

come into being    pay attention to      in addition      long to   be based on  
above all          play jokes on       dream of       turn up     break up   

Mr. Ma is always serious and doesn’t like to _______________ others.
Before agriculture __________, people made their living by hunting wild animals. 
All of the guests had arrived by 9 o’clock, but the host didn’t ___ until 15 minutes later.
The boy _____________________ becoming a pilot.   
I should like to buy a house, modern, comfortable, and ________, in a quiet place. 
The little boy _______________ the radio to see what was wrong with it.   
My teacher has always ______help endangered species and now she has the chance.
The film ________________ on a real story happening in a mountain village.  
I like picture books very much. __________________, I am also interested in novels. 
He often __________________ what the teacher says and take notes in class. 

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. field A. picture        B. exercise         C. child      D. machine
2. breath A. smooth         B. thousand         C. southern     D. worthy
3. breakA. bread           B. meat            C. great       D. meant
4. floors A. yours          B. baskets         C. desks      D. coughs
5. stone A. oppose        B. piano            C. soft       D. comfort

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She is a vegetarian. She will __________ if you mention eating meat in front of her.

A.fall over the moon B.be down in the dumps
C.get hot under the collar D.laugh her head off
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Read the_____________ (说明书) carefully before taking the medicine.
A beautiful lady opened the door and came in, _____(跟随着) by another who looked younger.
This problem needs _____________ ( 解决) at once.
There _____________(存在) the generation gap between our parents and us today.
The police had ____________(秘密)filmed the conversations.
A great celebration was held on his _____________ (90岁)  birthday. 
This letter requires your ____________________(立即的) reply.
_____________ (尽管) his wealth, he was not happy.
Many____________(亚洲) countries are making great efforts to develop their own economies.
I left immediately the clock_____________ (敲) eight.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

 .She described all the things she had to do -one was to make her bed-from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work.I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks.She was shocked, probably thinking I’d been raised by wolves in a forest.  .
Two weeks later she went into my office beaming.She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years-and nothing bad had happened. “And you know what?” she said.”I don’t dry my dishes anymore, either.”
 .One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before.The other was giving herself permission to be less that perfect.This story shows an important principle about managing time: No one can do it all.Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs.The problem is, many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last.They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves.   .
So what is the solution? There’s an easy way.Decide what you want in your life, and put that first.On a daily basis, that should include regular meals, enough sleep and time with your family.Exercise, leisure, friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life..The choice is yours: whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.Take a nap.Take a walk.Take time to play the piano.Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office.Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers.Fill more of your time with want-to-dos instead of have-to-dos.

A.This woman had made two major breakthroughs.
B.Above all, you needn’t do anything for yourself regularly.
C.They put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own.
D.However, she went along with my idea.

E.Most people do not take time to relax themselves.
F.The point is to do something for yourself every day.
G.A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.atmosphere B.amount C.award D.ahead


A.puzzle B.pull C.mutton D.nut


A.feast B.wealthy C.bean D.weakness


A.strength B.theory C.birthplace D.thus


A.fry B.spy C.beauty D.multiply
  • 更新:2020-03-18
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  • 难度:未知

Do you regularly get together to talk with your family about problems or the day’s events? __________ Try these simple steps to improve your family’s communication skills.
1. Create opportunities for talking.
Make time for talking by reducing the number of activities your family is involved in each week. And if you do find yourself in the car running from place to place, make a point to turn off the radio, the cell phones and the personal game players, and use that opportunity to catch up on the day’s activities.
2. Insist on family meals.
In addition to bringing everyone together for a wrap-up of the day’s activities, insisting on a few standing family meals creates ritual and routine that kids come to expect and look forward to. __________
3. __________
Spending time with each of your children lets them know that are not getting lost in the hubbub of a busy day or large family. Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place. Younger children often enjoy going to the supermarket, especially when you let them select their favorite cereal or special dessert.
4. Remember the 80/20 rule.
When trying to improve any relationship, listening is far more important than talking. ________ If you do verbally explode before your child is finished, apologize quickly and assure him or her that you’re now ready to listen.
5. Create family traditions.
_______ Family members come to expect and appreciate these traditions, seeing them as opportunities to come together as a unit. If your family is short on traditions, there’s no reason you can’t start some now.

