
In the United States, headmaster and teachers punish(惩罚)students in different ways. The teachers often write to or call the students' parents. Sometimes students have to stay at school for an extra hour. If a student behaves(表现) very badly, the headteacher can suspend(使暂停上课) the student. The student can't come to school for one, two, or three days. Mr Lazares didn't like to suspend students. When he suspended students,they were happy. "A three﹣day holiday!" they thought. One day,a boy was in Mr Lazares' office. The boy was not behaving well in class. Mr Lazares phoned the boy's parents. "If you come to school with your son,I won't suspend him." he said. The boy's father came to school and went with his son to every class. Other students all looked at the boy and his father. The boy was embarrassed(尴尬的).After that he behaved better. He didn't want his father to come to school again. Other students behaved better,too. They thought,"I don't want my parents to come to school!"

   That year about 60 parents came to school with children who didn't behave well. The next year only a few parents had to come to school. The students were behaving better.

(1)Teachers punish their students in these ways except (除…之外)   


writing to the students' parents


calling the students' parents


telling the students to stay at school for an extra hour


telling the students to stand up all day in the classroom

(2)   can suspend the students if they behave very badly at school.


The students' parents


The students' teachers


The students' headteacher


The students themselves

(3)The students will be   if they are suspended according to the passage.









(4)   came to school after Mr Lazares phoned Robert's parents.


Robert's grandfather


Robert's grandmother


Robert's father


Robert's mother

(5)The students behaved   after their parents did what Mr Lazares told them to do.









  • 更新:2021-01-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My name is Daming. I'm twelve years old and I'm from Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. My mother is a nurse, and my father is an actor.We are Chinese. This is Tony Smith. Tony is his first name and Smith is his last name. He's my friend but he is not in my class. He is from Cambridge. It's small city in England.He's thirteen years old. His mother is an English teacher. His father is a doctor. They are English.


(1)Daming is twelve years old.  

(2)Daming is not from Beijing.  

(3)Tony is not in Daming class.  

(4)Cambridge is small city in England.  

(5)Tony's mother is a doctor.  

  • 更新:2021-01-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Not only kids of Tiger Moms go to Harvard.

    Dawn Loggins of Lawndale,N.C.is on her way to Harvard,one of the eight world﹣famous universities in the eastern US.Nobody encouraged her to study or paid for her special classes.This girl created her own future.

    The teen was abandonedby her family last summer,when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee.She found herself homeless and had to spend the night on friends'sofas.

    The school bus driver learned about Dawn's situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family.Soon,Dawn had a job at Burns High School.She worked from 6 a.m.to 7:40 a.m.before the first school bell rang.She swept floors and picked up trash again in the afternoons,before diving(跳水)into her studies in the evenings.

    Dawn's hard work paid off.She finished school with a 3.9 GPA and scored 2,110 on the SAT.

"There were times when I felt like it would be easiest if I gave up,"the 18﹣year﹣old said."But it was never in me to give up,because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education."

    Even before Dawn's family left her,she led a difficult life.Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food.Dawn"studied by candlelight"because her parents couldn't afford to pay the electricity bill(电费).

    Dawn has now reconnected with her family.They are proud of her accomplishments(成就) and are attending her high school graduation.


(1)Why didn't Dawn give up her studies?   


To reconnect with her family.


To thank those who had helped her.


To get an education to be successful.


To realize her dream of going to Harvard.

(2)Who helped Dawn when she found herself homeless?   


Her teachers.


Her neighbors.


A Tiger Mom.


A school bus driver.

(3)What does the underlined word"abandoned"mean in Chinese?   









(4)Which of the following words describes Dawn?   









(5)What is the best title for the text?   


Another Harvard girl.


A girl in candlelight.


From homeless to Harvard.


The role of Tiger Moms.

  • 更新:2021-01-21
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery (外科手术).

He found the boy's father in the hall waiting worriedly.

