
Resting my head on Helen's shoulder,I put my arms round her waist(腰).She drew me to her,and we rested in silence.

    We had not sat long before another person came in.Some heavy cloudsswept from the sky by a rising windhad left the moon brightand her lightcoming in through a window nearshone full both on us and on the coming personMiss Temple.   "I came on purpose to find you,Jane Eyre, " said she. "I want you in my room,and as Helen Burs is with you,she may come too. "

    We followed Miss Temple to her apartment.It had a good fire,and looked cheerful.Miss Temple told Helen Burns to be seated in a low arm﹣chair on one side of the fire place,and herself asking another,she called me to her side.

    "Is it all over?" she asked,looking down at my face. "Have you cried your sadness away?"

    "I am afraid I never shall do that. "


    "Because I have been wrongly accused(指责),and you and everybody else,will think me a bad girl. "

    "We shall think you what you prove yourself to be,my child.Continue to act as a good girl,and you will satisfy us. "

    "Shall I,Miss Temple?"

    "You will. "said Miss Temple, "You have been accused of lying when you were little.Tell us the truth,but add nothing and exaggerate(夸大)nothing. "

    I made up my mind that I would be most modest and most core.Having thought for a few minutes about where to start,I told her all the story of my sad childhood.

(1)Which of the following words best describes Miss Temple in the passage?   





(2)What does the underlined paragraph imply(暗示)?   

A.Miss Temple was going to punish Jane.

B.Helen would rather leave Jane alone.

C.Nothing could make Jane happy again.

D.Jane's luck might change for the better.

(3)According to the passage,which of the following is true about Jane?   

A.She chose to trust Miss Temple.

B.She didn't mind being accused.

C.She made up her childhood story.

D.She once behaved as a bad girl.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Have you finished your lesson,George?" said Mr.Prentice to his son,who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.

    "No,father,"replied George,hanging down his head.

    "Why not,my son?"

    "Because it is so difficult,father.I am sure that I shall never learn it.Besides,I could not remember it after I had learned it,my memory is so bad."

    "If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next,do you think you would forget the date?"

    "No,I am pretty sure that I should not."

    "You are first﹣rate at skating,and flying a kite,and playing at ball and marbles,are you not?"


    "And yet you cannot learn your lesson!My dear boy,you are deceiving(欺骗) yourself.You can learn as well as anyone,if you will only try."

    "But have I not tried,father?" again urged George.

    "Well,try again.Come,for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making,and give another effort to get your lesson ready.Be in earnest,and you will soon learn it.To show you that it only requires perseverance I will tell you a story:

    "One of the dullest boys at a village school,more than thirty years ago,went up to repeat his lesson one morning;and,as usual,did not know it. ‘Go to your seat!' said the teacher angrily.

‘If you don't pay more attention to your lessons,you will never be fit for anything.'

    The poor boy stole off to his seat,and bent his eyes again upon his lesson.

    ‘It is of no use;I cannot learn.' he said in a whisper to a companion who sat near him.

    ‘You must try hard,'replied the kind﹣hearted boy.

    ‘I have tried,but it is of no use;I may just as well give up at once.'

    ‘Try again,Henry!' Whispered his companion,in an earnest and encouraging tone.

    These two little words gave him a fresh impulse,and he bent his mind again to his task.

Gradually he began to find the sentences lingering in his memory;and soon,to his surprise and pleasure,the whole lesson was mastered!

    "From that day," continued Mr.Prentice,"there was no boy in the school who learned more rapidly than Henry.From that day till the present hour he has been a student;and he now urges his son George to ‘try again' as he tried. "

    "And was it indeed you,father?" asked his son,eagerly looking up into the face of his kind parent.

    "Yes,my child.That dull boy was your own father in his early years."

    "Then I will try again." said George,in a decided tone;and,flinging aside his half﹣made kite,he turned and re﹣entered the house,and was soon bending in earnest attention over his lesson.

    "Well,what success,George?"asked Mr.Prentice,as the family gathered around the tea﹣table.

    "I learned the lesson,father!" replied the boy, "I can say every word of it."

    "Did you find it hard work?"

    "Not so very hard,after I had once made up my mind that I would learn it.Indeed I never stopped to think,as I usually do,but went right on until I had mastered every sentence."

