
Do you know Liu Xiuxiang?This name might be strange to you,but you must have herd about the story of him.He "carried" his sick mom to his university while studied in Shandong.His mom wasn't able to look after herself after his dad passed away.He had to support the whole family.Life was difficult,but he went on studying hard.Finally he got into the university.

   Many years later,Liu was noticed by public again.He won the honor - the "May 4th" Medal of Chinese Youth.After he graduated from university in 2012,Liu refused many highly paid job and went back to his hometown,Guizhou Province.There he has been working as a teacher for 9 years.He said, "I hope to do something for more children whose lives are similar to mine."

   In fact,Liu supported three poor children when he was in high school.Till now,he has helped more than 1,700 students and given more than 1,000 speeches.His story has warmed many people.As the song sings "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." There is no doubt that he will give more hope to more children in the future.

(1)Why did Liu Xuxiang "carry" his mom to the university?    


Because his mom couldn't take care of herself.


Because his mom wanted to work in the university.


Because his mom was too lonely.


Because Liu was not independent.

(2)Liu Xiuxiang worked as a    after he graduated from the university.


a policeman


a doctor


a teacher


an officer

(3)Where is Liu Xiuxiang's hometown?    


In Shandong.


In Guizhou.


In Sichuan.


In Henan.

(4)When did Liu start to support poor children?    


When he graduated from university in 2012.


After he won the May 4 thMedal of Chinese Youth.


When he got into the university.


D When he was a high school student.

(5)What do you think of Liu Xiuxiang?    


Kind and helpful


Honest and brave.


Polite and responsible.


Hard﹣working and shy.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Old Man Used His Own Money to Send 33 Strangers to College

    A retired carpenter(退休的木匠)from Des Moines has helped send 33 kids to college since his death in 2005.

    Dale Schroeder was a simple,honest man.He grew up poor and worked as a carpenter for the same company for 67 years.

    "Went to work every day.Worked really hard.Was frugal(节俭的), "said Schroeder's good friend Steve Nielsen. "He had church jeans and work jeans. "

    No one thought that he had saved up a large number of money.

    Schroeder never married and had no children,so before he died,he went to his lawyer with a plan for his money. "He said, 'I never got the chance to go to college.So,I'd like to help kids go to college', "Nielsen told CBS News.

    "Finally,I was curious(好奇的)and I said, 'How much are we talking about,Dale?And he said, 'Oh,just shy of $3 million'.I nearly fell out of my chair, "Nielsen recalled

    Schroeder left special instructions for his money:send kids to college.

    "He wanted to help kids that were like him,and that probably would not have had chance to go to college without his gift, "Nielsen said.

    Schroeder ended up paying for 33 strangers' college money.

    The persons,who have named themselves "Dale's kids",got together earlier this month to honor the great man who changed their lives.They're now doctors,teachers…

(1)Dale Schroeder was a   .

A.poor and lazy carpenter

B.manager of a company

C.poor and honest father

D.hard﹣working and frugal carpenter

(2)The sentence "I nearly fell out of my chair" shows that   .

A.Nielsen was surprised at the number of money Dale saved

B.Dale was not good at making chairs

C.the chair that Nielsen sat on was broken

D.Dale had an old chair

(3)What can we learn from the passage?   

A.Dale was alive for 67 years.

B.Dale married,but had no children.

C.Dale once gave up the chance to go to college.

D. "Dale's kids "honored Dale because he changed their lives.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Eight hundred years ago,a man in southern Turkey invented an amazing clock.It was more than 7 meters high.At is base(基座)was a life﹣size model elephant.Every half hour,something amazing happened.The whole clock came alive Model birds,dragons,and people started to move.

The clock's inventor was an engineer named al﹣Jazari He lived in Turkey.Al﹣Jazari was probably one of the greatest engineers in history.Some historians call him "the father of modern﹣day engineering. "

We know about al﹣Jazari mostly from a book that he wrote._________They include clocks and hand﹣washing machines.The book also has drawings that show how each machine works.