On seeing him,the father cried out,"Why did you take all this time to come?Don't you know that my son is in danger?Don't you have any sense of duty?"

The doctor smiled and said,"I am sorry.I wasn't in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after receiving the call and now,I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work."

"Calm down?!What if your son was in this room right now?Would you calm down?If your own son dies while waiting for a doctor,then what will you do?"said the father angrily.The doctor smiled again and replied,"We will do our best and you should also pray (祈祷)for your son's healthy life."

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,"Thank goodness!Your son is saved!"And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running by saying,"If you have any questions,ask the nurse."

"Couldn't he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my son's state?"shouted the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered,tears coming down her face."His son died yesterday in a road accident.He was at the burial (葬礼) when we called him for your son's surgery.And now that he saved your son's life,he left running to finish his son's burial."


46.What did the doctor do afterhe received the call for the surgery?   


He asked another doctor to do his duty.


He went to the hospital as soon as possible.


He discussed the boy's state with the father.


He waited until his son's burial was finished.

47.The father shouted at the doctor because he thought   


he had waited too long


no one cared for his son


the doctor was cold to him


the surgery took a long time

48.Who told the truth to the father in the end?   


The doctor.


The nurse.


His son.


A patient.

49.How might the father feel after he knew the truth?   









50.What is the best title for the text?   


Seeing is believing


Time waits for no man


Practice makes perfect


Think before you decide.

  • 更新:2021-01-21
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once upon a time,there lived a teacher in a small town.He often taught his students in special ways.Once he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in different seasons.The first student went in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the last in autumn.

After the four students came back,the teacher called them together.They pictured (描述)their feelings to the teacher.The first student said that there were no leaves on the trees.It made him very disappointed.The second student said his eyes were full of light green.It made him feel hopeful.The third one disagreed."What are you talking about?How pretty the trees were!The sweet smell of the beautiful flowers spread (传播)here and there."The last one shook his head.He only saw a lot of apples on the beautiful trees.

The teacher smiled and told his students none of them were wrong.They each just saw one season.He continued,"The trees are not the same in different seasons.You can't judge (判断)a tree by only one season.Don't let the regret of one season destroy the beauty of the rest."

Everything has different sides in our life.Don't hurry to make a conclusion (结论)before seeing the whole of it.



(1)Four students were sent to see apples in different seasons.   

(2)The first student left for the small farm in winter.   

(3)The last student saw the beautiful trees with many apples.   

(4)The teacher thought his four students were completely wrong.   

(5)The passage mainly tells us that we should judge things by only one sied.  

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr.Smith lived in a small village. She was born with a silver spoon.When her parents died,they left her a lot of money.After that,she lived on her own.Unfortunately,she became blind after a serious illness.She went to see lots of famous doctors,but nobody was able to cure (治愈)her eyes.She felt very sad.

One day,a man named Tom came to the village where Ms.Smith lived.Ho heard ahout her illness and came to her house,He told Ms.Smith that he had much experience.He was sure to cure her eyes,but she must pay him a large amount of money.Ms.Smith agreed."But you can't get a penny if you fail,"said the lady.

During the treatment,Tom found Ms.Smith was very rich.There were plenty of good things in her house.He stole many valuable things from the house.Several weeks later.Tom cured Ms.Smith.The lady could really see with her eyes.When Tom asked for money,Ms.Smith refused.She said,"You haven't cured my eyes.Before I was blind,I could see all the things in my room.       "Hearing that,Tom stood there and couldn't say a word.


31.The underlined sentence" She was born with a silver spoon."most probably means   


she had poor parents


she was born in a rich family


she had meals with a very expensive spoon

32.Tom came to visit Ms.Smith for the first time because he   


wanted to steal her money


wanted to help her for free


wanted to cure her illness in order to make money

33.After Ms.Smith was cured,   


Tom paid her a lot of money


she refused to pay Tom any money


she paid Tom lots of money at once

34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


Ms.Smith was born blind.


