
Good readers often use a flowchart (流程图) or webs (网状图) to have a better picture of what they read (see the drawings on the right).

    A flowchart is used to put events in a certain order. Webs show a main idea and supporting details (细节).

    Now try to be a good reader and finish the following TWO tasks.

    Task 1: Read Passage 1 and complete the flowchart.

    Passage 1: I spent the whole day with Bob today. In the morning, we went shopping but we bought nothing. In the afternoon, we went to a pet shop. Then we played computer games at home. Bob stayed for dinner with our family. We had great fun.


went to a pet shop


had dinner

Task 2: Read Passage 2 and complete the webs.

    Passage 2: Students have different opinions about doing homework. Some students think it's good for them to learn to look after themselves. Besides. they can learn to do their part in the family. However others don't agree. They think they should save the time on housework for learning their lessons.

different opinions about doing housework



learn to(4)  

learn to do their part

(5)____  time for learning

  • 更新:2020-12-29
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Safety is very important to everyone. As a teenager, do you know how to protect yourself in different situations?

If there is a warning sign near the water, don't go into it. Only swim in the area where there is a lifeguard. Never swim alone. When you see someone drowning(湖水), never jump into the water if you can't swim. Remember to ask adults for help in time. When you go boating, you must wear a life vest(救生衣).

Some strangers may give you snacks or other things to show kindness. They may also invite you to his or her home, offer you a ride, or ask you for detailed information about you or your family. Say no to themand leave as fast as you can. If you find yourself in danger, shout "Help!" loudly or find out a safe way to get help. The strangers around you, such as the police a security guard(保安), a shop assistant or even a passer ﹣ by can help you.

Stay away from places that are very crowded. Once you go, watch out your feet and avoid falling down. When people around begin to push, try to stand sill and never push harder. If you fall down in the moving crowd, cover your head with both hands. Lean(倚靠) to one side, and curl up(蜷起) your body.

(1)When someone drowns, you should   


run away at once


call other children for help


ask adults for help in time


jump into the water directly even if you can't swim

(2)What does the underlined word "them" refer to?   






Your family.


The police.

(3)Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?   


Water Safety.


Meeting strangers.


Traffic accidents.


Avoiding getting hurt in a crowd,

(4)The passage may be from   


a fashion magazine


a newspaper


a business ad


a fiction book

  • 更新:2021-01-22
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)One of my friends sometimes takes aside another friend to talk to her about something she doesn't want me to hear. It makes me feel sad. What should I do?  

(2)Some of my friends are in a fight. like them all equally(同样地), but they say I have to choose sides. Help!  

(3)I look up to my sisters. They're both intelligent(聪明的) feel that I'll never be as good as them.  

(4)I am the shortest person in my class, and my classmates call me "Tiny Mouse. " How can I make them stop?  

(5)I always use the computer and can't stop I feel that I'm not getting any smarter and the computer is warping(扭曲) my brain.  

A. It's wonderful that you admire them. but try not to compare yourself to them. Instead of trying to be like them, just try to be the best you possible. You will find that you will be much happier when you try to be true to yourself, rather than when you try to be like someone else.

B. The only way to break a habit is to force yourself to do something different. A world of exciting and interesting activities is just waiting for you. Write a list of things you've always wanted to do, learn, make, or try. When you feel like playing it, do something else.

C. Discuss this with her. Try not to suppose that she talks about you unless you actually hear what she says. But let her know that you are unhappy when she tells secrets around you. If you feel uncomfortable talking to her in person, you could write her a note instead.

D. We often hear from kids who are laughed at about their height. They probably don't mean to hurt your feelings. There are advantages and disadvantages to being any size. You might play along and come up with a funny reply. However, if you feel hurt, try talking to a parent or teacher.

E. Explain to your friends that you like all of them. You can play with each person or group separately. If they don't like this, then you may want to focus on other friendships until these friends work things out. Another idea is to offer to help your friends solve their problems.

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is to try not to make mistakes. As you make decisions in your life, you will very likely make some mistakes. But making mistakes is a big part of how you gain (获得)experience.

A simple example.You do poorly on a test because you didn't study hard enough.One bad test is not the end of the world, but it can quickly teach you that if you don't study,you won't do well.

Mistakes sometimes lead to arguments(争论) between people, But if you learn to understand things from another person's point of view, you will be able to learn very quickly from the mistakes you make and the mistakes you think other people have made. You can turn mistakes into opportunities(机会).

For example, if you learn to understand others' feelings and problems, you will understand the people you work with much better instead of getting angry. And you will leam to talk about problems and be more patient with people you don't agree with﹣a friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.