Many everyday things today﹣from toys to car engines(发动机)--still use al﹣Jazari's ideas.Without his machines with moving parts,we might no have modern﹣day robots.

Today,it is still possible to see what al﹣Jazari's elephant cock looked like.A full﹣size working mode is in Dubai's Ibn Battuta Mal.There,every half hour,al﹣Jazari's most amazing invention comes to life once again.

How Does the Elephant Clock Work?

A bowl with a small hole floats(浮)in a water tank(水箱)inside the elephant's body.As the bowl slowly sinks(下沉),it pulls a rope that moves a human figure.His moving pen shows the number of minutes past he hour.

Every half hour,the water bowl becomes full and sinks completely. Thiscauses a ball to fall from the top of the clock.The movement of the ball causes a phoenix to move and make a sound.

The ball then drops out of a falcon's mouth into the mouth of a Chinese dragon.The weight of the ball causes the dragon's head to move down and the dragon's tail pulls the water bowl back up.

Finally,the ball drops out of the dragon's mouth and into a vase.As the ball lands in the vase,the elephant driver moves and makes a sound.The cycle begins again until there are no more ball in the top of the clock.

(1)Why is al﹣Jazari called "the father of modern﹣day engineering"?    


His ideas are still widely used in machines.


The elephant clock is an amazing invention.


His inventions include some parts of modern robots.


His book about machines is still popular with readers.

(2)Choose the best sentence to fill in the blank "    "in Paragraph 3.


He became famous when he was a young man.


He invented a lot of everyday machines in history.


It describes a number of machines fall shapes and sizes.


People in Turkey enjoy reading his books in their free time.

(3)What does the underlined word "This" in Paragraph7 refer to?    


The pen moves.


The all drops.


The bowl sinks completely.


The bow pulls the rope.

(4)How does the elephant clock work?Put the steps in the correct order.    

a.The ball drops into the vase.

b.The ball drops into the dragon's mouth.

c.The elephant driver moves and makes a sound.

d.After 30 minutes,a ball starts to fall from the top.

e.The bowl moves down in the water and pulls on ropes.









  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was in the eighth grade,my class was assigned(指派) to be friends with the second﹣grade kids.I got this little girl named Shelley.The first time I saw her,she was silent and cold.She was small for her age,and she didn't play with the other kids in her class.

    I tried all kinds of things to get her to talk to me.I bought her toys,crayons and candies,But try as I might,nothing worked.One time,I gave her a coloring book and said, "Shelley,now you can color in it any time."

    Shelley looked at the coloring book and then looked up at me,and finally looked away.By that,I didn't know how I was going to get through to the little girl,but I knew I wouldn't give up on her.

    One Friday.I decided to tell her a story about my childhood.I told her that l felt lonely when I was with my classmates,and how I thought only my teachers liked me.I also told her that every day was a battle(战役) for me and I fought back tears so people wouldn't know how much I was hurting.

    She sat there just listening,trying to decide whether I was lying or not Finally,when my story ended,there were tears in her eyes.And then she did the unthinkable.She said, "Thank you." From then on,Shelley was a different little girl.She started smiling and talking with other kids.

    Looking back at this I'm in awe(惊叹),because all I did was to help her realize that she wasn't alone.I didn't ask her to tell her story,because her story is my story.

(1)What was Shelley like when the writer first saw her?   





(2)In order to get through to Shelley,the writer   .

A.wrote her a book

B.made her a toy

C.drew her a picture

D.told her a story

(3)Shelley changed a lot because she realized that   .

A.her teachers loved her

B.her classmates were kind

C.the writer understood her

D.she had to study even harder

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I came to the United States from Africa to live with my uncle Jim in Maryland.One year later,I lost my sight because of a serious illness.

Jim told me not to go out.He worried I would get lost or hit by a car.But I was dogged.I told him I'd pay attention.I believed I'd succeed.I must succeed.I must put my will into action.I dreamed of being a broadcaster.