    "May you never forget this lesson,my son!" said Mr.Prentice, "You now get the secret of success.It lies in never stopping to think about a task being difficult or tiresome,but in going steadily on,with a fixed determination to succeed."

(1)The meaning of the underlined word"perseverance"is   

A.the quality of continuing trying

B.the quality of being brave enough

C.thinking about what will happen next

D.thinking about what's the best thing to do

(2)Which is the correct order of the things below?   

a.Mr.Prentice told George his own story.

b.George learned the lesson successfully.

c.George was busy making a large paper kite.

d.George gave up his lesson halfway.

e.The family gathered around the tea﹣table.





(3)According to the passage,we can see Mr.Prentice   .

A.was encouraged by his teacher

B.was a top student at first

C.is always impatient with his son

D.is a kind and wise father

(4)Which can be the best title for the passage?   

A.A dull boy.

B.Try again.

C.A strict father.

D.Finish your lesson.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When she was alone,Mary felt lonelier than ever.She went out of the house and ran around the garden ten times.Ben Weatherstaff was working in it.

    "Spring is coming," he said to Mary. "I can smell it in the air.Soon there will be spring flowers At this moment,the robin flew toward them and landed at Mary's feet.

    "He remembers me, " she said.

    " He knows everything that happens here, " Ben said. "Only he knows what's happening in the garden that has no door into it.No one else has been inside it for ten years. "

    Ben walked away to continue his work.Mary bent down and began talking to the robin.She felt happier than she had ever felt.

    The robin trusted her and did not fly away.It began pecking at the ground,looking for a worm to eat.Mary looked closely at the ground.She saw something that looked like metal.She picked it up.It was dirty and rusty.She cleaned it and saw that it was a key.

    "It's been in the ground for many years, " she thought. "I wonder if it is the key to the garden.If it is,then I must find the door. "

    Mary skipped around the garden.The robin followed her.Mary stopped skipping and spoke to the robin.

    "He showed me where to find the key, " she thought. "Can you show me where the door is? "

    The robin sat on the top of the garden wall.It began to sing.The wall was covered with ivy.Mary pulled at a piece of the ivy.It came away from the wall.Behind the wall was a door.Mary put the key in the lock of the door and turned it.The door opened.Only seconds later,Mary was inside the secret garden.

    Mary thought it was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen.

(1)Which is the right order for the robin?    

a.It followed Mary around the garden.

b.It sat and sang on the top of the garden wall.

c.It pecked at the ground and looked for a worm.

d.It flew toward Ben and Mary and landed at Mary's feet.





(2)What does the underlined word "it " in paragraph 7 refer to?   

A.The key.

B.The robin.

C.The flower.

D.The lock.

(3)Which word best describes Mary's feeling in the end?      





(4)What is the best title for the text?   

A.Mary Discovers the Door

B.Mary Finds a Secret Garden

C.Mary Remembers the Robin

D.Mary Helps Her Best Friend

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Durbeyfield sat down upon the grassy land by the roadside,putting his basket before him.In a few minutes,a youth from his village appeared in the distance.On seeing him,Durbeyfield held up his hand,and the boy quickened his steps and came near.

    "Boy,take up that basket!I want you to do something for me. "

    The skinny boy frowned(皱眉), "Who are you then,John Durbeyfield,to order me about and call me 'boy'?You know my name as well as I know yours!"

    "Do you,do you?That's the secret — That's the secret!Now obey my orders,and Fred,I don't mind telling you that the secret is that I'm one of noble race(贵族) —it has been just found out by me this present afternoon." And as he made the announcement,he luxuriously(奢侈地) lay himself upon the land among the flowers.The boy stood before Durbeyfield,and looked at him from head to foot.

    "Sir,John D' Urberville — that's who I am, " continued Durbeyfield. " Do you know such a place as Greenhill? "

    "Yes.I have been there to Greenhill fair(集市). "

    "Well,under the church of that city there lie my ancestors(祖先) —hundreds of them — in coats of jewellery.There is not a man here who's got greater and nobler ancestors than I. "

    "Oh? "

    "Now take up that basket,and go on to the Pure Drop Inn,telling them to send a horse and carriage(马车) with a servant(仆人) here quickly,to carry me home.And when you've done that,go on to my house with the basket,and tell my wife to put away that washing,because she needn't finish it,and wait till I come home,as I've news to tell her. "

    As the boy stood in doubt,Durbeyfield put his hand into his pocket.And produced a shilling (a unit of money used in Britain until 1971).

