
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D .Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Would you send a monkey to do your shopping for you? Sounds very strange, doesn’t it ? But monkeys can be trained to do some wonderful things. Most people know that monkeys are one of  36   cleverest beasts(兽). Scientists have been studying the connection(联系) __37__ monkeys and people for a long time. They have done experiments that test __38__monkeys are able to do simple things.
In one test, a scientist put two monkeys in two cages beside each other. Each cage had a machine. One cage had a machine which gave out water. __39__ had one which gave out food. Each monkey was given _40__ black and white coins. The black coins worked _41_ in the food machine. The white coins worked in the machine with the __42__. After some time, both animals _43__ know which coin worked in which machine.
Then the test was made _44__. The coin s were taken away. The monkey with the water machine was __45_ to have any water for twenty-four hours. The food monkey was prevented from __46_ any food. The next day, the coins were returned to the monkeys. This time, __47__, the monkey with the food machine was given coins for water machine, and the monkey with the water machine was given the coins that worked in the food machine. What did the two __48__ monkeys do? The two clever monkeys __49__ through the bars (栅栏) of their cages and __50_coins with each other.

A.man’s B.earth’s C.nation’s D.nature’s

A.between B.with C.to D.from

A.when B.what C.whether D.as

A.The one B.The rest C.Another D.The other

A.a piece of B.a bag of C.a little D.scores

A.almost B.nearly C.only D.mainly

A.water B.food C.monkey D.scientist

A.were used to B.used to C.could hardly D.were able to

A.harder B.easier C.worse D.newer

A.allowed B.not allowed C.asked D.drank

A.wasting B.drinking C.having D.asking

A.but B.unless C.however D.although

A.tired B.angry C.wild D.poor

A.looked B.got C.reached D.arrived

A.received B.changed C.refused D.played

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In every country there are times to celebrate, weddings, birthdays, religious festivals. Although the U.S.A is a multi-cultural society, where different groups celebrate their own traditional   21   , Christmas is the most popular holiday in the U.S.A. Some of the   22    of Christmas time are old and others are newer.
Already in the late 18th and the 19th centuries, people felt sentimental (眷恋的) about Christmases of the past. The American   23   , Washington Irving, wrote in 1819 about the old-fashioned Christmas he experienced in England. He was taken in a stagecoach (驿站马车) full of happy people, food and presents, to an old house in the   24   . There, he found a crowd of happy farmers, lots of food and drinks, snow, games and ghosts.
The first Christmas card, which was printed in England, showed people eating and drinking   25   . It was sent in 1846, but Christmas cards did not become really   26    until the 1860s, when color printing became possible.
By this time, stagecoaches had   27    running, replaced by the railroad. More and more families   28    the country and were living in towns and cities, but the dream of the   29    Christmas remained. The loaded stagecoach driving along the country road through the snow still   30    on many Christmas cards today.

A.left B.preferred C.admired D.reached

A.amazing B.new C.merry D.old-fashioned

A.turns B.appears C.puts D.gets

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look at the picture. It’s a nice    1    . In the picture you can see a teacher’s     2   on his desk. It’s a Chinese book. There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in the room. There is also a big blackboard. You can see a girl and    3    boys.
The girl’s    4    is Julia. She is thirteen. The boy with the football is Tom. He likes playing    5   . The other boy is Tony. They    6    the same coats and they are the same age. They look the same. I    7    they are twins. Tom is a    8    boy. A book is in his hand. You    9    see the teacher.   10    is the teacher? He is taking the picture.

A.house B.station C.classroom D.shop

A.backpack B.basketball C.book D.hat

A.one B.two C.three D.four

A.name B.age C.brother D.notebook

A.basketball B.chess C.football D.cards

A.are B.wear C.lose D.is

A.think B.see C.look D.meet

A.dear B.first C.lost D.good

A.aren’t B.can’t C.doesn’t D.be not

A.What B.How C.Where D.When

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must   36   sixty hours of service learning,   37   they will not receive a diploma(文凭).    38    of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student. During a service experience, students must keep a journal and then write a  39   about what they have learned.
Supporters state that there are many   40  of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think   41 their own interests and become aware of the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that   42  responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team. Finally, students can explore possible careers 43   service learning.
For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in a primary school classroom a few afternoons each month.  44   there are many benefits, opponents (反对者) point out problems with the new requirement. First, they   45  that ,because service learning is time-consuming, students spend   46   time studying the core subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without   47   goes against the law.
In my view, service learning is a great way to   48   to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers.  49   , I don’ t believe you should force people to help others – the  50   to help must come from the heart. I think the best solution is one that gives students choices. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility.

