
The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
— Thomas Macaulay
Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nantette O’Neill gave an arithmetic ___1___ to our class. When the papers were ___2___ she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the ___3___ mistakes throughout the test.
There is nothing really new about ___4___ in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs. O’Neill ___5___ even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to ___6___ after class. I was one of the twelve.
Mrs. O’Neill asked ___7___ questions, and she did not ___8___ us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the ___9___ words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to ___10___ these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.
I don’t ___11___ about the other eleven boys. Speaking for ___12___ I can say: it was the most important single ___13___ of my life. Thirty years after being ___14___ to Macaulay’s words, they ___15___ seem to me the best yardstick(准绳), because they give us a ___16___ to measure ourselves rather than others.
___17___ of us are asked to made ___18___ decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called ___19___ daily to make a great many personal decisions. ___20___ the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket ___21___ turned over to the policeman? Should the ___22___ change received at the store be forgotten or ___23___? Nobody will know except ___24___. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always ___25___ to live with someone you respect.
1. A. test B. problem     C. paper  D. lesson
2. A. examinedB. completed  C. marked      D. answered
3. A. easy       B. funny  C. same   D. serious
4. A. lying      B. cheating     C. guessing     D. discussing
5. A. didn’t    B. did     C. would D. wouldn’t
6. A. come     B. leave   C. remain       D. apologize
7. A. no  B. certain       C. many  D. more
8. A. excuse    B. reject  C. help    D. scold
9. A. above     B. common     C. following   D. unusual
10. A. repeat   B. get      C. put     D. copy
11. A. worry   B. know  C. hear    D. talk
12. A. myself  B. ourselves    C. themselves  D. herself
13. A. chance  B. incident      C. lesson D. memory
14. A. referred       B. shown C. brought      D. introduced
15. A. even     B. still     C. always       D. almost
16. A. way     B. sentence     C. choice D. reason
17. A. All       B. Few    C. Some  D. None
18. A. quick   B. wise    C. great   D. personal
19. A. out       B. for      C. up      D. upon
20. A. Should B. Must   C. Would D. Need
21. A. and      B. or       C. then    D. but
22. A. extra    B. small  C. some   D. necessary
23. A. paid     B. remembered      C. shared D. returned
24. A. me       B. you     C. us       D. them
25. A. easier   B. more natural      C. better  D. more peaceful

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their ___1___. This was the beginning of another ___2___ day in New York City. ___3___this day was to be different.
Waiting ___4___ the crowded streets, on top of a ___5___ 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to ___6___ a tightrope(绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.
Philippe took his first ___7___ with great care. The wire held. Now he was ___8___ he could do ___9__ only a balancing pole. Philippe walked his way across, a ___10___ of 131 feet.
Soon the rush-hour ___11___ began to notice. What a ___12___! There, 1350 feet above the street, a ___13___ figure was walking on air.
Philippe made seven ___14___, back and forth(来回). He wasn’t satisfied with just ___15___. At times he would turn, sit down, and ___16___ go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing ___17___ to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of ___18___ watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.
After the forty-five-minute ___19___, Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked ___20___ he did it. Philippe shrugged(耸肩) and said, “When I see two tall buildings, I walk.”
1. A. job B. homes C. buses  D. offices
2. A. working B. hot     C. same   D. ordinary
3. A. And       B. So      C. But     D. Thus
4. A. for  B. in       C. by      D. above
5. A. roof       B. position      C. wall    D. building
6. A. throw     B. walk   C. climb  D. fix
7. A. act  B. landing      C. step    D. trip
8. A. sure       B. uncertain    C. glad    D. nervous
9. A. Through B. Against      C. With   D. On
10. A. distance       B. height C. space  D. rope
11. A. streets   B. crowds       C. passengers  D. city
12. A. height  B. pleasure     C. wonder      D. danger
13. A. great    B. strange       C. public D. tiny
14. A. experiment  B. circles C. trips    D. movements
15. A. walking       B. staying       C. acting D. showing
16. A. almost  B. even   C. often   D. rather
17. A. spirit    B. result  C. strength      D. courage
18. A. patient  B. terrified     C. pleased       D. enjoyable
19. A. show    B. trick   C. try      D. program
20. A. how     B. why    C. whether      D. when