Many valuable things were stolen from Tom's house.


It took Tom several weeks to cure Ms.Smith.

35."   "can be the missing sentence in the passage.


What a colorful world!


But now I can't see any of them.


Thank you for curing my eyes.

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ken and Anthony were childhood friends.They went to primary and high school together.When they were eighteen,they went to college in different states,and then they lost touch(联系)They didn't see each other until they were about forty.

One morning Ken was reading the newspaper.Inside the newspaper he found a message for a story reading at a nearby bookstore.He was surprised to find that the writer was his friend Anthony Ken decided to see how his old friend was.

When Anthony was introduced in the bookstore,Ken hardly know him Anthony was very fat,and he had little hair.w hen Anthony was in high school,he was very handsome Ken felt sorry.for Anthony's look,but he was proud of Anthony's talent.Anthony's storybooks w were quite good.

When the reading was over,Ken stood in line with the others waiting for Anthony to sign(签名) books When it was Ken's turn,Anthony saw him,stood up and hugged his long lost friend.

They didn't see each other for many years,but both men had a lot in common.Both men were interested in storybooks.Both men married Mexican women.Both men had sons.Ken and Anthony decided not to lose touch again


61.The two childhood friends didn't see each other for about   years.









62.How did Ken find the message for a story reading at a nearby bookstore?   


By watching TV.


By listening to the radio.


By going online.


By reading a newspaper.

63.How did Ken feel when he saw Anthony in the bookstore?   


He felt sorry but proud.


He felt sorry and sad.


He felt tired but excited.


He felt relaxed and happy.

64.Which of the following is TRUE?   


Anthony didn't get on well with Ken.


Anthony looked the same as before.


Anthony signed Ken's book first

D.Seeing Ken,Anthony felt excited and hugged him.

65.From the last paragraph,we know that   


the two friends had nothing in common


the two friends will soon live in the same city


the two friends may meet or write to each other


Anthony will help Ken to write storybooks.

  • 更新:2021-02-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Save the whales!"That's what the picture on Jake Smith's bedroom wall said.Jake liked having a picture that said something important:that showed he cared.He just never expected to get a chance to save a real whale,one right in his own neighbourhood.

It was a Saturday morning when the newspaper first reported the whales'coming.A group of the animals were swimming close to the beach in Jake's hometown.All the local people rushed out to the beach to see them.They were expecting a beautiful show,better than a movie,but nothing they'd have to do anything about.

Then one whale swam in the direction,directly towards land.It came in with the waves,and when the waves receded.Its huge body rested on the sand.Suddenly,Jake and his family and all the others were no longer sightseers.They had to become rescuers.A few people ran towards the animal.They pushed and tried to force the whale back into the water,but it was no use.

An animal rescue service team soon arrived in a truck with heavy lifting machinery,to help move the animal.Jake and his family couldn't do much on the beach,so they went back to their house and made sandwiches and hot tea for the rescuers.At least,Jake thought,they could help in some way.

Back at the beach,they offered the food to the rescuers and were happy to see that it was needed.It was getting dark.Some people lined up their cars along the beach and shined the headlights on the sand.The rescuers would not give up.After trying many times they were finally able to lift the whale into the water.Everyone cheered when it headed out to sea.It swam out about a mile and then disappeared for a moment under the sea.Then,in what looked like a jump of joy,it rose high above the water﹣a thank﹣you to those who had worked so hard to save his life.

26.What does the picture on Jake's wall tell us about him?   


He lived near the ocean.


He cared about the environment.


He worked as an animal rescuer.


He thought whales were the most beautiful animals.

27.Why did the local people go down to the beach that morning?   


To swim with the whales


To help rescue the whales.


To see the whales swimming.


To watch a movie about whales.

28.The underlined word"receded"in Paragraph 3means   


didn't move


went back out


washed over


got up

29.How did Jake and his family help save the whale?   