    "Here is for your work,son. "

    This made a difference.

    "Yes,Sir John.Thank you. "

    The boy took up the basket and set out at once.

(1)What did Durbeyfield ask Fred to do?    

A.Listen to a story.

B.Find out a secret.

C.Send messages for him.

D.Drive a horse and carriage for him.

(2)Which of the following about Durbeyfield is TRUE?    

A.He did believe he was a noble.

B.He wanted to play a trick on Fred.

C.He was the richest man in the city.

D.He used to live in Greenhill.

(3)What made the boy willing to work for Durbeyfield?      

A.Durbeyfield's secret.

B.Durbeyfield's order.

C.His visit to Greenhill fair.

D.The unit of money.

(4)What is most probably the relationship between Durbeyfield and Fred?   

A.Father and son.


C.Close friends.

D.Master and servant.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Can a green machine help the world's poorest kids learn better?Nicholas Negroponte thinks so.He and his team of scientists have invented a new type of computer.As a result,many children who live in poverty (贫穷) will have their own laptop computers!

    Negroponte works at a university.He started a group called One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).The people at OLPC don't work for money.They work to help children learn.OLPC makes computers that don't cost a lot.Then they sell the machines to governments of countries that have many people live in poverty.The governments then give the computes to kids for free.

    The XO Laptop computers are made for school﹣aged children in developing nations.Many of these children live in faraway areas and go to schools with classrooms.In order to work,the laptops have to be lasting and student﹣friendly.

    The machines have many fun characters like a built﹣in video camera,voice recording,and games.The WiFi lets students share information on the Web and read e﹣books.They also can make music and chat with friends.

    Another great character is that it can last for a long time.It can be hand charged and also can be recharged by connecting to a solar panel.Because of these characters the XO laptops make learning fun while helping the environment.

    The computers have a colorful name﹣"the green machine".Negroponte thinks they could make a difference in the lives of millions of kids.He says, "Every problem you can think of﹣poverty,peace,the environment﹣is solved with education."

    OLPC plans to give out over ten million computers in the next few years.Kids in Thailand,Nigeria,Brazil,and Argentina will get most of them.China and Egypt also want to take part in the program.After that,Negroponte hopes to sell computers to other countries with high poverty.

(1)Negroponte thinks his laptop computers will help the world's poorest kids to       .

A.work at home

B.go to school on time

C.learn better

(2)What can we know about the people at OLPC according to Paragraph 2?    

A.They work for money.

B.They give computers to kids for free.

C.They sell computers to governments with many people living in poverty.

(3)Why do XO laptops make learning fun while helping the environment?    

A.Because they are lasting and student﹣friendly.

B.Because they are made for school﹣aged children.

C.Because they have a colorful name.

(4)What does the underlined word " charged" mean in Chinese?    




(5)Who will get most of the computers in the next few years?      

A.Kids in Thailand.

B.Kids in China.

C.Kids in Egypt.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary Armstrong was a pretty little girl,but she did not pay attention to her things.She usually left her books and playthings everywhere,and it gave her mom much trouble in picking them up and putting them in the proper places.Some of her books and toys became spoiled(损坏).Her mom had often told Mary the bad result of being so careless.The growing habit of carelessness would make her unhappy,and sometimes annoy her friends.Even worse,it would be of great harm to her all her life.But Mary didn't listen to her mom.So they argued a lot.

    One day Mary made a beautiful toy,a gift for her best friend's birthday.When her mom asked her to go out into their yard to play,Mary put the toy in her room casually(不经意地).She ran around and played happily there.An hour later,it was time to go to her friend's birthday party.Mary went back to get the toy.But she couldn't find it anywhere.Finally,she found the toy broken in the corner.At once she realized that Dash,her pet dog had done this,and she was very angry.Carrying the broken toy to her mom,she couldn't help crying.