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jenlins was a jeweller, who had made a large diamond(钻石) ring worth 57,000 pounds for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked ___1___ like the first one but was worth only 2,000 pounds. This he took to the shop, which ___2___ it without a question.
Jenkins gave the much more ___3___ ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife ___4___ to Paris for a weekend. As to the ___5___ ring, the shop sold it for 60,000 pounds.
Six months later the buyer ___6___ it back to Silkstone’s office. “It’s a faulty(有瑕疵的) diamond,” he said. “It isn’t worth the high ___7___ I paid.” Then he told them the ___8___. His wife’s car had caught fire in an ___9___. She had escaped(幸免), ___10___ the ring had fallen off and been damaged(损坏) in the great ___11___ of the fire.
The shop had to ___12___. They knew that no fire on earth can ___13___ damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the ___14___ diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: who ___15___ it?
A picture of the ring appeared in the ___16___. A reader thought he ___17___ the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which ___18___ a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was a woman ___19___ a large diamond ring. “Do you know the ___20___ with the lovely diamond ring?” the papers asked their readers. Several months later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in prison.
1. A. only       B. surely C. nearly D. exactly
2. A. accepted B. received     C. refused       D. rejected
3. A. real B. modern      C. worthy       D. valuable
4. A. flew       B. drove  C. sailed  D. bicycled
5. A. first       B. second       C. last     D. next
6. A. sold       B. posted C. brought      D. returned
7. A. cost       B. money       C. price   D. value
8. A. facts      B. matters       C. questions    D. results
9. A. affair     B. accident     C. incident      D. experience
11. A. pile      B. heat    C. power D. pressure
12. A. think    B. agree  C. permit D. promise
13. A. almost  B. even   C. just     D. ever
14. A. real      B. pure    C. right   D. exact
15. A. copied  B. made  C. stole   D. did
16. A. notices B. magazines  C. newspapers D. programmes
17. A. saw      B. knew  C. found  D. recognized
18. A. showed       B. drew   C. printed       D. carried
19. A. carrying      B. dressing     C. wearing      D. holding
20. A. dancer  B. woman       C. reader D. jeweler

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim slipped by the table. The watch, which Mrs Smith had ___1___ on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared.
We were ___2___ to go back for class again when the headmaster called us ___3___ and said, I’ve got a little ___4___ for you boys. Mrs Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened ___5___, she says ---- it just ___6___ off her wrist(手腕). So, look around for it, will you? ___7___ if you’re clever enough to find it. Let’s ___8___ it clear the boy who does ___9___ will get a useful reward(奖赏).
At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the ___10___ one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent down as if to ___11___ something. And ___12___ he was in front of Mrs Smith, all smiles, ___13___ the watch to her.
Mrs Smith, however, didn’t seem at all ___14___.In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without ___15___ a “Thank you”.
Jim got ___16___ a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who ___17___ him to write a composition ___18___ the dangers of smoking. What could ___19___ Jim write about? He hadn’t listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the ___20___.
1. A. seen       B. dropped     C. fond   D. laid
2. A. about     B. able    C. sorry   D. sure
3. A. forward  B. together     C. straight      D. out
4. A. fun B. trick   C. job     D. prize
5. A. before    B. now    C. here    D. there
6. A. goes       B. throws       C. slips    D. falls
7. A. Say B. See     C. Guess  D. Check
8. A. get  B. put     C. make  D. keep
9. A. this B. such    C. that     D. so
10. A. lucky   B. quick  C. early   D. worthy
11. A. put down     B. give away   C. find out      D. pick up
12. A. the following moment B. the next moment
C. for a moment           D. just a moment
13. A. handing out B. turning in   C. giving up   D. sending back
14. A. pleased B. hurt    C. interested   D. worried
15. A. just      B. ever    C. even   D. almost
16. A. her punishment   B. her prize    C. his job       D. his reward
17. A. had      B. made  C. told    D. helped
18. A. of B. on      C. in       D. at
19. A. poor     B. nervous      C. quick  D. good
20. A. lecture  B. point   C. matter D. subject