So next time you think you've made a mistake, stop and ask yourself what you've learned from it, and what you will do differently in the future.

Show me the person in the room who has made a lot of mistakes, and I'll show you the person who has probably learned a lot.

Everyone makes(1)   

Viewpoints (观点)


It is a big mistake to try not to make mistakes. You can gain experience from mistakes.

One bad test can teach you that you will do badly unless you work (2)   

Learn to understand things from another person's point of view.

Learn from your own mistakes and (3)   mistakes.

If you understand others, you will be more patient with people you (4)   with.

If you make a mistake next time, ask yourself what to do differently in the future.

Conclusion: Mistakes are just a part of (5)   . Learn from mistakes.

  • 更新:2021-01-22
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My dear boys and girls good morning. Today I'm going to talk to you about my understanding of learning history.

    Many of you may think it is a terrible thing to study history. You may often wonder why we students should study something that has nothing to do with our own lives.If you think that way, I should say you are far from the truth.

    In fact, if we study history. we can learn quite a lot about personal stories and events (事件) of people just like us. The people who came before us helped build and develop the country we are living in. Their ides often solved many of our problems and troubles. Studying the past helps us to understand what our ancestors' (祖先) lives were like, And it also helps us to see how their experiences have shaped our own life.

    To be honest,__▲__.Some of what we study in history helps us understand the mistakes of the past.And these mistakes will help people not to do the same wrong things. People often learn from the past to have a better future.

    Whether we like the subject of history or not,we must understand the important of the events and the people who came before us. Our ancestors' decisions have influenced our own life.Similarly,the decisions of our own generation (一代人) will finally influence those who come after us.In this only way, the world is truly connected.

    History is not just a study of the past. History is the study of people, places and events that can influence the future.

    Now do you still think studying history is a sad thing? Or do you have any doubt about learning history? If you have any question, just feel free to ask.

(1)What kind of writing is the passage above?  

A. A diary.

B. A story.

C. A speech.

D. A letter.

(2)Which of the following can be put in the___▲__in Paragraph 4?  

A. the mistakes of the past won't help us

B. I don't like the idea of learning history

C. it is not easy to learn the subject of history

D. not everything that happened in the past is good

(3)According 10 Paragraph 5, the decisions of our generation will  

A. show what is happening to us

B. build and develop our country

C. influence the people in the future

D. help understand the people in the past

(4)The writer wrote the passage to  

A. introduce some important people in history

B. develop students' interest in learning history

C. explain different people' s understanding of history

D. show the relationship between the past and the future

  • 更新:2020-12-29
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want a job in the holidays? Just go for it. First, you need to know what kind of job is suitable for your age and interest.

If you're l3 to 15.

It seems that you can't work almost anywhere, but you're probably allowed to clean your neighbours' cars or walk their dogs.

There is no lowest wage(工资) for children under 16.

By law, you can't work more than 35 hours each week during school holidays. And you can't work before 7am or after 7pm.

If you're 16 to17

The lowest wage for 16~17﹣year﹣old teenagers should be no less than seven dollars per hour.

You can't work in a pub or bar, but you can work in many other places.

By law, you can′t work more than 40 hours each week.

What jobs are out there?

Obviously your choices are limited(限制) by the fact that you can only work during school holidays, but the following situations are fine.

At Christmas, most shops are short of hands, so you may find something to do there. In autumn, there′s always fruit picking. It can be pretty hard work, but it pays really well.

If you're mad about football, you can choose to work in a sports shop or help out at a local football club. No matter how much you are paid, you are doing what you like.

(1)In the school holidays, 14﹣year﹣old kids   


can work any where they want


are not allowed to work alone


can′t go to work at night


can work as long as 14 hours a day

(2)How much can a 16﹣year﹣old kid be paid at least in two hours?   


21 dollars.


17 dollars.


14 dollars.


7 dollars.

(3)If you want to clean cars for others, you should at least be   









(4)According to the passage, fruit picking is   


not right for children


tiring but pays well


better than other jobs


more interesting to girls

(5)According to the passage, which statement is true?   


If you are 17 years old, you′re not allowed to walk the dog for your neighbour.


Teenagers can choose their jobs according to their interest.


Fruit Picking pays well because there are fewer people to pick it.


Only a football fan is allowed to work in a foot ball club.

  • 更新:2021-01-22
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The 14th Chinese Language Competition attracted about 1100 children from kindergarten kids to high school students. The children from different language and cultural backgrounds met in San francisco and competed in events like Chinese calligraphy (书法) drawing and Chinese poetry recital(背诵).

