
Not long ago, a senior high school student caught much attention at the second World Laureates Forum(世界顶尖科学家论坛) in Shanghai. She is Tan Fanglin, a senior high school student from Shanghai.

    The forum brought nearly 70 world's top scientists together to discuss important issuer(议题) about science. Besides the world's top scientists, the forum also invited many young scientists. Tan Fanglin was among them, and as a 15﹣year﹣old girl, she was the youngest member in the meeting. Her research has improved people's understanding of the connections between the Fibonacci sequence and Bezout numbers(斐波那契数列与贝祖数). The findings have won her many prizes in youth innovation(创新) competitions in Shanghai and elsewhere in China.

    From a very young age, Tan has always been crazy about math. This is largely because of the influence of her father, who is a math teacher in East China Normal University. According to Tan's head teacher, she never takes after﹣school classer or too many exercises. Her achievements come from her strong interest in math and the right study method.

    Talking about her experience, Tan said, "Taking part in the WLA Forum and communicating with great scientists face﹣to﹣face have further encouraged me to do scientific research. I like math and I dream of achieving good research results like to top scientists. To make my dream come true, I'll have to keep learning."

(1)The important fasues of the second WLA Forum were about  

A. computer

B. science

C. math

(2)Who has influenced Tan's interest in math largely?  

A. Her head teacher.

B. Her mother.

C. Her father.

(3)Tan Fanglin's achievements come from  

A. Taking after school classes

B. a large number of extra exercises

C. Her strong interest in math and the right study mathod

(4)From the last paragraph, we can infer that  

A. Tan Fanglin will keep doing scientific research

B. Tan Fanglin's findings haven't won prizes.

C. Tan Fanglin has no chance to communicate with top scientists

(5)What is the best title for the passage?  

A. The Youngest Scientist in China.

B. The Second World Laureates Forum.

C. The Youth lnnovation Competition.

  • 更新:2020-12-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Roert likes to take a walk in the park after work.One day when he was walking in the park, he heard a woman calling his name. He stopped to look around,but didn't see anything except a little snake. Shortly after Robert saw it,it was gone.

    Though Robert felt a little strange,he did not think about it too much and sat down for a rest on a bench in the park.Then he noticed the snake he had just seen climbing up the bench.Robert was too afraid to move away from the bench.Right at this moment,a woman behind him shouted,"Come here,Robert.You can't stay on the bench like that.People will be scared by you."

    In surprise,Robert turned around and said to the woman." Excuse me,but that's not a very nice thing to say,and in fact some people say I'm handsome."

    "I'm not talking to you," said the woman."I'm telling Robert,my pet snake,to get down from the bench,not you."

bench 长凳

(1)What did Robert see when he heard someone calling his name in the park?  

A. Nothing.

B. A snake.

C. A woman.

(2)How did Robert feel when he saw the snake climbing up the bench?  

A. Happy.

B. Excited.

C. Scared.

(3)Why did Robert turn around and say something to the woman?  

A. He thought the woman was talking to him.

B. He felt ashamed for his bad looking

C. He thought he was not polite.

(4)What is the best title for the story?  

A. Two Roberts

B. Be Polite to Me

C. Sorry,I Made a Mistake

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In my early childhood, I was often surprised when I saw my father making a small number of money with difficulty. Being a child, I was unable to understand him. When I was older, my father started doing a part﹣time job at home. He used to bring some work back and work till late night.

    I can't forget he played with me when I was 3﹣4 years old. He taught me how to read when I was at the age of 5. He took care of me all night when I was sick. Whenever I felt down, he would cheer me up. He also cared about my lessons and often helped me get ready for examinations. Later he sent me to New Delhi for the best education. Whenever I needed money, he never refused. He always managed money for my studies.

    Two years ago, I got a job at a hospital in New Delhi. When I helped my first patient, I got a strong feeling of satisfaction. When I got my first salary(薪水)which was about ten times more than my pocket money, I spent it all on myself.

    When I returned home one fine morning, I heard my father communicating with one neighbor. He was telling him my success in the job very proudly. He also told him that I had a higher salary than him at the end of his work. A dream, his son should become better than himself came true.

    I was unable to move on my feet past 23 years flashed into my mind in a moment. I knew my father loved me very much. I could understand the meaning of my father's aspirations(愿望). I could understand the decisions my father made in the past. The financial(经济) difficulty he was facing was decided by his goal﹣making his child more successful than himself.