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold winter’s afternoon, Robert stopped for a moment as he crossed the bridge and looked down at the river below. There were hardly any ___1___ on the river. ___2___ the bridge, however, almost directly below, ___3___ was a small canoe(独木舟), with a boy in it. He was ___4___ wearing many clothes, Robert ___5___. He shivered(打了个寒颤) and walked on.
___6___ he heard a cry. “Help! Help!” The cry ___7___ from the river. Robert looked down. The boy was ___8___ the water and his canoe was ___9___ away, “Help! Help!” he called again.
Robert was a good ___10___. Taking off his clothes, he ___11___ into the river. The ___12___ water made him tremble all over, ___13___ in a few seconds he reached the ___14___. “Don’t be afraid,” he said and started to swim towards the river bank, ___15___ the boy with him. But at that ___16___ he noticed a large motor boat under the bridge. There were several people on the boat, all___17___in his direction. Robert ___18___ to swim towards the boat.
“Give me a hand,” he shouted ___19___ he got near the boat. He ___20___ up into a row of faces. “It’s funny,” he thought. “They look so ___21___.” Silently they helped the boy into the boat and ___22___ him in a blanket. But they did not move to ___23___ Robert.
“Aren’t you going to pull me ___24___ too?” Robert asked.
“You!” said one of the men. Robert noticed that he was standing next to a large ___25___. “You! Why, we were making a film and you spoiled(破坏) a whole afternoon’s work! You can stay in the water.”
1. A. fish B. boats   C. waves D. sounds
2. A. From     B. Towards     C. Near   D. Beyond
3. A. there      B. it C. where D. that
4. A. then       B. also    C. only    D. not
5. A. noticed   B. saw     C. guessed      D. said
6. A. Till then B. Just then    C. Far away    D. From there
7. A. happened       B. went   C. arrived       D. came
8. A. on  B. within C. in       D. under
9. A. running  B. floating      C. flowing      D. pulling
10. A. swimmer     B. guard  C. soldier       D. sportsman
11. A. threw   B. looked       C. dived  D. turned
12. A. deep     B. cool    C. dirty   D. cold
13. A. but       B. so       C. and     D. or
14. A. canoe   B. bank   C. boy     D. bridge
15. A. pushing       B. dragging    C. holding      D. catching
16. A. place    B. period C. second       D. moment
17. A. seeing  B. smiling      C. looking      D. shouting
18. A. decided       B. went   C. agreed D. promised
19. A. while   B. till      C. for      D. as
20. A. turned  B. looked       C. hurried       D. stood
21. A. nervous       B. afraid  C. excited       D. angry
22. A. wrapped      B. left     C. placed D. threw
23. A. save     B. thank  C. help    D. wrap
24. A. on B. out     C. away   D. off
25. A. boat     B. blanket       C. camera       D. screen