Then a neighbor told me that a public library in Washington D.C.was offering a free course,specially designed for blind people,This was an important chance for me.

But how would I map my way?I knew that the American singer Ray Charles,also blind,got around on his own without a cane (手杖).His secret was to count steps.But I couldn't seem to do that way.Instead I developed my imagination.sensing the layout (布局)of places I Visited and taking notes of landmarks in my mind.

At first,I would have to stop to imagine and map a new space in my mind,The next time I visited that place,I'd use that to find the way.Today.I am used to doing it,But I've still lost my way many times.I'd have to swallow my pride to ask for help,not thinking what others think or say about me.

Sometimes I'd be down and I'd consider giving up.Perhaps my uncle was right.Maybe I'd stay home and wait until someone came to help.On those days when I lost my way,I'd go to bed with a bad feeling.▲.I had e strong wish 10 bear blindness and be successful,and that was usually enough to get me out of bed the next day and try again.

Along the way I learned to be patient with myself and realized that asking for help didn't diminish (贬低)me in any way,I've got three academic degrees so far.

Today,I'm a reporter and broadcaster.I've achieved my dream.

Yes,I've lost my way many times and found it again.Yes,I've come close to being hit by a car but never bee hit by one.When people ask, "Aren't you afraid to be out alone?" the answer to me is clear;I would face danger and find happiness instead of staying home and being unhappy.

(1)The writer    one year after he moved to the US.


got lost


became blind


lost his parents


was hit by a car

(2)Which of the following can be put in"▲" in Paragraph 6?    


And my uncle knew it well


But I kept that to myself


And my uncle was with me


So I gave up trying again

(3)What might Jim say when he talks about the writer at the end of the story?    


That boy can see!


That boy is so poor!


We are free now!


I've done much for him!

(4)The best title of this passage might be    .


An Imagination to Succeed


Life with My Uncle


A Common Way to Success


Study in the Library

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Early one October morning,a nice woman sent a young magpie (喜鹊)to my home for care.

    The magpie flew into the front window of a truck and got hurt,but luckily the woman was passing by.

    With my care,the young magpie was doing well,but he was not happy to find himself in a cage(笼子).Several days later his wings were fine and nothing else was broken.He recovered I decided to drive him to where he was found.When arrived,I got the cage out of the car and opened the door.I offered my arm.He jumped onto it and locked around.I could see he knew where he was.

    Next to us was a tree.He flew straight to the top to join a wagtail (鹡鸰).The wagtail made lots of high singing and flew of across the field.The young magpie remained on the top of the tree.I began to worry as he still needed his parents.

    The next minute I heard the singing of the wagtail again.He was flying back and two large magpies followed.They landed on either side of the young magpie,and then put their heads in the air and sang excitedly.

(1)Who sent the young magpie to the writer's home?    

A.A young doctor.

B.A nice woman.

C.The writer's parents.

D.The truck driver.

(2)What does the underlined word "recovered" mean?   





(3)What is the ending of the story?   

A.The magpie broke both his wings again.

B.The magpie flew away with the wagtail.

C.The magpie got together with his parents.

D.The magpie returned to the writer's home.

(4)Which of the following best describes the writer?    





  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As a mountain,1,642﹣foot Squaw Peak isn't that impressive.But its views attract many hikers(远足者).Henry Grant,a college student at Ithaca College,was one of them.

While waiting for his mother one day in August,2019,Grant watched other hikers enjoy the view.One hiker,dressed in pink,was looking over the lip of the cliff(悬崖)with her husband.

When Grant's mother rejoined him,the two continued on their way.Suddenly,he heard something scaring: "Paula!Paula!" a man shouted crazily.Grant turned around quickly.________

Several hikers immediately started looking for her,but their view was screened by trees.Uncertain they could help,Grant and his mother headed down the trail.But when he saw some hikers still searching,he decided to lend a hand.After promising his mother that he would be safe,he went on alone.

