
第二节: 完形填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)
A man and his wife arrived in Boston by train.After getting off the train, they walked without an    36     into the outer office of Harvard’s president.So they were stopped by his secretary and kept    37   .For hours, the secretary took no notice of them,  38  that the couple would finally become disappointed and    39  .But they didn’t.The secretary finally decided to disturb the president, though  40 .
A few minutes later, the president walked towards the couple with a  41  face.The lady told him, “We had a son that  42  Harvard for one year.He loved Harvard.He was  43  here.But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed.My husband and I would like to  44  a memorial(纪念物)to him, somewhere on campus.”
The president wasn’t moved .Instead, he was    45  .“Madam,” he said, “we can’t put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died.If we did, this place would look like a   46   ,” “Oh, no,” the lady  47  quickly.“We don’t want to put up a statue.We would like to give a  48  to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes and  49  at the couple and then exclaimed(喊道), ” A building! Do you have any  50  how much a building costs? We have spent over $7,500,000 on the campus building at Harvard.” For a moment the lady was silent.The president was  51  , because he could get rid of them now.Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a  52  ? Why don’t we just start our own?” Her husband nodded. 53  their offer was turned down.Mr.and Mrs.Stanford traveled to California where they founded Stanford University     54   after them , a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer  55  about.
36.A.choice      B.decision        C.acquaintance    D.appointment
37.A.waiting    B.standing   C.sitting         D.talking
38.A.hoping     B.finding     C.realizing      D.imagining
39.A.go down   B.go out      C.go away       D.go around
40.A.hopelessly B.carefully   C.unexpectedly    D.unwillingly
41.A.pleasant    B.funny       C.cold         D.sad
42.A.attended   B.visited      C.studied        D.served
43.A.clever       B.brave     C.proud          D.happy
44.A.set about   B.set up       C.set down      D.set off
45.A.satisfied    B.excited     C.shocked       D.ashamed
46.A.park     B.cemetery  C.garden        D.museum
47.A.explained  B.expressed  C.refused        D.admitted
48.A.building   B.yard     C.playground      D.square
49.A.laughed    B.shouted     C.glanced        D.called
50.A.suggestion       B.idea   C.thought        D.opinion
51.A.bored              B.astonished C.interested  D.pleased
52.A.department      B.university C.business    D.club
53.A.Once         B.While       C.Since     D.Though
54.A.named      B.looked       C.taken      D.followed
55.A.talked       B.knew        C.heard     D.cared

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Dad, I’m sure I can do it well this time, I promise.” I said to myself and went up to the stage and began my play ...
Finally I __36__ from my piano and took a bow to the people in the hall. There was a __37__ and then loud applause (掌声) burst out. I knew I __38__ it. Tears filled my eyes. Then I __39__ three years ago right here when it was my turn to play. I __40__ the hall and saw my dad. He sat at the end of a __41__ with a serious face.
Suddenly I became __42__. I had practiced my piece for months, __43__ then it seemed there was something wrong with my fingers. I forced out some __44__ tune and left the stage in tears. I __45__.
On the way home my father didn’t say even a word. He just __46__ the car in silence. I didn’t say anything either. What could I say, really, after what I’d done? I knew how __47__ Dad worked to earn enough money __48__ my piano. That time he was __49__ to come to a competition(比赛), but I let him down.
I didn’t remember how we got home. Dad never said a word the entire way home, and he never __50__ one of my competitions again. I never got over the hurt of having __51__ the person I most wanted to make proud. I’d __52__ more than my competition that afternoon. I felt as if I’d lost the key to my father’s heart, and he died before I could __53__ it again.
“God, why didn’t you give me a __54__ to make it up to him?” I’d often asked.
I won first prize in the contest now. How I wish my father could share the __55__ moment with me!
36.   A. dropped     B. rose       C. turned         D. slid
37.   A. silence    B. noise      C. laughter        D. shout
38.   A. got        B. missed          C. made         D. caught
39. A. thought      B. realized      C. understood     D. remembered
40.   A. looked up   B. looked around    C. looked out  D. looked over
41.   A. seat       B. row       C. group         D. team
42.   A. nervous      B. excited       C. sick           D. tried
43    A. and       B. though      C. but            D. so
44.   A. soft       B. moving      C. nice           D. terrible
45.   A. succeeded   B. won       C. failed         D. disappeared
46.   A. drove     B. started     C. washed          D. repaired
47.   A. quickly      B. hard       C. warmly         D. happily
48.   A. on         B. in              C. for             D. with
49.   A. sad        B. happy     C. able           D. unable
50.   A. attended     B. noticed       C. heard         D. cared
51.   A. pleased      B. surprised    C. disappointed      D. satisfied
52.   A. felt        B. lost        C. made         D. learned
53.   A. open      B. close      C. forget         D. find
54.   A. piano     B. duty       C. chance              D. contest
55.   A. exciting     B. surprising   C. interesting     D. relaxing