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

While my father was an officer of the British army in South Africa, we lived in a ___1___ house. One ___2___ my father and sister and  I were sitting together. He was ___3___ the window. I suddenly ___4___ that he was turning very pale. I sat ___5___, for I did not want to __6__ my sick sister. Soon father said in a ___7___ voice, “Kate and Joan, a friend of mine is ___8___ here to see me this evening, and I wish to be ___9___ him. Will you go up to your own room?” We ___10___, went to our room and closed the door.
Soon I heard a ___11___ like that of a door burst in, and then a climb of feet. They were hurrying ___12___ the narrow stairs. Fearing that there was ___13___ near, I seized the pistol(手枪) on the table. Then I heard my father cry out, "For God’s sake(快!), child, ___14___ the door. " I did so. To my horror(恐怖), I saw, ___15___ my father’s shoulder, a gorilla(大猩猩), the worst enemy of the soldier in ___16___. He was ___17___ my father. I raised the pistol and fired. The animal fell backwards with ___18___ loud cry. Father took the ___19___ smoking pistol from my hand, and fired another shot, which ___20___ the gorilla.
It happened that father had ___21___ us upstairs because he thought he would be able to ___22___ the door ––– which was twenty feet away –––___23___ the animal reached it. However, the gorilla was too ___24___ for him; and this was the cause of the ___25___ flight(逃跑) up the stairs.
1. A. two-storeyed  B. two storeyed      C. two-storeys D. two storeys
2. A. o’clock  B. night   C. evening      D. time
3. A. towards  B. opposite     C. inside  D. behind
4. A. knew     B. learned       C. felt     D. noticed
5. A. still B. lonely C. sadly   D. unhappily
6. A. hurt       B. frighten      C. lose    D. trouble
7. A. loud       B. sad     C. calm   D. pleasant
8. A. moving  B. staying       C. running      D. coming
9. A. friendly to     B. alone with  C. helpful to   D. careful with
10. A. promised     B. trembled    C. obeyed       D. replied
11. A. sound   B. cry     C. voice  D. shout
12. A. to B. down  C. through      D. up
13. A. some difficulty    B. a thief C. some danger      D. an accident
14. A. open    B. close   C. pull    D. draw
15. A. on B. above  C. over    D. from
16. A. South America    B. Africa C. South Asia  D. Europe
17. A. aiming at     B. marching towards C. shooting at      D. running after
18. A. an exciting   B. a calm C. an angry     D. a natural
19. A. still      B. yet      C. even   D. already
20. A. hit       B. murdered   C. frightened  D. killed
21. A. taken    B. sent    C. driven D. forced
22. A. push     B. lock    C. guard  D. defend
23. A. until     B. when  C. before D. though
24. A. quick   B. huge   C. heavy  D. stupid
25. A. anxious       B. fearless      C. excited       D. hurried

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Having left the town, the girl stopped the car at the landing near the entrance of the bay(海湾). She stepped into the ___16___ and rowed out silently. The tide was rushing to the entrance and ___17___ to the wild open sea. She had to row across the bay to reach ___18___side. The waves struck against the side of the boat, ___19___and uneven; it became ___20___ difficult to row. If she ___21___ for a moment, the tide would push the boat back towards the ___22___.
She wasn’t even halfway, ___23___ she was already tired and her hands ___24___ from pulling on the rough wooden oars (船桨). “I’m never going to ___25___ it”, she thought. She rested the oars on her knees and ___26___ her head helplessly, then looked up as she ___27___ the boat shift(晃动) against the tide.
The east wind, which had swung(旋转) around from the south-west, ___28___ her help and pushed the boat towards the mountains. It was going to be ___ 29___. Her hands weren’t so painful. Her chest didn’t feel as if it was about to burst ___ 30___.
The lights of the town became ___31___. One of the oars banged against the side of the boat and she ___32___ it with a start. Had she been asleep, or just ___33___? She looked over her shoulder. She was almost on the beach. The girl gave one last ___34___ on the oars to ground the boat, and then lay back against the seat. She listened to the waves ___35___ and knew she had come home. Far across the moonlit bay the lights were no more than a sparkling chain.
16. A. car       B. boat    C. ship    D. mail
17. A. beside  B. before C. behind       D. beyond
18.A. another  B. other   C. either  D. the other
19. A. deep     B. calm   C. gentle D. rough
20. A. more    B. less     C. as       D. least
21. A. slept     B. continued   C. rested  D. rowed
22. A. home   B. mountains  C. south-west  D. entrance
23. A. if  B. so       C. but,    D. since
24. A. hurt     B. ruined C. troubled     D. broke
25. A. get       B. make  C. keep   D. take
26. A. mined  B. dropped     C. cocked       D. raised
27. A. saw      B. made  C. heard  D. felt
28. A. got to   B. came to      C. sent for      D. reached for
29. A. difficult       B. serious       C. all right      D. certain enough
30. A. any more     B. still more   C. no more     D. once more
31. A. brighter       B. bigger C. closer   D. smaller
32. A. destroyed     B. threw  C. repaired  D. seized
33. A. dreaming     B. guessing     C. inventing    D. expecting
34. A. blow    B. hit      C. pull    D. strike
35. A. anxiously     B. happily      C. sadly   D. carefully

