

Blue Lightning

   Sally loved cars more than anything else. This spring she thought of building a go﹣kart to enter for the Go﹣Go Race. So she asked her dad for help.

   "Well," he said. "How about this: you do some research first and then come back to me with a design."

   A week later, Sally brought her notes and drawings to Dad. She named her go﹣kart "Blue Lightning". Dad looked over her work, thinking. "Well, that's interesting," he said. "Have a try. Just build Blue Lightning as you've designed."

   Over three weekends of hard work, Sally turned her design into a real, working go﹣kart and painted it light blue. Dad asked her to take it for a test drive. Sally agreed.

   After she did that, Sally drove back to Dad. "Well," she said. "Now I know why you wanted me to have a test drive."

   "Oh, do you?" he said. "Please share."

   "When I drove fast, there was a lot of pushback," she said. "I think it's because of the lightning bolt (闪电) shape."

   "Very good!" Dad said.

   "So, why didn't you tell me about that problem in the first place?" Sally asked.

   Dad laughed. "Where's the fun in that? If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."

   Sally said, "I see. Anyway, designing is half the fun !"

   Dad smiled. "Good. Sometimes, learning happens during the process. We learn how to do something right by doing it a few times first and making mistakes along the way."

   That encouraged Sally and she worked even harder. When she showed Dad her new go﹣kart, he nodded with pride.

   Finally came the race. Sally wasn't worried about whether she would win﹣in her mind, she had already won, by building something better than ever before.

(1)Sally thought of building a go﹣kart to   

A. practice driving

B. enter for a race

C. play with friends

D. do some research

(2)What did Sally's dad ask her to do after she built the go﹣kart?   

A. To have a test drive.

B. To take a good rest.

C. To give it a cool name.

D. To paint it light blue.

(3)Sally's story mainly tells us that   

A. winning a race is important

B. fishing brings us a lot of fun

C. driving experience is necessary

D. learning happens during the process

  • 更新:2021-01-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the center of Europe. It's the capital city of Austria and the center of European classical music. In the 18th century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.

    In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss: the father and the son. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular. He wrote over 150 waltzes. In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danube waltz.

    Mozart was another very important composer. He was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only 35. Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.

(1)From Paragraph 1(第1段) we know that Vienna is  

A. a beautiful new city

B. on the River Danube

C. in the center of Austria

D. the center of European pop music

(2)How many important composers are mentioned in the passage?  

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

(3)Johann Strauss the elder was famous for  

A. the dance music

B. his son

C. The Blue Danube

D. the concerts

(4)It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that Mozart was  

A. stupid and lazy

B. clever but lazy

C. stupid but hard﹣ working

D. clever and hard﹣ working

(5)This passage can be found most probably in the part of   in a newspaper.

A. News

B. Recreation(娱乐)

C. Ad(广告)

D. Sport

  • 更新:2021-01-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Masa walked slowly towards the house,stopping now and then to cut off dead leaves or fading flowers.There were few weeds(杂草).Yuki had spent many hours of her two﹣week visit weeding in the garden.Masa wondered if Yuki had spent so much of her time outside because she wanted to avoid talking to her.

    But Yuki must have wanted very much to see us,Masa told herself.She had visited in the last weeks of June,as soon as her college was out for the summer.

    She said she wanted to stay longer but couldn't because she had to work.Besides,she needed to use the studio at her college for photography and she had to go to the library to read,"Why do you have to go to college to study art?"Masa asked her. "All the great artists didn't go to college. "

    Yuki shook her head. "That was a different time.It's hard to explain. "

    "I was thinking you could live with us all year round and still be an artist.This is a nice quiet place to live. "

    "I don't know.How would I support myself here?" "You can always give lessons. "Masa said.

    "But I don't want to spend a long time looking at kids' drawings. "

    "What will you do after you graduate,anyway?Will you become a teacher somewhere else then?"

