
In a town there lived a little, beautiful and smart girl. Her name was Rose. Everyone in the town liked her. She was verv brave, but she was scared of the doctor. One day, one of her teeth was moving. Her mom saw it. She said, "One of your teeth is moving, and you need to visit Doctor Tim."

    Rose said, "No! I'm not going to the doctor." Mom said, "Don't worry. It's not so wobbly(摆动的) now,we needn't go to the doctor at once." That made Rose feel better.

    After five weeks, Rose forgot about her tooth but her mom didn't. She checked her tooth again and it was more wobbly, so she said, "It's time to see the doctor."

    Rose was scared but she had to do what her mom told her, so they went to see Doctor Tim.They had to wait in the waiting room.

    When it was her turn, her heart was beating very fast. She went into Doctor Tim's room. He was smiling. She sat on the chair.

    Doctor Tim said , "Close your eyes."

    Rose closed her eyes, but just before Doctor Tim started, tears started coming down from her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw Doctor Tim holding her tooth, smiling.

    Rose smiled. Then Doctor Tim gave her a teddy bear. From that time Rose wasn't scared of doctors anymore.

(1)At the beginning of the story, Rose was scared of  

A. her mom

B. the doctor

C. her teeth

D. the people in the town

(2)Rose forget about her tooth after  

A. five months

B. many years

C. several hours

D. five weeks

(3)The doctor gave Rose  after he pulled her tooth out.

A. a book

B. a teddy bear

C. a candy

D. many teeth

(4)According to the passage, the doctor was a  man.

A. kind

B. brave

C. careless

D. shy

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Laurence Kim was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 11, 1951. He was not like other children when he was young. A medical scan (扫描) showed that the two halves of his brain were not connected in the usual way. He developed an amazing memory. He started to read when he was two. He remembered everything he had read.

    To read more quickly, he read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye. By reading the two pages at the same time, (1)看完一本书花他不到一小时的时间.By the age of 30, he had memorized around 12,000 books.

    However, he did not develop so well in other areas. (2)He could not walk before four years old , and he had problems putting on his clothes and shoes. His social skills were poor, and he was extremely sensitive (敏感的) about new people. In 1984, Peek and his father met Hollywood movie writer Barry Morrow. Morrow was fascinated by Peek and began to write a new play about Peek's experiences. The movie Rain Man won an Oscar for Best Picture in 1988. (3)This changed Peek's life. (4)He got used to being the center of attention. He became more self﹣confident. He appeared on TV and traveled around the country with his father to develop awareness(意识) of his condition.

    Peek was not only an amazing man but also a real Rain Man. Sadly, Peek died of a heart attack in 2009.



任务三:写出(3)处 "this" 指代的内容.  



  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


When our son Bradley was ten, the new bicycle he had received earlier that year was stolen. Owning a bicycle was a big deal to our children when they were little. They spent hours and hours, day after day, on their bicycles, riding up and down the footpath, and at the front of the house. We also rode together as a family a lot. Bicycling was a great way to get the kids out of the house and into the fresh air without spending any money.

    Bradley had discovered that his bicycle had been stolen from our backyard in Campbelltown, South Australia, when he and his sister went outside for a morning ride. He couldn't believe that someone would do this.

    He got a large piece of cardboard, painted a sign begging for the bicycle to be returned, and tied the sign to the letterbox. The following morning, when I went out to collect the mail, I found a white envelope with the magical words, " Buy yourself a new bicycle". There was a $100 banknote inside.

    We were very touched that someone had the heart to do this. We've never been able to thank the person but we suspect(猜想)that it may have been one of our wonderful neighbours. Bradley painted a big"            !" on the sign and we left it outside for a couple of weeks afterwards, hoping the kind stranger would drive down our street.

    A delighted Bradley was able to buy a new bicycle. As the years went on, the bicycles became bigger and more expensive but remained just as important for those family bicycle rides. Now Bradley is 25. Sometimes I miss the days when receiving a bicycle was the best thing in the world to them.