    If today I am successful, this is because of my father.

(1)From the first paragraph(段落), we know the writer's father is  

A. humorous

B. hard﹣working

C. serious

D. outgoing

(2)When the writer was young, his father  

A. managed money for his studies

B. cheered him up all night

C. hardly bought anything for him

D. only cared about his examinations

(3)The right order of the story is  

a. My father sent me to get the best education.

b. My father thought his dream came true.

c. Being a child I was unable to understand my father.

d. I could understand the meaning of my father's aspirations.

e. I got a higher salary than my father.

A. b﹣d﹣c﹣e﹣a

B. d﹣a﹣c﹣e﹣b

C. c﹣a﹣e﹣b﹣d

D. c﹣a﹣d﹣b﹣e

(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  

A. The writer spent his first salary all on himself.

B. The writer heard what his father said to one neighbor.

C. The writer still couldn't understand what his father decided in the past.

D. The writer finally understood why his father had faced the financial difficulty.

(5)The best title(标题) for this passage may be  

A. A successful child

B. An unforgettable moment

C. A difficult time

D. A father's love

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My husband Shane and I were hanging out on the street one evening. I was talking but he was looking over at someone.

    He walked over to a young girl who was crying. As he talked to her, I could see from his body language that he was trying to calm(使平静) her down. When I joined them, I realized that she had been homeless for some time. She told Shane that all she wanted was to go to her sister's house in another city.

    Some people would have handed her some money, wished her lunch or maybe allowed her to make a call. Shane did much more. He said,"Kelly, I can't leave her here like this. Sometimes people need someone not only to help them but to believe they 're telling the truth."

    It was a bit cold, so we had an idea to take her home. When I asked her if she'd like to go home with us, she thanked me about a million times with tears in her eyes.

   We went home and I gave her some clean clothes to wear and told her she could use the shower. We ate something. Finally, she told us her story.

    In the morning, she was finally able to get a hold of her sister, so she had a place to go.Shane drove her to the bus station and bought her a ticket.

    Sometimes what people need is not just money, but people who will trust, listen to and understand them.

(1)Kelly knew Shane was making the girl be quiet because she  

A. heard what they said

B. saw his body language

C. asked Shane what he said

D. was doing the same thing

(2)Shane wanted to  when he knew her trouble on the street.

A. give the girl some money

B. let the girl use his phone

C. have a lunch with the girl

D. take the girl to their home

(3)Choose the true sentence according to the fourth paragraph.  

A. The girl was so hungry that she began to cry.

B. The girl didn't believe in Shane and Kelly at all.

C. The girl agreed to go with Shane and Kelly soon.

D. Kelly felt unhappy when she heard what Shane said.

(4)The phrase "get a hold of" in the sixth paragraph means"  "in Chinese.





(5)From this article we know  

A. Shane drove the girl to her sister's home

B. Shane and Kelly met the girl's sister at last

C. the girl's sister and Shane lived in the same city

D. the girl went to the city her sister lived in by bus

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Feb 12, Dalian(not his real name)was taking a train to Changsha, Hunan, for a business trip. While on the train,he went into a carriage(车厢)to have lunch and chose to remain in the carriage.He didn't know that the carriage was only for people heading to Wuhan.

    Several hours later, when the train arrived in Wuhan, Dalian was asked to get off, as he was in the special carriage. Although he was surprised, he didn't want to cause trouble and got off the carriage with just a single bag.

    Because of the epidemic, Wuhan had been locked down. So Dalian couldn't find a hotel to stay in. Feeling at a loss, he saw a notice online looking for volunteers to work in hospitals. Dalian decided to give it a try.

    He soon became a volunteer in Wuhan No.1 Hospital. He was responsible for(对……负责)taking out rubbish,sweeping the floor,disinfecting(消毒)the hospital,dealing with used protective suits(防护服)and bringing meals to patients.

    The young man, reportedly from northeast China, had to work 12 hours every day, changing his protective suit three times a day. While working, he couldn't drink anything or go to the bathroom. He also had to have close contact with infected patients, which is risky(冒风险的).

    Dalian was afraid of getting infected at first. "When I entered the wards(病房), I was kind of frozen(僵硬的)and felt like I couldn't move," he said. But after he saw more patients get better, his fear gradually went away.