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor(继任者)to take over the business. ___36__ choosing one of his children,he decided to do something different,He ___37____ all the young executives(主管)In hs company together, and said,"l will give each one of you a(n)____38____  today.l want you to plant the seed,water it, and ___39___ here one year form today with what you have grown from the seed,l will then ___40____ your plants,and the one I choose will be the next CEO."
Jim was ___41___ that day and he also received a seed.He went home ___42___,and got a pot,some soil and planted the seed.Everday,he watered it and __43___ to see if it had grown,___44__ nothing ever grew.
Time flew,and it was time to __45__ their plants to the boss.When Jim arrived,he was
___46__ the variety of plant gsrown by the other executives.They were all__47__ in all shapes and sizes.
When the old CEO arrived,he __48__ the room and greeted his young execytuves.
"___49__ ! What great plants,trees,and flowers you have grown."All of a sudden, the CEO___50__ Jim at the back of the room With his___51___ pot.He asked him what had happened to his seed一Jim told him his ____52____.
The CEO looked at Jim,and then ____53___to the young executives,"Now we have the nestChlef Executlve Office—his name is Jim!"
Nobody Could ___54___ it,including Jim himself.Then the CEO said,"One year ago the seeds I gave everyone were all boiled seeds; it was not ___55___for them to grow.Remember everyone,if you plant honesty,you will reap(收获)trust."
36. A.Because of                 B.In additlon to     C.Apart from          D.Instead of
37. A.took                B.called         C.left                  D.kept
38. A.Order              B.plant          C.seed                D.appointment
39. A.come back           B.get off         C.forget about       D.walk around
40. A.colect               B.buy                 C.sell                 D.judge
41. A.absent               B.late           C.there                D.out
41. A.excitedly            B.nervously      C.carefully          D.angrily
43. A.declared             B.remained      C.watched              D.intended
44. A.so                 B.since          C.but                 D.if
45. A.dig out             B.pack up        C.meet with            D.bring back
46. A.disappointed at        B.amazed at     C.satisfied with             D.cautious about
47. A.green               B.beautiful      C.depressing            D.dying
48. A.scanned             B.found                C.searched             D.inspected
49. A.Your               B.His           C.Her                D.My
50. A.told                B.spotted       C.praised               D.blamed
51. A.empty              B.broken        C.big                 D.expensive
52. A.secret                B.story          C.cause               D.doubt
53.A.explained               B.suggested           C.announced          D.introduced
54.A.hear                   B.know           C.realize                  D.believe
55.A.necessary               B.important     C.possible            D.practical

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The poachers-illegal hunters-had finally found a buyer for their stolen goods. A meeting was
36  ,and when the buyer asked to see the goods,they brought out a small duffel bag and un-zipped it. Inside was a   37   one-year-old baby gorilla. The poachers had likely killed the little female`s parents and  38  her in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,in Africa. Then they took her across the border into Rwanda,  39   to sell her as a pet.
But the buyer didn`t bring   40  ;he brought the police. The Rwandan authorities  41 
the young gorilla to the nearby headquarters of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project. The vets (兽医) there realized that she had not been given   42   food or water,but they were much more worried about something else. "Baby gorillas simply don`t  43  without their mother`s constant body contact," says vet Chris Whittier. If they didn`t quickly establish a   44   relationship with the baby gorilla,which her caretakers named Dunia,she   45   not survive.
Dunia needed contact,but she resisted   46  at first,shying away from people who reached for her. Three caretakers worked in shifts,taking   47  holding her,carrying her around on their backs,and cradling her while she slept.   48   she became stronger,a month after she was res-cued her  49   revealed the psychological stress she carried inside-much of her hair fell out. That was a delayed   50  to the combined traumatic experiences of losing her parents and being kept-with a poor diet-by the poachers.
After six months of loving care that included around-the-clock attention,a good diet,and a
51  home at the project`s headquarters,Dunia was looking and acting like a   52 ,happy young gorilla should. "Dunia is sort of a shy show-off," says Whittier. "Her   53  is growing and  she`s becoming more independent,but when she is   54 ,the first thing she does is run back to her   55 ,just like she would to her mother."
36.A.attended                  B.held                   C.arranged             D.delayed
37.A.energetic                        B.terrified             C.dangerous           D.fierce
38.A.freed                           B.followed            C.tricked               D.caught
39.A.intending                        B.pretending          C.remembering      D.wondering
40.A.luck                               B.benefit               C.profit                 D.money
41.A.introduced                   B.persuaded           C.presented            D.rushed
42.A.local                           B.delicious            C.enough               D.fresh
43.A.complain                        B.develop              C.survive               D.grow
44.A.social                          B.physical             C.mental               D.special
45.A.would                         B.should                C.might                 D.must
46.A.eating                          B.attention             C.rescue                D.love
47.A.turns                           B.efforts                C.time                   D.advice
48.A.If                                B.As                     C.Although            D.Because
49.A.health                          B.mind                  C.behavior             D.appearance
50.A.reaction                   B.action                C.expression          D.description
51.A.comfortable                 B.natural               C.private               D.ordinary
52.A.shy                         B.healthy               C.strange               D.typical
53.A.satisfaction                  B.confidence          C.interest               D.patience
54.A.touched                   B.left                    C.warned               D.scared
55.A.home                          B.forest                 C.caretakers           D.corner