    All these years later we are still thankful for the stranger's kindness. We were a young family with three little children and it meant a lot to us. We still talk about it and, even now, wonder who the kind stranger was.

(1)According to the passage, Bradley often  when he was a child.

A. rode a bike

B. made signs

C. took a walk

D. collected mails

(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?  

A. Come back

B. Thank you

C. A new bicycle

D. A good boy

(3)From the action of the stranger, we can learn that  

A. love builds a warm family

B. a special memory lasts long

C. happiness makes a better life

D. a kindness helps others a lot

(4)The best title for the passage can be  

A. A rich stranger

B. A thankful mother

C. a bicycle for Bradley

D. a banknote for the family

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

17﹣year﹣old Brennan Agranoff, a colorblind boy, started his custom sock business in middle school,with a small loan (贷款) he got from his parents. Up till now, he has sold over ¥1 million worth of socks online in the last four years.

Brennan thought of the idea for his custom sock company at just 13years old. He was attending a high-school basketball game in his hometown of Sherwood. Oregon. and noticed that many kids his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks. The boy told himself that if these white plain socks were so popular with kids, then some cool custom designs would surely be an even greater hit.

But the boy didn't tell his parents about the business idea immediately. He spent six months researching things like printing machines and technology and drawing up a business plan. Only when he had everything planned out did he ask his parents for a loan. "They thought the idea was a little out there." Brennan recently told CNN Money, but he kept pushing, and finally received a ¥3,000 loan to start his company. Then he began to work on his own designs. The fact that he was colorblind didn't stop him and he has created over 200 designs now.

    Business was slow the first year, but then Brennan started pushing his HoopSwagg products heavily on the Internet. Orders soon started coming in large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers. Right now, his designs can be found on HoopSwagg website, Amazon and eBay.

    Four years after starting his business, Brennan has achieved great success while balancing (平衡)school,house chores and his social life. And he says he loved every minute of it.

(1)The second paragraph mainly tells us how Brennan   

A. designed his custom socks

B. got his business idea

C. organized the basketball match

D. managed his company

(2)To start his business, Brennan   

A. bought some Nike socks

B. made a business plan

C. asked teachers for advice

D.got money from friends

(3)It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that Brennan   

A. got no support from his parents at all

B. stopped designing because of his eyes

C. was too busy to do house chores

D. enjoyed both his study and business

(4)Which word can best describe Brennan according to the passage?  

A. Honest.

B. Kind.

C. Creative.

D. Helpful.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On May 17, 2009, according to the plan, Mike Good and I would take a space walk to the Hubble Space Telescope to repair an instrument. The power supply on this instrument had failed, so it could no longer be used. I would be the person doing the repair and Mike my assistant.

    Working in space is more difficult than you can imagine. As there is no gravity, you can't stand and any slight push can result in tragedy ﹣you can be pushed into space, never be back.

    We got to the telescope. Before we could replace the power supply, we would have to remove from the telescope a handrail fixed with four screws. Having taken out the first three, I found the fourth stripped. I realized that the handrail would not come off, which meant we could no longer be able to replace the power supply and repair that instrument, which meant scientists could no longer look at the universe and find life on other planets.

    I tried all kinds of things, and nothing worked. Then Houston, the control centre on the earth, called up and told me to use the tape to tape the bottom of the handrail and pull it off the telescope. They said it was going to take about 27 kilograms of force for me to do that.

    I knew what it meant: The handrail could be completely pulled off and the safety tether might break, and I might therefore be pushed into space.

    Mike was next to me in his space suit but he could not take over my role. I turned and looked into the cabin where my five crewmates were, and nobody in there had a space suit on. However, I knew they were all looking at me. "Come on Mass, we are all behind you." The telescope must be repaired.

    "Bam!" The handrail came right off. The rest of the walk went well. We finally got the new power supply in. They tried it; turned it on from the ground. The instrument came back to life.