    Dalian's story has gone viral(走红的)online. People were surprised by his experience, and described him as having "a heart of gold".

(1)Why did Dalian have to get off in Wuhan in the passage?  

A. Because he was in the wrong carriage.

B. Because he bought the wrong train ticket.

C. Because he chose to have lunch in Wuhan.

D. Because he went to Wuhan for a business trip.

(2)Dalian decided to work in a hospital because  

A. he ran out of money

B. he couldn't find a hotel to stay in

C. he was once a volunteer

D. he wanted to become a doctor

(3)Dalian did many things as a volunteer in Wuhan No.1 Hospital EXCEPT  

A. bringing meals to doctors

B. dealing with used protective suits

C. disinfecting the hospital

D. taking out rubbish and sweeping the floor

(4)What's the meaning of the underlined word "infected" in Paragraph 5?  

A. 被处罚的

B. 被表扬的

C. 被感染的

D. 被感动的

(5)What does this passage try to tell us?  

A. Everybody should be a volunteer.

B. We must protect ourselves all the time.

C. We should be thankful for medical workers.

D. Everyone can fight the virus(病毒)in their own way.

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    I caught a cold. It was really a bad cold. Actually, the doctor later told me that I had the flu (流感).

    My head was pounding. My throat was hurting. My body was aching.My voice became hoarse and I could hardly speak.I never experienced anything like this before.Worst of all, my sore throat was so serious that I couldn't even swallow(吞咽)!

    I knew I should drink more fluids﹣water, soup or juice ﹣ and maybe take some medicine. But I couldn't. Each time I tried to swallow, it hurt so much. So my dad took me to the hospital.

    A doctor came in.He checked my throat.He then checked my lungs.After his examination,he said,"Nothing to worry about. You have the flu."

    "Why is it so serious?" I asked."Can you give me some medicine so that I don't suffer as much?"

    "No," the doctor said."No medicine can cure (治愈) your flu. Don't be sad. Your body is an amazing thing. It will cure itself without any help.""What? My body will fix things on its own?"I cried in disbelief.

    Yes, your body's immune system (免疫系统) will fight the virus (病毒) for you. No doctor or medicine will cure you." repeated the doctor.

    My tears rushed out.I had not realized this in the past.Everything had always seemed so natural.I've had my meals every day for thirteen years. I drink water like taking a breath﹣without thinking about it at all.

    Now, I understand that even a simple thing like swallowing is like a miracle (奇迹). The parts of my body do their jobs amazingly well一and yet quietly, without me even noticing.

    I don't remember how many days it took me to be well again, but I do remember what my father told me. He said that we should all appreciate our bodies and the miracle of how they are built.


(1)What was wrong with the girl?  

(2)What does the underlined word "it" refer to (指代)?  

(3)How old is the girl?  

(4)Why did the doctor not give her any medicine?  

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When people discover that I work as a film and TV extra (临时演员),they always ask me the same questions: Emily, is it easy to get work? Isn't it boring? Do you get to meet famous actors? Does it pay well? My answers are pretty standard as well: Yes, sometimes, once in a while, and …kind of.The life of an extra is both more interesting and more boring than you might imagine.

    Extras, who play the people in crowds,on streets,or in the background of indoors scenes,can come from all walks of life. Unlike many extras,I'm a trained actor.I do get real speaking roles,but work can be hard to come by if you're not a popular star. I' m registered(注册) with an agency that deals only with extras,so I get calls all the time.The agency explains who I'll be﹣someone in a crowd,a member of a jury, a clerk ﹣ and tells me where to go. Call time is usually bright and early, so I try to get to bed at a reasonable hour.

    Sometimes being an extra is a "hurry up and wait" job. In my first extra role, I was one of a group office workers who come out of a building just as a car explodes(爆炸) in the street.We waited for hours for the scene to be shot, and then went in and out of the building about fifty times, trying to act terrified by an explosion which was not real. Then we had lunch, changed clothes, and spent the afternoons as customers in a department store.

    It may sound like I don't enjoy the work, but I do. Being part of the background in a convincing(令人信服的)way is challenging,and being on a film or TV set is always fascinating.A lot of famous actors don't even notice the extras,but the ones who do make the job a lot of fun for everyone.As for the money,it's nothing compared to what the big actors make,but it pretty much pays the bills.And,as a bonus,I've beaten my high scores on all my phone games,thanks to all the time I spend sitting around,waiting for something to happen.

