
Put a frog in the water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature. The frog keeps on adjusting with the increase in temperature.

    Just when the water is about to reach the boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore.

At that point the frog decides to jump out.

    The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so. because it loses all its strength in adjusting to the water temperature.

    Very soon the frog dies. What kills the frog?

    Many of us would say the boiling water.

    But in fact, what kills the frog is its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.

    We all need to adjust to people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to face.

    There are times when we need to face the situation and take the proper action.

    If we allow people to exploit us in body, mirid, emotion or money, they will continue to do so. We have to decide when to jump. Let us jump while we still have the strength!

So, we must think of danger in times of safety and always be prepared for the worst.

(1)What does the underlined word "adjust" in the first paragraph mean in Chinese?  

A. 整理


C. 整顿

(2)What kills the frog?  

A. The boiling water.

B. Its own ability to adjust its body temperature.

C. Its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.

(3)What does the writer really want to tell us?  

A. We must think of danger in times of safety.

B. We should not put the frog in the boiling water.

C. The frog is too stupid to know how to protect itself.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you feel sad or upset,remember not to watch a happy movie.A sad movie may be more suitable for you.

Some scientists at Ohio State University,the U.S.,have found that sad movies can make people happier.They published their study in a magazine called Communication Research.

    Scientists asked 361 college students to watch a sad movie called Atonement.The movie tells a story of two lovers who were separated.They died during World War II at the end of the movie.The 361 college students answered questions from the scientists before,after and three times during the movie to find out their different feelings,including sadness.

    According to the result of the survey,scientists found out that people felt better after watching the sad movie.Scientists believed this was because the movie made them think about their own lives and relationships.Compared to those of the unlucky lovers in the movie,their lives were full of hope.

    "I want to live my life to the fullest,and this movie has made me think a lot," one student wrote.

    Silvia Knobloch﹣Westerwick,the leader of the study,explained that bad moods (情绪) would make people more thoughtful. "Good moods are generally a sign that everything is fine.You don't have to worry,and you don't have to think about problems in your life," she said. "But bad emotions,like sadness,make you feel terrible about your situation.Therefore,seeing a sad movie may make you feel bad,but that will cause you to think more about your own close relationships and value them more."

(1)The scientists asked the college students to watch Atonement   .

A.to help them make more friends

B.to make them feel better about themselves

C.to find out how they felt after watching it

D.to encourage them to share their feelings

(2)How many times did the students answer questions from the scientists?    

A.Six times.

B.Five times.

C.Four times.

D.Three times.

(3)What does the underlined word "those" in paragraph 4 refer to?  





(4)What is the best title for this passage?   

A.Feeling Sad?Watch a Sad Movie.

B.Feeling Lonely?Find True Love.

C.Feeling Bad?See a Happy Film.

D.Feeling Down?Think about Others.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a man who had four sons.He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly.So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree far away in turns.

   The first son went in the winter,the second in the spring,the third insummer,and the youngest son in the fall.

   When they had all gone and come back,he called them together to describe what they had seen.

   The first son said that the tree was ugly.The second son said no; it was covered with green leaves,and full of hope.The third son disagreed.He said there were many flowers that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful,it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen.The last son disagreed with all of them,he said there was lots of fruit in the tree,full of life and harvest(收获).

    The man then explained to his sons that they were all right,but they had each seen only one season in the tree's life.He told them"You cannot judge a tree,or a person by only one season and its true nature﹣the pleasure,joy,and love that come from that life can only be judged at the end,when all the seasons are up."

    If you give up when it's winter,you will miss the promise of your spring,the beauty of your summer,harvest of your fall.Don't let the pain of one season kill the joy of all the rest

68.Why did the man ask his sons to go and look at a pear tree in turns?(no more than 15 words)  

69.Did the four sons have the same answer?(no more than 5words)  

70.What did the man think about his sons' answers?(no more than 20words)  



  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was last January, when I'd just finished a charity (慈善) and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank﹣you notes to people who had helped,

    When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day,I wrote more thank﹣yous and the same feeling of happiness hit me again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?

    To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. January was charity.February would be neighbors, I decided, And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play, …

    While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating (欣赏) other people's lives. Writing thank﹣you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.

    In the following months, I wrote to my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my"food" month, I wrote to Julie,who used to cook at my favorite restaurant.It went like this:

    Dear Julie,

    I've been finding myself missing you lately. Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I will never forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary (周年纪念日).We talk about it every year.

    Thank you. We miss you.