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
Wings of Angel
I used to hate myself because I wasn’t “normal”. Everyone else could play on the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but not   36  . I had a severe spinal cord disorder(脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much   37  than others.
I hated going to school and I hated   38   at me. I hated seeing others smiling broadly and standing   39  and tall. And most of all, I hated looking in the   40  and seeing an ugly and hunchback(驼背).
My friends found me   41  because I didn’t let other get close to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life   42  Angela appeared.
That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the school—a spot where no one would
43  me. That’s when I first heard your voice.
“Hi. Can I sit down?”
I raised my head and there she was, with an irresistible smile on her round face.
“What are you looking at?” you asked.
“What are they doing?”
“No   44  .”
“I bet they’re playing games and make friends. Don’t you think so?”
That was how our   45  started and it didn’t stop. We talked about everything under the sun—the ants, the clouds, my little niche(处境)—until it was sunset.
Then suddenly, you saw my   46  . She just stared.
My heart   47  . What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would   48   me now.
She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “49 I know why your back is hunched.”
I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be   50  . I begged in my heart for her to   51  , but you just kept on going. “I know what you’ve got in there. Do you?”
“No,” I answered   52  .
She bent and whispered in my ears.
“Your back is bunched because you’ve got a pair of wings from the angels.”
I was   53  . I looked into your eyes and her   54  touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to   55  myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind – hearted friend.
36.A.them B.it      C.mo    D.her
37.A.sadder      B.shorter      C.weaker     D.slower
38.A.looking    B.smiling     C.aiming      D.glaring
39.A.still   B.alone C.straight     D.together
40.A.street B.sun    C.corner      D.mirror
41.A.distant      B.stubborn   C.hopeless    D.unfortunate
42.A.after  B.before      C.since D.until
43.A.disturb     B.seek  C.interrupt   D.ignore
44.A.wonder     B.idea   C.sign   D.action
45.A.connection       B.competition      C.conversation     D.comprehension
46.A.face  B.back  C.eyes  D.shoulders
47.A.sank  B.beat   C.broke       D.ached
48.A.care for    B.rely on     C.look down upon      D.put up with
49.A.that   B.how  C.whether    D.why
50.A.accused    B.arrested    C.punished   D.sentenced
51.A.relax B.leave C.stop   D.pause
52.A.shyly B.weakly     C.proudly    D.firmly
53.A.astonished B.ashamed   C.annoyed    D.amused
54.A.wisdom    B.generosity C.honesty     D.kindness
55.A.control     B.like   C.comfort    D.enjoy