    Gor Thomson,an 11th﹣grade boy from Justin﹣Siena High School in Napa city of California,has studied Chinese language for three years. It was hard for him to learn Chinese at the beginning because it was one of the most dificult languages in the world. However the writing of Chinese characters is a form of art. which made him feel different. It's amazing to see how attractive Chinese culture is. he said.

    Julie, a 12th﹣grade girl shared her similar experience of leaming Chinese for four years. When recalling her trip in Beijing and Shanghai, she expressed huge interest in shared bikes, The shared bike is known as one of the new"Great Inventions of China, along with Chinas Express Railway and Alipay online payment system. They amaze the whole word as part of Chinas rapid rise.

    According to the hosting organization, the Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University, the competition was mainly for American and overseas Chinese kids. It aimed to set a platform to present (展示 )their Chinese language and culture talents. It also helped to deepen the understanding of young Americans about the Chinese culture and history

(1)Where was the 14th Chinese Language Competition held?  

A. In Beijing

B. In Shanghai.

C. In Napa city.

D. In San Francisco

(2)What is among the new""Great Inventions " of China according to the passage?  

A. Railway

B. Paper making

C. The Shared bike

D. Chinese calligraphy

(3)Which statement is TRUE about the competition?  

A. All college students took part in it

B. It was not only for overseas Chinese kids

C. It was hosted by Justin﹣Siena Hight School

D. Students competed in different languages

(4)What is the best title for the passage?  

A.Chinese Culture Talent Show Presented

B.New"Great Inventions"Made in China

C.Chinese Language Competition Held Again

D.Ways To Learn The Chinese Language Shared

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's been 100 years since the actor and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin produced the film The Kid ,which many consider to be his greatest one.

Like all films at the time,The Kid was made in black and white and was silent (made without any sound,not even the characters talking).The story is about the relationship between " the Tramp",played by Chaplin,and his adopted (领养的)child,played by Jackie Coogan.The pair develop a partnership where the six year﹣old boy breaks windows and runs away,so that Chaplin's character can offer his services as a window fixer.

Although the film is a comedy,it also has some tragedy,reflecting Chaplin's own life.He started testing actors for the role of the Kid just a few days after his baby son had died.Chaplin was known for being hard to please,and it is said that if he could,he would have played every role in every one of his films.When Chaplin visited a theatre,a dancer brought his son,Jackie Coogan,on stage,and Chaplin knew he had his co﹣star (联袂主演者).Chaplin later wrote, "All children in some form have talents;the trick is to bring it out in them.With Jackie it was easy.

Like the Kid in the film,Chaplin and his brother Sydney grew up very poor.They lived in London and were raised by their mother.When Chaplin was 10 years old,his mum became too ill to loo after her sons,so they had to take care of themselves.He later wrote that the film sets in The Kid were based (基于)on the places where he and Sydney had lived with their mother as children. "Perhaps that's why the film had some truth," he said.

(1)The second paragraph mainly talks about    .


why The Kid was made


when The Kid was on


how The Kid got successful


what The Kid is about

(2)We can infer from Paragraph 3 that Jackie Coogan    .


always visited the theatre alone


was possibly talented in acting


knew much about Chaplin before


played every role in Chaplin's films

(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Chaplin?    


He had a poor childhood experience.


He was brought up by his father.


He looked after his mother very well.


He produced films with his brother.

(4)What's the best title for the passage?       


A film about a dancer.


A family in London.


A place for film making.


A life on film.

  • 更新:2021-09-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may study differently from your friends,but your study habits are not wrong!

    Kelly and Maria are best friends with a lot in common.They love doing things together,such as going to movies and concerts,shopping,or just sitting at a small cafe.Since they take a lot of the same school subjects,they would love to study together,but they find this impossible.Their working styles are so completely different that they can't be in the same room while they are studying!

    Kelly would like to study in a clean,open space,while Maria works best with books,papers and other things around her.Kelly prefers to study in a totally silent room,but Maria loves to play music or even have the TV on.Kelly can sit for hours without moving,and often gets all her homework done in one sitting.Maria,however,is always getting up,and says that she thinks best when she's on the move.

    You might be asking yourself:which way of studying gets better results?Many people believe that a silent,tidy setting(环境)is the way to go,.Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus(聚焦)their attention,because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.

    So,if you're a student who chooses to study while sitting at a table in a busy shopping center,don't worry about it.If you work in total silence,that's OK,too.Judging from Kelly 's and Maria's study habits,the best way to study is the way that works for you.In their very different ways,both of them do well in school,and both finish their work within the required time as well.