After 15 minutes of climbing over large rocks,pushing past bushes,and slipping(滑) down loose earth,Grant found a pink figure.The woman had fallen about 75 feet.Luckily,she was alive.

"Paula!Paula!" Grant shouted.The woman didn't reply.She was badly hurt.Grant called the police to report her location.She kept trying to move,and every time she moved,she slipped a little more.Afraid that in her unclear state of mind she might fall off the rock to her death,Grant climbed on all fours up a tight,narrow path by digging into the earth with his fingers and feet until he reached Paula.

Paula was moaning,almost senseless.Grant gently put her hand in his,trying to keep her mind off the pain by keeping asking her questions: "Where are you from?Do you have kids?" Soon, theywere joined on their perch(歇脚处)by another hiker named Simon.

About 45 minutes later,first rescuers(救援者)arrived.Paula and her husband were flown to a hospital.Five hours after the woman in pink had fallen,Grant was back on top of Squaw Peak.

(1)Which sentence should go in the empty line in Paragraph 3?   


He ran as fast as possible to save Paula.


His mother turned around at the same time.


The woman in pink was nowhere to be seen.


Other hikers were scared by the terrible shout.

(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   


Grant had no difficulty in reaching Paula.


Simon and Grant's mother joined in saving Paula.


Paula and her husband were both badly wounded and saved.


Grant asked Paula questions to keep her mind off the pain.

(3)The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 7 refers to(指的是)    .


first rescuers


Paula and Grant


Grant and his mother


Paula and her husband

(4)What does the passage mainly talk about?    


How a woman fell 75 feet from a mountain cliff.


How a young man tried his best to save a stranger.


How a woman managed to survive a terrible accident.


How a young man made a decision in face of danger.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Amy wanted a mobile phone as her birthday gift, because most of her classmates had one, but she knew her parents couldn 't afford it.

   One day, when she woke up, she found a new mobile phone on her desk. How excited she was!This was the phone that had appeared in fashion magazines.

   She played with the phone on the way to school. And the teacher was already there when she arrived at school. Amy was very embarrassed (尴尬的). She looked at her new mobile phone and whispered (低语),"I didn't want to be late …"

   Everything changed with her thought. She went to school on time with her new mobile phone.

   She was surprised at that. She turned on the phone and found there was a sentence on the screen,"Every dream will come true." Since then, she always asks the phone for help. As a result, she has become lazier and lazier. Her teachers and parents were very disappointed with her and her classmates didn 't like her any more.

   When the term exams came, Amy asked the mobile phone for help again,but things turned bad. She got the lowest mark in the class. She wanted to throw it away, but when she did, the phone would come back into her hand. Amy was so scared (恐惧的)that she cried out,"I don't want the mobile phone any more."

   She woke up to find that the terrible experience had been just a dream.

(1)What was Amy's dream before her birthday?   


To pass the exam.


To have a mobile phone.


To be praised by her teacher.


To be popular with her classmates.

(2)In the exams,why did Amy get the lowest mark in the class?   


Because she stayed up late to play the mobile phone.


Because she was always late for school.


Because it took her too much time to read fashion magazines.


Because she always asked the mobile phone for help.

(3)From the passage we can infer (推断) that   


Amy got mobile phone at last


Amy's parents were rich enough to buy her a mobile phone


Amy didn' t want the mobile phone any more after the dream


Amy became better and better with the help of the mobile phone

(4)The Best title of this passage may be"   ".


A Birthday Gift


An Embarrassing Experience


A Useful Mobile Phone


A Terrible Dream about a Mobile Phone

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Boyan Slat has been dreaming of cleaning up the world's oceans for a long time.

In 2010,he went on a diving (潜水)vacation in Greece and was shocked."I saw more plastic bags than fish in the water," he said.

From then on,Slat began to pay more attention to ocean pollution.He decided to give up higher education and set up the Ocean Cleanup,a non﹣government organization.Its purpose is to clean up ocean rubbish.He has set up the world's first ocean cleanup system ( 系统)with his team.