    I was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied,"I don't think I've ever received such a touching letter before, I' m going through a hard time right now, and this helps."

    On December 31,I wrote my last card ﹣ to Jake, my husband,and our two kids.And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Gratitude.

(1)The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 means  

A. writing thank﹣you notes

B. putting the phone away

C. taking the train back home

D. raising money for charity

(2)How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina?  

A. Shy and surprised.

B.Pleased and relaxed.

C. Nervous and excited.

D. Moved and encouraged.

(3)The theme of the December notes might be  

A. photos

B. family

C. holidays

D. community

(4)What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage?  

A. Many thanks from her neighbors.

B. More time to appreciate her own life.

C. More help from people around her.

D. Happy moments to be with her friends.

(5)The best title for the passage can be  

A. My Thank You Year

B. An Amazing Trip

C. Happiness inside Us

D. Important People in Our Life

  • 更新:2020-12-29
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Whenever I'm invited to somebody's house for the first time, I'll take a close look at their bookshelves.What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection(反映) of their personal tastes and interests.The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life.

    My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I read in school ﹣ Nineteen Eight﹣Four, The Handmaid's Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full﹣time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional(职业的) life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.

    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.

    ___▲____It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange(排列) our books, and get on with them. It's such a personal thing,different from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on

shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books.

    It's often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well﹣organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.

(1)The book son the writer's own shelves are organized according to   

A. their prices

B. their writers

C. his personal interests

D. the periods of his life

(2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?  

A. Every book is worth reading.

B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.

C. Book collections tell so much about a person.

D. The books a person reads depend on his choices,

(3)The writer seems to agree that   

A. we'd better not put our books on the floor

B. the way we arrange our books shows our tastes

C. the books at our bedside are usually more important

D. we Can know about a person by reading the message he sends

(4)It can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably   

A. a book lover

B. a story teller

C. a shelf collector

D. a fashion designer

  • 更新:2020-12-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A little boy invited his mother to come to his teacher﹣parent meeting,but the little boy was very upset.Although his mother was a beautiful woman,there was a scar(伤疤)on her nearly the right side of her face.The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.At the meeting,the people saw the mother with a scar,and the little boy felt embarrassed and hid himself from everyone,listening to a conversation between his mother and the teacher.

The teacher asked carefully,"How did you get the scar on your face?"

The mother answered,"When my son was a baby,he was in a room,and the room caught fire.Everyone was too afraid to come in,so I went in.When I was running to his bed,I saw a piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him.I was senseless:but luckily,the fireman came in and saved both of us."She touched the scar of her face."This scar will be lasting,but to this day,I have never regretted what I did."

At this point,the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes.He held his mother in his arms.


请把你的选项在答题卡上用2B 将相对应的大写字母("T"或"F")

77.A little boy invited his father to his teacher﹣parent meeting.   

78.The little boy knew how his mother got the scar before the teacher﹣parent meeting.   

79.The boy hid himself because he felt embarrassed.   

80.The word"regret"means"后悔".   

81.The passage is about"The Greatest Love in the World."  

  • 更新:2021-01-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Imagine this. There's an apple and a piece of cake on a table. Which one would you like ?The delicious cake or the healthy apple? A bestseller, Willpower Rediscovering Our Greater Strength ,suggests that willpower(意志力) is the ability to make decisions that are better for us in the long term, rather than in the short term.

    Here is a famous experiment in the book:The Marshmallow Test.In 1972,Professor Walter Mischel tested the willpower of 600 four﹣year﹣olds to six﹣year﹣olds.In the experiment,each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow(棉花软糖) on a table in front of them.They were given two choices: they could either eat it or,if they waited fifteen minutes,they'd be given a second one (and then they could eat both).

    So, what did the kids do? Well, as you can imagine,70% ate the first marshmallow within the fifteen minutes.But the other 30% showed willpower they controlled themselves and waited for the second marshmallow.But then Mischel discovered something really interesting. Twenty years later, he got in touch with the children, who, by then,were in their early twenties.And he found that those who'd shown strong willpower were getting better marks at university and were more popular.

    Willpower is like a muscle(肌肉),and the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.So,if you do daily "self﹣control exercises",such as making your bed or brushing your teeth,you'll improve your overall willpower. And daily willpower exercises will help you with those bigger goals, such as studying for an exam or training for a marathon.

    Be careful though. Just like any muscle, your "willpower muscle" can get tired.If you've had to do lots of things that require willpower, take a break or give yourself a treat.

    That way,you'll build up your willpower again.