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day a wealthy family went on a trip to the countryside. The father wanted to   26   his son how   27   people live,   28   they spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor   29  .When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “My dear son, how was the   30  ?” “very  31   , Dad!” answered the boy. “Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked. “Yeah!” answered the son. “And what did you learn?” asked the father. The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a   32    that reaches to the middle of the garden and they have a stream that has no   33    . We have imported lamps(进口灯具) in the garden and they have the   34   . Our patio(天井) reaches to the front yard,   35   they have a whole horizon(旷野).” When the little boy was   36  , his father was speechless.
His son   37   , “Thanks Dad   38  showing me how   39   we are!” Isn’t it true that it all depends   40  the  41  you look at things? If you have love, friends, humor and a positive attitude(乐观的态度)   42   life, you’ve got everything! You can’t buy   43   of these things,    44   still you can have all the material possessions(财富) you can imagine, provisions(储备) for the future, etc. But if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing! Attitude is   45  ! Make a decision to have a good, positive and productive attitude every day!
26.A.show      B. give       C. send               D. tell
27.A.happy     B. sorrow          C. rich               D. poor
28.A.thus          B. so          C. therefore           D. when
29.A.house     B. home     C. family             D. room
30.A.journey  B. trip        C. stay               D. travel
31.A.bad     B. good      C. well               D. badly
32.A.river      B. lake       C. canal(运河/沟渠)      D. pool 
33.A.endless   B. ending          C. end                D. ended
34.A.sun           B. stars       C. planet            D. electricity light
35.A.yet     B. however     C. so                  D. though
36.A.finished  B. finishing    C. completed         D. completing
37.A.adding    B. added     C. saying             D. said
38.A.for     B. of          C. with               D. about
39.A.poor       B. rich       C. glad               D. happy
40.A.in      B. on         C. for                 D. about
41.A.method   B. manners     C. way               D. means
42.A.of      B. for         C. to                  D. at
43.A.nothing  B. any        C. some              D. everything
44.A.then          B. but        C. though                  D. so
45.A.anything B. nothing      C. everything         D. something

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An old carpenter was to retire soon. He told his boss of his plans to ___41___ the house business and live an easier life with his wife enjoying his extended ___42___, looking after their grandchildren. He would miss his ___43___, but he really needed to __44___.
The boss was sorry to see his __45__ worker go and asked if he could build just one _46_ house as a personal favor. The carpenter  ___47__.  But in time it was easy to see that his heart was _48_ in his work. He applied poor workmanship and used bad materials. It was a(n) _49__ way to end his career.
When the carpenter finished his work and the boss came to ___50___ the house, he handed the front door key to the carpenter. “ This is your house,” he said,” my ___51___ to you.”
What a shame! If ___52___ he had known he was building his own house, he would have done it differently. Now he has to live in the home he had not built __53___ at all!
So it is the same____54___ us. We build our lives in an absent minded way, reacting ___55____acting, willing to put up less rather than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best ____56___ . Then with a shame we fall into the __57___ we have created and ___58___ that we are now living in the “house” we have ___59___. If we had realized it, we should have done it ___60____.
Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices of today.
41. A. start            B. run               C. leave                       D. like
42. A. work       B. family                      C. business               D. house
43. A. pay             B. house                       C. carpenter                  D. children
44. A. retire           B. employ                    C. build                        D. plan
45. A. common      B. poor                        C. sick                         D. good
46. A. more           B. big                         C. new                         D. bad
47. A. admitted      B. adjusted                   C. agreed               D. annoyed
48. A. always         B. not                          C. entirely                    D. again
49. A. fortunate      B. unfortunate               C. easy                         D. difficult
50. A. buy             B. plan                         C. examine                   D. take
51. A. pay             B. gift                          C. debt                         D. order
52. A. not                     B. already                     C. yet                           D. only
53. A. poorly         B. carelessly                 C. quickly                    D. well
54. A. to                B. with                         C. as                           D. for
55. A. except         B. rather than                C. other than                 D. besides
56. A. effect          B. infection                  C. effort                       D. impression
57. A. situation      B. condition                  C. state                         D. position
58. A. feel             B. find                         C. learn                        D. know
59. A. wanted        B. bought                            C. destroyed                 D. built
60. A. differently   B. difficultly                 C. purposely                 D. honestly