    Mrs.Armstrong asked Mary if she had left the toy in the place where Dash could easily get it,and Mary answered, "Yes,mom"

    "Then you should not be irritated,Mary,because the dog does not know it is wrong to play with your toy.I hope this will be a lesson to you hereafter,to put your things away when you finish"

    I will try, "said Mary.And her mom promised to repair the toy as well as she could.


(1)What did Mary and her mom argue about?    

A.Her books.

B.Her playthings.

C.Her way of making friends.

D.Her habit of carelessness.

(2)Why did Mary cry when carrying the gift to her mom?      

A.Because her gift was broken.

B.Because Dash broke her book.

C.Because Dash annoyed her friends.

D.Because Mrs.Armstrong was mad at her.

(3)Which is the right order of he following things?      

①Dash broke the toy.   ②Mary put the toy in her room.

③Mary found the toy in the corner. ④Mom would repair the toy for Mary.

A. ①③②④

B. ①③④②

C. ②①④③

D. ②①③④

(4)What does the underlined word "irritated" in the fourth paragraph probably mean?    





(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?      

A.Listen to our parents,and they'll repair our things.

B.Be kind to our pets,and they won't break our things.

C.Get on well with our friends,and we'll get birthday gifts.

D.Be careful with our things and we'll develop a good habit.

  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Felicia Grimmenhag from Sweden doesn't let anything get in her way,even a life﹣changing accident.

    After a serious car accident,Felicia had to get used to getting around in a wheelchair(轮椅) .But that didn't stop her from following her dream of becoming a top horse rider.

    In early June 2011,17﹣year﹣old Felicia got hit by a car.When she woke up in the hospital,she found both of her legs were missing.However,Felicia didn't quit trying to achieve her dream.She wanted to get back on the horse.She had ridden as a little girl and decided in the hospital to try again.She was n't sure if she would be able to.But after ten weeks' training,she could ride once again!

    "The horses have meant a lot to me, "Felicia said."When I sit on a horse,I don't feel like the disabled Felicia,I feel like the confident(自信的)Felicia."

    She has since taken part in competitions around the world,showing she doesn't need legs to win.Last year,she won silver at the Swedish Championships,and now she is preparing for the Tokyo Paralympics.

    "What I have learned from all this is that you should dare to challenge yourself,and remember that you are the only person that sets your own limits(限制), "Felicia said.


(1)What did Felicia lose in the car accident?    

A.Her arms.

B.Her legs.

C.Her ears.

D.Her eyes.

(2)What does the underlined word"quit"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?    





(3)How long did it take Felicia to train to ride a horse again?    

A.One year.

C.Ten weeks.

B.Nine years.

D.Seventeen weeks.

(4)The horses have meant a lot to Felicia for reasons of the following EXCEPT    .

A.becoming a top horse rider is her dream

B.she is filled with confidence when riding a horse

C.she can get around on a horse instead of in a wheelchair

D.she doesn't feel disabled anymore when sitting on a horse

(5)Which of the following can best describe Felicia's experience?    

A.Never say never.

B.Better late than never.

D.It's never too late to learn.

C.Never think of yourself.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Martin Strel is a swimmer,best known for swimming the world's big rivers.He was born in 1954.He taught himself to swim when he was six and became a professional (职业的) swimmer in 1978.Martin holds Guinness World Records for swimming the Danube River,the Mississippi River,the Yangtze River and the Amazon River.

    Of all his achievements,the greatest is his Amazon River swim.The Amazon is known as the largest and most dangerous river in the world.Several swimmers had tried to swim it,but all failed.Martin decided to go all out and make history.He wanted to show the world that people could achieve their dreams with hard work and perseverance(毅力).

    On April 7th,2007,Martin Strel completed his Amazon River all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belem (Brazil).He struggled(奋战) with the river for 66 days and swam 3,274 miles in total.He became a worldwide hero.

    Many people still cannot believe what he has done so far,so that is why they sometimes describe him as "Fishman","Human Fish" or even "the Craziest Man in the World".

    In 2009,American filmmakers produced a documentary(纪录片)called Big River Man.And the book,The Man Who Swam the Amazon,has been sold in many countries.It tells us an inspirational story of perseverance and hard work,which has encouraged many people.

    Martin doesn't swim for money.Instead,he swims to teach people about the importance of keeping water clean.

    Martin has always bee looking for the challenges (挑战)of the impossible.What is his next?