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling ___36___, but I always knew he was ___37___. He never criticized us, but used ___38___ to bring out our best. He’d say,” If you pout water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.” I ___39___ as a child I said something ___40___ about somebody, and my father said, “___41___ time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best ___42___ people, I would get the best ___43___. From then on I’ve always tried to ___44___ the principle in my life and later in running my company.
Dad’s also always been very ___45___. At 15, I started a magazine. It was ___46___ a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a ___47___: stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.
I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, ___48___ any good father would. When he realized I Had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad ___49___ me to go into law. And I’ve ___50___ regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, ___51___ I didn’t pursue my ___52___. You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”
As ___53___ turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national ___54___ for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I’ d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad ___55___ me.
36. A. biologist      B. manager     C. lawyer       D. gardener
37. A. strict    B. honest C. special       D. learned
38. A. praise   B. courage      C. power D. warmth
39. A. think    B. imagine      C. remember   D. guess
40. A. unnecessary B. unkind       C. unimportant       D. unusual
41. A. Another       B. Some  C. Any    D. Other
42. A. on B. in       C. at       D. about
43. A. in case  B. by turns     C. by chance   D. in return
44. A. revise   B. set      C. review       D. follow
45. A. understanding     B. experienced       C. serious       D. demanding
46. A. taking up     B. making up  C. picking up  D. keeping up
47. A. suggestion   B. decision     C. notice D. choice
48. A. and      B. as       C. even if       D. as if
49. A. helped  B. allowed      C. persuaded   D. suggested
50. A. always  B. never  C. seldom       D. almost
51. A. rather   B. but     C. for      D. therefore
52. A. promise       B. task    C. belief  D. dream
53. A. this      B. he       C. it D. that
54. A. newspaper   B. magazine    C. program     D. project
55. A. controlled    B. comforted  C. reminded    D. raised

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As I drove my blue Buick into the garage. I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was ___21___ too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the ___22___ space. That left ___23___ enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home___24___, and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space — too close to my car, ___25___. At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had ___26___ and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not___27___ me enough space? Park father over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into ___28___, the driver shouted back: “Make me!” ___29___ this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my ___30___. Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found ___31___. The next day the woman ___32___ a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):
Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,
I’m sorry my mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while ___33___. It wasn’t like her to scream ___34___. Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I ___35___ you and your mistress will ___36___ her.
Your neighbor,
Blue Buick
When I went to the___37___ the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:
Dear Blue Buick,
My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so___38___ because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be___39___ now.
Your neighbor,
Yellow Oldsmobile
After that, whenever Blue Buick ___40___ Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.
21. A. driven  B. parked       C. stopped      D. stayed
22. A. complete     B. close   C. narrow       D. fixed
23. A. quite    B. nearly C. seldom       D. hardly
24. A. hurriedly     B. first    C. finally D. timely
25. A. as usual       B. as planned  C. as well       D. as yet
26. A. run into       B. run about   C. run out       D. run off
27. A. keeping       B. saving C. offering     D. leaving
28. A. mine    B. hers    C. itself   D. ours
29. A. For      B. With   C. From  D. Upon
30. A. room    B. area    C. front   D. side
31. A. an instruction      B. a result       C. an answer   D. a chance
32. A. put       B. wrote  C. sent    D. discovered
33. A. working      B. driving       C. returning    D. cooking
34. A. on end  B. so long       C. like that     D. any more
35. A. hope    B. know  C. suppose      D. suggest
36. A. comfort       B. help    C. forgive       D. please
37. A. office   B. flat     C. place   D. garage
38. A. crazily  B. eagerly       C. noisily       D. early
39. A. neighbors    B. friends       C. drivers       D. writers
40. A. followed      B. passed C. found  D. greeted