    And one last thing, the writer mentions people who learn foreign languages usually have a lot of willpower. So, congratulations!

(1)How many children got two marshmallows in the Marshmallow Test in 1972?  





(2)In Paragraphs 2&3, the famous experiment explains   

A. more kids have stronger will power

B. will power influences people's lives greatly

C. how people practice children's will power

D. marshmallows can help improve will power

(3)The writer probably agrees that   

A.all the language learners have strong willpower

B.willpower can't be improved by doing some daily things

C.young kids don't need to practice willpower like grown﹣ups

D.people with strong willpower can achieve their goals more easily

(4)According to the passage, people who   might have strong willpower.

A. do regular piano practice every day

B. give up morning running halfway

C. eat as much junk food as they like

D. usually get up late on the cold morning

  • 更新:2020-12-28
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are about 1.5 million kinds of living things on Earth,but how many do you see every day?You often see the big colourful animals,like birds,rabbits,and fish.But look more closely.Can you see the small ones,too?Insects(昆虫)make up 80 percent of all the world's living kinds.Look on the ground.Imagine you could look under the ground,too.Many small living things with one cell live there.Life is everywhere around us,in every cubic foot (a foot= 12 inches).

David Littschwager is a photographer who wanted to find out how many living things lived in one cubic foot .So he made a 12﹣inch cube with a green metal frame.And then he put it in five habitats(栖息地).He chose a tropical rainforest(Costa Rica),a coral reef(Pacific Ocean),the Table Mountain(South Africa),a freshwater river(USA),and a small park(New York).Three weeks were spent at each place.He watched,counted,and took photos of everything down to I millimeter in size-that crawled(爬)or flew into the cube.

The results were amazing.Liittschwager found both common and rare living things.He discovered many new living kinds,like a strange transparent octopus that is the size of a fingernail!In total,more than a thousand living things were photographed.Liittchwager said the One Cubic Foot experience was like "finding treasure".David Liittschwager also found that the highest biodiversity(生物多样性)in the reef was in the skeleton coral(珊瑚遗骨).These skeleton coral are suitable for sea living things of all sizes to grow.Although the coral reef had the widest range of biodiversity,all the other habitats were full of life.Even the city park!

(1)What does "one cubic foot" mean in Paragraph 2?    


1 inch × 1 inch


1 inch × 1 inch × l inch


12 inches × 12 inches


12 inches × 12 inches × 12 inches

(2)What did David Liittschwager think of the One Cubic Foot experience?    

A.It was valuable.

B.It was different.

C.It was simple.

D.It was common.

(3)Which habitat has the most biodiversity?    


The tropical rainforest.


The coral reef.


The Table Mountain.


The city park.

(4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    


Life Is Everywhere


Find Treasure in Nature


Five Habitats to Live in


A Story of David Littschwager

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Whenever I'm invited to somebody's house for the first time, I'll take a close look at their bookshelves.What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection (反映) of their personal tastes and interests.The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life.

    My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I read in school ﹣ Nineteen Eight﹣Four, The Handmaid's Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full﹣time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional (职业的) life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.

    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.

    ___▲____It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange (排列) our books, and get on with them. It's such a personal thing,different from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on

shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books.

    It's often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well﹣organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.

(1)The book son the writer's own shelves are organized according to  

A. their prices

B. their writers

C. his personal interests

D. the periods of his life

(2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph4?  

A. Every book is worth reading.

B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.

C. Book collections tell so much about a person.

D. The books a person reads depend on his choices,

(3)The writer seems to agree that  

A. we'd better not put our books on the floor

B. the way we arrange our books shows our tastes

C. the books at our bedside are usually more important

D. we Can know about a person by reading the message he sends

(4)It can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably  

A. a book lover

B. a story teller

C. a shelf collector

D. a fashion designer

  • 更新:2020-12-29
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I came to the United States from Africa to live with my uncle Jim in Maryland.One year later,I lost my sight because of a serious illness.

Jim told me not to go out.He worried I would get lost or hit by a car.But I was dogged.I told him I'd pay attention.I believed I'd succeed.I must succeed.I must put my will into action.I dreamed of being a broadcaster.

Then a neighbor told me that a public library in Washington D.C.was offering a free course,specially designed for blind people,This was an important chance for me.

But how would I map my way?I knew that the American singer Ray Charles,also blind,got around on his own without a cane (手杖).His secret was to count steps.But I couldn't seem to do that way.Instead I developed my imagination.sensing the layout (布局)of places I Visited and taking notes of landmarks in my mind.