(1)How did Martin learn to swim when he was little?      

A.By watching his partners.

B.By learning from a coach.

C.By teaching himself.

(2)What is Martin's greatest achievement so far?    

A.Swimming the Yangtze River.

B.Swimming the Amazon River.

C.Swimming the Mississippi River.

(3)What does the underlined word "inspirational "mean in Paragraph Five?       




(4)According to the text,which is the purpose of Martin swimming the big rivers?    

A.To make a lot of money for a good living.

B.To teach people the importance of keeping water clean.

C.To produce exciting documentaries and best﹣selling books.

(5)What can be the best title (标题)of the text?    

A.Swim for Fun

B.Challenge the Impossible

C.Fight for Jobs

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My name is Alice Black.I am thirteen years old,and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia.I have got two sisters﹣Jenifer is eleven and Lisa is seven.We are all pupils at the School of the Air.

    The School of the Air is a school for children who live far from the cities,and who are in a place which does not have a local school.So we have "air" lessons over the radio or on the computer.Our teachers are at Port Augusta,a city which is about 160 kilometers away.

    In the morning,we go to our school at 8:45. When we get there,we turn on the radio or computer and listen to what we should do.From then until twelve,we just do our usual lessons.In the afternoon,our mum makes us do some homework﹣﹣well,not homework,but more work around the house.

    We send our exercise "books" to our teachers by email on Friday night.They mark them on Monday and Tuesday,and then send them back.We get them on Wednesday.

    The Internet and the telephone help us get in touch with our teachers quickly and easily.We talk to our teachers once a week for about ten minutes.They tell us if we are making progress.Next year I will start at a new school in Port Augusta.I will spend the weekdays there and come home at weekends.It will be good to be with teenagers of my age,but I will miss my family.I hope I will be happy there.

(1)From the passage we know that    .

A.the Black family is very poor

B.the Blacks lives far from Port Augusta

C there is a small local school near the Black family

(2)Which sentence can best replace""in the passage?    

A.It is really just a small building.

B.What fun it is to go to school

C.It is really an early time.

(3)In the 4th paragraph,the underlined word "them" means     in Chinese.




(4)What do the teachers probably say to their pupils on the phone?    

A.Do you have any suggestions about our lessons?

B.Will you come to our school in Port Augusta?

C.How are you doing with your lessons?

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Usually I wouldn't cross the park at this time of night.But walking around the park would take more time,and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me.So I entered the park.And that was the first stupid thing I did tonight.

    Soon after I walked into the park.I saw a man under a tree up ahead.My heart fell.The stories I'd heard about the park were all coming into my head at this moment.Anyone with a clear mind would just turn back.But me?No.I did another stupid thing:I decided to hurry past him.

    Just when I was passing the man,he raised his head and gave me the strangest smile ever I got scared and started running. ""Hey" the man shouted from behind. "Wait" He was running after me!

    I ran like crazy.I had hoped the trees would keep some rain off.And they did.But they also made the park look even darker.I couldn't see what was ahead of me.Then,I ran into something.It was the man!

    "Don't kill me!" I cried.

    "What?I was trying to give back your bag!You dropped it" The man gave me my bag.

    Now,I felt saying that to the man was the stupidest thing I did tonight.

(1)Why did he writer enter the park?       

A.It was safer to go across the park.

B.To go across the park would save time.

C.The trees in the park could keep the rain off.

(2)What did the writer mean by "the first stupid thing" "another stupid thing" "the stupidest thing"?    

A.He felt proud of himself.

B.He regretted what he had done.

C.He felt ashamed of making so many mistakes.

(3)The "drop" in        has the same meaning as the underlined one in the last but two paragraph.

A.He dropped off from his bike.

B.Oh,they have had to drop their prices.

C.Excuse me,Miss,you've dropped your umbrella.

(4)What's the best title for the passage?    

A.A Strange Man

B.A Scary Park

C.A Brave Cross

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day,a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas.The father said, "Look!There is a horseshoe.Pick it up and put it in your bag." Thomas said, "It isn't worth the trouble." His father said nothing but picked it up himself.