A.spend B.gain C.complete D.save

A.and B.or C.but D.for

A.Subjects B.Ideas C.Procedures D.Examples

A.diary B.report C.note D.notice

A.courses B.benefits C.challenges D.features

A.beyond B.about C.over D.in

A.possess B.apply C.include D.develop

A.through B.across C.of D.on

A.So B.Thus C.Since D.While

A.argue B.doubt C.overlook D.admit

A.much B.full C.less D.more

A.cost B.pay C.care D.praise

A.contribute B.lead C.attend D.belong

A.Therefore B.Besides C.but D.However

A.courage B.desire C.emotion D.spirit

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every country has its own culture.
Even though each country uses doors, doors may have   50   functions and purposes which lead to   51   differences.
When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different   52   and they had distinct functions. You have to push the door with the word “ PUSH ” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to   53   the building. This was new to me, because we use the      54   door in South Korea. For quite a few times I failed to go out of a shopping centre and was embarrassed.
The way of using school bus doors was also   55   to me. I used to take the school bus to school. The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back door. Students who were getting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on   56   in South Korea. We do not need to wait for people to  57  . One morning I hurried to the bus, and when the bus doors opened, I  58   tried to get on the school bus through the front door. All the students around looked at me. I was totally   59  , and my face went red.

A.different B.important C.practical D.unusual

A.national B.embarrassing C.amazing D.cultural

A.exits B.entrances C.signs D.doors

A.enter B.leave C.open D.close

A.main B.same C.front D.back

A.annoying B.hard C.satisfying D.strange

A.sooner B.later C.faster D.earlier

A.get on B.get off C.get up D.get up

A.politely B.patiently C.unconsciously D.slowly

A.embarrassed B.annoyed C.unsatisfied D.excited

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April. People _31_forget the significance (意义) of the day.
In March 1980, I was 32at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had 33  to go to another university after graduation and had 34          application (申请)  forms to several 35  . Every morning I arrived at the porter’s office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no 36   came.
On April 1st, as I was eating my 37 , Huang came in , with a toothbrush(牙刷) 38  in his hand.  39 fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the 40 . “Morning , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it 41 possible.” I jumped with 42 .
I even didn’t 43 my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G’s office but he wasn’t  44  . I then went to the secretary’s room and  45 everything to her. She opened Mr. G’s room. I looked at everything. There didn’t seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in  46 or simply left it to me.”
Greatly 47 , I walked out of the room and 48 the secretary lock it. 49 the secretary’s eyes 50  . “Sorry,” she said. “It’s April Fool’s Day!”
A sometimes        B. never            C. always       D. seldom

A.staying B.working C.visiting D.studying

A.continued B.planned C.went D.remembered

A.returned B.taken C.brought D.sent

A.people B.colleges C.cities D.offices

A.application B.report C.reply D.chance

A.dinner B.lunch C.supper D.breakfast

A.still B.even C.yet D.already

A.Because of B.As if C.After D.While

A.message B.sign C.letter D.notice

A.if B.as soon as C.when D.as fast as

A.the news B.the letter C.joy D.luck

A.take B.finish C.eat D.have

A.anywhere B.in C.at D.away

A.asked B.tells C.explained D.answered

A.the office B.his desk C.the room D.an obvious(明显的) place

A.disappoint B.disappointed C.disappointing D.disappointment

A.let B.noticed C.saw D.got

A.Quickly B.Strangely C.Finally D.Suddenly

A.closed B.opened C.brightened D.darkened

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April. People _31_forget the significance (意义) of the day.
In March 1980, I was 32at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had 33  to go to another university after graduation and had 34          application (申请)  forms to several 35  . Every morning I arrived at the porter’s office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no 36   came.
On April 1st, as I was eating my 37 , Huang came in , with a toothbrush(牙刷) 38  in his hand.  39 fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the 40 . “Morning , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it 41 possible.” I jumped with 42 .
I even didn’t 43 my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G’s office but he wasn’t  44  . I then went to the secretary’s room and  45 everything to her. She opened Mr. G’s room. I looked at everything. There didn’t seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in  46 or simply left it to me.”
Greatly 47 , I walked out of the room and 48 the secretary lock it. 49 the secretary’s eyes 50  . “Sorry,” she said. “It’s April Fool’s Day!”
A sometimes        B. never            C. always       D. seldom