    "Grandma,I don't know. "Yuki sighed.

    "What is the use of going to college if you don't know what you're going there for?" "Maybe I'm going because I don't know.I just want to study art now.I don't want to think that far ahead. "

    The minute Masa was going to point out that this was too careless a way to live,Yuki suddenly stood up and put on her straw hat.

    "I'm going to the garden to weed your flowerbed",she said, "Let me know if there's something else I can do."

    On Yuki's visit,Masa felt strained when they talked,and she was sure Yuki also felt it.But Yuki was never rude or irritable(易怒的).Even when they disagreed,her face was always full of patience.

(1)According to the passage,Yuki was   .

A.a gardener

B.an artist

C.a college student

D.an art teacher

(2)From the underlined sentence,we can infer(推断)that Yuki wanted to   .

A.end the conversation

B.weed the flowerbed

C.leave Masa's garden

D.take some photos

(3)It can be learnt from the passage that   .

A.Yuki studied art because she wanted to be a teacher

B.Masa wasn't satisfied with Yuki's work in the garden

C.Masa and Yuki agreed on living together all the year

D.Masa and Yuki had very different ideas about college

(4)The underlined word "strained" in the last paragraph probably shows Masa felt something   .





  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


It's that time of the year﹣graduation. The end of school year is nearly in sight, and it's an especially big deal if you're finishing high school or college.

    One amazing 16﹣year﹣old Florida girl, Grace Bush, graduated from both high school and college this week! She actually got her college diploma before her high school diploma. How did she manage to do that?

    "Hard work and great attention," she told a local TV news station, "have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time. "She started taking college courses when she was just 13. She would often get up at 5: 30 a. m. and go to bed after 11: 00 p.m.

    Doing both at the same time is a huge achievement, and it has also helped her family save money. She's one of the 9 children, all home﹣schooled until the age of 13. Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part﹣time history teacher in a high school. Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law, with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she hopes to become a lawyer one day, although her parents expect her to teach at university. By the way, she also played basketball in her college team in her spare time.

(1)In what way is Grace "amazing" ?  

A. She is a 16﹣year﹣old Florida girl.

B. She finished high school this week.

C. She worked very hard at her lessons every day.

D. She graduated from both high school and college at 16.

(2)Which picture might Grace's diploma look like ?  

(3)What is the key to Grace's success?  

A. Taking college courses at 13.

B. Working hard at her courses.

C. Growing up in a professor's family.

D. Having a dream of becoming a teacher.

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?  

A. The Bushes have 13 children altogether.

B. Grace's mother is a full﹣time history teacher.

C. Grace wants to teach at university in the future.

D. Grace received her education at home before 13.

  • 更新:2021-02-01
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Beautiful Moment

   When I was in high school.I worked part﹣time helping Dad sell fruits and vegetables at a market. One day,as I was preparing the fruits,a little boy came by with his mom and sister. He was about eight years old,and the girl,five or six. They were looking the fruits in front of me. I heard the kids say to their mom in French,"They're good!" I knew it was French,because I can speak and understand it.

   Then I noticed how the mom was picking the fruits.At first I thought she was really looking at the fruits because she was facing them. But then I noticed how much she had to feel and smell each one as she picked them out. And she often asked her son if it looked okay, but looked way above where his face was. Putting what I saw together,I was sure she was blind.

   Both of the kids continued to help their mom pick out the fruits.The son made sure the fruits were not obviously bad, and the daughter handed them to her mom. The woman then felt each one and smiled, and the daughter would put them into their basket.The kids were smiling while helping their mom pick the fruits out.

   Their smile and gentle manner moved me in a way that never happened before.It was so beautiful to see such young kids so willingly help. Most kids that age would be picking out candies or toys in a store for themselves, instead of helping their mom pick out fruits as the two kids did.

   It was great to witness the moment, but not so great because I didn't tell the mom how beautiful her children were in their language.this is what I regret to this day.

