


vaccine injection

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know Liu Xiuxiang?This name might be strange to you,but you must have herd about the story of him.He "carried" his sick mom to his university while studied in Shandong.His mom wasn't able to look after herself after his dad passed away.He had to support the whole family.Life was difficult,but he went on studying hard.Finally he got into the university.

   Many years later,Liu was noticed by public again.He won the honor - the "May 4th" Medal of Chinese Youth.After he graduated from university in 2012,Liu refused many highly paid job and went back to his hometown,Guizhou Province.There he has been working as a teacher for 9 years.He said, "I hope to do something for more children whose lives are similar to mine."

   In fact,Liu supported three poor children when he was in high school.Till now,he has helped more than 1,700 students and given more than 1,000 speeches.His story has warmed many people.As the song sings "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." There is no doubt that he will give more hope to more children in the future.

(1)Why did Liu Xuxiang "carry" his mom to the university?    


Because his mom couldn't take care of herself.


Because his mom wanted to work in the university.


Because his mom was too lonely.


Because Liu was not independent.

(2)Liu Xiuxiang worked as a    after he graduated from the university.


a policeman


a doctor


a teacher


an officer

(3)Where is Liu Xiuxiang's hometown?    


In Shandong.


In Guizhou.


In Sichuan.


In Henan.

(4)When did Liu start to support poor children?    


When he graduated from university in 2012.


After he won the May 4 thMedal of Chinese Youth.


When he got into the university.


D When he was a high school student.

(5)What do you think of Liu Xiuxiang?    


Kind and helpful


Honest and brave.


Polite and responsible.


Hard﹣working and shy.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One cannot discuss Chinese music without mentioning the guqin,one of the four arts-along with game of go,calligraphy(书法)and painting.It first appeared over 3,000 years ago and stands for China's solo musical instrument tradition.

   At first,the guqin had only five strings(弓玄),meaning the five elements(元素)of metal,wood,water,fire and earth.Later,in Zhou Dynasty,King Wen of Zhou added a sixth string for his son.King Wu of Zhou,added a seventh string to encourage his army to fight with the Shang.

    Ambiencewas important in playing the guqin.Usually,it was practiced in a quiet setting and never for public performance.Ancient artists enjoyed performing by a stream in the mountains.The sound of the guqin mixed with the echoes(回音)from the mountains,until the musician felt he was at one with nature.Playing it in snow was also an enjoyable activity for ancient artists,who believed the instrument was the purest of its kind in the world.Also,a night with moonlight was considered wonderful for playing the guqin.Wang Wei(701-761),a highly talented man of the Tang Dynasty,liked playing it in a bamboo forest on nights with moonlight most.

   Guqin pieces are usually three to eight minutes long,with the longest being Guangling Verse,which is 22 minutes long.Other famous pieces include Plum Blossoms in Three Movements,Wild Geese Landing on the Sandbank and Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute.

   Nowadays,there are fewer than one thousand well﹣trained guqin players and perhaps no more than fifty living masters.The original number of several thousand pieces has greatly reduced to only one hundred works by today.The guqin and its music was added to the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity(人类非物质文化遗产)in 2003.

(1)Today,the guqin has        strings.









(2)What's the meaning of the underlined word "Ambience" in Paragraph 3?    









(3)According to the passage,playing the guqin    is a right choice.


at a quiet restaurant


at a welcome party


in a peaceful yard with flowers


on a dark night with rainstorm

(4)According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?        


The guqin has a history of less than 3000 years.


The strings mean metal,wood,water,fire and stone.


The longest guqin piece is Guangling Verse.


The guqin is very popular and many people can play it.

(5)What does the passage mainly talk about?        


The guqin and its music.


The guqin and its players.


Four Chinese traditional arts.


The development of guqin music.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was Saturday again.Lily and Lucy disliked Saturdays.That was another thing the twins had in common.They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner.In fact,it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes.

   Unlike their classmates,they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons.Lily had to attend the art lesson and Lucy had to attend her ballet lesson. "How I wish I could do something different today," said the twins with one voice.All at once,an idea came to Lily and Lucy at the same time. "Do you have the same idea as me?" they asked each other and laughed.It seemed like a wonderful plan to them.After giving each other a description of their own friends,Lily put on Lucy's ballet dress while Lucy put Lily's brushes and paints into her bag.Then they left for their classes.

   When the art lesson started,Lucy couldn't understand the art teacher.Unlike Lily,Lucy was poor at drawing.When the art lesson finally ended,Lucy didn't dare to hand in her work.

   Meanwhile,Lily was struggling in the ballet class as well.As she had no idea about the dance steps,she had to follow her classmates blindly.As a result,she kept knocking into them.Their ballet teacher became impatient with her, "Lucy,you should remember the basic steps.You can't depend on copying what others are doing."

   When Lily and Lucy arrived home,they were tired out.They decided that they would never try to be someone else that they were not.

(1)What was the twins' plan?    


To have a day off.


To be each other for a day.


To wear the same clothes.


To have a normal day like their classmates.

(2)How did Lucy feel at the beginning of the art lesson?   









(3)What does the underlined word them refer to?    


The teachers.


The classmates.


The dance steps.


The ballet dresses.

(4)The ballet teacher became impatient because   .


she wasn't herself that day


"Lucy" wasn't patient that day


"Lucy" did very badly that day


she had discovered the twins' plan

(5)What did the twins learn from the experience?   


Don't try to run before you can walk.


A good beginning makes a good ending.


Saying is one thing and doing is another.


The grass is not always greener on the other side.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