By calling the rescue service.


By asking their neighbours for help.


By giving the rescuers food and drink.


By controlling the people on the beach.

30.In what order did the events of the whale rescue take place?   

a.The whale disappeared under the sea.

b.People turned on the lights of their cars.

c.Rescuers lifted the whale into the water.

d.People pushed the whale towards the sea.









  • 更新:2021-02-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Here is a story:A man sees a butterfly(蝴蝶).The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis(蛹).

Feeling sorry for it,the man decides to help.He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily.Surprisingly enough,the butterfly is unable to fly.If the butterfly doesn't struggle(挣扎;奋斗) to leave

the chrysalis,it can't fly!The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly.Similarly,the challenges of life bring out the best in young people and make the fly.

    When people are young,meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face

life.When we look at successful people,we see that the most successful of them are people who have

had to struggle.One famous businessman,who now owns many big supermarkets,used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young.Another successful man is Dennis.His father died when he was only twenty.His father's death forced him to maturefast.He had to bring

up a family of nine people.He took up the challenges and overcame them.Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.

    Sometimes challenges do not appear to us because we keep away from them.So some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges.They might organize some activities for young people which provide them with challenges,like rock﹣climbing,camping,volunteer work and so on.However,just passing exams will not prepare a person for life.We must meet and overcome challenges.The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow.For countries to continue to become successful,it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them.

56.From the story we know that the butterfly can't fly because   


it gets out by itself


the man feels sorry for it


it tries to challenge itself


the man helps it come out

57.Dennis's example shows that successful people should   


overcome the difficulties


take up business early


become the leaders of tomorrow


sell clothes from door to door

58.The meaning of the underlined word"mature"in the passage is"   ".


wake up


give up


grow up


bring up

59.What is the writer trying to do in this passage?   


Describe where a butterfly comes from.


Encourage young people to face challenges.


Suggest how to become a successful businessman.


Explain what will happen if a person fails the exam.


60.What is the best title for this passage?


Successful People Have a Sense of Achievement


Young People Must Develop Their Energy Actively


Countries Should Continue to Become Successful


Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best in Young People.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    David walked down the street.All he wanted to do was to play basketball with Jim.But his mother told him to return his sister's books to the library on his way to Jim's house.

    In his eyes,books and summertime just don't go together.He thought he had read a lot during the

school year.And he had never set foot inside a public library.Today he'd just drop the books off in the

outside return box,but it was locked.He had to go inside to return them.

    David walked inside the building a few minutes before closing time.He put the books into the return

box.After a quick drink of water and a short stop in the toilet,he'd be on his way to meet Jim.He

walked out of the toilet.The library lights were turned off.He was locked﹣﹣﹣in a library.

    David tried to use the telephone,but he couldn't find one.As the sun began to set,he searched for a light and found a little one on the desk.He used a pencil to write a note on a big piece of paper.It read,"I'm locked inside.Please call for help."He put it on the front door.Surely,someone passing by would see it.He then turned his attention to the library itself.

    He was surprised to discover that this place was not so bad.Rows and rows of books!When he

saw a book about Michael Jordan on the desk,he picked it up.He opened the book and began to read.

He felt that being locked in the library didn't seem to be such a terrible thing.

46.What did David's mother want him to do?   


Play basketball with Jim.


Take a walk in the street.


Read books in the library.


Return his sister's books.

47.David thought he had read a lot during   


a visit to Jim's


the school year


the closing time


the summertime

48.David went inside the building because   


the sun began to set


he wanted to use the telephone


he needed to go to the toilet


the outside return box was locked

49.Which of the following sentences could be added to the chart(图表)?   

He wrote a note on a big piece of paper.

He wrote a note on a big piece of paper.

He opened the book and began to read.


He searched for a light.


He put the books into the return box.


He had a quick drink of water.


He turned his attention to the library.