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I ___36___ that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, ___37___ he knew me. The man had a newspaper ___38___ in front of him, which he was ___39___ to read, but I could ___40___ that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my ___41___the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the ___42___ way in which the waiter and I ___43___each other. He seemed even more puzzled as ___44___went on and it became ___45___that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the ___46___. When he came out, he paid his bill and ___47___without another glance in my direction.
I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had ___48___. “Well,” he said, “that man was a detective (侦探). He ___49___ you here because he thought you were the man he ___50___. ” “What? ” I said, showing my ___51___. The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I ___52___ say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a ___53___. ” “Well, it’s really ___54___I came to a restaurant where I’m known, ” I said. “___55___, I might have been in trouble.”
36. A. knew    B. understood C. noticed       D. recognized
37. A. since    B. even if       C. though       D. as if
38. A. flat      B. open   C. cut      D. fixed
39. A. hoping B. thinking     C. pretending  D. continuing
40. A. see       B. find    C. guess  D. learn
41. A. menu   B. bill     C. paper  D. food
42. A. direct   B. familiar      C. strange       D. funny
43. A. chatted with B. looked at    C. laughed at  D. talked about
44. A. the waiter    B. time    C. I  D. the dinner
45. A. true      B. hopeful      C. clear   D. possible
46. A. restaurant    B. washroom  C. office  D. kitchen
47. A. left      B. acted   C. sat down    D. calmed down
48. A. wanted B. tried   C. ordered      D. wished
49. A. met      B. caught C. followed    D. discovered
50. A. was to beat  B. was dealing with C. was to meet D. was looking for
51. A. care     B. surprise      C. worry D. regret
52. A. must    B. can     C. need   D. may
53. A. discovery     B. mistake      C. decision     D. fortune
54. A. a pity   B. natural       C. a chance     D. lucky
55. A. Thus    B. However    C. Otherwise   D. Therefore

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians(挪威人) had ___36___ them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After ___37___ the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves ___38___ they started the 950-mile journey back.
The journey was unexpectedly ___39___ and the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of them. The sun hardly ___40___. The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had ___41___ to mark their way home. To make things ___42___. Evans, whom they had all thought of ___43___ the strongest of the five, fell badly into a deep hole in the ice. Having ___44___ along for several days, he suddenly fell down and died.
The four who were ___45___ pushed on at the best speed they could ___46___. Captain Oates had been suffering for some time from his ___47___ fact; at night his feet swelled(肿胀) so large that he could ___48___ put his boots on the next morning, and he walked bravely although he was in great ___49___. He knew his slowness was making it less likely that ___50___ could save themselves. He asked them to leave him behind in his sleeping-bag, but they refused, and helped him ___51___ a few more miles, until it was time to put up the ___52___ for another night.
The following morning, ___53___ the other three were still in their sleeping-bags, he said. “I am just going outside and may be ___54___ some time.” He was never seen again. He had walked out ___55___ into the snow storm, hoping that his death would help his companions.
36. A. hit       B. fought C. won    D. beaten
37. A. growing      B. putting       C. planting     D. laying
38. A. after     B. until   C. while  D. before
39. A. safe      B. fast     C. short   D. slow
40. A. rose     B. set      C. appeared    D. disappeared
41. A. taken up      B. cut up C. set up  D. picked up
42. A. easier   B. better  C. bitter  D. worse
43. A. to B. upon   C. as       D. in
44. A. battled  B. struggled    C. speeded      D. waited
45. A. left      B. lost     C. defeated     D. saved
46. A. manage       B. try      C. employ      D. find
47. A. ached   B. frozen C. harden       D. harmed
48. A. hardly  B. never  C. seldom       D. nearly
49. A. pain     B. fear    C. trouble       D. danger
50. A. all others     B. some others       C. others D. the others
51. A. away    B. with    C. off      D. on
52. A. bed      B. tent     C. blanket       D. sleeping-bag
53. A. while   B. since   C. for      D. once
54. A. missed  B. separated    C. passed D. gone
55. A. patiently      B. lonely C. alone  D. worriedly