(1)The woman and her kids came to the market to buy   

A. fruits

B. vegetables

C. candies

D. toys

(2)According to what he saw, the writer was sure the mother couldn't   

A. speak

B. see

C. smell

D. hear

(3)The writer was moved because   

A. the mother was brave to face her problems

B. the kids were polite and kind to each other

C. the mother was careful in picking out things

D. the kids were so willing to help their mother

  • 更新:2021-01-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lei Haiwei, a 37﹣year﹣old fast food courier(快递员) from Hunan Province, got first place in a televised Chinese poetry knowledge competition. He beat other competitors, including a master's degree(硕士学位) graduate from Beijing University, in the third season of the Chinese Poetry Conference on CCTV on April 4, 2018.

    "My interest in ancient poems began as early as I was six years old. My father hoped I would grow up to be a man who keeps the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas in mind," the courier said.

    In 2001, the younger Lei found a job in Shanghai and began to read books related to ancient poems at bookstores or libraries in his spare time, since he didn't make much money. The young man also developed a habit of reciting poems he liked and writing them down after ieturning home.

     Though Lei works as a fast food courier in Hangzhou laterhis love for poems never died Even on his busiest work days, he used any available momeni to recite poems. "For example, I am used to reciting poems when I wait for food at restaurants, and traffic lights on my way to deliver food. Reciting poems not only enriches my knowledge, but also makes my job less boring. As for my future plan, I will stick to reading and reciting poems," Lei said.

(1)How old is Lei Haiwei?


(2)What habit did Lei Haiwei develop when he worked in Shanghai?


(3)What is Lei Haiwei's future plan?






  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In October 2002,Winston Churchill was chosen by the British people as the greatest British man".The great British men behind him were Shakespeare,Newton,and Darwin.But many people did not know that Churchill was thought to be a bad boy when he was a child.

    At the age of seven,Winston Churchill was sent to a boarding(寄宿) school named St.George.The school rules were strict.He often got serious punishment.Churchill cried loudly and kicked wildly when he was beaten.At the end of the term,he returned home with a report card and pains all over his body.The report card said that he was "naughty"(顽皮的).

    At the age of twelve,his father sent him to Harrow Public School,which was famous for training English gentlemen.Because he failed the entrance exam,he was placed in the last group of the class with worst grades.He fell behind the others in study.He gave many people the impression of low energy,strangeness ,and lawlessness. Fortunately,he still had a friend,his grandfather.The American of great wealth who had experienced the world said, "Let him go!As long as boys have the chance to show their talents,they are sure to become better." Churchill kept the words of his grandfather in mind,and secretly looked for it in his heart.

    Many years later,Churchill was already a successful politician and writer.He worked as a reporter,as Secretary of the Navy,and as Prime Minister (首相) of the United Kingdom.He said, "My grandfather taught me that boys must choose their own path.I don't have special talents and my success is by working hard."

(1)The second paragraph mainly tells us    .

A.Churchill loved his school

B.Churchill got good education

C.Churchill got less punishment

D.Churchill was considered as a bad boy

(2)Churchill's grandfather was   .

A.a gentleman from the UK

B.of great help to Churchill

C.rich with little experience

D.unsure of Churchill's becoming better

(3)The underlined word "Fortunately" in the third paragraph probably means    .





(4)Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?   

①Churchill became a successful politician and writer.

②Churchill went to Harrow Public School.

③Churchill was sent to a boarding school.

④Churchill's grandfather encouraged him a lot.





(5)Which part of a magazine is the passage probably from?      

A.Geography World.

B.Science Study.

C.History Character.

D.Natural Environment.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

                                         From the Other Side

    Lara and Tara are twins.(1)   but they are very different in

everything else.For example,hot food is Lara's favorite,and Tara has a sweet choice.

    However,this isn't the problem with the twin girls.They always argued that the opposite one was wrong. (2)   ,while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight.

