
I'm not the kind of mother who often brushes her daughter's hair, and my daughter has never liked sitting quietly long enough for me to do it.

    But today, I took a chair outside and let my daughter Kitty sit on it. She was sitting high with her eyes closed, skin still wet from the shower and her messy hair behind her back. I realized she was taking in every touch from my hands. Today we would send Kitty away for a week of a summer camp. This was all my idea. She's nearly 12, and I notice that I'm with my child nearly 24hours a day. Living on the farm without neighbours, Kitty has become increasingly dependent(依赖的 ) on me.

    After lunch, we drove to the camp place. After we got out of the car, we were introduced to the other children. Kitty followed me closely, holding my hand all the time. "I need you for a few more minutes." she said to me, horror in her eyes.

    I pulled away and walked up to a camp worker."Excuse me," I said loudly, "I'd like to introduce you to my daughter. Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids." He came over to talk to Kitty and I kissed on her face. Then we all disappeared before Kitty realized we had left.

    On my way home, I felt a piece of my soul(灵魂) had been taken away from my body. I began to shake. Tears came down my face. When I arrived home, I calmed down and reminded myself why I chose this path. "I want Kitty to have a chance to find herself, out of my shadow (影子). If I don't set her free, I'm afraid she won't be independent(独立的) forever." I said to myself.

(1)How long would the camp last?  

A. 5 days.

B. 7 days.

C. 12 days.

D. 24 days.

(2)What does the underlined phrase "taking in" mean in Paragraph 2?  

A. 感受

B. 拒绝

C. 索要

D. 感谢

(3)How did Kitty feel when she arrived at the camp?  

A. Cool.

B. Excited.

C. Scared.

D. Tired.

(4)Which of the following about the writer is NOT true according to the passage?  

A. She thought it good for her girl to go camping.

B. She was willing to do everything for her girl.

C. She knew she made the right decision at last.

D. She felt sad on her way back from the camp.

(5)What is the main idea of the passage?  

A. Kids should not stay with her parents.

B. Kids should often go out for summer camps.

C. Parents should not give their children any help.

D. Parents should help their children to be independent.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(an extract from Probuditi!)

Calvin waited outside Trudy's bedroom.Then it happened﹣a scream,a very loud scream.Calvin ran to his room and dived into bed.

He heard Mama coming down the hall.

"Did you do this?"his mother asked.Calvin looked out from under the covers.His mother stood over him,holding a rubber spider.

"Do what?"he asked.

"You put that thing in my bed,"Trudy told him,stepping out from behind Mama.

"Don't think that just because it's your birthday you can get away with something like this,"Mama scolded (责骂).

"You do want your present,don't you?"That wiped the smile off Calvin's face.

"Course I do,"he said.

"Then you apologize (道歉)."

Calvin dropped his head."Sorry Trudy,"he muttered (嘟囔).

"Here,"Mama said."Happy birthday."At the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelope.Inside were tickets to the matinee show of Lomax the Magnificent,the world﹣famous magician and hypnotist."You've got two tickets there,"Mama said,"and I know someone who'd really love to go along."She smiled at Trudy.

"You don't mean here,do you?"Calvin asked,eyeing his little sister.

"Well,that would be really nice.But those tickets are yours.If you want to ask somebody﹣"Calvin didn't wait for his mother to finish.He rushed out of the house to cell Rodney,his pal next door,that the two of them were going to see Lomax the Magnificent.

36.Who screamed at the beginning?  


B.Calvin's sister.

C.Calvin's friend.

D.Calvin's mother.

37.Calvin apologized to Trudy  





38.Calvin received his present  

A.in the kitchen   

B.in his bed      

C.inside the theatre

D.outside his house

39.Calvin's mother Rally wanted Calvin to  

A.ask his friend to the show             

B.find out what his friend thought

C.do what she thought was right        

D.watch the show without his sister

40.What is the best title for this passage?  

A.Trudy's Spider                      

B.Mother's Tickets

C.Calvin's Birthday                   

D.Rodney's Present.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once there was a famine (饥荒) in the town. A rich and kind baker ( 面包师 ) sent some bread to twenty of the poorest children. He said to them, "In this basket, there is some bread for you. Each of you can have one loaf(一条面包) every day until the hard days end."

The impatient children couldn't wait to gather around the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread because each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorly﹣dressed little girl, did not join them.