    At the edge of darkness, after about eight hours, I turned around and saw the Earth from our altitude at Hubble, 568 kilometers up. I saw the huge round pure blue globe﹣our home planet. It's the most beautiful, magnificent thing I've ever seen. It's like looking into heaven. It's paradise.

(1)According to the passage, space walk can be very   

A. interesting

B. dangerous

C. comfortable

D. harmful

(2)Mass had difficulty in    when repairing the instrument.

A. fixing the screws

B. getting to the telescope

C. taking off the handrail

D. finding the new power supply

(3)Why did Mass look into the cabin where his five crewmates were?  

A. To see whether they could help.

B. To find out what they were doing.

C. To ask them to send him a new tool.

D.To let them know what had happened.

(4)What does Mass want to tell us by writing "At the edge of darkness"? (请用约40词回答)


  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

17﹣year﹣old Brennan Agranoff, a colorblind boy, started his custom sock business in middle school,with a small loan (贷款) he got from his parents. Up till now, he has sold over ¥1 million worth of socks online in the last four years.

Brennan thought of the idea for his custom sock company at just 13years old. He was attending a high-school basketball game in his hometown of Sherwood. Oregon. and noticed that many kids his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks. The boy told himself that if these white plain socks were so popular with kids, then some cool custom designs would surely be an even greater hit.

But the boy didn't tell his parents about the business idea immediately. He spent six months researching things like printing machines and technology and drawing up a business plan. Only when he had everything planned out did he ask his parents for a loan. "They thought the idea was a little out there." Brennan recently told CNN Money, but he kept pushing, and finally received a ¥3,000 loan to start his company. Then he began to work on his own designs. The fact that he was colorblind didn't stop him and he has created over 200 designs now.

    Business was slow the first year, but then Brennan started pushing his HoopSwagg products heavily on the Internet. Orders soon started coming in large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers. Right now, his designs can be found on HoopSwagg website, Amazon and eBay.

    Four years after starting his business, Brennan has achieved great success while balancing (平衡)school,house chores and his social life. And he says he loved every minute of it.

(1)The second paragraph mainly tells us how Brennan   

A. designed his custom socks

B. got his business idea

C. organized the basketball match

D. managed his company

(2)To start his business, Brennan   

A. bought some Nike socks

B. made a business plan

C. asked teachers for advice

D.got money from friends

(3)It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that Brennan   

A. got no support from his parents at all

B. stopped designing because of his eyes

C. was too busy to do house chores

D. enjoyed both his study and business

(4)Which word can best describe Brennan according to the passage?  

A. Honest.

B. Kind.

C. Creative.

D. Helpful.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I graduated from college recently and moved to Washington by myself. While I was in college, it was really easy to meet new people. But "out in the real world", I was finding it really hard. I live in a big city, and it seems like everyone around me is busy or already has all the friends they want. I was feeling so discouraged(沮丧的)and I didn't know what to do, so I called my sister for some advice.

    My sister is five years older than I am, so she's been through all this already. She's been helping me with my problems all my life. When I explained my problem, she understood completely. She said, "Why don't you try meeting people online?"

    "Online? Are you kidding?" I asked. "A friend of mine chatted with a guy online, and when she finally met him face to face, he was nothing like what he said."

    My sister laughed. "You don't have to look for dates online," she said. "But you can find other people like you﹣people who have just moved to town and want to make some new friends. When I first moved to New York after college, I found a book club and a football team online. I met a lot of people that way."

    "But you don't even like football!" I said.

    "I know," she replied. "But that didn't matter. I still had a lot of fun. You played volleyball in college. Why don't you look for a volleyball team to join? Or an art class?"

    "Yeah! I saw a website about volunteering the other day." I said. "I could volunteer for an organization here in Washington. I bet I could meet a lot of really nice people that way."

    "Good idea!" my sister answered excitedly. "Hey, you might even meet the perfect guy."