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a warm March evening, and I’d just taken a seat on the bus that would take me home. It was nearly 6:00 PM, but the bus was not yet full and the driver gave no ___21___ that he intended to start the bus.
A middle-aged woman took a seat opposite me. She was crying. Not speaking to anyone in particular, she ___22____ narrated her story.
She had come to the city to visit her daughter. On the way to the terminal, a thief had ___23____ one of her bags. It had contained half of the money she’d brought with her. The other half was hidden under her blouse, so she ___24___ still had some money left. The bus conductor, driver, and other passengers listened to her tale.
At this time, an old man ___25__ got on the bus. He sat in the seat directly in front of the woman.
After a few minutes, all seats were ___26___. The driver got behind the wheel and started the engine. The bus conductor collected tickets and began asking us where we were ___27___. When he came to the old man’s seat, he became ___28___ and asked the old man whether he had any money. The old man___29___ that he did not. He explained that he ___30___ all his money this morning when he’d accidentally got on the wrong bus and now he was trying to go home.
Upon hearing this, the bus conductor ___31___ the old man to get off the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus __32___ he could get home before dark. The bus driver approached the old man, and repeated the conductor’s ___33___ to get off the bus.
“Stop troubling him! Can’t you see he’s only trying to get home?” she interfered. “He doesn’t
have any money! ” the driver shouted. “Well, that’s no __34_ to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.
Then she said, “How much is his fare?”  The bus conductor mumbled the amount. “Fine,” said the woman. She __35___ inside her blouse, took out her ___36___ money, and handed the fares to the bus conductor. “Here’s his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a hard time.”
All eyes turned ___37___the woman, who, just minutes before, had been crying over the money she’d lost. “It’s only money,” she shrugged.
By the time the bus rolled out of the terminal, she had given the old man bread and a dollar.  She rode the rest of the way home ___38__ a Mona Lisa smile of peace and grace, and the money she’d lost ___39__ was forgotten.
On the road of life, the politeness and smiles of ___40___ can lighten our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the journey when we make it a little smoother and richer for others!
21. A. answer                B. agreement                C. indication                 D. talk
22. A. tearfully             B. excitedly                  C. helplessly                 D. proudly
23. A. got                            B. snatched                   C. pulled                      D. caught
24. A. surprisingly         B. peacefully                C. naturally                  D. fortunately
25. A. in rags                B. shyly                       C. happily                    D. in disorder
26. A. had                    B. taken                       C. full                          D. crowded
27. A. getting on           B. getting down            C. getting off                D. getting in
28. A. conscious            B. suspicious                 C. curious                     D. anxious
29. A. realized                     B. pretended                 C. admitted                   D. remembered
30. A. spend                 B. has spent                  C. had spent                  D. was spent
31. A. asked                  B. ordered                    C. led                           D. begged
32. A. so                      B. until                        C. if                             D. when
33. A. arrangement        B. command                 C. advice                      D. decision
34. A. good                  B. sense                        C. reason                      D. doubt
35. A. picked                B. removed                   C. touched                    D. reached
36. A. left                            B. saving                      C. borrowed                 D. remaining
37. A. in                       B. to                                  C. down                       D. on
38. A. owning               B. wearing                    C. hating                      D. losing
39. A. earlier                B. sooner                      C. later                         D. former
40. A. customers           B. friends                            C. strangers                  D. conductors

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a  36  village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be  37   nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and  38  to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the  39  . With several hours to spare, l went to a theater.  40  , when the last movie finished, it was six. 1 was two hours late!
I knew Dad would be angry if he  41  I’d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I  42  there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d  43  as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the  44  he gave me. “I’m disappointed you  45  you have to lie to me, Jason.” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t  _46 , I called the garage to ask if there were any  47 , and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car.” I felt  48  as I weakly told him the real reason. A  49  passed through Dad as he listened attentively. “I’m angry with  50 . I realize I’ve failed as a father. I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about  51  I’ve gone wrong all these years.” “But Dad, it’s 18 miles!” My protests and apologies were  52  . Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him,  53  him all the way, but he walked silently.
Seeing Dad in so much  54  and emotional pain was my most painful experience. However, it was  55  the most successful lesson. I have never lied since.
36. A. lonely           B. small         C. distant              D. familiar
37. A. kept           B. washed       C. watched                    D. serviced
38. A. agreed         B. pimped       C. determined          D. promised
39. A. village               B. community    C. garage               D. theater
40. A. However             B. Then                 C. Therefore                 D. Still
41. A. realized              B. found out          C. thought                    D. figured out
42. A. went           B ran            C. walked              D. hurried
43. A. started                      B left            C. arrived                     D. come
44. A. word                 B. face          C. look                 D. appearance
45. A. find                    B. decide        C. believe               D feel
46. A. turn up               B. drive out      C. go away             D come out
47. A. questions       B. problems           C. mistakes                   D. faults
48. A. ashamed         B. frightened       C. nervous                    D. surprised
49. A. nervousness      B. sadness       C. silence            D. thought
50. A. you            B. myself        C. me                D. yourself
51. A. where                B. how          C. why                D. when
52. A. meaningless    B. useless         C. helpless           D. worthless
53. A. asking         B. persuading     C. begging           D. following
54. A. physical                 B. practical       C. personal           D. natural
55. A. indeed            B. always        C. also               D. almost