(1)Emily gives standard answers because  

A. she is proud of her job

B. she wants to hide her feelings

C. she thinks it's unnecessary to explain

D. they are the exact answers to the questions

(2)What does Emily think of her job?  

A. Busy.

B. Enjoyable.

C. Fashionable.

D. Easy.

(3)Another way to say as a bonus would be  

A. above expectation

B. as a result

C. in general

D. after all

(4)According to the passage,  

A. the famous actors look down upon the extras

B. being an extra is always a "hurry up and wait" job

C. Emily tells the truth about being a film and TV extra

D. those who want to be film or TV extras must be trained

(5)We can infer that Emily,  

A. often pays the bills for others

B. sometimes has to get up very early

C. has beaten all the phone game players

D. was in face of danger in her first extra role

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hope Matters

    Reyes Guana, 42, grew up in a poor Mexican family. He has seven bothers and sisters.His parents always had two jobs to make ends meet.

    As a boy,Guana had a good relationship with the school cleaner.He called her "Nike" because she wore Nike shoes.The boy liked how Nike made everything clean.He told her he wanted to be a cleaner,too."Well, it s good if you want to be a cleaner,"Nike told little Guana."But make sure you go to college."

    Guana also looked up to the principal (校长) of his school. The school leader told the boy that his job was to help students and teachers."Wow, when I grow up, I want to do what you're doing,"Guana told him. "Well, if you stick to your dream, you will,"the principal replied.

    And Guana really got there. But it was quite a long journey for him. Twenty﹣three years ago, he followed in Nike' s footsteps and was cleaning schools. He worked at three schools to pay for his college education. He held that job for four years and then worked his way up to being a school safety monitor. After that, he worked as a teacher for a few years.

    Now, as a principal, Guana never forgets where he came from. He helps students from poor families and shows respect (尊重) for every school staff member.He always invites everyone to school parties,including those who clean the floors and those who drive the school buses.

(1)Guana hoped to be a cleaner because he  

A. was good at cleaning

B. admired the cleaner "Nike" a lot

C. needed to support his poor family

D. had to pay for his college education

(2)Guana became a school safety monitor  

A. when he was nineteen

B. after he worked as a teacher

C. as soon as he got enough money

D. before he was named principal

(3)The underlined phrase got there is closest in meaning to  

A. went back to "Nike"

B. entered a college

C. realized one's dream

D. became well﹣known

(4)According to the writer,  

A. Guana should have been named principal earlier

B. a boy from a poor family can have a bright future

C. a cleaner is more important than a college student

D. the cleaners and the drivers should get more respect

(5)What would be another title for this passage?  

A. From Cleaner to Leader

B. Different Jobs

C. From Failure to Success

D. Relationship Works

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I failed a test. I felt terrible. It hurt me both inside and out. I was embarrassed. Just think about it.(1)   !

    I cried. I could not sleep. "I was supposed to be at the top! How will I face my friends at school? I thought. I would never be happy again. Never!

    (2)  .She said, "So, you failed a test. But do you know about another test that is even more important?"

    "What is it?" I looked at my mother, puzzled.

    "It is whether or not you can learn from your mistake," my mom continued. "(3)  .To me, that is more important than what you scored on a test."


    After a few days of struggling,I finally understood what my mom had said.She was right.(5)   I will walk away from this a better person.

A. What my mom said really made me think

B. My mom found out about my problem

C. I should not pity myself because of this one bad test

D. Learning from your mistakes will make you strong

E. A smart girl did not pass the test

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There was a story many years ago of a school teacher﹣ ﹣Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn't play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.

Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed (羞耻) of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother's perfume (香水).

Teddy said, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to." After the children left she cried for at least an hour.On that very day,she stopped teaching reading,writing and math.Instead,she began to teach children. Mrs. Thompson paid much attention to Teddy. The boy's mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.

Six years went by before she got a note from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school,second in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.He went to college.Mrs.Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D. (医学博士)

The story doesn't end there. On his wedding (婚礼) day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson's ear, "Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference."

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, "Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you."

(1)What did Mrs. Thompson do on the first day of school?  

A. She made Teddy feel ashamed.

B. She told the class something untrue about herself.

C. She changed Teddy's seat to the front row.

D. She asked the children to play with Teddy.

(2)In what way did Mrs. Thompson change?  