(1)Kelly and Maria are mentioned as an example in this passage to    .

A.discuss two different study habits

B.compare the differences in their hobbies

C.show the importance of a good study habit

D.express the writer's worry about their friendship

(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?    

A.and they have difficulty in study

B.and it can be true for most of them

C.but that doesn't seem necessarily true

D.but nobody does research on this question

(3)What can we infer from the last paragraph of this passage?    

A.Students who like to study in silence will be more successful.

B.Both study habits can help students make progress in their studies.

C.Only a small number of students can study well in a noisy situation.

D.Friends with different study habits can do better by studying together.

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?    

A.Are you studying the "right" way?

B.How can you improve your study habits?

C.Is it possible for friends to study well together?

D.What are the advantages of different study settings?

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Think I Can:How to Push Yourself to Success

"Because I can"is magic.It pushes us past our comfort zones (舒适区域).It gives us a reason to do the things that we think we can't.Here are a few ways to use this positive thinking in your own life.

Be More Active

Whether it is to go home or go to work,climb the stairs instead of taking the lift.Whether it is to go shopping or watch a film,ride a bike instead of driving a car.Break the"I'm tired" or "It is too hard" or "It is too far cycle.Increasing your activity level will be good for you.

Try Something New

It is easy for us to make excuses for why we shouldn't try something new.Maybe you think it is out of your comfort zone.Maybe it seems too difficult.Or maybe,it is just inconvenient (不方便的).Remember that you can try something new.It will help you to move past something bad and discover something new about yourself and possible new interests.

Increase Your Willpower (意志力)

Saying"No" to our favorites can be challenging.However,developing strong willpower,whether it is in response (反应) to our favorite chocolate cake or to overshopping,is something that we can all benefit from.Next time you want to do something you might regret,you have the willpower to say"No".

Speak Up

Often,we meet something that troubles us or makes us unhappy.We have a voice "because I can" in our minds.Talking with your loved ones,such as your parents and friends about how you feel,what you need and what you are thinking about can help you get on well with them and form deeper relationships.

Title:How to Push Yourself to (1)    in Rushing out of Comfort Zones

Be More Active

Increasing your activity level will be good for you,such as(2)    the steps or riding a bike.

Try Something New

It is easy for you to make a/an(3)    for why you shouldn't try new things.Maybe you think it isn't at your convenience.

Increase Your Willpower

You have to(4)    the willpower to challenge your own favorites.

Next time you want to do something you might regret,remember you can say"No".

Speak Up

Say"because I can"(5)    your loved ones,such as your parents and friends.

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

May 20,2021

Dear Principal,

   I think the students in our school should wear uniforms.Many schools already have them.Uniforms will help our families save money,since we would have to buy only one or two uniforms for the whole year.Uniforms could also give us more pride in our school.And best of all,if we all wore uniforms,kids wouldn't tease each other about their clothes.

   I know some students think uniforms are ugly and uncomfortable.But maybe we can pick a uniform that everyone likes.I think this is a wonderful idea for our school.


                                                                                                                          Justin Jones


(1)Who is this letter written by?    


A father.


A mother.


A teacher.


A student.

(2)Which of these is a fact about uniforms?    


They are uncomfortable.


Some schools already have them.


They are ugly.


They aren't to expensive.

(3)Justin wrote this letter to    .


ask for new clothes


say sorry to the principle


thank the principle


suggest that students wear uniforms

(4)Some students don't want to wear uniforms because they think    .


uniforms are expensive


school pride is silly


the principal is mean


uniforms can be ugly and uncomfortable

(5)How does Justin organize his ideas?    


First express ideas,then list reasons,and show problems,at last give solutions.


First show problems,then give solutions,and show problems,at last express ideas.


First list reasons,then show problems,and express ideas,at last give solutions.


First give solutions,then show problems,and list reasons,at last express ideas.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As teenagers(青少年), you have many dreams. The dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?

"Follow Your Heart" by Australian writer Andrew Mathews tells us that making our dreams real is life's biggest challenge.

You may think you're not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream, the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what you dream is.

Don't let itleave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step (逐步地)and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to (导致) better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

(1)The writer thinks that   


dreams are easy to be realized


just a few people can realize their dreams


a big dream is formed by many small dreams


small deams are not important

(2)The underlined word "it" in the fifth paragragh refers to(指)   


the subject


the book


the difficulty


the dream

(3)Which of the following thoughts stops you from making your dream real?   


I am not a good English learner.


I want to be the best student in my class.


I'll do my best to pass the exam


I will do everything to do the job well.

(4)According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?   