A.staying B.working C.visiting D.studying

A.continued B.planned C.went D.remembered

A.returned B.taken C.brought D.sent

A.people B.colleges C.cities D.offices

A.application B.report C.reply D.chance

A.dinner B.lunch C.supper D.breakfast

A.still B.even C.yet D.already

A.Because of B.As if C.After D.While

A.message B.sign C.letter D.notice

A.if B.as soon as C.when D.as fast as

A.the news B.the letter C.joy D.luck

A.take B.finish C.eat D.have

A.anywhere B.in C.at D.away

A.asked B.tells C.explained D.answered

A.the office B.his desk C.the room D.an obvious(明显的) place

A.disappoint B.disappointed C.disappointing D.disappointment

A.let B.noticed C.saw D.let

A.Quickly B.Strangely C.Finally D.Suddenly

A.closed B.opened C.brightened D.darkened

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They  31   their own way to learn the language. Instead of  32  for the teachers to explain, they try to find the pattern and rules for themselves. They are good  33  who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.        
Secondly,   34   language learners are active in  35  , therefore, they do not wait for a chance to use the languages, and they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and let those people  36  them when they make a  37  . They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say  38   things which sound weird. They are willing to make mistakes and try again, when communication is difficult. They can accept information that is  39   or incomplete. It is more  40   for them to learn to think in the language than to know the  41  of every word.
  42  successful language learners are learners with  43  . They want to learn language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to  44  with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language  45  because they want to learn it.

A.learn B.observe C.discover D.notice

A.delaying B.waiting C.postponing D.staying

A.finders B.thinkers C.believers D.guessers

A.winning B.lucky C.successful D.flourishing

A.discovering B.memorizing C.learning D.studying

A.correct B.change C.adjust D.mark

A.mistake B.point C.failure D.fault

A.awkward B.strange C.unfamiliar D.curious

A.unobvious B.incredible C.incorrect D.indifferent

A.funny B.interesting C.important D.boring

A.meaning B.content C.context D.explanation

A.Finally B.Secondly C.Thirdly D.Mostly

A.purpose B.interest C.matter D.concern

A.convey B.inform C.report D.communicate

A.regularly B.commonly C.typically D.usually

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Living one’s life is really like driving on a highway. First, to make a good driving, the driver must carefully examine the   36   of his car, just as he cares for his health for a good life.   37  he enters into the highway, he must   38   certain rules for his own safety. It also can be said that he must obey certain rules of society when living as a decent (体面的) adult. For example, on the highway, he is   39  to keep a constant (不断的)   40  , which can be compared with his   41  activities through his life. Neither driving nor living must be taken at too   42   a speed nor at too slow a speed. If he drives too   43 , the police will give him a   44  , just as he will be arrested when he breaks the law.   45  too conservatively (保守地), he will be called an out-of-date person   46  the others driving at a(an)   47   speed. When he wants to change his lanes, he must give careful   48  to every direction of his car. It is sometimes dangerous to change the way of life   49   he can be sure of completion (完成,结束) by doing so. He   50  not make any unnecessary changing of lanes which gives him only danger. Finally, he must   51   where he is now by recognizing some  52  appearing now and then. If he takes the wrong way, he must return to the right as soon as he can. But he may thus lose   53   and energy both on the road and in life. On the whole, driving on a highway and living one’s life are both hard work.   54   if he is careful and serious enough,   55  will provide him with much pleasure.
36.                               A. seats                       B. condition                C. petrol    D. passengers
37.     A. Once                   B. While                C. For                        D. Although
38.     A. listen to               B. find                  C. follow                    D. insist on
39.     A. ordered                B. supposed            C. believed                 D. hoped
40.     A. state                    B. speed                 C. mind                      D. level
41.     A. outdoor               B. broken              C. good                      D. continuous
42.     A. large                   B. high                   C. Limited                 D. expected
43.     A. speedily               B. slowly                C. hurriedly                D. willingly
44.     A. ticket                   B. lift                     C. chance                   D. hand
45.     A. Acting                 B. Running             C. Getting                  D. Working
46.     A. persuading           B. getting               C. bothering               D. refusing
47.     A. average                B. normal               C. usual                      D. fast
48.     A. notice                  B. attention             C. signs                      D. regards
49.     A. if                        B. when                 C. unless                    D. because
50.     A. dare                    B. need                  C. may                       D. should
51.     A. think                   B. discover             C. prove                     D. seem
52.     A. signs                   B. signals               C. posters                   D. symbols
53.     A. money                 B. luck                   C. time                       D. trust
54.     A. Therefore             B. But                    C. And                       D. Then
55.     A. it                        B. he                      C. they                      D. you