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, ___36___ my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it ___37___ over a fence. Chris was paralyzed(瘫痪) from the chest down, ___38___ to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of ___39___with lots of unexpected challenges(挑战). We went from the “haves” to the “have-nots”. Or so we thought.
___40___ what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of ___41___ difficulties. We came to learn that something ___42___could happen in a disaster. All over the world people ___43___Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a ___44___center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of ___45___ had been received and sorted.
As ___46___, we opened letter after letter. They gave us ___47___ and became a source of strength for us. We used them to ___48___ ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with “Funny” if we needed a ___49___, or to the “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or ___50___in bed living happily and ___51___.
These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so ___52___ we offer one of them to you.
Dear Chris,
My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your___53___ accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this ___54___ challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you ___55___.
Yours Sincerely,
Nancy Reagan
36.A.since      B. before C. when  D. while
37. A. walked B. climbed      C. pulled D. jumped
38. A. able     B. unable C. suitable      D. unsuitable
39. A. disability     B. possession  C. convenience       D. experience
40. A. So       B. For     C. Or      D. Yet
41. A. sharing B. separating   C. fearing       D. exploiting
42. A. terrible B. similar       C. wonderful  D. practical
43. A. wrote for     B. cared for    C. hoped for   D. sent for
44. A. medical       B. postal  C. experimental      D. mental
45.A. news     B. paper  C. equipment  D. mail
46. A. patients       B. a family     C. nurses D. a group
47. A. effect   B. effort  C. comfort      D. explanation
48. A. encourage    B. express       C. control       D. treat
49. A. cry       B. laugh  C. chat    D. sigh
50. A. much   B. never  C. even   D. seldom
5l. A. bitterly  B. fairly  C. weakly       D. successfully
52. A. here     B. there   C. therefore    D. forward
53. A. driving B. flying C. running      D. riding
54. A. technical      B. different     C. difficult     D. valuable
55. A. nearby  B. close   C. busy   D. alive

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of ___36___ is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ___37___ of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his ___38___. Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he ___39___ it. Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without ___40___. When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter ___41___ what happened to Persephone, she became so ___42___ that she caused all plants to ___43___ People were in ___44___ of starving. But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow ___45___ her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. ___46___, still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephone’s ___47___. She could go back to her mother if she had not ___48___ anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter ___49___ it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate(石榴) seeds in the underworld. When Zeus ___50___ this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her ___51___, but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld. And so it ___52___ that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and therefore ___53___ not let the crops grow. That is ___54___ we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is ___55___, it is spring, and plants begin to grow again.
36. A. periods B. seasons       C. time    D. age
37. A. winner B. ruler   C. advisor       D. fighter
38. A. wife     B. lover   C. partner       D. daughter
39. A. forbid  B. forgive       C. admit  D. accept
40. A. arrangement B. warning     C. reason D. permission
41. A. let out  B. worked out C. thought out D. found out
42. A. excited B. tired   C. angry  D. serious
43. A. grow fast     B. start growing     C. stop growing     D. grow slowly
44. A. danger  B. hope   C. turn    D. case
45. A. since    B. until   C. after   D. when
46. A. Persephone  B. Zeus   C. Demeter     D. Hades
47. A. return   B. change       C. marriage    D. journey
48. A. stolen   B. found  C. eaten   D. heard
49. A. understood   B. refused       C. doubted      D. accepted
50. A. discovered   B. studied       C. forgot D. prepared
51. A. daughter      B. mother       C. god     D. ruler
52. A. works   B. remains      C. happens      D. starts
53. A. should  B. can     C. dare    D. will
54. A. where   B. because      C. why    D. how
55. A. nice     B. friendly      C. fresh   D. happy