50.David discovered that   after he was locked in the library.


he was very afraid of the dark.


he became interested in this place


his mom was worried about him


His friend became nervous about him.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Smoke fills the sky.The day is as dark as night.Heat makes it hard to breathe (呼吸).This is thwart world of a wildfire fighter(消防员)!

Wildfires are a part of nature.But,as one firefighter says."Fire is not a problem.People living near fire﹣that's the problem."A wildfire can destroy (毁坏)everything in its way.But there are ways to fight it.

By air Smokejumpers (空降森林灭火员)are often the first firefighters to reach a fire.To get closer,they jump from a plane.They are especially important when the area is difficult to walk to.If smokejumpers can't stop a fire in 24 hours,other firefighters join them.This second group drops water on the fire from an airplane.

On the land

On the ground,firefighters work together to stop the fire.First,one group digs a fire line.This is a long deep ditch (沟).It is difficult for the fire to cross this line.

Then,while those firefighters dig,others start a backfire (回火).They burn the dry grass and leaves between the wildfire and the fire line.When the wildfire comes,there is nothing for it to use as fuel

Other firefighters cut down dead trees.That way the fire can't move to other trees.Firefighters risk their lives to keep people safe.Their job takes hard work,and it takes courage.

53.The underlined phrase" use as fuel"means   









54.When the firefighter says,"Fire is not a problem.People living near fire﹣that's the problem,"what does he mean?   


Fire is natural,but it's dangerous to people living near it.


Fires in forests are not a big problem,but fires in cities are.


Fighting fires should be the job of people living near fires.


Putting out fires in cities is always a problem for firefighters.

55.According to the passage,which of the following statements is wrong?   


Smokejumpers are often the last firefighters to reach a fire.


The firefighters dig a fire line to stop the fire crossing the line.


The firefighters start a backfire by burning the dry grass and leaves.


Some firefighters cut down dead trees so that the fire can't move to other trees.

56.The writer wants to   


explain why fire is not a problem


show us how fires destroy everything


tell us how firefighters fight wildfires


teach us how to be a good firefighter.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's Saturday night.Mia,18,is meeting her boyfriend,Nice.He's an hour late.Mia calls Nico four times on his mobile phone.The fifth time be answers.


"Nico?It's Mia.Where are you?"


"You're late!Are you playing computer games again?"

Mia is angry,Sometimes Nico plays EverQuest (an online game ) for six or seven hours,and he forgets about her.

Games like Everquest and StarCraft are very popular all over the world.Some gamers play for eight to ten hours every day.A man from India played StarCraft for 50 hours nonstop (不间断地)!Three hours later,he died.

"Some people can't stop,"says Dr.Park a researcher in UK."They don't take a break to eat or sleep.They quit (辍学)school.The game is their life.And that's not good."

But there is good news Eiji is from Japan.He makes special tools for gamers.One is a utensil (器皿).Using it,gamers can eat and play at the same time!With another tool,a player can press a button(摁按钮)and send a message to people (for example,"Bring me a drink!").

Nico likes Eiji's tools,but Mia doesn't."Oh no."she says."Now I'll never see my boyfriend!"

46.Mia is angry because   


Nico wants to buy StarCraft


she wants to buy EverQuest


Nico forgets about her while playing games


Nico wants to quit school

47.An example of an extreme (极度的)gamer is   


Nico's girlfriend


a man from India




a person from UK

48.The title for this reading could be   


Computer Games Are Fun to Learn


The Best Computer Games Today


Too Much Time Online Is Bad


The Best Computer Gamer.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Kate lives in London with her parents. She is a schoolgirl. Today is Kate’s birthday and she’s fifteen years old. Her father’s name is Smith. He works in a hospital. People think he is a good doctor. Kate’s mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has two brothers and a sister, and they study in China. Her elder(大) brother speaks Chinese very well and has many friends there. He is a college (大学) student. But her younger brother and sister are middle-school students. Both of them are studying Chinese very hard and want to be teachers of Chinese in their country(国家).
Today Kate is _________________.