If it is a difficult to realize your dream,you may give up.


You must remember your dream is.


Your dream will never help you learn more skills.


On the road to your dream,the larggest difficulty doesn't come from yourself.

  • 更新:2021-01-24
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"MONEY can't buy me love,"the well﹣known UK rock band the Beatles( 甲壳虫 乐队)once sang.But what about happiness?

According to Dunn and Norton,money"can make you more satisfied with life",reported Times Higher Education These secret that you need to know how to spend it.In their book Happy Money:The New Science of Smarter Spending.Dunn and Norton offer tips( 窍门) for happy spending.Take a look.

Buy experience instead of material things.A pair of new running shoes may make you happy for a while,but the joy soon disappears.Spend your money on experiences﹣go.on holiday ill make you happier than owning material holiday or visit a museum.Such experiences things.

Make it a treat.You love hamburgers,but if you have one everyday the enjoyable

experience will finally become boring.So,make a hamburger a special treat after a week of hard work.

Invest(投入) in others.Spending time and money on someone else is the magic rule for happiness.If you are going ta.buy your friend a bracelet(手镯) as a birthday gift,go to buy the beads(珠子) and make the bracelet yourself,

Even with these tips; however,Dunn and Norton said that you shouldn't"bet on"money buying happiness,and that you should have something useful to do,someone to love and something to hope for.

71.If you want to make yourself happier,you need to know how to from the passage.  

A read books

B.buy shoes

C spend money

72.How many tips do Dunn and Norton offer us in the passage?  

A Two

B three

C Four

73.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A You'll be always glad if you have a hamburger every day.

B You'll be more satisfied with life as long as you spend money.

C.You may feel happier if you spend money on some experiences.

74.The unlined phrase"bet on"probably means"in Chinese  




75.The passage mainly tells us about  

A providing love for us with money

B feeling good about spending properly

C spending money on someone else.

  • 更新:2021-01-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


In America, boys and girls often join clubs. The members of a club work together. They also learn certain skills and share good times.

    Many boys belong to Boy Scouts. Boy scouts enjoy hiking and camping out together, and they learn many things. Scouts learn safety rules, first aid, and what to do when in danger. Members have a chance to learn outdoor living. They learn to build fires and cook out in the open.

    Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls are clubs for girls. These two clubs give their members a chance to have fun and learn. The girls in a group take trips, have parties and go hiking and camping together. The Camp Fire Girls earn honor beads (荣誉珠) for learning such skills as swimming and cooking. The Girl Scouts earn badges(徽章).

    Both boys and girls can be members of 4﹣h clubs.Children who live in either the city or the country may belong to 4﹣h. A project such as raising a pig or a calf can be carried on only by farm children, while city children can take part in gardening and cooking projects.

    In all these clubs the boys and girls learn to be good and useful citizens.

(1)Why do boys and girls join clubs according to the passage?  

A. To make their parents happy

B. To earn honor beads and badges.

C. To learn skills and share good times.

D. To enjoy hiking and camping out.

(2)What does Para. 2 mainly talk about ?  

A. What to do when in danger.

B. Some activities of Boy Scouts.

C. What Boy Scouts really enjoy.

D. Some skills about outdoor living.

(3)What can we know from Para.3 ?  

A. In America there are many clubs for girls.

B. Camp Fire Girls is quite popular in America.

C. Girls can go hiking and camping with the boys.

D. Girls are encouraged to learn swimming and cooking.

(4)What is the passage mainly about ?  

A. Members of 4﹣h clubs in America.

B. Clubs for boys and girls in America.

C. Different kinds of clubs in America.

D. Children who are interested in clubs.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A group of boys , ten and eleven years old, walk into a classroom at Collegiate School. (1)  The boys are curious about their new class. It is called "babies".

    (2)   They are volunteers. The babies are not dolls. They are real, live babies. The boys learn how to feed,dress,wash and carry them. They even learn how to change diapers(尿片) and what to do in emergencies(紧急情况).(3)  Some of them ask to take it again.

    (4)  The boys take required courses in math, English, social studies, and science. They can also choose electives(选修课) in weight lifting,photography, kite flying and computer science. Recently, the headmaster at Collegiate School decided to try something different.(5)  In the class the boys used real babies to learn about child care.

    Where does this school get the babies? Mother in the neighborhood near the school volunteer their babies for a few hours each week. These mothers like sharing their children with others.

A. He offered the boys a new elective.

B. The boys don't have to take the class.

C. Collegiate is a private boys' school in New York.

D. They hear babies crying.

E. Most of the boys have a good time in the class

  • 更新:2021-02-11
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