A. She taught more school subjects.

B. She became stricter with her students.

C. She no longer liked her job as a teacher.

D. She cared more about educating students.

(3)Why did Teddy thank Mrs. Thompson at his wedding?  

A. Because she had written to him.

B. Because she had encouraged him.

C. Because she had sent him Christmas presents.

D. Because she had taught him how to play well with other children.

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fred was a poor man who lived alone in a small village. He was lazy and didn't want to find a job. He had no friends or relatives. He used to beg for food for his living.

One day, a kind man gave Fred a large bowl of rice. Fred didn't eat up the rice in one go. He put the remaining rice on the table. He lay on his bed and kept an eye on it.

After a while, Fred fell asleep and had a dream. He dreamed that there was a famine (饥荒) in his village. He sold his remaining rice and got some silver coins. He used the silver coins to buy a pair of goats. His goats had kids in months, so he got more goats. He sold some goats and became rich. He bought a large house. He fell in love with a beautiful lady and they got married.

Fred dreamed that he was dancing with his wife. He felt so excited that he kicked in air and his leg hit the bowl on the table. The bowl with rice dropped and broke into pieces. The noise woke him up.

At once, Fred realized that he had been dreaming. He also realized that he could get nothing if he didn't make a change. Then he decided to get rid of his laziness. Soon he found a job and worked hard.

(1)How did Fred get silver coins in his dream?  

A. By selling his goats.

B. By selling the rice.

C. By working hard.

D. By selling his house.

(2)Fred kicked in air when he dreamed that  

A. he became a rich man

B. he had more goats

C. he was dancing with his wife

D. he had a large house

(3)The Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase "get rid of" is probably"  ".





(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. Fred was a rich man before he had a dream.

B. Fred got a large bowl of rice from a lady.

C. In Fred's dream, he bought a pair of horses.

D. The bowl dropped and the noise woke Fred up.

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever seen a "tomboy? I have a girl classmate, Rose, who acts like a boy. She's outgoing.She loves soccer and likes to play with boys. She even looks like a boy. On the first day of school,I was so surprised that to learn Rose was a girl that I (1)____asked her,"Are you a boy or girl?" But that doesn't matter at all.

    Whenever she goes, she carries the smile along. She also shares it with everyone she meets.When she plays soccer or basketballshe smiles with joy If her team wins, her smile shows joy and pride. If she loses a game, her smile says"They are so good. I had great fun (2)____with them." When she meets a friend, her smile is agreed him, and when she meets a teacher, her smile is filled with respect.

    Every day, when I ask her about my math problems, she tells me everything she knows.Before each math class,I see her either helping the class at the front,or bringing the homework of the class together.I have never seen her say a word of displeasure or boast(夸耀) about her great success in her study.


(1)        (2)  


(2)No matter where she goes,she carries a smile along





(4)What does Rose look like?


(5)What do you think of Rose? Please describe her with two adjectives(形容词)


  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In a restaurant, a bug(虫子) suddenly flew in and landed on the woman. She started shouting out of fear. Then she jumped around with both her hands shaking, trying to scare away the bug. Her reaction was very strong and everyone in her group got into fear.

    The woman finally got the bug of her, but then it landed on another woman in the group. Now, it was her turn to continue the drama.

    A waiter rushed to the table. The woman somehow managed to get the bug on the waiter. The waiter stood quietly and looked at the bug on his shirt. He carefully picked up the bug and threw it out of a window.

   Drinking my coffee and watching the drama go on, I started wondering: Was the bug responsible for what they behaved just now/ If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed(v. 干扰)?

He solved the problem perfectly without any fear. It was not a bug, but the inability of those people to deal with the disturbance(n. 干扰) caused by the bug that disturbed them.

    I realized that it was not the shouting of my father or my boss that disturbed me, but my inability to deal with the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbed me. It was not the traffic jams(堵塞) on the road but my inability to deal with the disturbances caused by traffic jams that disturbed me.

    It is not a problem, but my reaction to the problem that creates disorders in my life.

(1)From the passage, we can infer(推断) that the second woman  

A. was not scared because she was strong

B. acted the same way the first woman did

C. continued watching the drama

D. threw the bug back on the first woman

(2)Where was the writer when the story happened?  