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The government wanted to put _ 36_  a big office building in the capital and had to choose an engineering company to do __37__  work. Several big companies wanted the job , because it would bring  _38__  a lot of money  __39__  they could get  it , but, of course, they could not all have it, so the government had to decide__40_ of them should be the lucky __41__ .So they appointed (任命,派)  a  government  official to __42__ the various companies’ offers ,  decide which was the most suitable , and then advise the Minister of Works which of them to choose.
After some months, the choice was _43_  and work was about to begin _44__
one of the companies which had not been successful complained(抱怨) to the Minister . They said the official who had been responsible for __45__ him on the choice of a company to do the work had accepted bribes (贿赂)。
The Minister at once ordered an inquiry (调查) into the whole matter, and after a month had __46__ that the official had __47__ taken birbes. He therefore sent for him and asked for __48_ .
The official admitted that he had taken big bribes . “But ,” he said , “I did not just take one from the _49__ to which I recommended(推荐) that you __50___ the work. I took a bribe from each company and promised to give them the work. ”
“Well, then,” said the Minister, “__51___ did you finally make your choice? Did you choose the one that gave you the biggest bribe?”
“Certainly __52___ , sir.” answered the official, deeply    53__ that the Minister should scold him __54___ such dishonesty. “I was very careful to take __55___ the same bribe from each of the companies that were trying to get the job, and then choose the one that I thought would do the work best and most cheaply, of course.”
36. A. down        B. out           C. up              D.forward
37. A. a            B. the            C. any             D. x
38. A. that          B. it             C. them            D.what
39. A.because       B. if             C.as               D.before
40. A.one           B. some          C. any             D.which
41. A. job           B. work           C. one            D.companies
42. A.see          B. go over         C. look             D.examine
43. A. made        B. done           C. taken            D. chosen
44. A.when        B. while          C. as               D. before
45. A.asking       B. advising         C.persuading       D.suggesting
46. A. proof        B. question        C.result             D. problem
47. A.probably       B.indeed           C.in fact          D.possibly
48. A. a study     B. a discussion    C.an explanation     D.an examination
49. A. company      B.office             C.official            D.building
50. A. should give    B.would give     C.should have given       D.gave
51. A. Why          B.How             C.What               D.When
52. A. no            B.so               C.yes                 D.not
53. A. thought       B.regarded          C.noticed             D.felt
54. A. for           B.with              C.at                  D.of
55. A. greatly        B.exactly            C.nearly              D.not

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I 完型填空:(15×2)
In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision-making. When the children are  1  enough, they take part as well. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness (宽容) of American parents. The old rule that “children should be seen and not heard” is rarely  2 , and children are often allowed to do  3  they wish without strict control of their parents. The father seldom expects his children to listen to him  4  question, and children are encouraged to be  5  at an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom  6  far. Others think that a strong father image would not  7  the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize (强调 ) the importance of independence, young people are expected to  8  their parental families by the time they have  9  their late teens or early twenties. Indeed, not to do so is often regarded as a  10 , a kind of weak dependence.
This pattern of independence often results in serious  11  for the aging parents of a small family. The average American is expected to live  12  the age of 70. The job retirement age is  13  65. The children have left home, married, and  14  their won households. At least 20 percent of all people over 65 do not have enough retirement incomes.  15  the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic. They feel useless and lonely with neither an occupation nor a close family group.
1. A. great                    B. big                  C. old                   D. young
2. A. watched                B. followed           C. understood        D. grasped
3. A. what                    B. that                   C. which               D. when
4. A. for                       B. on                    C. without             D. in
5. A. dependent             B. independent       C. sure                  D. safe
6. A. too                       B. almost               C. nearly               D. so
7. A. gain                            B. welcome           C. suit                   D. change      
8. A. break up               B. break into          C. break through    D. break away from
9. A. reached                B. come                C. arrived                     D. developed
10. A. reward                B. criticism            C. failure               D. success
11. A. events                 B. problems           C. matters              D. affairs
12. A. on                      B. up                    C. from                 D. beyond
13. A. only                   B. usually              C. sometimes         D. seldom
14. A. set out                B. set aside            C. set up                D. set down
15. A. But                    B. And                  C. So                    D. As

