( ) (3)当你的朋友问你,最喜欢哪个季节的时候,你会说:
A.I don’t like spring.
B. My favourite season is summer.
C. You like January.
( ) (1)今天的太阳很热,你出了很多的汗,这时你会说:
A.It’s very hot.
B. Let’s go to a summer camp.
C. Let’s go on a trip.
( ) (1)How many birds in the sky?
( ) (2)What do children do in spring?
( ) (3)What colour are leaves in spring ?
( ) (4)What’s you favourite season?
( ) (5)Do you like spring?
( ) (6)What’s the bird name?
( ) (1)sing the birthday song. A.唱生日歌 B.生日快乐
( ) (2)light the candles A.点亮灯 B.点亮生日蜡烛
( ) (3)cut the cake A.切蛋糕 B.吃蛋糕
( ) (4)blow out the candles A.点蜡烛 B.吹蜡烛
( ) (5)make a wish A.许愿 B.祝福
( ) (6)a little boy A.小男孩 B.小玩具
( ) (7)当你想要买一些水果派的时候,你会怎么说:
A. I’d like some apple pies.
B. I like apple pies.
C. I can buy some apple pies.
( ) (6)听到地方说身体不舒服时,你应该说:
A.I’m sorry to hear that.
B.See you soon.
( ) (2)在饭店吃饭的时候,服务员问你想要些什么,你会怎么回答:
A.I’d like some noodles.
B.Can I help you ?
C.They’d like some ice cream.
( ) (6)你想要告诉别人今天星期一的时候,你该说:
A.This is Monday.
B.Today is Monday.
C.It is a Monday.
( ) (4)你想要告诉别人今天是六月一日时,你该怎么说:
A.Today is June first.
B.It is June one.
C.It is June one.
Lucy:Hello, Jack.
Jack:Do you want to look at my photos?
Jack:I am swimming.
Lucy:That’s great.
Jack:In this photo,3______________
Jack:My birthday is June frist.
Lucy:I know June Frist is Children’s Day.
Jack:Yes, My birthday is this day.
( ) (1) Tom like some toy cars.
( ) (2) Lily has a map.
( ) (3) This box is heavy.
( ) (4) There’s a swimming pool.
( ) (5) I fell cool.
A. | B. | C. | D.E. |
( )(1)外面下雨了,雨水从窗户流到屋内,我应该怎么做:
A. Open the door.
B. Close the door
C. Close the window.
( )(2)每个周末家里都会大扫除,在大扫除时我们会做的事情是:
A. Clan the floor.
B. See a film.
C. Play the piano.
( )(3)外面刮起了大风,这个时候门是开着的,我们应该怎么做:
A. Open the door.
B. Close the door .
C. Clean the door.
( )(4)当你想问你的朋友每逢周末去做什么时,该怎么说:
A. What do you do on Sunday?
B. What do you do on Sundays?
C. What are you doing on Sundays?
( )(5)当你看到一只羊,你想告诉你的同学时,你该怎么说:
A. I see a sheep.
B. Look at the sheep.
C. This is a sheep.
( )A.The book is on the desk. ( )B.The book is in the desk.
( )A.The baby is in the box. ( )B.The baby is beside the box.
( )A.The pencil is beside the book. ( )B.The pencil is under the book.
( )A.There are two birds. ( )B.That are two trees.