   (3)   .To put an end to their fights,their parents decided to create a small drama.They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view.Their parents covered the girls'eyes with black ribbons,and brought them to the dining room.(4)   Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other.They couldn't see the other side of it.When the ribbons were taken away,they were surprised to see a huge board between them.

    Now,their father asked Lara,"What's the color of the board?"She replied,"It's black!"(5)   .She replied,"It's white!"The two girls began to argue again.While Lara was confident it was black,Tara was sure it was white.Then,they were asked to exchange(交换)their places.They couldn't believe their eyes.Tara,who insisted it was a white board,saw a black one.Similarly,Lara,who argued the board was black,was shocked to see a white one.They understood that each of them was right in her own view.Most of us are like Lara and Tara.We are right most times,but insist that others are wrong!

A.They look like each other

B.For years,their arguments continued

C.Their mother asked Tara the same question

D.In the room,a big board was placed in the middle

E.Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning.

  • 更新:2021-01-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1988,Wang Chengbang retired(退休)from the army.Instead of enjoying a relaxing life,he volunteered to save the soil from desertification(沙漠化)by planting trees in Korla,Xinjiang.

It is no easy job.The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone to work day after day in the sunshine.Besides,water is a big problem.In fact,Wang Chengbang's work in the first few years failed as very few trees survived(存活).

But Wang Chengbang would not give up."After trying many different ways,I have learned how to grow young trees in a better way," said Wang Chengbang.He also worked out new ways to save water.With his hard work,more and more trees have survived.So far,he has planted more than 1.5 million trees.Those green trees prevent desertification,make the air cleaner and protect people from the hot sun.Now,Korla is a model city in environmental protection.

Wang Chengbang is also successful in fighting cancer(癌症).In 2005,he had cancer and was told that he had only six months to live.However,he continued taking care of his trees rather than lying on the hospital bed."Working is the best medicine.Planting trees helps to fight cancer," he often jokes.

Now,at the age of 85,Wang Chengbang is still working.

(1)Is it an easy job for Wang Chengbang to plant trees?


(2)How many trees has Wang Chengbang planted so far?


(3)What is Wang Chengbang successful in?


(4)In the summer holiday,do you want to be a volunteer to work with Wang Chengbang?Why or why not?


  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dmitry Doronin,a doctoral student from Russia,is keen (热衷的)to share his experience in rural villages in Zhejiang with his 1.4 million followers online.

Since Dmitry started to live in the countryside last August,the 32 ﹣year﹣old has created hundreds of video clips that record the relaxing lifestyle in Hengzhang village,Lishui city."The rice is grown in the fields together with fish,which helps to increase local agricultural (农业的)products," said Dmitry,while introducing products from Hengzhang village on the popular Chinese short﹣videos platform Douyin,Besides filming videos,Dmitry also enjoys working with farmers in the fields,doing activities   such as planting vegetables and feeding chickens.

Living in a village provides him with uniqueexperiences,he says,quite different from busy life in big cities,such as Shanghai,where he studies.And he has been a pleasant surprise to the villagers as well.Villager Bao Mingyue,76,says,"To our surprise,the young Russian not only knows how to cook Chinese food but is interested in working in the fields."

Because of the outbreak of COVID﹣19,the sales of local agricultural products had dropped rapidly,so Dmitry volunteered to help sell the products in his videos.In a few months,10,000 kilograms of oranges,4,000 kilograms of dried sweet potatoes and 300 kilograms of honey had been sold.

"Thanks to his videos,it seems that more tourists have come to visit our village,"says 72﹣year﹣ old Pan Xianyu,who is very pleased to see the great changes in her hometown,Dmitry loves his country life,"In the countryside,you can immerse (沉浸)yourself in the traditional way of life and understand this country better," he says.

According to Dmitry,some Russians' opinions about China are still out of date,although China has progressed greatly."I would like to become a people to people envoy (使者)of friendship between the two countries by using the Internet," he says.