At first,I would have to stop to imagine and map a new space in my mind,The next time I visited that place,I'd use that to find the way.Today.I am used to doing it,But I've still lost my way many times.I'd have to swallow my pride to ask for help,not thinking what others think or say about me.

Sometimes I'd be down and I'd consider giving up.Perhaps my uncle was right.Maybe I'd stay home and wait until someone came to help.On those days when I lost my way,I'd go to bed with a bad feeling.▲.I had e strong wish 10 bear blindness and be successful,and that was usually enough to get me out of bed the next day and try again.

Along the way I learned to be patient with myself and realized that asking for help didn't diminish (贬低)me in any way,I've got three academic degrees so far.

Today,I'm a reporter and broadcaster.I've achieved my dream.

Yes,I've lost my way many times and found it again.Yes,I've come close to being hit by a car but never bee hit by one.When people ask, "Aren't you afraid to be out alone?" the answer to me is clear;I would face danger and find happiness instead of staying home and being unhappy.

(1)The writer    one year after he moved to the US.


got lost


became blind


lost his parents


was hit by a car

(2)Which of the following can be put in"▲" in Paragraph 6?    


And my uncle knew it well


But I kept that to myself


And my uncle was with me


So I gave up trying again

(3)What might Jim say when he talks about the writer at the end of the story?    


That boy can see!


That boy is so poor!


We are free now!


I've done much for him!

(4)The best title of this passage might be    .


An Imagination to Succeed


Life with My Uncle


A Common Way to Success


Study in the Library

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold,rainy day.My mother and I drove to the mountains.It was dangerous to make the two﹣hour journey along the highway in such weather.I didn't want to take the risk.But my mother advised that we go to see something at the top of the mountain.

After ten minutes' driving,we stopped the car and got out.Walking along a path,we turned at a comer.Gradually,the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind.From the top of the mountain,I saw several fields full of flowers,shining like a carpet (地毯)before us.It looked as if the sun spilled (播洒)gold down the mountain.

A lot of questions came to my mind.Who created such beauty?Why?How?

As we moved on,we saw a sign that read, "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking. "

The first answer was, "One Woman一Two Hands,Two Feet,and Very Little Brain. " The second was, "One at a Time. " The third, "Started in 1971. "

On our way home,I was so shocked by what we had seen. "She changed the world.One bulb (一株)at a time.She started almost 50 years ago.It was probably just the beginning of an idea,but she kept at it. " I said, "Imagine,if I had a dream and worked at it,just a little bit every day,what might I have achieved?"

My mother looked at me,smiling. "Start tomorrow. " She said, " Better yet,start today. "

(1)The writer didn't want to go to the mountains because    .


she was tired of driving


their car was running out of petrol (汽油)


it was getting dark


it was not safe to drive in such weather

(2)The underlined word "path" shares a similar meaning with    .









(3)The person in Picture    probably grew the flowers in the mountain.





(4)The passage mainly tells us that    .


beauty always lies on the top of the mountain


even common people have great wisdom (智慧)


sticking to a dream will bring a big change


we should enjoy every moment in life

  • 更新:2021-09-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Is a nearby neighbour better than a faraway cousin? An American lady, Anna Lane, believes it's true. Her kind neighbours once helped her out when she was in a big trouble.

    Mrs. Lane was living alone in a city in Texas, US. The woman in her 70s could do a lot of housework herself. However, she was too old to mow(修剪)her lawn(草坪). Then a big trouble found her. She let the grass grow over 18 inches high and it broke the law in her city. As a result, she was in danger of paying lots of money or even going to prison!

    Luckily, her neighbours, the Adams brothers, heard the news about her on TV. They decided to do something to help. "We haven't met her yet, but she's 75 years old and she needs some help, "said Sam Adams, one of the boys. "That's the least we could do."

    The Adams brothers took their mowers(修剪机)and came to Mrs. Lane's house to mow her lawn without telling her. Once they got started, other neighbours saw what was going on and joined in the effort.

    Together they worked hard in the sun and finished mowing the whole lawn in about two hours. When Mrs. Lane saw what her neighbours did for her, she was surprised and moved to tears(感动得落泪). "I cannot believe this, "she said. "They were so kind to spend two hours helping me and I didn't even know their names. "As for the Adams brothers, they said they would always be ready to help her.

(1)What can we know about Mrs. Lane?  