    "OK, now you're starting to sound like Mom," I said. "Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm going online right now. I'll let you know what happens. Will you be home tonight?"

    "No, but I'll be here all day tomorrow, so give me a call," my sister replied. "Good luck!"

(1)What was the writer's problem?  

A. She was cheated by her friend online.

B. She was refused by a volleyball team.

C. She couldn't meet people in her new city.

D. She felt discouraged in her college.

(2)The writer's sister  

A. lives in the same city as the writer

B. doesn't have any advice for the writer

C. had the same problem when she finished college

D. She didn't go to college, but understands the writer's problem

(3)The writer is probably going to  

A. become a member of a football team

B. look for dates online

C. join a book club like her sister did

D. volunteer for an organization

(4)What's the best title for this passage?  

A. Looking for Fun Online

B. Volunteering in a New City

C. Chatting with Friends Online

D. Making Friends in a New City

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My mother is a teacher, And I grew up with the challenges (挑战) a teacher faces. I often asked her," Why do you teach? What keeps you teaching?" The answer was always the same. "There is always that one child, that one moment that is worth it."

    Now,I am a teacher, too. But different from my mother, I teach students challenging activities

outdoors. And when my mother asked me the similar questions, my answer was, "It's that one child, that one special moment."

    One of those moments happened recently. I was working with a group of girls in a four﹣ week programme.Everything went on well through the "Team" events and we were moving on to a "High" one called the Wire(钢索) Walk.

    In the Wire Walk, each girl had to climb up the pegs (木桩) in a tree to a wire, 8 meters high, and then walk across it. Of course. everything was safe for sure.

    When I asked who would try,a few girls raised their hands, and they finished the Wire Walk with little difficulty.

    But when it was Susie's turn, it seemed that she didn't really want to. I asked Susie if she was ready. She answered softly," I suppose".

    Now, Susie was at the foot of the tree. She started to make the long reach for the first peg. The other girls cheered for her. Then I found Susie was becoming nervous with every step. I realised she would not go much further.

    Susie was halfway up. Then she stopped and held the tree tight(紧紧地), looking very afraid. Her eyes were closed. With her face against the tree, she cried, "I can't."

    The other girls sat in silence. I talked quietly to Susie, trying to relax her. I talked for a long time till I ran out of words.

    "I will still be your friend no matter what, Susie!" Mary broke the silence.

    To my surprise, Susie lifted her head and looked up to the wire. Then she turned to look down at Mary and smiled. Mary smiled back.

    Finally,Susie made it all the way across that wire. When she returned to the ground, the first hug she looked for was from Mary.

    We all cheered.

    Moments like this keep me doing what I do. The young hearts continue to fill me with courage.

(1)Susie stopped halfway up to the wire because  

A.the teacher asked her to do it

B.something was wrong with it

C.she was too afraid to move on

D.it was too high for her to reach

(2)Mary broke the silence in order to  

A.encourage Susie

B.relax the writer

C.try again herself

D.draw Susie's attention

(3)From the story of Susie and Mary, we can learn that  

A.helping others is helping ourselves

B.a word of encouragement matters a lot

C. outdoor activities bring people closer than ever

D.a good method plays an important role in teaching

(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage ?  

A.That One Moment

B.The Wire Walk

C.Love and Courage

D. The Young Hearts

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


When our son Bradley was ten, the new bicycle he had received earlier that year was stolen. Owning a bicycle was a big deal to our children when they were little. They spent hours and hours, day after day, on their bicycles, riding up and down the footpath, and at the front of the house. We also rode together as a family a lot. Bicycling was a great way to get the kids out of the house and into the fresh air without spending any money.

    Bradley had discovered that his bicycle had been stolen from our backyard in Campbelltown, South Australia, when he and his sister went outside for a morning ride. He couldn't believe that someone would do this.

    He got a large piece of cardboard, painted a sign begging for the bicycle to be returned, and tied the sign to the letterbox. The following morning, when I went out to collect the mail, I found a white envelope with the magical words, " Buy yourself a new bicycle". There was a $100 banknote inside.