A. In the restaurant.

B. In his office

C. On his way to work

D. At the theater

(3)Which of the following would the writer agree with?  

A. It was the women who caused the trouble.

B. The women were able to deal with the disturbance.

C. The bug was responsible for what the women did.

D. The waiter had the ability to deal with the disturbance.

(4)According to the passage, if you run into a traffic jam, you're supposed to  

A. complain for being late

B. feel upset and worried

C. relax yourself by listening to music

D. expect someone to clear the road right away

(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?  

A. Speak less, do more.

B. Keep your cool when trouble hits.

C. Actions speak louder than words.

D. Mind your manners while in a restaurant.

  • 更新:2021-02-05
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A girl was working as a nurse in a private hospital.One day,a patient with serious disease was brought to the hospital ,but had to be transferred (转移) to another hospital at once for an operation( 手术).However, the director of the hospital said the patient couldn't be transferred unless he paid his bill first.The patient's family was very poor. They had no choice but to ask if they could pay the bill after the operation because the patient was close to death.But their request was refused.

    The nurse, who had just arrived to work,heard about the situation and made a decision.She took off her gold ring, took it to the eashier's desk(收银台) and said she would use it to pay for the patient's bill.Although the ring was the only piece of valuable gift her parents gave her, the nurse gave it away to save the patient. Thanks to her help, the patient was at once transferred to another hospital and his life was saved. Though the patient was a stranger, the nurse gave so much to him.

    The nurse's action caught the attention of the doctor on duty that day. The doctor saw everything in the hospital and he was deeply moved by the nurse. He later fell in love with the nurse and they finally got married. The patient attended their wedding (婚礼) as well and returned the ring.

    Things like this happen every day in our life. Sometimes, giving can bring you something that you have never expected before. As Mother Teresa once said,"In our life, it is not how much you do,but how much love you put into what you do."

(1)Why did the patient have to be transferred to another hospital?  

A. The patient's disease was not serious enough.

B. The patient needed an operation at once.

C. The patient's family was very poor.

D. The director of the hospital was too strict.

(2)Who paid for the patient's bill when his family's request was refused?  

A. The patient.

B. The director.

C. The nurse.

D. The doctor.

(3)Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?  

A. The director refused the request from the patien's family.

B. The patient was saved in the end with the nurse's help.

C. The director married the girl because of her action.

D. Sometimes, giving can bring something unexpected to you.

(4)What do you think of the girl in the passage?  

A. Kind and helpful.

B. Hard﹣working and brave.

C. Clever and active.

D. Outgoing and careful.

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

China's highly﹣respected translator and writer YangJiang passed away on May 25 in Beijing, aged 105.

    Yang graduated from Dong wu University in Suzhou, Jiangsu, in 1932.She went to the UK and France to study in 1935 and returned to China in 1938.

    Yang wrote lots of works and most of them are still popular now.

    What's more, Yang finished a translation of Don Quixote, This made her the first Chinese to translate a whole book from Spanish.Her translation has been given as national gifts to visiting leaders of other countries.

    In 2001, Yang gave away royalties(版税) from books written by her husband QianZhong shu and herself worth 10 million yuan, to set up a scholarship fund(奖学金) to help poor students.

    Bill Gates is the former chairman of Microsoft Corporation, a worldwide leader in software and Internet technologies, With his friend Paul Allen, he founded Microsoft in the 1970s.With the development of Microsoft.he becomes one of the richest men in the world.

    In 1999 Gates wrote a book named Business@theSpeedofThought.The book shows how computer can solve business problems in new ways.The book was published in 25 languages and is welcome in more than 60 countries.

    Bill Gates has made great contributions to education and health all over the word.He has given away about 21 billion dollars for education and health.When China was struck by COVID﹣19(新冠肺炎).he also offered millions of dollars.

(1)Where did YangJiang pass away?  

A.In Shanghai.

B.In Jiangsu.

C.In Beijing.


(2)In which language is Don Quixote written?  




D.In Zhejiang.

(3)When was Microsoft Corporation set up?  





(4)What was the book Business@the Speed of Thought about?  

A.Howto solve business problems with computers differently.

B. How to earn money.

C.How to increase the speed of thought.

D.Howto be a successful person.

(5)What do Yang and Gates have in common(共同点) ?  

A.They are both successful in business.

B.They both care about education.

C.They are both very rich in the world.

D.They both have translated lots of books.

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