A. She was 70 years old.

B. She could not do her housework.

C. She was living with her children.

D. She could not cut the grass on the lawn.

(2)Mrs. lane was in danger of going to prison because  

A. she broke the education law in her city

B. the grass on her lawn was over 18 inches high

C. the news about her on TV was made up by her

D. she didn't pay enough money to her neighbours

(3)Who mowed the lawn?  

A. The Adams brothers.

B. Sam Adams and Mrs. Lane.

C. The Adams brothers and Mrs. Lane.

D. The Adams brothers and other neighbours.

(4)Which of the following is true?  

A. The Adams brothers knew Mrs. Lane very well.

B. Mrs. Lane knew some of her neighbours' names.

C. Mrs. Lane didn't expect her neighbours would help her.

D. The Adams brothers used Mrs. Lane's mowers to cut the grass.

(5)The best title(题目)for the passage would be  

A. Good neighbours

B. A serious city law

C. A beautiful garden

D. Humorous brothers

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was filled with doubts and worries until my grandfather told me to stand tall.

    For me, height was my trouble. I was much taller than other girls, so I often bent( 弯曲) my body at the back of the line. I had always felt unsafe as the tallest student of my class in Bala Cynwyd. And I wasn't looking forward to entering the ninth grade.

    My grandfather didn't laugh at me. Instead, whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me "Stand straight and tall, Alisa. "I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood. And whenever I was afraid of something, he always told me stories of his life.

    My grandfather grew up in war﹣torn(战乱的) Europe." Stand straight, stand tall "meant something else then. After the war, he went to America. He lived a hard life, "If they could do it, why couldn't I?""Stand straight, stand tall,"he often reminded(提醒) himself. Thanks to the help of a friend, my grandfather got a job. He once told me that he was very nervous at first. He was not only trying to learn this hard new job but also a new language.

    "Stand straight, stand tall," he would always tell himself. I am so proud of my grandfather. After listening to my grandfather 's unusual experiences, I have changed the way I look at my own life.

    "Stand straight, stand tall"has become not only a piece of advice to improve my posture(身姿). It also tells me to be proud of who I am.

    And I do.

(1)Alisa often bent her body because  

A. she lived a hard life

B. she was much taller than other girls

C. she always stood at the back of the line

D. she didn't want to enter the 9th grade

(2)What did Alisa's grandfather do with her trouble?  

A. He laughed at her.

B. He asked her to bend her body.

C. He told her to stand straight and tall.

D. He advised her to stay away from her friends.

(3)Alisa's grandfather's experiences  

A. made her feel unsafe

B. taught her to accept herself

C. changed her attitude(态度) to her grandfather

D. told her his success completely depended on friends

(4)"Stand straight, stand tall"means  in the passage.

A. making yourself look tall

B. taking care of yourself

C. being proud of yourself

D. reminding yourself

(5)What's the best title for this passage?  

A. Stand straight, stand tall

B. My grandfather's life stories

C. My colorful experiences

D. The help of a friend

  • 更新:2021-01-09
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wang Hongyue,14,Sichuan

I feel happy when I'm with my family.My parents never compare me with other kids.My mom will say "well done" or "thank you" if I help to do the housework.

I especially like my brother.I still remember when I was eight.I had a bad stomachache.My parents were not at home,so it was my brother,then 14,took me to the hospital.For me,happiness has nothing to do with money.Having a loving and caring family is enough.

Ren Xuyang,14,Guangdong

I feel happy while trying to help others.Last year,I visited a special school for students with weak sight or hearing loss (丧失).It is difficult for them to write and read pinyin,so I taught them over and over.For over 3 hours,we repeated the same work,but we didn't feel tired.As an old saying goes, "The rose is in her hand,the flavor in mine. "

Zhan Danyuan,15,Shanxi

I feel happy when I hang out with my friends and do something together.Last winter,three friends and I performed an original (原创的)song at a school party.At first,we wrote down how we felt about each other,Then,we corrected our mistakes and practiced.Finally,when we sang in the arena (舞台),the audience (观众)were excited.For me,happiness is doing something that I love with like﹣minded (志趣相投的)people.

(1)According to this passage,how old is Wang Hongyue's brother now?    









(2)Why was Wang Hongyue sent to the hospital?    


Because she had a bad cold.


Because she had a bad stomachache.


Because she had weak sight.


Because she had a hearing loss.

(3)What can we know from this passage?    


Wang Hongyue's parents often compare her with others.


Wang Hongyue performed an original song with her friends.


Ren Xuyang's mother often praises him when he does something good.


Zhan Danyuan likes being with the people who have something in common.