    We were very touched that someone had the heart to do this. We've never been able to thank the person but we suspect(猜想)that it may have been one of our wonderful neighbours. Bradley painted a big"            !" on the sign and we left it outside for a couple of weeks afterwards, hoping the kind stranger would drive down our street.

    A delighted Bradley was able to buy a new bicycle. As the years went on, the bicycles became bigger and more expensive but remained just as important for those family bicycle rides. Now Bradley is 25. Sometimes I miss the days when receiving a bicycle was the best thing in the world to them.

    All these years later we are still thankful for the stranger's kindness. We were a young family with three little children and it meant a lot to us. We still talk about it and, even now, wonder who the kind stranger was.

(1)According to the passage, Bradley often  when he was a child.

A. rode a bike

B. made signs

C. took a walk

D. collected mails

(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?  

A. Come back

B. Thank you

C. A new bicycle

D. A good boy

(3)From the action of the stranger, we can learn that  

A. love builds a warm family

B. a special memory lasts long

C. happiness makes a better life

D. a kindness helps others a lot

(4)The best title for the passage can be  

A. A rich stranger

B. A thankful mother

C. a bicycle for Bradley

D. a banknote for the family

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

①My little sister is spoilt(宠坏的). She has Dad wrapped around her finger. If I had done or said some of the things that she does when I was her age, I would have been in big trouble. Not her﹣ she's Daddy's girl. She's three.

②An example: Dad asked her to get his glasses from the kitchen. My sister said, "You've got legs. You get them." When he asked again, she said, "Benny's got legsHe can get them "Mum and Dad thought she was funny. I just thought she was rude.

③One night she woke Dad and said she dreamed that "Benny was fighting a witch (巫婆)."Mum and Dad let her sleep in their bed the rest of the night. I never slept in their bed﹣ not that I would have wanted to. She is so spoilt.

④One time at the beach after she'd been playing in the surf with Mum, my sister shouted that an "octopus's tentacles" had bitten (咬) her. Dad laughed his head off. It wasn't that funny. She was certainly imagining. I knew that's what she thought as I'd done a project on animals for school.

⑤She likes to do homework when I do mine. She sits next to me and pretends to write pages of homework. It's just letters such as the letters in her name that she repeats for row after row. Mum says she's just trying to be like me but it drives me crazy when I'm trying to fix my attention on my work.

⑥She took her favorite book, Animalia, to Kindy(幼儿园) this morning. When dad and I collected her from Kindy this afternoon, a boy had taken her book out of her locker and was being really careless with the pages. I could tell she didn't like him having her book. I took the book off the boy and told him to treat books nicely. My sister looked very happy.

⑦Later my Dad told me that my sister admires me. I guess that's pretty cool.

(1)Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the whole passage ?  

(2)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph ②show ?  

A. The sister is worried about Benny's legs.

B. The sister doesn't want to help her Dad.

C. The sister is just playing a joke on Benny.

D. The sister thinks she can't get the glasses at all.

(3)How does the sister feel about her brother ?  

A. She likes him very much.

B. She is jealous(嫉妒) of him.

C. She is afraid of him.

D. She wants his attention all the time.

(4)According to the passage, the writer is  

A. proud and lucky

B. annoyed but thankful

C. angry and hurt

D. jealous but protective

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For me, one of the greatest pleasures in life is going to watch a great film at the cinema. It's a chance for me to get away from real life. There's nothing better than being lost in a story unless, of course, someone decides to break down the moment.

    Whether at a cinema or a huge theatre, someone usually decides to treat the place like their own home! There is an accepted way of behaving at the cinema which some people don't seem to understand.

    To start with, some people always turn up late, causing you to rise from your seat to allow them to go past. Then, when you want to enjoy the surround﹣sound effects, someone begins to enjoy their drinks and popcorn and thus makes a lot of noises. And what I can't stand most is people who decide to chat to their friends, sometimes not even about the film.