Instead, she remained standing modestly in the distance. When the other children left, she took the smallest loaf left in the basket, kissed the gentleman's hand and went home.

The next day the children were as rude as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and said, "Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the loaf by accident. Be quick, Shirley! Be quick!"

But when the little girl gave the rich man her mother's message, he said, "No, no, my child. It was no mistake. I put silver into the smallest loaf to reward you because you are a kind and honest girl. Go home, and the money is yours now."

(1)From the story, we know the twenty children lived a   life.

A. happy

B. poor

C. rich

D. comfortable

(2)The rich baker gave   to the children.

A. some bananas

B. some books

C. some clothes

D. some bread

(3)When the other children shouted and fought for the bread, Shirley  

A. stood modestly in the distance

B. shouted at them

C. joined them

D. laughed at them

(4)Shirley's mother let her   when she saw the money.

A. buy some food

B. hide it quickly

C. give it back to the rich man

D. tell her father the news

(5)The story tells us that  

A. it's not important to say thanks to others

B. fighting with others can help us get more

C. Shirley's mother didn't like her

D. a kind and honest person will be rewarded

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hiram Fong grew up in Honolulu,Hawaii.(43)He began Picking beans when he was only four years old to help support his family.Fong also sold newspapers,shined shoes,and worked as a golf caddy when he was a boy.A golf caddy is a person who carries a player's golf clubs.

Fong began working in Hawaii's government in 1938.At that time,Hawaii belonged to the United States,but not a state.Fong believed that Hawaiians should be able to take part in making laws for the United States government,just as other Americans could.Fong said Hawaii should be a state of the United States.In 1959,Hawaii bccame the fiftieth state,and Fong was chosen as one of Hawaii's first two senators (参议员).He became the first Asian﹣American in the United States Senate.

As a senator,Hiram Fong supported equal (平等的)rights.For example,he wanted the laws about immigrants (移民)to be fairer.He wanted to improve conditions for workers in factories and businesses.(44)He also believed that women and men should be paid the same for doing the same job.In a lifetime of hard work.Fong found more than personal success.His work helped millions of people.


41.What is a golf caddy?  

42.When did Hawaii become the fiftieth state of the United States?  





45. Hiram Fong 

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I think that a great friend is a great artist who can change my feeling about life greatly.When I talk about the person who influenced me most.I must think of my best friend quickly.

         When I was in my university,one of my classmates sat beside me.His name is Wang Tao.He is my unforgettable friend in my life.He is good at study and handsome.Everyone knows that he is a genius(天才) of my university.

        He is kind hearted and is always ready to help others.But he doesn't like others to praise him,because he think what he did is common.There is an old saying:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Wang Tao sets a good example in many parts in my life.

       I remembered that my mathematics was mediocre at that time,but he was excellent in solving mathematics questions.He often received high scores.Of course,I wished I could reach at his level.Since we talked all day long,he was patient and polite to answer my mathematics questions.Slowly,I made great progress in mathematics.I passed the examination finally.Then we became friends naturally.And now,I still remember his strong will to study.

       We know that we live in a society,so we need a lot of friends.There are two kinds of friends,good and bad,bad friend may make our life failed,while good ones make our life successful.To me,Wang Tao is a very good friend.I learned so many advantages from him,and I changed more and more excellently.

       We separated three months ago.Now I miss him very much,and I hoped that our friendship will continue to be just as strong after we graduate(毕业).

(1)The writer believes that an excellent friend  

A.is a man who works on art

B.can change his life slowly

C.can influence his idea about life

D.must think of him quickly

(2)Which of the following about Wang Tao is NOT true according to the passage?  

A.He has a strong will.

B.He is warm hearted.

C.He is good at maths.

D.He likes art very much.

(3)The underlined word"mediocre"most probably means"  ".


B.not very good

C.the best

D.very good

(4)In the fifth paragraph,the writer mainly suggests that we should  

A.make good friends and learn from them

B.have two kinds of friends,good and bad

C.make our best friends successful

D.make less bad friends

(5)What's the best title for the passage?  

A.My university life

B.An unforgettable friend

C.How to make friends

D.How to learn maths well.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stephen Hawking was born in England in 1942.He's one of the most well﹣known schientists on space and time in the world.Hawking is researching how the universe began and how it ends.He is called the King of the Universe.

When he studied math and science at Oxford University,he became seriously ill,which made him unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines.Till now,he can't move or feed himself and he is helped to dress,eat and wash by a nurse.However,he has a wheelchair with a special computer,with which he can communicate with others.