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home along the road .    21     she found she got a flat tire. The 22-year-old student    22     to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk . No     23   tire .
At this time , a car    24     . Paul and Diane told Clay to    25     them to a service station near their     26    . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to    27     with her car . “Follow us home,” said Paul .
The couple called around to find a tire , no   28      . They decided to let her use their own car . “Here ,” Paul said , handing Clay a    29     of keys , “Take our car . We    30     be using it over the holiday .”
Clay was    31      . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina , and I’ll be gone for two weeks ,” she     32     them .
“We know,” Paul said . “We’ll be     33     when you get back . Here’s our number if you need to     34     us .”
Unable to believe her eyes , Clay watched as the     35     put her luggage into their car and then    36      her off . Two weeks later she     37     to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio      38    .
“Thank you so much ,” she said . “How much do I     39     you ?” “Oh, no,” Paul said , “we don’t want any money . It’s  our     40     .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure , it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit .
21.A.Suddenly        B.Finally     C.Immediately    D.Fortunately
22.A.afforded     B.wanted     C.allowed        D.managed
23.A.spare          B.free       C.full           D.empty
24.A.passed        B.stopped    C.paused         D.started
25.A.help               B.push        C.take          D.follow
26.A.garage        B.house       C.shop            D.hotel
27.A.agree          B.match      C.go            D.deal
28.A.way         B.message   C.success         D.luck
29.A.set           B.number    C.pair          D.chain
30.A.can’t          B.shouldn’t        C.mustn’t        D.won’t
31.A.satisfied      B.worried    C.astonished       D.disturbed
32.A.persuaded       B.advised    C.reminded            D.promised
33.A.happy         B.here      C.away           D.busy
34.A.get in touch with           B.keep in touch with
C.be in touch with             D.put in touch with
35.A.repairmen       B.cleaners   C.friends         D.couple
36.A.sent         B.shook      C.watched       D.drove
37.A.shocked      B.happened        C.returned       D.came
38.A.loaded        B.fixed       C.tied          D.rebuilt
39.A.owe         B.lend     C.give          D.offer
40.A.wish           B.job      C.duty                D.pleasure

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a hard day’s work. When he was not far from his   21   , the light on the cart went out. He tried to make the lamp     22     again, but he could not.
So he went along the road     23     a light. But a policeman saw the   24    without a light. He     25    the old carter(赶车人).
“No one     26     take a cart along a road at night without a light, ”said the policeman. “You’ve     27     the law. ”
“I    28     a light, but it has just gone out. ”
“I don’t believe that    29   ,” said the policeman . He took out a book and got     30    to write. “What’s your     31     and where do you live?”
“Please don’t take my name, ”said the man. “My house is just over    32     . I haven’t come far without a light. ”
“You came all     33    without a light. What’s your name?”
The carter quickly took the policeman’s hand and put it down hard on the     34     of the lamp. The lamp was still     35    , and it     36    the policeman’s hand. He     37     and he was very angry.
“Now what do you think?” said the carter. “Did I come all the way without a light?”
“No,”said the policeman, “I     38    you now. But I still     39     to know your name. You’ve broken the law now. You’ve burnt a policeman’s hand. So you must come with me to the police station. You’ll be there all     40   . ”
21. A. field     B. family     C. house       D. land
22. A. burning       B. lighting      C. lighted            D. burn
23. A. with     B. without      C. by           D. on
24. A. cart      B. carter     C. the old man        D. house
25. A. caught  B. kept       C. called       D. stopped
26. A. may     B. can        C. might       D. should
27. A. kept     B. observed    C. broken            D. jumped
28. A. have     B. had        C. has had       D. were having
29. A. lies       B. story      C. word        D. remark
30. A. angry   B. excited       C. prepared      D. ready
31. A. name    B. number      C. job          D. family
32. A. here     B. that        C. there        D. this
33. A. the time       B. the way      C. the night     D. by yourself
34. A. side      B. face       C. top          D. surface
35. A. bright   B. dark       C. warm       D. hot
36. A. hurt      B. burnt     C. injured            D. wounded
37. A. jumped B. screamed    C. walked        D. ran
38. A. free      B. trust       C. know       D. believe
39. A. like      B. want      C. hope        D. expect
40. A. year     B. month     C. day          D. night