    I'm not alone in this situation. Simon Mayo, a film critic at the BBC, experienced a "new low" during a film. He says, "The woman in front of me got a mirror out, then her boyfriend got a phone out and used the light on it to allow her to do her make﹣up!"

    Simon has helped to create a list of rules on how moviegoers should behave at the cinema. One of them is no use of mobile phones, and another is not to take your shoes off﹣﹣a most serious offence(冒犯)!

    Of course, when we have paid for a ticket, we feel it is our right to relax and enjoy the film in the way we want to, but we mustn't forget our fellow moviegoers who want to enjoy the cinematic experience, too.

    The best choice for anyone wanting to break the rules of cinema manners is to get a DVD and watch it at home. But we all know that the best way to enjoy the art of cinematography is on the big screen.      

    What about you? What annoys you about other people at the cinema?

(1)Why does the writer enjoy going to the cinema ?  

A. It makes him feel like being at home.

B. It gives him a moment to stay away from real life.

C. He prefers watching the films on big screens.

D. He wants to enjoy the cinematic experience.

(2)What is considered by Simon to be the rudest at a cinema ?  

A. Using mobile phones.

B. Chatting to their friends.

C. Taking the shoes off.

D. Having drinks and eating popcorn.

(3)"  "is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 7?

A. Don' t break the rules!

B. Manners are important!

C. Just stay at home!

D. It's your choice!

(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage ?  

A. Popular Cinemas.

B. A Serious Problem.

C. Cinema Manners.

D. An Unpleasant Experience.

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Canadian teenager Ryan was six years old, his teacher told him that in many parts of Africa, there was no clean water. She said that people often made themselves ill, and even died, just from drinking or bathing in dirty water.

    What she said made Ryan upset. He decided to raise money for a well(井) so that people in Africa could have clean water. He did extra chores for his parents and raised ﹩70 all by himself. Then he found out that it actually cost ﹩2,000 to dig a well.

    Most people would have given up at this point, but not Ryan. He was disappointed, but determined to raise more money. Finally he collected over ﹩2,000. That money was used to dig the first of "Ryan's wells".

    Since then, Ryan has continued to raise money for more wells. In fact, Ryan has raised over﹩1,500 ,000!

    Ryan calls himself "a normal boy" and likes to play ice hockey when he's not in school or traveling around the world talking to other students about himself and his work. As for the future. he has said that he isn't exactly sure what he will choose to do. "Something along the lines of a lawyer or a teacher. Maybe a leader!"

(1)Ryan's teacher told him about the water problem in Africa in order to  

A.encourage Ryan to dig wells for people in Africa

B.ask Ryan to raise money for poor people in Africa

C.make Ryan feel unhappy and disappointed

D.educate Ryan to care about African people in difficulty.

(2)What does Ryan think of himself according to the passage ?  

A.He is different from other students in many ways.

B.He never gives up when he has decided to do something.

C.He is talented and can do many great things in the future,

D.He's like other students with his own hobby and dreams.

(3)Which of the following is the best title for the passage  

A. Ryan and His Teacher

B. Ryan and His Wells.

C. Ryan and His Money

D. Ryan and His Future

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We live in Bedford, a town near London. My father is a hard﹣working pilot, so he doesn't have much time to look after us.

    When I was a kid, my mum liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular, when she had made breakfast food after a long, hard day at hospital.

    On that evening so long ago, my mum placed a plate of eggs, sausage and terribly burnt biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone notices. Yet all my dad did was reach for a biscuit, smile at my mum and ask my brother and me how we had been doing at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him put butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite!

    When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mum apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I will never forget what he said," Honey, I love burnt biscuits."

    Later that night, I went to kiss my dad good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said," Your mum is really tired after a hard day's work. Besides, a little burnt biscuit could never hurt anyone. We have been married for 17 years. She always cooks for me. Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocked but into your own."

(1)what is the father?  

(2)Where does the mother work?  