In spite of all these difficulties,he refused to give up his hope of living and went on to study at Cambridge University after graduating from Oxford University.In 1965,he got a Doctor's Degree of philosophy(哲学).Now he works as a professor at Cambridge University.Because of his serious illness,it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write.So he started to think in pictures.With this new way of thinking,he is respected by people in the world.Then in 1988,he wrote his first important book,A Brief History of Time.It has been sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages.He was once invited to China to give lectures.His self﹣confidence and humouous conversations impressed us deeply.

From Hawking's unusual experience,we learn that nobody should lose hope,no matter how bad the situation is.As he once said,"Life is not fair,you just have to do the best you can in your own situation."


Stephen Hawking

Brief introduction

He was born in England in 1942.

He is a world﹣famous scientist on(56)


His daily life

A nurse helps him to dress,eat and wash.

He uses(57)

  to help him to walk.

He communicates with others by using a special computer.

He thinks in picture instead of (58)

  or writing.

His achievements

He got a Doctor's Degree of philosophy in 1965.

A Brief History of Time has been translated into(59)


Stephen Hawking's experience tells us that we should(60)


  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Each Friday,my son′s kindergarten(幼儿园) class has"a prize day".All the children who do well in the week can get a prize.The children have behavior cards.The cards start out green every morning,but are changed from green to yellow,orange and finally to red if they do something wrong.Most of the children never change their cards from green.

On many Fridays,a boy named Tommy often walks out with an unsmiling face because he has had a bad day or two that week.Tommy is a naughty boy and he often causes trouble.Other children would tell their parents:"Tommy got angry,"or"Tommy didn't listen to the teacher,"or"Tommy got trouble today."But recently,things have become much better for Tommy.My son reports proudly each day."All GREEN today".

Last night,after I kissed him goodnight,he said he was very excited because tomorrow was a prize day."And I hope,hope,hope that Tommy stays on green!"My heart will filled with pride.I told my son how kind it was of him to think of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.


46.What color is a behavior card at first?  





47.If a boy's card was changed into red,it showed that  

A.be got a prise            

B.he did badly

C.he helped other children

D.he became better than before.

48.The underlined word"naughty"in Paragraph 2 refers to  





49.From the passage we know that  

A.things were becoming better for Tommy

B.Tommy behaved wores and worse.

C.Tommy always listened to reachers.

D.Tommy never got a green card.

50.Why does the father take take pride in his son?  

A.Because his son always cares about him.

B.Because his son always thinks of his own prize.

C.Because his son often tells him what happens at the kindergarten.

D.Because his son always thinks of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.

  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pappadavada,a popular restaurant in Kochi,India,is encouraging customers and the community to put their leftover food in a fridge located outside of the restaurant for the hungry to take.

People who are in need of a meal are encouraged to take from the fridge at any time for any reason.Minu Pauline,who runs Pappadavada,has nicknamed the fridge,which was placed there on March 23 and is shaded by a neighboring tree,tree of goodness".

The fridge is open 24 hours a day,seven days a week and stays unlocked.Pauline asks that people write the date they left the food,so those who take know how long it's been there.But most food doesn't stay in the fridge for long.In spite of a huge response (回应)from the community and plenty of donations,the fridge needs to be brought more in to replace in time.Pauline herself adds around 75% to 80% of food from Pappadavada a day in the fridge.

The idea to put a fridge on the street came to Pauline late one night when she saw a lady searching in a trashcan (垃圾箱)for food.She was especially saddened because that particular night,her restaurant had made a ton of food that they could have easily given the woman,instead of her searching for it.She felt like she contributed to waste,and avoiding waste is what Pauline pays her attention to.

"The only thing I want to say no is that people are actually buying food and putting it in the fridge.But I'd rather people put their food they bought but aren't going to eat in the fridge instead of the trashcan,"she said.

48."Tree of goodness"is in fact  

A.a tree planted on March 23

B.the popular restaurant in Kochi,India

C.a neighboring tree near Pappadavada

D.the fridge outside for the hungry to take from

49.What does the underline word"donations"probably mean?  





50.The manager of the restaurant advises in the last paragraph that  

A.people shouldn't throw foods into trashcan

B.everyone should always avoid waste

C.people shouldn't buy food for that

D.everyone should help those in need

51.What is special about Minu Pauline?  

A.She run her restaurant in a different way.