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Coming home from school that dark winter day so long ago, I was filled with excitement of having the weekend off. But I was  41  into stillness by what I saw. Mother was seated at the far end of the sofa,  42 , with the second-hand green typewriter on the table. She told me that she couldn’t type fast and then she was out of work. My shock and embarrassment(尴尬) at finding mother in tears was a perfect proof of how  43  I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the sofa. I began very  44  to understand. “I guess we all have to  45  sometimes.” Mother said quietly. I could  46  her pain and the tension(紧张) of  47  the strong feelings that were interrupted by my arrival. Suddenly, something inside me  48 . I reached out and put my arms around her. She broke then. She put her face  49  my shoulder and sobbed(啜泣). I held her  50  and didn’t try to talk. I knew I was doing what I should. What I could  51  it was enough. In that moment, feeling mother’s  52  with feelings, I understood for the first time, her being so easy to  53 . She was still my mother,  54  she was something  55 , a person having the ability of bearing fear,  56  and failure. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I sought  57  in her arms.
A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station  58 . “It’s a job I can do, though,” she said simply. But the evening practice on the old green typewriter continued. I had a very  59  feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping  60  across the paper. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.
41. A. tired                      B. ashamed        C. lazy                 D. shocked
42. A. crying               B. smiling       C. thinking            D. whispering
43. A. eagerly                    B. worriedly      C. little                 D. much
44. A. quickly               B. slowly           C. suddenly           D. proudly
45. A. fail                           B. win               C. fall sick            D. give in
46. A. know of              B. watch            C. sense                D. recognize
47. A. holding back         B. putting away      C. sitting up          D. stopping from
48. A. lit up                 B. came true      C. turned              D. increased
49. A. to                      B. up                C. through             D. against
50. A. thoughtfully       B. tightly               C. carefully           D. politely
51. A. and that                    B. now that        C. but that            D. so that
52. A. hand                      B. face              C. hair                  D. back
53. A. content                    B. break            C. fall                  D. understand
54. A. therefore               B. however        C. yet                   D. though
55. A. more                 B. much            C. little                 D. huge
56. A. wound                    B. defeat           C. cut                   D. hurt
57. A. kindness                B. memory        C. comfort            D. support
58. A. supplied                    B. offered          C. paid for            D. contributed
59. A. different                   B. hard              C. pleasant            D. serious
60. A. off                           B. away             C. out                   D. through

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I moved to this small town at the age of twelve.After getting  36   in our new house and starting school,I began to explore the   37  area.I was exploring the pond when I discovered the fish.
There were two of them,one about a foot long,  38  the other just a little smaller,and they were the most beautiful fish I had  39  seen.They had blue and yellow and red  40  from head to tail.Before they saw me,they swam  41  over the sand just under the front edge of the large cedar(杉)tree which had long before fallen  42   the pond.
I went back the next day after school  43   with about six feet of fishing line and a hook borrowed from our elderly neighbor.and half a dozen worms I had   44  out of the garden.We did not own any fishing tool,and   45  a city kid,my fishing experience, had  46  week long visits to my relatives.
I took a shortcut  47  some fallen cedars on my way to the pond.As I was climbing over one tree and ducking under another,I  _48  my footing,and my soup can of worms went flying into the air.My  49   was only increased when I noticed that my worms had disappeared.
I went to the pond,looked down again,and there they were.I made a few  50   to catch them by hand,but I soon realized it was never going to  51 .I had been trying to catch them for quite a while without actually even  52   either one.After each attempt,they   53  suddenly go around the pool,then settle back under the log.They could really go  54 ,but they were just too fast to be caught.I was wet and   55   and it was time to go home.
36.A.seated          B.settled         C.separated                D.served
37.A.deserted       B.crowded      C.surrounding            D.distant
38.A.but              B.and             C.thus                       D.so
39.A.hardly         B.seldom        C.never                     D.ever
40.A.dots            B.signs           C.signals                   D.symbols
41.A.nervously    B.hopelessly     C.effortlessly             D.difficultly
42.A.through       B.across          C.past                    D.by
43.A.armed         B.matched       C.handled                  D.accompanied
44.A.put              B.dug             C.pulled                    D.searched
45.A.for              B.with            C.as                          D.despite
46.A.consisted of  B.compared with  C.made up                D.taken up
47.A.beyond        B.against         C.between                 D.through
48.A.lost             B.sank                   C.sent                D. threw
49.A.doubt          B.disappointment    C.courage           D. strength
50.A.steps           B.activities             C.attempts          D. movement
51.A.work           B.complete             C.cover              D. catch
52.A.noticing               B.touching             C.holding           D. feeling
53.A.should          B.might                 C.would             D. could
54.A.somewhere    B.anywhere           C.nowhere          D. everywhere
55.A.excited        B.frightened           C.worried           D. discouraged