    When they got to a nearby town,they had a rest.There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with a few pennies he bought some cherries (樱桃).The father and the son continued their way.The sun was well up in the sky.And there wasn't a house or even a tree where they could have a rest.Thomas felt too thirsty to walk on.At this time,his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up quickly and ate it.After a while,his father dropped another cherry and once again,his son lost some time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.And so they went on.The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up.

    When Thomas had eaten all the cherries,his father said to him, "My dear son,if you had bent(弯曲)down earlier to pick up that horseshoe,it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries.Always remember the lesson that anyone who does not worry about the little things will find that he cannot do the great things."

(1)Why didn't Thomas pick up the horseshoe ?    

A.He didn't want to waste time on the small thing.

B.He didn't want to listen to his father.

C.He was too lazy to bend down.

D.He had trouble in picking it up.

(2)What can we infer (推测) from the father's behavior of buying cherries?    

A.He thought cherries were easy to take.

B.He thought they might be thirsty on the way.

C.He had no money to buy anything else.

D.He liked cherries very much.

(3)What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?    

A.The sun was rising.

B.The sun went behind a cloud.

C.The sun was setting.

D.The sun was shining brightly.

(4)Thomas bent down so many times on their way to     .

A.pick up horseshoes

B.pick up cherries

C.pick up pennies

D.have a rest

(5)What can we learn from the passage?    

A.Practice makes perfect.

B.Where there's a will,there's a way.

C.Detail(细节) is the key to success.

D.No pain,no gain(收获).

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Chris recently completed a very unusual journey.Our reporter Mary met him at his home in south London and he told her all about the trip.

Reporter:What gave you the idea to travel around India on an elephant,Chris?

Chris:Well,it all started two years ago when I was planning a trip to India.I visited a photographic (摄影的) exhibition of elephants and I realized that the only way to travel around India was on an elephant.

Reporter:What did you do next?

Chris:I flew to New Delhi and started looking for an elephant.I needed an elephant trained to carry people.I didn't know anything about elephants,so I asked an expert for help.He taught me how to ride an elephant.He also helped me find an elephant.

Reporter:How long did it take to find a suitable elephant?

Chris:Not too long.I bought a female elephant called Tara for about USD 6,000.

Reporter:Can you tell me about the journey?

Chris:Tara and I set off from New Delhi a week later.We were heading to Sonepur in northern India where there is a big elephant market and I could sell Tara easily.And what a ride!Elephants can travel at about 6 miles an hour and Sonepur was more than 1,200 km away.It took us 64 days to complete the journey.

Reporter:Did you have any problems on your journey?

Chris:Yes,a few.But nothing serious.On the third day,Tara hurt her foot.But that got better quickly.Also,there was a lot of heavy rain during the first week and we got very wet!

Reporter:What happened when you reached Sonepur?

Chris:My plan was to sell Tara.But by now I was very fond of her.I couldn't take her back to Britain and I didn't want to sell her at the market.By chance,I met some people who wanted an elephant for their national park in southern India.I knew that Tara would be safe with them,so I gave her to them.I was very sad to say goodbye.

(1)Chris got the idea to travel around India on an elephant from    .

A.a visit to an Indian zoo

B.an elephant expert from India

C.an old friend who lived in India

D.a photographic exhibition of elephants

(2)The elephant expert told Chris    .

A.the price of elephants

B.how to ride an elephant

C.where to sell his elephant

D.how to feed an elephant

(3)Chris decided to travel to Sonepur because    .

A.it is a very interesting place

B.elephants can t be sold anywhere else

C.he would be able to sell Tera there easily

D.it would only take 64 days to travel there

(4)When Chris arrived at Sonepur market,he       .

A.sold Tara to a national park

B.visited a national park

C.realized that he didn't really want to sell Tara

D.decided to take Tara home with him

(5)The best title for the passage is    .

A.Selling an Elephant

B.An Unusual Journey

C.An Exhibition of Elephants

D.How to Ride an Elephant

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last summer holiday,Aunt Emily took us to a safari park (野生动物园),not far from Liverpool.

    I was very happy to go as I had never been to a safari park before.It' s a very interesting park,full of wild animals running freely.

    When we got there,we bought our tickets and drove into the park.We were very excited at the thought of going to see the lions.But to get to the lion' s place we had to go through the monkeys' land first.And that was an experience because they climbed all over the car,ate apples and bananas,and threw all kinds of things at us.They seemed very unfriendly.

