
第二卷(共55 分)
1.The Fourth of July is the National ____________(独立) Day of the USA.
2.Having ________(克服)his fear of flying, he finally got on the plane.
3.The _________(以前的)owner of the house was my uncle and it belongs to Jim now.
4. ________ (判断)from his expression, he must have done something bad.
5. After a s__________ of five years from his parents, he missed them very much. 
6. The teachers do a lot to prepare lessons, aimed at improving the students’_________(能力).
7. Our school l___________ in the center of the town is the most famous school in this area.
8. Many people arrived late at the party , for a v _________ of reasons.
9. He___________(定居)in the country after his retirement.
10.The workers are laying the f_____________ of the huge building.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第四部分: 根据所给汉语提示或首字母填写词的适当形式,完成下列句子
1. She _______ (声明) that she new nothing about the robbery.
2. Just accept them for who they are, and give them_______ (鼓励) to live as rich and
a full a life as you do.
3. Can you r_____ me some famous English songs. I will sing an English song at the party.
4. As she turned a_______, there stood Gladys Claffern.
5. As she was not allowed to _______ (陪伴) her to the shops, she wrote out a list of
items for her.
6. The theatre has very good access for the _______ (残疾人).
7. In the m___ , old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue.
8. Using a _______ (望远镜) we could see that something was happening.
9. Without _______ (暂停) we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and
headed out into the bay.
10. He was born in a _______ (偏远的) mountainous village, far from the city.
11. I love listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even
though I could not p_______ in the conversation.
12. Hearing the news, more than 100 people hurried to the scene to d_____their blood.
13. I saw her waiting in a q_______at the student cafeteria between lectures, because
there were so many people .
14. It is a great_______ (安慰) to have a substitute family to be with.
15. I have been so o_______with work that I haven’t had time for social activities.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. How much do you _________(要价) for mending shoes?                   1.__________
2. If she _______(继续) drinking like that, I’ll have to carry her home.          2. __________
3. The car couldn’t start because the _______(发动机)went wrong.          3.___________
4. It is _________(极其) cold in the South Pole.                           4. __________
5. The teacher walked the children out of the ________(幼儿园).              5. __________
6. I have _________(后悔) not having studied hard.                        6.___________
7. The newspaper described her as a ______(有前途的) young pianist.          7. __________
8. The girl was so angry that she __________(撕) the letter into pieces.         8. __________
9. He started his first _______(航海)with only one ship and ten men.         9. ___________
10. I felt a _________(急剧的) pain in my stomach.                        10. _________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

51. I must a__________ to you for not being able to meet you at the airport.
52. There has been an 8% d__________ in his income because of the financial crisis.
53. Though time was l_________, we finished the work on time.
54.A lot of people a__________great importance to becoming rich and famous.
55.I will a__________ it if you can help us with the work.
56. Nobody is admitted to the building without p_____________of the police.
57. C__________drove him to open the letter addressed to his sister.
58.He played the violin beautifully by the side of the street and many p_________ put coins into his hat on the ground.
59.He s__________ in the final examinations and was awarded the first prize.
60. Mary used to sing songs in a pub to earn some e___________ money when she was a college student.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

66.I had a long talk with the ________ (校长) about my son.
67.________ (正义) has long arms.   
68.Coal has been ________ (开采)since the sixteenth century in this area. 
69.The tablets should be taken ________ (两次)a day.  
70.People were too polite to correct my ________ (语法) when I spoke English. 
71.It’s not that I don’t like him – on the ________ (相反), he seems very pleasant.
72.My thoughts ________ (漫游)from the exam questions to my interview the next day.
73.They are ________ (挣扎) to keep their heads above the water. 
74.They ordered Chinese food, and when it arrived they ate ________ (饥饿地).
75.She ________ (耽搁)for two hours and missed the train.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

66.He was employed as a _______(图书管理员) in the company.
67.Have you ________(处理) with the  letters received yesterday?
68.Many economists use the Davos forum as a______(平台) for their financial views.
69.Seeing the scene, he left_______(失望).
70.There are not enough ____(柜橱)for all the students in the school.
71.He's still______(犹豫) about joining in the expedition.
72.She knitted a pair of_______(手套) herself.
73.It is useful to ____(开发) oil reserves, water power, solar energy because we are badly in need of them.
74.We are busy now and we can’t spare a _______(两周) holiday.
75.Each country celebrates April Fool’s Day_________.(不同)