Every year,over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans,and it can take up to 500 years to break down.In 2018,the World Economic Forum predicted that the weight of ocean plastic would match that of all the fish in our oceans by 2050.Sea animals easily get caught in plastic.They can't move.They can even die if they eat it.Smaller plastic pieces can also enter the food chain (链)and end up in our bodies.

Slat's plan was to create an environmentally﹣friendly,large system to clear out plastic rubbish from the ocean.

After seven years of tests,on October 2nd,2019,a machine called System 001/B came out.It successfully caught and collected a large amount of plastic rubbish floating in the ocean.

Slat and his team are working to improve System 001/B.Their dream is to clear out 90 percent of all the ocean plastic by 2040.

(1)What did Boyan Slat care more about after his vacation in Greece?    




Plastic bags.


Ocean pollution.


Higher education.

(2)How long does it take to break down 8 million tons of plastic?    


More than 7 years.


Up to 30 years.


Less than 40 years.


About 500 years.

(3)From the prediction of the World Economic Forum in 2018,we can learn    .


little pollution ends up in the ocean


ocean plastic pollution is serious


animals prefer plastic


people like sea food

(4)How did System 001/B work?    


It collected much plastic rubbish in the ocean.


It dealt with all the rubbish in the ocean.


It cleared out rubbish everywhere.


It cleared out 90% of the plastic.

(5)What's the main idea of the passage?    


Animals and humans.


Plastic problems.


Life in the future.


Ocean cleanup.

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In 1988,Wang Chengbang retired(退休)from the army.Instead of enjoying a relaxing life,he volunteered to save the soil from desertification(沙漠化)by planting trees in Korla,Xinjiang.

It is no easy job.The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone to work day after day in the sunshine.Besides,water is a big problem.In fact,Wang Chengbang's work in the first few years failed as very few trees survived(存活).

But Wang Chengbang would not give up."After trying many different ways,I have learned how to grow young trees in a better way," said Wang Chengbang.He also worked out new ways to save water.With his hard work,more and more trees have survived.So far,he has planted more than 1.5 million trees.Those green trees prevent desertification,make the air cleaner and protect people from the hot sun.Now,Korla is a model city in environmental protection.

Wang Chengbang is also successful in fighting cancer(癌症).In 2005,he had cancer and was told that he had only six months to live.However,he continued taking care of his trees rather than lying on the hospital bed."Working is the best medicine.Planting trees helps to fight cancer," he often jokes.

Now,at the age of 85,Wang Chengbang is still working.

(1)Is it an easy job for Wang Chengbang to plant trees?


(2)How many trees has Wang Chengbang planted so far?


(3)What is Wang Chengbang successful in?


(4)In the summer holiday,do you want to be a volunteer to work with Wang Chengbang?Why or why not?


  • 更新:2021-09-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dmitry Doronin,a doctoral student from Russia,is keen (热衷的)to share his experience in rural villages in Zhejiang with his 1.4 million followers online.

Since Dmitry started to live in the countryside last August,the 32 ﹣year﹣old has created hundreds of video clips that record the relaxing lifestyle in Hengzhang village,Lishui city."The rice is grown in the fields together with fish,which helps to increase local agricultural (农业的)products," said Dmitry,while introducing products from Hengzhang village on the popular Chinese short﹣videos platform Douyin,Besides filming videos,Dmitry also enjoys working with farmers in the fields,doing activities   such as planting vegetables and feeding chickens.

Living in a village provides him with uniqueexperiences,he says,quite different from busy life in big cities,such as Shanghai,where he studies.And he has been a pleasant surprise to the villagers as well.Villager Bao Mingyue,76,says,"To our surprise,the young Russian not only knows how to cook Chinese food but is interested in working in the fields."

Because of the outbreak of COVID﹣19,the sales of local agricultural products had dropped rapidly,so Dmitry volunteered to help sell the products in his videos.In a few months,10,000 kilograms of oranges,4,000 kilograms of dried sweet potatoes and 300 kilograms of honey had been sold.