(1)It can be learnt from the passage that Dmitry    .


has lived in the countryside for years


is good at catching fishes


C gets much attention on the Internet


sells farmers' products in Russia

(2)The underlined word"unique" probably means"    ".









(3)The purpose of Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 is to    .


show Dmitry's influence on Hengzhang village


advise people to buy the products of Hengzhang village


make more tourists interested in Hengzhang village


explain why the sale of sweet potatoes dropped

(4)Dmitry hopes to help Russians to       .


improve their lives more quickly


have a better understanding of China


study Chinese traditional way of life


make rapid progress in farming

  • 更新:2021-09-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I came to the United States from Africa to live with my uncle Jim in Maryland.One year later,I lost my sight because of a serious illness.

Jim told me not to go out.He worried I would get lost or hit by a car.But I was dogged.I told him I'd pay attention.I believed I'd succeed.I must succeed.I must put my will into action.I dreamed of being a broadcaster.

Then a neighbor told me that a public library in Washington D.C.was offering a free course,specially designed for blind people,This was an important chance for me.

But how would I map my way?I knew that the American singer Ray Charles,also blind,got around on his own without a cane (手杖).His secret was to count steps.But I couldn't seem to do that way.Instead I developed my imagination.sensing the layout (布局)of places I Visited and taking notes of landmarks in my mind.

At first,I would have to stop to imagine and map a new space in my mind,The next time I visited that place,I'd use that to find the way.Today.I am used to doing it,But I've still lost my way many times.I'd have to swallow my pride to ask for help,not thinking what others think or say about me.

Sometimes I'd be down and I'd consider giving up.Perhaps my uncle was right.Maybe I'd stay home and wait until someone came to help.On those days when I lost my way,I'd go to bed with a bad feeling.▲.I had e strong wish 10 bear blindness and be successful,and that was usually enough to get me out of bed the next day and try again.

Along the way I learned to be patient with myself and realized that asking for help didn't diminish (贬低)me in any way,I've got three academic degrees so far.

Today,I'm a reporter and broadcaster.I've achieved my dream.

Yes,I've lost my way many times and found it again.Yes,I've come close to being hit by a car but never bee hit by one.When people ask, "Aren't you afraid to be out alone?" the answer to me is clear;I would face danger and find happiness instead of staying home and being unhappy.

(1)The writer    one year after he moved to the US.


got lost


became blind


lost his parents


was hit by a car

(2)Which of the following can be put in"▲" in Paragraph 6?    


And my uncle knew it well


But I kept that to myself


And my uncle was with me


So I gave up trying again

(3)What might Jim say when he talks about the writer at the end of the story?    


That boy can see!


That boy is so poor!


We are free now!


I've done much for him!

(4)The best title of this passage might be    .


An Imagination to Succeed


Life with My Uncle


A Common Way to Success


Study in the Library

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know Liu Xiuxiang?This name might be strange to you,but you must have herd about the story of him.He "carried" his sick mom to his university while studied in Shandong.His mom wasn't able to look after herself after his dad passed away.He had to support the whole family.Life was difficult,but he went on studying hard.Finally he got into the university.

   Many years later,Liu was noticed by public again.He won the honor - the "May 4th" Medal of Chinese Youth.After he graduated from university in 2012,Liu refused many highly paid job and went back to his hometown,Guizhou Province.There he has been working as a teacher for 9 years.He said, "I hope to do something for more children whose lives are similar to mine."

   In fact,Liu supported three poor children when he was in high school.Till now,he has helped more than 1,700 students and given more than 1,000 speeches.His story has warmed many people.As the song sings "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." There is no doubt that he will give more hope to more children in the future.

(1)Why did Liu Xuxiang "carry" his mom to the university?    


Because his mom couldn't take care of herself.


Because his mom wanted to work in the university.


Because his mom was too lonely.