B.She sets a higher standard to deal with waste.

C.She saves food and helpd others in a wise way.

D.She makes the community more friendly to each other.

  • 更新:2021-02-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Mermaid Balloon

"Mum!"little Desiree said,"It's my daddy's birthday.How will I send him a birthday card?"Her mother looked at her and sighed.She didn't know what to say.Desiree's father had died nine months earler.Desiree didn't understand.She was only four years old.

"I have an idea,"her mother said."Let's write your daddy a letter.We can tie the letter to a balloon and send it up to heaven(天堂).What should we write?"

Desiree told her mother to write,"Happy Birthday,Daddy.I love you and miss you.Please write me on my birthday in January."

Desiree's mother wrote the message and their address on a small piece of paper.Then they went to a store to buy a balloon.Desiree looked quickly at the balloons and said,"That one!The one with the mermaid(美人鱼)!"

They bought the mermaid balloon and tied the letter to it.Then Desiree let the balloon go.

Desiree released the balloon in California.The wind caught the balloon and carried it east.Four days later,it came down 3,000 miles away,near a lake in eastern Canada.The name of the lake was Mermaid Lake.

Wade MacKinnon,a Canadian man,was hunting ducks at Mermaid Lake when he found Desiree's balloon and letter.He took them home to his wife.She decided to send Desiree a birthday present.She also wrote her a letter.The letter said:

Dear Desiree,

Happy Birthday from your daddy.I guess you wonder who we are.Well,my husband,Wode,went duck hunting,and guess what he found?A mermaid balloon that you sent your daddy.There are no stores in heaven,so your daddy wanted someone to do his shopping for him.I think he picked us because we live in a town called Mermaid.I know your daddy loves you very much and will always watch over you.

Lots of love,

The MacKinnons

Desiree's mother wrote the Mackinnons to thank them.During the next few weeks,she and the MacKinnons telephoned each other often.Then Desiree and her mother flew to Canada to meet the MacKinnons.The MacKinnons took them to Mermaid Lake and showed them where the balloon landed.

Now,whenever Desiree wants to talk about her father,she calls the MacKinnons.After she talks to them,she feels better.

People often say,"What a coincidence(巧合)﹣the mermaid balloon landed at Mermaid Lake!"Desiree's mother is not sure it was just a coincidence.She says,"I think that somehow my husband picked the MacKinnons.It was his way to send his love to Desiree.Desiree understands now that her father is with her always."


26.Desiree wrote her father a letter.  

27.Desiree chose a balloon at the store.  

28.The balloon came down near a lake.  

A.It was in eastern Canada,and its name was Mermaid Lake.

B.It said,"Happy Birthday.I love you and miss you."

C.It had a picture of a mermaid on it.


29.Desiree released the balloon in California.Here"released"means"  ".

A.opened her eyes and looked at the balloon

B.opened her hand and let the balloon go

C.mailed the balloon in California

30.What was the coincidence(巧合)in the story?  

A.Desiree and her father have the same birthday,January 12.

B.The mermaid balloon came down at Mermaid Lake.

C.The MacKinnons also have a four﹣year﹣old daughter.

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Michael wanted to make some money to buy a new computer game,but he did not know how.So he went to ask his brother Greg for help.

"I think you could help to wash Mom's and Dad's cars,"Greg said,"Some of the neighbors could pay you to wash theirs,too.It's getting colder and no one wants to wash the cars themselves."

Michael agreed,but he shivered(哆嗦)at the thought of washing cars and getting wet in cold weather."Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"Don't worry,"Greg said."I have some golf(高尔夫)gloves(手套).You can use them to wash cars.and I will even help you to wash the cars.""Thank you!"Michael said.

After spending the day washing cars,Michael got enough money and went to the store with Greg.He found the game he wanted quickly,but as he took it off the shelf he saw a golf video game next to it.He knew Greg loved golf and wouldn't play golf in winter,so he put his game back and decided to buy the golf video game.

"What are you doing?"Greg asked."I thought this game would be more fun."said Michael."We can play it together."

46.For what purpose did Michael want to make money?  

A.To help support his family.

B.To buy a gift for his Mom.

C.To buy a new computer game.

D.To buy some golf gloves.

47.How could Michael make money in Greg's opinion?  

A.By asking Mom for a little.

B.By washing cars for others.

C.By washing their father's car.

D.By designing a computer game.

48.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Michael enjoyed playing with cold water.