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 ~ 55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Today I felt very uncomfortable studying English as usual.My eyes were   36   and my mind was confused.I buried my head deep in the great pile of books.Many vocabulary words   37  
my mind.As more and more entered,I   38   focus,and my   39   became crazy.The clock hands were pointing at twelve. I always   40   the time when I study.Without any fruitful results,I felt more   41   and tired.I   42   up and walked to the living room just to take a little break.  43   that would make me feel better.The street lamps looked like stars outside the window.A few scattered(分散的)branches   44   shadows on the French window.Something seemed more   45   and quiet than before.I walked to the   46   slowly,and let my face press against it,  47   very carefully…oh my God!!…It’s snow! It was very bright and covered up the whole   48   while I was studying English painfully, so white and so quiet.At this moment, I was so   49   that I felt like I might burst into tears.The snow was like a spring   50   into my heart,and my eyes were shining with it.All my pain and tiredness   51   at this moment,as the snow dropped into my heart.
I quickly became calm again,as the excitement went away.I sat on the bed silently,and drew the   52   to one side to let the white house and white tree stay just beside my bed.I thought this must be a(n)   53   from God,because I liked snow so much.  54   I was weakest and most helpless in this world,nothing could inspire me but   55 .I should inspire myself from such a beautiful scene.
36.A. closed                  B. tired                         C. shining                     D. weeping
37.A. left                      B. confused                   C. filled                        D. impressed
38.A. lost                     B. got                           C. realized                    D. changed
39.A. thoughts               B. feeling                      C. words                       D. concept
40.A. waste                   B. limit                         C. remember                 D. forget
41.A. flexible                B. guilty                       C. unhappy                   D. curious
42.A. stood                   B. turned                      C. checked                    D. hurried
43.A. Sure                    B. Maybe                      C. Immediately              D. Always
44.A. shook                  B. cast                          C. resembled                 D. printed
45.A. disappointing        B. frightening                C. bright                       D. light
46.A. shadow                B. lamp                        C. branch                      D. window
47.A. looking                B. thinking                    C. moving                     D. cleaning
48.A. night                   B. house                       C. world                       D. mind
49.A. disturbed              B. excited                     C. surprised                   D. bored
50.A. pouring                B. delivering                 C. drilling                     D. rising
51.A. occurred              B. arose                        C. escaped                     D. disappeared
52.A. bed                      B. curtain                      C. desk                         D. book
53.A. anger                   B. smile                        C. gift                          D. punishment
54.A. As usual               B. As a result                 C. At last                      D. At a time
55.A. snow                   B. God                         C. white                        D. beauty

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was getting dark and snow was coming down. Joe was driving home. He’d been unemployed since the factory  36  . Most of his friends had left, but he stayed on.  37  , he was born here.
Suddenly he saw a lady standing on the side of the road and  38  . She was worried. No one had stopped to  39  for the last hour. Joe knew  40   she felt and said, “My name is Joe and I’m here to help you.” All she had was a flat tyre,  41  for an old lady, that was bad enough. Joe changed the  42  , but he got dirty and his hands hurt. She wanted to pay Joe and said any  43  would have been all right. Joe never thought twice about the money and there were many people who had  44  him a hand in the past. He had lived his life that way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him  45  , the next time if she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that he  46  .
Later the lady went in a  47  decorated restaurant to eat in a hurry. The cashier(出纳员) was like the telephone of an out-of-work actor----it didn’t  48  much. However, the waitress, who was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕的), brought a clean towel to her with a  49  smile. The old lady 50  Joe. After the waitress brought the change from a 100-dollar bill, she found the lady 51   and something written on a napkin, “ 52  once helped me out, the way I’m helping you.   53   you really want to pay him back, don’t let the chain of love  54  with you.”
That  55   the waitress gave her sleeping husband a soft kiss and whispered, “ Everything’s going to be all right, Joe.” 
36    A  opened     B  invited      C  refused     D  closed
37    A  In all     B  After all  C  For all      D  At all
38    A  pulled in   B  pulled out C  pulled up        D  pulled down
39    A  leave     B  stay      C  ask       D  help
40    A  how           B  what     C  when     D  that
41    A  however   B  but       C  and      D  so
42    A  car       B  seat      C  tyre      D  type
43    A  amount     B  money      C  time     D  change
44    A  got       B  won     C  given     D  awarded
45    A  off           B  out       C  down     D  back
46    A  asked          B  needed      C  gave     D  hoped
47    A  poorly     B  well     C  widely      D  narrowly
48    A  read     B  ring      C  cost      D  send
49    A  excited     B  satisfied    C  sweet     D  cold
50    A  thanked    B  thought     C  praised     D  remembered
51    A  gone     B  disappear  C  left       D  lost
52    A  Anyone    B  Everyone  C  Someone  D  Anybody
53    A  After     B  As        C  Though     D  If
54    A  keep     B  end      C  last       D  continue
55    A  day      B  night     C  morning   D  week

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