(4)"The rose is in her hand,the flavor in mine. " has the similar meaning to"    ".


A friend in need is a friend indeed


Practice makes perfect.


Helping others is helping ourselves


It's never too old to learn.

(5)What is the best title of this passage?    


Ideas about happiness.


Ideas about family.


Ideas about friends.


Ideas about life.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. and Mrs. March lived together with their four daughters. Amy was very shy. Beth loved being at home. Meg looked very pretty. Jo was tall and thin and she was a tomboy.. Their home was always busy and full of noise and people. Next to them lived old Mr. Laurence and his grandson, Laurie. They lived in a very large and comfortable house. But it was a house without life.

    One day, Joe saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house and looking down at their garden. Jo's sisters were playing in the snow there. They were throwing snowballs and having a lot of fun. But Laurie's face was very sad.

    "Poor boy!" Jo thought. "He's all alone. He needs some friends." She couldn't stop thinking about him. She wanted to go and see him, but how could she go to the house without an invitation?

    Then one snowy afternoon, she saw Laurie's grandpa go out. This gave her an idea. She took a broom from the kitchen.

    "What are you going to do, Jo?" asked her sister Meg.

    "To clear the garden path." Answered Jo.

    When Laurie saw Jo from the window, a big smile changed his pale, sad face.

    Jo laughed and shouted, "How are you? Are you ill?"

    Laurie opened the window and said," I'm better now, thank you. I had a bad cold and had to stay inside for a week".

    "I'm sorry," said Jo. "Are you bored?"

    "Yes, very." he replied.

    "Don't your friends come to visit you?"

    "No. But I don't want to see anybody. Boys are noisy and they give me a headache."

    "Girls are quiet."

    "I don't know any girls."

    "You know us."

    "That's true! Can you come and visit me?" cried Laurie.

    " I'm not quiet, but I'd like to come," replied Jo. "I must ask Mother first." She ran back into her house.

     A few minutes later, she returned and rang the bell on the door of laurie's house. A servane took her upstairs.

    "Here I am!" she said brightly. "Mother sends her love and my sisters gave me this blancmange (牛奶冻) for you."

    "That looks delicious," Laurie said. He was very happy to see Jo.

    Jo looked around. There were lots of books on the shelves.

    "A nice room!" she said. "I can read to you if you like."

    "No, let's talk," replied Laurie.

    "All right," said Jo, "I can talk for hours. My sisters say I never know when to stop."

    "You have three sisters﹣Amy, Beth and Meg." Laurie continued.

    "How do you know this?" Jo was surprised.

    "You call each other's names when you are in the garden. Sometimes I can see you all around the table with your mother. She has a very kind face. I like looking at her. I haven't got a mother."

    Jo felt sad when she heard this.

    "Why don't you come and visit us?" she said, "It isn't good for you to stay in this house all the time."

    "Thank you. I'd like to come very much." Said Laurie.

    "We know all our neighbours except you." Jo said, " I'm glad we're friends now."

    She told him about all the interesting things in her life. She said," Besides(除了……之外) plays, I also love books." Laurie loved books too, and offered to show her the library in the house. The library was a wonderful room. Jo loved it.

    "Wow!" she said, "All those books!"

    Laurie said, "A person needs more than books."

                                                                                                                    (Adapted from Little Women)

(1)From the first paragraph, we know  

A. Jo's family had five members

B. Jo and Laurie were neighbours

C. Laurie and his grandpa were busy

D. the four sisters had the same hobby

(2)Jo wanted to visit Laurie because  

A. she wanted to visit his large house

B. Laurie invited her to play with snowballs

C. she felt he was lonely and needed friends

D. Laurie was seriously ill and needed her care

(3)What might be the correct order of what happened in the story?  

a. Jo saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house.

b. Jo and Laurie were having a talk happily at Laurie's home.

c. Jo wanted to Laurie's home after telling her mother.

d. Jo couldn't stop thinking about Laurie.

A. a﹣b﹣c﹣d

B. b﹣a﹣c﹣d

C. b﹣d﹣a﹣c

D. a﹣d﹣c﹣b

(4)Which words can best describe Jo and her sisters?  

A. Kind and friendly

B. Generous but rude

C. Quiet and smart

D. Funny but carless

(5)What does Laurie mean by saying "A person needs more than books."?  

A. People need to stay in their own houses.

B. People should learn much more from the books.

C. People need love and friendship besides books.

D. People should relax themselves besides reading

  • 更新:2021-01-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