B.Michael asked his brother to buy a golf video game.

C.Michael bought a golf video game for his brother and himself.

D.Michael had difficulty finding the computer game he wanted.

49.What's the passage mainly about?  

A.Michael's childhood.

B.Michael and his neighbors.

C.How Michael made money              

D.How Michael and Greg helped each other.

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1959,when Jean Harper was in the third grade,her teacher asked them to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up.She poured her heart into her report and expressed her dream of becoming an airline pilot.Her paper came back with an"F"on it.The teacher told her it was a"fairy tale".Jean was completely disappointed.As the years went by,Jean was beaten down by the discouragement."Girls can't become airline pilots; never have,never will.You're crazy."Finally Jean gave up.

    In her senior year of high school,her English teacher was Mrs.Dorothy Slaton,a strict teacher with high standards.One day Mrs.Slaton asked this question,"What will you do in the future?"Jean felt a rush of the old enthusiasm (热情),and with excitement she wrote down the very old dream right away.

    The next thing that Mrs.Slaton said changed the course of Jean's life."I have a little secret for you.You do have unlimited (无限的) abilities and talents.When you leave school,if you don't go for your dream,no one will do it for you.You can have what you want if you try!"

    The hurt and fear of years of discouragement disappeared suddenly.Jean felt thrilled and told her teacher about her dream of becoming a pilot.Mrs.Slaton slapped (敲) the desk top,"Then do it!"she said.

    So Jean did.It didn't happen overnight.In her l0 years of hard work,even facing all kinds of difficulties,she never gave up her dream.

    Eventually,Jean Harper became a Boeing 737 captain (机长) of the United Airline Company.

(1)Jean's third﹣grade teacher thought her dream to be  





(2)Mrs.Slaton may think that  

A.Jean is not a nice girl

B.only some of her students have great abilities

C.a belief helps to realize one's dream

D.her students are good enough to enter the best schools

(3)According to the passage,we can infer that  

A.Jean's dream was always in her deep heart

B.Jean didn't go for her dream

C.most people around Jean were for her dream

D.Jean achieved her dream overnight

(4)What does the underlined word thrilled in Paragraph 4mean?  





(5)What's the best title of the passage?  

A.Face Difficulties

B.Dream the Future

C.Voice Your Dream

D.Go for It.

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A mother returned home from the store.When she put down all of the things,her 8﹣year﹣old son ran up to her.He was waiting for her and wanted to tell her what his younger brother had done.

"While I was playing outside and Dad was on a call,Bill took his crayons and wrote on the new wallpaper of the living room!I told him you would be angry with him for doing it again,but I couldn't stop him.''Mother asked,''He did it againWhere is your little brother now''"He is in is room,''the son answered quickly.

Then she walked to the younger son's room.She called his name as she entered.She found Bill who was trying to hide.For the next 10 minutes,the room was full of her shouting about the expensive wallpaper.The more she shouted,the madder she got.She walked forward to see what happened.When she saw the wall,tears(眼泪)filled her eyes at once.It said"I love Mommy".

Well,the wallpaper remained,just as she found it.It reminds her and all:Take time to read the handwriting on the wall.

16.Before the mother came back,Bill  

A.had a big fight with his elder brother

B.broke all his crayons and threw them away

C.played games with his elder brother in their house

D.wrote something on the wallpaper of the living room

17.Dad was   while the elder brother was playing outside.

A.shopping online

B.talking on the phone

C.playing with the children

D.shouting at his little son

18.The mother felt   when she saw what her little son wrote on the wallpaper.





19.The underlined part in Paragraph 3 suggests(暗示)that  

A.the mother began to realize her mistake

B.the mother was quite angry with

C.the mother didn't get along well with her little son

D.the mother wanted to make her little son feel relaxed

20.the story mainly tells us that  

A.it's never too late to show love to our families

B.it's important to think more before you take action

C.love from your mother often hides in small things

D.we'd better take time to learn from others'mistakes.

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr.Robert had a son named Ben,a three﹣year﹣old boy.The little boy had been asking for a pet dog for two months,but his father kept saying."Impossible.A dog will kill our rabbits.No way."Ben was disappointed.

One evening,When Mrs.Robert was cooking potatoes in the kitchen,Ben cried,"Dad always says no.I'll never have a dog in a million years."She looked at his face.How could she let him down again?An idea came to her to change her husband's mind."Dear,I know a way to get you a dog."she said.She handed Ben a potato and told him to keep the potato until it turned into a little dog.How cool Been though it was!