A.Maintaining(保持) positive family communications benefits your family in so many ways.
B.Lunches with aging parents keeps those relationships healthy, as well.
C.Setting up a family movie night, attending religious services or visiting the same spot every year for summer vacation are all the examples.
D.When it comes to family communication, listen four times longer than you speak.

E. Go on individual dates with your children.
F. Use the family dinner table as an opportunity to share what’s going on in family members’ lives.
G. Conversation is the key to any strong relationship, especially for family communication.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.trade B.abroad C.want D.value


A.circle B.social C.innocent D.casual


A.bush B.button C.business D.musician


A.friend B.achieve C.science D.convenient


A.trusted B.refused C.copied D.practised
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. creature    A. recreation      B. sweat       C. breathe    D. great
2. bathe      A. breath         B. mouths      C. months        D. thunderstorm
3. explosion   A. expert        B. example      C. explanation  D. experience
4. necklace    A. fortunate      B. nature       C. grade         D. classmate
5. various     A. natural        B. creative     C. parent       D. anybody

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.alarm B.drag C.attract D.political


A.supply B.graduate C.clumsy D.helpful


A.row B.power C.flower D.shower


A.Absence B.Cell C.receiver D.encourage


A.telescope B.nurse C.noisy D.scan
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Having many helpers makes a task easier and faster to complete.
—I think so. _______ .

A.Many hands make light work
B.All is well that ends well.
C.The early bird catch the worm
D.The more you learn, the more you know
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.Take actions                            
B.Accept Yourself
C.Maintain a Diary                        
D.Reflect on the Past
E.Focus on Yourself                       
F.Give Yourself a break
How to Find Yourself
Do you often feel lost?Do you think you are living somebody else’s life? If yes, discover ways to find yourself by going through the following article.
. __________ If you are thinking, “how to find yourself when you are lost?”, then the first thing to do is to have a rest from everything—work, personal life and all worldly things. Give time to yourself to think why you seem lost. Is it because of over work? Is it because you are not leading a life that you want to? Or is it because you are not satisfied with the people or things around you? Try to find answers to these questions to determine the cause behind your restlessness.
. __________ For once, instead of being the way others want you to be, be yourself. Look within and find yourself in you. Think about the things that you would want to do if you didn’t have any family obligations or any money issues. Think about the kind of relationship you would want to be in, the place that you would like to stay in, the kind of lifestyle you would like to lead, if you didn’t have the society or people around you, judging all the time. If you really want to know how to find inner peace, then think, what you would want others to describe you as—an honest person? Or adventurous? Or loving, or realistic? Once you look within, you will know the answer and then try to be exactly that.
. __________  Thinking deeply about the past, the time or situations when you were the happiest, is another way to find yourself .Think what you were doing or with whom you were, when you were the happiest. This will help you to identify things that you want to do in life that make you happy and also certain people whose company you enjoy.
. __________   Knowing yourself and determining what you to do with your life will not come to you in a day or two. Discovering oneself is an ongoing process and it can take months or sometimes even years to truly find yourself. So, it’s important that you maintain a written record of all your feelings and thoughts, which you can go through at a later stage. Pour all your emotions and feelings about life in it and who knows may be one day going through it, you will find yourself.
. __________  Once you have discovered what you want to do with your life, make a move for change and self improvement. Even if it means taking up small things such as dancing or painting, go ahead and do it. If you want a career change, plan and take steps so that it can take place smoothly. If you are stuck in a bad relationship and find yourself unable to mend it, break away. At the beginning, you may find yourself slightly unbalanced, but with time everything will be fine.
It is very important for you to truly find yourself, before it is too late. If you do not find yourself now, you will spend your life with somebody you do not even know, i.e. yourself.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.trade B.abroad C.want D.value


A.circle B.social C.innocent D.casual


A.bush B.button C.business D.musician


A.friend B.achieve C.science D.convenient


A.trusted B.refused C.copied D.practiced
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.mineral B.confidence C.generation D.reduce
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.heart B.hire C.hour D.human


A.notebook B.rope C.fond D.seldom


A.fire B.glare C.inspire D.desire


A.natural B.native C.international D.adventure


A.emotion B.situation C.suggestion D.information
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