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Since my family were not going to be helpful, I decided I would look for one all by myself and not tell them about it till I’d got one.
I had seen an agency (中介机构) advertised in a local newspaper. I rushed out of the __36___in search of it. I was wildly excited, and as ___37___as if I were going on the stage. Finding the___38___quite easily, I ran breathlessly through a door which said “Enter without knocking, if you please. ”
The simple atmosphere of the office___39___me. The woman looked carefully at me __40___through her glasses, and then___41___me in a low voice. I answered softly. All of a sudden I started to feel rather___42___ She wondered why I was looking for this sort of___43___ I felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be___44___to get a job without___45___I wondered whether I ought to leave, ___46___the telephone on her desk rang. I heard her say:
“___47___, I’ve got someone in the___48___at this very moment who might___49___. ” She wrote down a __50___, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up this lady. She wants a___51___immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people. ”
“Oh yes,” said I —___52___having cooked for more than four in my life. I___53___her again and again, and rushed out to the___54___telephone box. I collected my thoughts, took a deep breath, and rang the number. I said confidently that I was just what she was looking for.
I spent the next few hours___55___cook books.
36. A. bed      B house   C. agency       D. office
37. A. proud   B. please C. nervous      D. worried
38. A. family  B. door   C. place   D. stage
39. A. calmed B. excited       C. frightened  D. disturbed
40. A. as usual       B. for a while C. in a minute D. once again
41. A. advised B. examined   C. informed    D. questioned
42. A. encouraged  B. dissatisfied C. hopeless     D. pleased
43. A. place    B. job     C. advice D. help
44. A. difficult       B. helpless      C. possible      D. unusual
45. A. ability  B. experience  C. knowledge  D. study
46. A. after     B. since   C. until   D. when
47. A. Above all     B. As a matter of fact C. As a result     D. In spite of that
48. A. family  B. house  C. office  D. restaurant
49. A. hire      B. accept C. suit     D. offer
50. A. letter    B. name  C. note    D. number
51. A. cook     B. help    C. teacher       D. secretary
52. A. almost  B. never  C. nearly D. really
53. A. answered     B. promised    C. thanked      D. told
54. A. outside B. local   C. closest D. nearest
55. A. borrowing    B. buying       C. reading      D. writing

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a___36___ village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be ___37___ at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and ___38___ to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the ___39___. With several hours to spare, I went to a theater. ___40___, when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late!
I knew Dad would be angry if he ___41___ I’d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I ___42___ there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d ___43___ as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the ___44___ he gave me. “I’m disappointed you ___45___ you have to lie to me, Jason. ” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t ___46___, I called the garage to ask if there were any ___47___, and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car. ” I felt ___48___ as I weakly told him the real reason. A ___49___ passed through Dad as he listened attentively. “I’m angry with ___50___. I realize I’ve failed as a father. I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about ___51___ I’ve gone wrong all these years. ” “But Dad, it’s 18 miles!” My protests and apologies were ___52___. Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, ___53___ him all the way, but he walked silently.
Seeing Dad in so much ___54___and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was ___55___ the most successful lesson. I have never lied since.
36. A. lonely   B. small  C. distant D. familiar
37. A. kept     B. washed       C. watched     D. serviced
38. A. agreed  B. planned      C. determined D. promised
39. A. village  B. community C. garage D. theater
40. A. However      B. Then   C. Therefore   D. Still
41. A. realized       B. found out   C. thought      D. figured out
42. A. went     B. ran     C. walked       D. hurried
43. A. started  B. left     C. arrived       D. come
44. A. word    B. face    C. look    D. appearance
45. A. find      B. decide C. believe       D. feel
46. A. turn up B. drive out    C. go away     D. come out
47. A. questions     B. problems    C. mistakes     D. faults
48. A. ashamed      B. frightened  C. nervous      D. surprised
49. A. nervousness  B. sadness       C. silence       D. thought
50. A. you      B. myself       C. me      D. yourself
51. A. where   B. how    C. why    D. when
52. A. meaningless B. useless       C. helpless      D. worthless
53. A. asking  B. persuading  C. begging      D. following
54. A. physical       B. practical     C. personal     D. natural
55. A. indeed  B. always       C. also    D. almost

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