"Thanks to his videos,it seems that more tourists have come to visit our village,"says 72﹣year﹣ old Pan Xianyu,who is very pleased to see the great changes in her hometown,Dmitry loves his country life,"In the countryside,you can immerse (沉浸)yourself in the traditional way of life and understand this country better," he says.

According to Dmitry,some Russians' opinions about China are still out of date,although China has progressed greatly."I would like to become a people to people envoy (使者)of friendship between the two countries by using the Internet," he says.

(1)It can be learnt from the passage that Dmitry    .


has lived in the countryside for years


is good at catching fishes


C gets much attention on the Internet


sells farmers' products in Russia

(2)The underlined word"unique" probably means"    ".









(3)The purpose of Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 is to    .


show Dmitry's influence on Hengzhang village


advise people to buy the products of Hengzhang village


make more tourists interested in Hengzhang village


explain why the sale of sweet potatoes dropped

(4)Dmitry hopes to help Russians to       .


improve their lives more quickly


have a better understanding of China


study Chinese traditional way of life


make rapid progress in farming

  • 更新:2021-09-02
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jason and his father were going to the grocery store by car to pick up some apples.It had been an unusual day.The sky was dark but there were few clouds.As they drove up the street,there started to be a rumbling (隆隆的) sound heard across the ground.

Jason's father immediately realized that a tornado (龙卷风) was coming.He stopped the car and told Jason to get out immediately.Jason and his father got out of the car and made their way to the closest building.By this time the wind was blowing harder,and it was hard to see or hear. Debris was falling all over the place.Jason couldn't see his dad anymore.He also realized that he wasn't getting to the building fast enough.He was afraid he would be picked up by the wind and thrown into the air.

As he made his way towards the building,he noticed a field to his right.He could see an irrigation ditch(灌溉渠).In a panic,he scrambled (爬) to the ditch and lay flat on the ground.More debris and objects flew overhead.His heart was beating hard,and he was nervous.He had never been in a tornado before.

After a while,the winds died down and the loud roaring sound was gone.Jason slowly lifted his head and nervously looked around.What he saw was a great mess.Jason could hardly recognize the buildings in front of him because of all the damage.

He stood up and with shaky legs walked to the building.Once there,he pushed the door open and went inside.It was a public building owned by the city.It was empty,but Jason could hear noises further inside.He walked into the large room and saw his dad.He ran across the room and gave him a big hug.

"Jason!How are you?I've been worried sick about you!" said his father. "I couldn't find you anywhere!"

Jason breathed a sigh of a relief(松了一口气)and sat down.He did have a story to tell!

(1)From Paragraph 1,we can get the    of the story.






climax (most exciting part)



(2)Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?    

①Jason nervously looked around from the irrigation ditch.

②Jason ran across the room and gave his father a big hug.

③Jason got out of the car.

④Jason noticed a field to his right.









(3)The underlined word "Debris" in Paragraph 2 probably means    .


parts of the tornado


apple pies


broken pieces


drop of rain

(4)The story tells us that when we are in danger,    .


we should wait patiently until help comes


we should work hard to make our dreams come true


we should be brave enough to change nature


we should be quick﹣thinking and believe in ourselves

  • 更新:2021-09-03
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs may be man's best friends,but for Sisu,a stray dog,the unicorn(独角兽)is his best friend.

   Recently,Sisu broke into a store in North Carolina five times,trying to steal the same purple unicorn toy.But every time he got it,a salesman would find him,take the toy away and put it back on the shelf.When it turned out that Sisu wouldn't give up,the salesman had to lock the door and not let Sisu in,and then called Duplin County Animal Services for help.

   Samantha Lane,the officer who answered the call,was so moved by Sisu's love for the unicorn that she bought the $10 toy for the dog.

   "The only thing we can think of is that he came from a family that had a similar toy or had children who had one, " said Joe Newbum,a director of Duplin County Animal Services.