Because Liu was not independent.

(2)Liu Xiuxiang worked as a    after he graduated from the university.


a policeman


a doctor


a teacher


an officer

(3)Where is Liu Xiuxiang's hometown?    


In Shandong.


In Guizhou.


In Sichuan.


In Henan.

(4)When did Liu start to support poor children?    


When he graduated from university in 2012.


After he won the May 4 thMedal of Chinese Youth.


When he got into the university.


D When he was a high school student.

(5)What do you think of Liu Xiuxiang?    


Kind and helpful


Honest and brave.


Polite and responsible.


Hard﹣working and shy.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mel found a wallet on her way back home.She picked it up and looked inside.Five hundred dollars!Mel thought about the bike she wanted.She had asked her mum for one,which would cost 460 dollars,but her mum said they had no money.Mel looked around.No one had seen her with the wallet.She put it into her school bag and ran home fast.

When she got home,she put the wallet in her treasure box.However,there was one problem.How could she tell her parents about it?Then Mel remembered the prize of the science competition was five hundred dollars.She would tell her parents she had won it.

The next day,Mel rushed home from school.She was just about to tell her mother the good news when her mother said," "I have enough money left over this week for a treat.I've bought some strawberries.You can have one." Mel's news darted (猛冲) back inside her like a moth (蛾子) into a dark corner.What would happen if her mother lost her wallet and someone kept it?They might not have any food for weeks!Mel ran to her room.She opened the treasure box and took the wallet to her mother.

"I found this," she said. "It has five hundred dollars in it."

"Wow!" said her mother. "Five hundred dollars!"

She looked inside the wallet. "It could be Mrs.Maka's," she said. "We'll have to take it to her right now."

Mrs.Maka was very pleased to get her wallet back. "This money is to get my eyes fixed,or I will go blind," she said.She gave twenty dollars to Mel,but Mel refused.

After that,Mel and Mrs.Maka became good friends.Mel helped Mrs.Maka make a garden and Mrs.Maka showed Mel how to make clay pots(陶罐).One day,Mrs.Maka said, "Mel,my clay pot won a prize﹣1000 dollars and a red bike!I can't ride a bike.Would you like it?"

(1)How did Mel get the 500 dollars?   


She found it on her way home.


She won the prize of a competition.


She borrowed it from her friend.


She saved it from her pocket money.

(2)From the underlined sentence,we can infer that Mel felt    .









(3)What did Mel do with the money in the end?   


She gave it to her mum.


She kept it in her treasure box.


She bought herself a bike.


She returned it to Mrs.Maka.

(4)From the last paragraph we can know that   .


Mel's dream finally came true


Mel became good at making clay pots


Mrs.Maka didn't like the bike at all


Mrs.Maka needed more money for her eyes

(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?   


Trust is the best choice.


Honesty makes close friendship.


Do well and have well.


Don't wait to correct your mistakes.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Mom!I found one!I found a rock!"

    I heard those words again and again last summer as I sat by the window,which faces a park in the small town where I live.

    The Kindness Rocks Project,which was started a few years ago by a mom in Massachusetts,has spread around the world.Kids,families,and people of all ages are taking part in painting rocks,hiding rocks,and finding painted rocks all over the place.Some post photos of the rocks on social media (传媒),and others simply move the rocks for someone else to find.Some take the rocks home and then replace them with new ones that they created and hid.

    Nine﹣year﹣old twins Harry and Hannah DeVrieze have painted hundreds of rocks with their parents.Most evenings,the family and their small dog walk around with a wagon (运货车) full of rocks that they hide as they walk.

    "It's a fun family activity," Hannah says.

    "We will do it in the winter too," Hannah says.

    Ben Burinsky,age nine,and his brother,Luke,age seven,were visiting relatives (亲戚) when they found their first painted rock in a park.They were so excited that they went home and painted their own rocks,then hid them for others to find.