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

66.   (不幸的),the temperature on earth is increasing by one degree centigrade every year.                                                                 66.___________
67. I will wait for you at the    (喷泉) .                      67.___________
68.She was so angry that she   (撕扯)the letter into pieces.       68. ___________
69.Quite a few young people would like to live a   (单身)life.   69. ___________
70.Students are    (禁止) to bring cellphones .                       70. ___________
71.The broken    (树枝)have been swept away.                71. ___________
72.There are twenty books______.(总共)                        72.           
73.Walk   (直着)and the hotel is just on your left.                73.           
74.It is good for you to have a little   (巧克力).                  74.           
75.Are all the     (乘客) aboard? .                                 75.           

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Outside the cinema, we had a long wait but we thought it was w______________ since we got the tickets.
Columbia e_______________ coffee to the United States every year.
He read through his newly –finished book and was c____________ with himself.
Body language is one of the most powerful means of c_________________.
Tony’s mother was given a special prize for her o________________ work.
The science and technology-based theme park uses the most a_________________ technology.
Our classroom will be e__________________ with an air-conditioner so that we will never feel hot in summer again.
Little Tom jumped with joy the moment he saw v_____________ toys he likes on the shelf.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He i__________ the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking.
Let children play o________ to enjoy fresh air. It is good for their health.
He went s__________ to his office without stopping at the restaurant to eat breakfast as usual.
She is not a stranger. A__________, all of us have known her for a long time.
His office is on the 18th floor. Let's take the e___________.
It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back.. His mother is c____________about him.
If we hold a good a_____________  towards our study, we will succeed one day.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We are all e__________after the journey. No one wants to move a further step.
He a__________his wife, and went to the USA to make money.
With the development of industry and agriculture, e__________energy is in great need in China.
Linda apologized to the teacher for leaving the school without his p___________.
The students are asked to c____________their attention on the experient.
The retired worker is very ___________(热心的) about neighbourhood affairs.
They have ___________(设计) a lot of advanced electric equipment.
He is a very strict teacher, but the students ____________(尊敬) him.
He is very nice but I don’t really find him ____________(有吸引力的).
He was surprised that his speech had caused a strong ____________(反应).

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He has lost his i_________ card and is being questioned by the police.
She changed a lot and I had great difficulty r___________ her at first.
It made her u_______ that she didn’t do well in the final exam.
John looked calm, but a_________ he was very nervous.
He comes from India and speaks English with a strong Indian a__________.
He knew there was a speed limit, but he i___________ it and drove very fast.
People from England made v__________ to conquer other parts of the world .
Many countries in the world use English as an o________ language.
Young people spend most of their time o______ for they don’t like to stay at home all day.
The teacher is entirely c_________ about his students’ health.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You can easily c______ the problems if you study British history.    
England is the largest of the four countries and for c______ it is divided into three zones.
The c__________ of these stamps took ten years.
Your composition is very good except for some spelling e__________.
It is Mary rather you who is to b_________for the accident.
His speech made a strong ____________(印象)on the audience.
Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer __________(观光).
Urban inhabitants have to live with the _________(典型的) noises of cities.
We were ______(激动的) when we saw the high mountains and beautiful scenery.
The boss is _________(谨慎的) about making decisions.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

71. The ________________(普及)of the computer has changed our life greatly.
72. I think that his suggestion _______________(值得)considering.
73. You have to be highly _______________(好竞争的)to do well in sport nowadays.
74.The injured boy is in danger because he has ______________(流血)too much.
75.As a student, being _______________(准时的)for class is essential.
76.Tom was so capable that he was _______________(任命)as CEO of the company.
77.He was put into prison for hunting wild animals ________________(非法地).
78.The two girls stood close to each other, _________________ (低声说)something.
79.Some African children are suffering from a kind of disease because of a lack of ___________
80.He caught hold of the rope in a ________________(绝望的) attempt to save himself.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