    Anyway,we went on our way to the lions' place where we had to lock ourselves in the car as we knew lions could be dangerous.A lion came up very close to us.The next thing we knew,it was on the bonnet (车盖).It looked calm but we felt terrified.Aunt Emily,who isn't very brave,started to call for help.The kids started crying.Only my brother,George,stayed cool.I sounded the horn (喇叭) but nobody heard us.

    In the end a guard arrived in his car,and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard's hand as if nothing was the matter.

(1)Which animal did the writer want to see the most?    

A.The lions.

B.The elephants.

C.The monkeys.

D.All of them.

(2)Why did they lock themselves in the car?    

A.Because the monkeys might steal things.

B.Because they were afraid of being robbed.

C.Because the lions might be dangerous in the park.

D.Because something was wrong with the car.

(3)What does the underlined word "terrified"in paragraph 4 probably mean?    





(4)Who stayed calm among the visitors when they met the lion?    

A.Aunt Emily.


C.The guard.

D.The writer.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary was in bed,feeling sleepy.She read the first few words of her book, "The dodo(渡渡鸟) was a bird that couldn't fly ...",and soon she fell fast asleep.

    Whoosh!The window flew wide open.Mary sat up,and through the window she saw a dodo,an unusual dodo,right there in her yard!

    "I lived over four hundred years ago," the dodo said. "But then terrible things happened.People cut down the forests,so we had nothing to eat.We all died." The dodo felt sad.

    Suddenly,a mammoth(猛犸) rushed in.It said, "I've been looking for you,Dodo!I lived thousands of years ago,but not now." It added, "Scientists think the weather changed,changing the environment where we lived.We ate grass,but as the weather grew warmer,forests spread and there was less grass to eat."

    Seconds later,an elephant bird came.It said proudly, "I'm the heaviest bird that's ever lived.I weigh half a ton.But we lived on earth over a thousand years ago."

    The animals all looked sad.Before they had time to say another word,a tiger came in. "My friends," said,showing its big teeth. "I hear what you are talking about.We tigers are lucky.Now there are some special places for us animals who are in danger.We are safe and no one can hurt us there.

    "Sounds great!" thought Mary. "Animals should have more of this kind of places!"

    The window blew shut,and Mary woke up with a start.There was no one and nothing to see,except the book in her hand.

(1)Which of the animals lived thousands of years ago?   


B.Elephant birds.



(2)Why are tigers lucky?    

A.They have big teeth.

B.They live in safe places.

C The environment changed.

D.The weather grew warmer.

(3)Which question could best help us find out the writer's purpose?   

A.Did the writer want us to have fun?

B.Did the writer want us to raise animals?

C.Did the writer want us to protect dodos?

D.Did the writer want to learn something?

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once there was a small boy called Shankar who belonged to a poor family.

    One day,he was walking through the forest,carrying some wood.He saw an old man who was very hungry.Shankar wanted to give him some food,but he did not have any food with him.So he continued on his way.On the way,he saw a fox who was very thirsty.He wanted to give him some water,but he did not have any water for himself.So he went on his way ahead.

    Then he saw a young man with a dog who wanted to make a fire but did not have wood.Shankar learned about his problem and gave some wood to him.In return,the man gave him some food and water.Now he went back to the old man and gave him some food.Then he found the fox and gave some water to him.The old man and the fox were very thankful for Shankar's help.Then Shankar went on his way happily.

    Unluckily,one day Shankar fell down the hill.He was in pain but he couldn't move and no one was there to help him.But the old man who he had helped before saw him,and quickly came and pulled him up the hill.Shankar had many wounds on his legs.The fox whom Shankar had given water to saw his wounds and quickly went to the forest and brought some herbs.The old man helped to put the herbs on Shankar's wounds.After some time,Shankar got well.All were very happy that they were able to help each other.If you help others,then they will also help you.

(1)What did Shankar carry when he walked through the forest?   





(2)Who gave Shankar food and water?    

A.The old man.

B.The young man.

C.The fox.

D.The dog.

(3)What's the meaning of the underlined word "herbs" in Chinese?   





(4)Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?   

A.Help each other.

B.A fox may help you.

C.Don't believe the stranger.

D.Food and water are important.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