A.fifteen B.sixteen C.seventeen D.eighteen

What is her father? ___________ .

A.A teacher B.A nurse C.A doctor D.A worker

What do her younger brother and sister want to be?

A.Teachers of English B.Teachers of Chinese
C.Teachers of maths D.Teachers of art

Where does her elder brother have many friends? ____________.
A. In his country     B. In the hospital  C. In China            D. In the USA.
Her younger brother and sister want to teach _______ people Chinese.

A.English B.American C.Chinese D.China
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom, an 11-year-old boy, was ill. He had got a cough, and his mother was worried and took him to see a doctor. The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, “Tom, nothing serious.” Then he gave him some medicine. These are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.

Take three times a day after meals.
Dose (剂量): Grown-ups: 2 spoon(汤匙) each time
Children (8-14 years old): one spoon
(4-7 years old): 1/2 spoon
Not fit for children below(在……之下) the age of 4.
Notes: 1.Store in a cold place.
2.Use before Oct., 2006.
Add: No. 10 Nanjing Road, Shanghai

Tom should take three spoons a day.
Tom had better have his meals before he takes the medicine.
The medicine can be kept in a fridge(冰箱).
Children aged five can’t take this medicine.
From this instruction we know Tom can go on using the medicine after Oct. 2006.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know who is the most popular star on the Internet now? Yes, he is “Brother Coat”(大衣哥) Zhu Zhiwen!
A few months ago, Zhu Zhiwen was an unknown farmer. A video of his show has been watched by more than millions of people,now his videos are the most popular. Zhu Zhiwen attracts Chinese netizens'(网民的) hearts. And he is called “Brother Coat” by them.
In March 2011, he took part in a program called “I’m a Big Star”. He walked out onto the stage in a dark green coat. Then he began to sing the song of the TV drama Romance of Three Kingdoms. When the audiences heard rich and powerful voice,all of them stood up and cheered. After that, he became a well-known person.
The judges(评委) asked him if he had any professional training. Zhu said no. “When he started, I thought someone played the original tape(原声带) by mistake. But later on, I got it, ” said one of them, “we can’t judge a book by its cover.” At last, he won the first prize in the program of “I’m a Big Star”.
Zhu Zhiwen was born in a village of Shandong in 1969. He liked listening to the radio. When the music played, he sang it along. Every morning, he would get up early and practiced singing near a river. He keeps doing it for nearly 30 years.
“When I’m working in the fields, ”said Zhu Zhiwen, “I often sing for myself, some villagers even think me crazy,but I really love it. I’m not singing for money, I’m singing for ordinary people in China.”
Mrs. Sun, a 56-year-old engineer, one of his fans said, “I watched his videos without getting tired of it! It is so amazing, and every time I watch it, I am filled with excitement and his voice is perfect! I am crossing my fingers in hope that he has a bright future.”
Who gave Zhu Zhiwen the nickname of “Brother Coat”(大衣哥)?

A.His father. B.The villagers. C.His mother. D.The netizens.

When did Zhu Zhiwen become a well-known person?

A.In 1969. B.In 2011. C.Two years ago. D.A few years ago.

Why did the audiences stand up cheer when Zhu Zhiwen sang the song?

A.Because he was funny.
B.Because he wore a dark green coat.
C.Because his voice was rich and powerful.
D.Because he gave some gifts to the audiences.

The underlined phrase “judge a book by its cover” in Paragraph 4 means ________.

A.以貌取人  B.志存高远  C.众口铄金 D.哗众取宠

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Zhu Zhiwen is 45 years old now.
B.Mrs. Sun enjoys Zhu Zhiwen’s songs.
C.A famous singer taught Zhu Zhiwen to sing.
D.Zhu Zhiwen often sang for his fans when he was young.
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