(3)How many people are there in the family?  

(4)How long have the mother and father been married?  

(5)Why did the father eat the burnt biscuits?  

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tracy was always hard﹣working and creative. She started a website called TEAM for girls when she was 16, and it's doing better than ever.

    TEAM now has 10 million visits every month.

    When she was ten, Tracy drew four characters(人物). They are all girls, and they are good friends. She called them "Amazing Girls".The main amazing girl, Miss E, represents(代表) her younger sister Elizabeth. Amy writes stories, and Mary answers questions." Amazing Girls "finally became TEAM. "TEAM" means "Together everyone achieves more."

    At that time, Tracy wanted a safe and warm site for girls, but she couldn't find one. So she decided to create one herself.

    At first, Tracy asked family members and friends for help. Her computer teacher also help her a lot. She created a small website. "There was a homepage, which had the four characters and simple flash animations (动画)," Tracy says. "It was very, very simple, but it was a start."

    Now it is a heaven for millions of girls. It has message boards, quizzes, games, music, and more. Girls can help each other with homework here. And they can also discuss fashion, dancing and singing stars. They feel free and comfortable. They have made their life more fruitful and meaningful.

    "I'm able to learn so much about culture around the world," Tracy says. "The goal for the site was, and still is, to help young girls to believe in themselves."

(1)How many visits does TEAM have every month now?  

A.10 million.

B.16 million.

C.17 million.

(2)What does Mary do?  

A. Answers questions.

B. Draws characters.

C. Writes stories.

(3)Why did Tracy decide to create a website?  

A. Because she wanted to make money.

B. Because she couldn't find one for girls.

C. Because her computer teacher asked her to create one.

(4)Tracy started the site to help young girls to  

A. do their homework

B. dance and sing

C. believe in themselves

(5)What can be the best title of the passage?  

A. Girls' Success

B. Girls' Website

C. TEAM's Meaning

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Han Meimei did gymnastics all day ﹣﹣anytime, anywhere. This made her family angry. "Han Meimei, enough!" said her family.

     "I've got to go to a gym!" said Han Meimei.

     "Too much money!" cried her parents.

     "Then I'll earn it myself," said Han Meimei.

     She tried hard, but she didn't earn money because she often practiced gymnastics when working.

     "Han Meimei, enough!" cried the neighbors.

     She walked toward the gym. She seated herself with others. A group of girls no older than Han Meimei tumbled(做空翻动作) on the floor. And about 15 beginners balanced on the beam(平衡木).

     Then she saw the sign:

     "Wanted: Gymnastics students to be Children Class teacher assistant. Talk at the front desk."

     "I'd like to be the children Class teacher assistant," she said.

     "I see," said the woman at the desk, "How old are you?"

     "14," said Han Meimei.

     Can you do gymnastics?" asked the woman.

     Han Meimei tumbled on the floor then and there.

     "It appears you are excellent," said the woman. "I think you may be just what we're looking for." Han Meimei smiled.

     "There is one thing," said the woman. "I'm afraid we don't pay in money. We pay with free classes. Would you still be interested?"

     Han Meiemei jumped so high that there was no doubt about her answer.

     She spent every afternoon at the gym, teaching and practicing. After that, the only place she heard anyone say "Han Meimei, enough!" was at the gym ﹣at closing time.

(1)What made Han Meimei's family angry?  

A. Doing grmnastics too much.

B. Wasting money.

C. Practicing gymnastics when working.

(2)The woman at the desk thought that Han Meimei was the right person for the  



C. assistant

(3)What can Han Meimei get from the gym?  

A. Some money.

B. Free classes.

C. Some tickets.

(4)From the passage, we know Han Meimei  

A. never gave up

B. sang very well

C. was always late for school

(5)The passage mainly talks about  

A. Han Meimei's fighting with her family

B. Han Meimei's teaching gymnastics

C. Han Meimei's practicing gymnastics

  • 更新:2021-02-10
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