The next morning.Mr.Robert looked out of the window.Guess what?He saw Ben taking a potato for a walk.

"That's crazy,"Mr.Robert said to his wife.

"You're right.Your boy can't get a dog.He finally has a potato as a pet.He sleeps with it,talks with it and even showers with it,"she said."Even cooking potatoes makes him cry."

Mr.Robert felt worried a lot and made a decision.He brought back a cute little dog that night.Everyone was happy.Mr.Robert thought he saved his son.Ben was sure that his mother had magic.

Everything seemed perfect until one evening Ben asked,"Mom,can I have a pet horse?"She looked at him and said,"Well,first you have to take a watermelon…"

71.Ben kept asking for  for two months.

A.a pet rabbit    

B.a pet chicken   

C.a pet dog    

D.a pet horse.

72.Ben's father said"Impossible"because a dog would  

A.run around

B.hurt Ben

C.be noisy

D.kill their rabbits

73.Mrs.Robert told Ben to keep  because it would turn into a dog.

A.a potato

B.a tomato

C.a watermelon

D.a banana

74.Mr.Robert brought back a little dog because  

A.his friend gave it to him

B.he was worried

C.his wife bought the dog

D.he liked the dog

75.What did Ben think of his mother?  

A.She was lazy.

B.She didn't love him.

C.She had magic.

D.She was very strict.

  • 更新:2021-02-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

William Lindesay,a British traveler and writer,has been exploring the Great Wall﹣one of the human's most wonderful building projects.Not even a Chinese knows the Great Wall of China as well as he does.

When,as a schoolboy.Lindesay announced his plan to explore the Great Wall,nobody took him seriously.But Lindesay achieved his goal,by spending 25 years on the Great Wall and has become one of the world's most famous experts on its rich history.Lindesay now lives and works in Beijing.This year his new book has come out.The Great Wall Explained,with a lot of photographs and articles.

Running on the Great Wall was a brave trip and Lindesay had already run 3,000 kilometers along it!During those years,he got to many villages along the way.He was often helped by friendly villagersalthough they didn't quite understand why the Englishman would have such interest in the Great Wall

56.Who is William Lindesay?  

57.How long did Lindesay spend on the Great Wall?  

58.What's the name of his new book about the Great Wall?  



  • 更新:2021-02-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A gentleman once advertised(登广告)for a boy to help him in his office,and nearly fifty persons asked for the place.Out of the whole number he chose one in a short time,and sent all the other boys away.

    "I should like to know,"said a friend,"on what ground you chose that boy.He didn't even have a recommendation(推荐信)with him.

    "You are mistaken,"said the gentleman,"he had a great many:

    "He made his shoes clean when he came in,and closed the door after him; showing that he was orderly(井然有序的).

    "He gave his seat to the disabled old man; showing that he was _________.

    "He took off his cap when he came in,and answered my questions quickly and respectfully c恭敬地); showing that he was polite.

    "He lifted up the book which I had purposely c(故意地) laid on the floor,and put it on the table,while all the others stepped over it or pushed it aside; showing that he was careful.

    "And he waited quietly for his turn,instead of pushing the others aside; showing that he was modest (谦逊的 ).

    "When I talked with him,I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed,his hair in nice order,and his teeth as white as milk.When he wrote his name,I noticed that his fingernails were clean; instead of having some untidy personal habits.

    "Don't you call these things letters of recommendation?I do; and the things that I can discover a boy by using my eyes for ten minutes,is worth more than all the fine letters that he can bring."

(1)Choose the right word to complete the sentence in paragraph 5 according to the context(上下文).  





(2)How did the gentleman know the boy was polite?  

A.He made his shoes clean when he came in.

B.He took off his cap when he came in.

C.He waited quietly for his turn.

D.His teeth and fingernails were clean.

(3)The gentleman laid the book on the floor because  

A.he used to be like this

B.he wanted to know who was orderly

C.he tried to know who had tidy personal habits

D.he wanted to test the people who asked for the job

(4)How many reasons made the gentleman choose that boy?  





(5)What can you learn from this passage?  

A.The gentleman is a wise man.

B.All gentlemen can choose the right person by using their eyes.

C.Good behaviors (行为) and good habits a工e important for a person.

D.One should pay more attention to his recommendation than to his behaviors.

  • 更新:2021-02-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