    "My boys loved finding the rock in the park,especially since it was a superhero," their mother,Judy Burinsky,says. "I love how something so small can bring a smile to my children's faces.In return,they learn the value of giving back to others."

    Kadyn Kinney,age nine,and his seven﹣year﹣old brother,Jayce,have also painted many rocks.They love to hide rocks and look for rocks with their mom and dad.When their grandmother visited,they gave her painted rocks to take home and hide in the Florida town where she lives.When asked how many rocks he has painted so far,Jayce says, "Trust me!I've painted more than 30."

(1)The activity was started in   .

A.New York



(2)How old is Harry?    




(3)What does the underlined word "value" in Paragraph 8 mean?   




(4)Jayce has painted more than    rocks.




(5)What is the main idea of the passage?    

A.The kind people.

B.The Kindness Rocks Project.

C.The painted rocks.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Herman planted the hot peppers (胡椒) in his five﹣hectare field in his town. The 36﹣year﹣old man put up a sign reading "Africa Hema Village" in Chinese, English and his native language. His first harvest will start this month. Herman studied in China from 2011 to 2018, receiving his master's degree and a doctorate in environmental science. He returned to Rwanda in 2018 with his wife, Yang Hong, who is from China, and started his own business. Hema Xiansheng CEO Hou Yi visited Rwanda to find quality products to bring to the Chinese market. Hot peppers were one of his discoveries. The couple helped Hou's team, from research to field trips, testing production processes (加工) and so on. They also helped Hema Xiansheng's purchasing (采购) manager, Chen Huifang, when she led a team of eight to visit Rwanda to research the possibilities of making hot pepper products that suit Chinese preferences.

    "We wore rubber gloves when we touched them. Our fingers still felt hot the next day," Chen said. Their research and development team spent four days studying and cooking the peppers. Transporting fresh hot peppers to China proved difficult, so the fresh peppers can't be imported (进口) into China. Then Chen's team decided to perform basic processing in Rwanda before shipping. Processing requires a careful balance. Too much salt will make the peppers less delicious. Too little, and the peppers may go bad. Because plastics mustn't be used in Rwanda, they had to find proper ways to carry the pepper sauce. The material they first used couldn't stand the long flights. Now Chen is happy to see that the pepper sauce has sold well in Hema's offline and online stores.

    Herman pointed out that few local farmers grow hot peppers because the market is small. A small amount is sold to Europe. And local need is limited due to its spiciness. So, about half the harvest is wasted every year. A young man in Rwanda will only make 10 yuan ($1.4)a day by working in the cities, but if they grow hot peppers due to Hema's orders, they can make 50 to 60 yuan a day. Herman expressed his willingness to introduce more people to make more money by farming, rather than working for lower incomes, when e﹣commerce (电子商务) can bring greater needs and sales.

    "It's a chance for Rwandan people to join the new field and change their lives," Herman said, "Through building more Hema Villages, Rwanda has the chance to become a country of digital agriculture."

(1)"Africa Hema Village" in Paragraph 1 is a place  

A. called Hema in Africa

B. where Herman's wife was born

C. providing hot peppers for Hema

D. for Africans to buy hot peppers

(2)Why should the peppers be processed before shipping to China? Because  

A. a balance is needed when the processing is done

B. fresh hot peppers mustn't be imported into China

C. in Rwanda, people are not allowed to use plastics

D. during shipping, fresh hot peppers are easy to go bad

(3)If a young man in Rwanda grows hot peppers for Hema, he may get about  

A. 10 dollars a week

B. 1,600 yuan a month

C. 500 dollars a year

D. 16,000 yuan half a year

(4)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. Many types of products have been offered in Africa Hema Village.

B. Hot peppers from Africa have a large market all around the world.

C. Hema Xiansheng paid for Herman's seven﹣year education in China.

D. Herman hopes to do something to improve people's lives in Rwanda.

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