   "It's a nice dog," Newbum added. "He likes to play and he is very smart.He sits,stays and shakes hands.He is very polite."

   And whoever is lucky enough to adopt(收养)Sisu will get two best friends for the price of one.According to the Facebook post from Duplin County Animal Services,Sisu and his stuffed animal have already had an adopter.

(1)Why did Sisu break into the store in North Carolina?    


To meet his adopter.


To look for some food.


To get the unicorn freely.

(2)What can we learn from Joe Newbum's words?    


The family had only one child.


The family owned many unicorns.


Joe Newbum thought highly of Sisu.

(3)What is the right order according to the story?    

a.Sisu was adopted at last.

b.Sisu broke into the store.

c.The salesman called for help.

d.The officer bought Sisu the unicorn.







(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?    


Brave for Love


Kind to Animals


Proper Feeding of Dogs

  • 更新:2021-09-04
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nancy's boss has just let her know that her customers' products are about to leave the company.And then he tells her there's a problem.

"The products were damaged(损坏) by someone in our company," the boss says." But this shouldn't affectthe use of the products.If the customers find it,we'll say it was caused by the trucking(货运)company that delivered(运载) the products."

Hearing this,Nancy feels uncomfortable. "But didn't our workers damage the products?" Her boss looks at her," Yeah,but the customers don't know that.I'll just say they were damaged while they were delivered.Don't worry,the customers won't even notice the damage."

Nancy's boss walks out.Nancy sits at her desk and she's not sure what to do.She knows it's dishonest to blame(将﹣﹣﹣归咎于) the damage on the trucking company.It's also dishonest to cheat her customers and give them less perfect products.

Many of us have to make decisions that make who we are and what we believe in.Most often,we face a choice that may seem insignificant(微不足道的).But this doesn't mean that they're not important to us because even the smallest action may make a difference to us.

(1)Who makes the products less perfect?    


The trucking company.


Workers in Nancy's company.


Nancy's boss.


Nancy's customers.

(2)What does the boss plan to do if the damage is found by the customers?    


He will say sorry to the customers.


He doesn't know what to do about that.


He will cheat the customers.


He will tell the truth.

(3)The underlined word "affect" in the second paragraph means    .









(4)From the passage we can infer(推断) that    .


Nancy may be an honest person


the products have already left the company


the damage of the products is easily noticed


Nancy thinks her boss is clever

(5)The writer of the passage mainly wants to tell us    .


it's important to make even a small choice


it's important to deal with damaged products


it's necessary to cheat others sometimes


it's necessary to communicate with a boss

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wang Xiangjun is the first blind student to take gaokao in Anhui.She went to a music college in Tianjin in 2015.It's never an easy thing for blind people to do that.

    Wang was blind when she was born.At the age of eight,she started to learn to play the piano.The first problem for Wang was to find the keys.She had to listen to the melody(旋律)again and again,keep it in mind and then practice playing it over and over again.She worked very hard and played better and better.Music made her confident and happy.

    "Many kind people helped me over the past years.I wish to pass on the love and kindness to more blind children by working as a teacher. "said Wang after she graduated from college in 2019.

    Her dream came true soon.She became a piano teacher in the Hefei Special Education Center that year.Now Wang lives a busy but happy life. "All of my students are so lovely.I know their difficulties in learning.I can teach them with my experience and let them know there is hope and a bright future ahead, " said Wang.

(1)It's never an easy thing for    to go to college.

A.old people

B.young people

C.blind people

D.deaf people

(2)Wang started to learn to play the piano when she was     years old.





(3)The first problem for Wang is    when she started to play the piano.

A.to find the keys

B.to listen to the melody

C.to keep the melody in mind

D.to play the piano with fingers

(4)After Wang graduated from college in 2019,she wanted to work as   .

A.a worker

B.a nurse

C.a teacher

D.an officer

(5)Wang helped her students know there is hope and a bright    ahead.





  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