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It __21__from west to east,__22__ mountains, __23__ valleys and finally __24__ the sea.
The Great Wall has a history of over two __25__ years. People began to __26__ the wall __27__ the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history. In about 221BC Qin Shihuang had all the walls __28__. __29__, the Great Wall came to the world. The Great Wall is __30__ 6,000 kilometers long, 6—7meters high and 4—5 meters wide. In most places it is __31__ enough for five horses or ten men to walk __32__ along the top. It was very __33__ to build __34__ a great wall in the old __35__.Thousands of men __36__ when they built it, The Great Wall was made not only of stones, but millions of __37__.
Today, the Great Wall has become a place __38__ interest not only to the Chinese but also to people all over the world. __39__ the Egyptians feel proud of their pyramids, __40__ Chinese people also feel proud of our Great Wall.

A.comes B.goes C.lies D.stands

A.through B.along C.over D.across

A.and B.from C.to D.through

A.gets B.comes C.reaches D.arrives

A.thousand B.million C.hundred D.billion

A.create B.design C.form D.build

A.between B.at C.in D.on

A.made up B.joined up C.sent up D.put up

A.Since then on B.Now and then C.from then on D.After then

A.no more than B.not more than C.less than D.more than

A.wide B.long C.high D.tall

A.one by one B.day by day C.side by side D.step by step

A.easy B.difficult C.good D.bad

A.like B.look C.so D.such

A.times B.history C.countries D.enemies

A.killed B.died C.murdered D.gone

A.life B.live C.lives D.living

A.of B.with C.for D.about

A.Just as B.As if C.Look like D.Such

A.us B.we C.our D.ours

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Conserving water, the lifeblood of agriculture, will be a major focus in improving the well-being of rural people in coming years.
Instead of heavily  21   in water projects for irrigation, local authorities will focus more on   22  water to serve the drinking water and agriculture    23   of large rural populations.
"This year, the local government will  24     improving thousands of outdated reservoirs(水库), securing safe   25   water for millions of rural   26  and repairing water-saving irrigation for key   27   districts," Chen Lei, the minister of water resources said.
Chen also assured the public to    28   the water environment for rural residents by   29   local rivers or reducing pollution with rural electrification to improve people's   30   of life.
21.A.;developing       B. investing          C. testing               D. running
22.A. pumping              B. cleaning          C. conserving            D. purifying
23.A. improvement     B. needs           C. uses                 D. safety
24.A. rely on           B. study on          C. focus on             D. depend on
25.A. drinking         B. washing           C. cooking                    D. swimming
26.A. farmers          B. residents           C. factories             D. companies
27.A.open             B. human            C. rural                D. irrigation
28.A. develop          B. increase           C. improve              D. preserve
29.A. keeping          B. pumping           C. affecting             D. strengthening
30.A. quality          B. wish             C. imagination                 D. quantity

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Water and its importance to human life were the centre of the world’s attention last week. March 22 was World Water Day and    16    the theme “Water for Life”.
There are more than one billion people in the world who live without    17    drinking water. The United Nations    18    to cut this number in half by 2015.
Solving such a big problem seems like a(n)  19   challenge. But everyone,    20    teenagers, can do something to help. A teenage girl in the US has set an example to the    21    of her age around the world.
Rene  Haggerty, 13, was  awarded  the  2004 Gloria Barron Prize for her work—   22    discarded batteries which pollute water.
In 2003, Haggerty went on a field trip to the Great Lakes Science Centre in Ohio. There she saw an exhibit about how    23    in old batteries harm the water of Lake Erie.
Haggerty learnt that    24    the batteries was an easy solution. “I think everybody can do it, because everyone    25    batteries, and it can make a big difference.” With these words, she began to    26    awareness in her area.
She    27    her county government and school board. She got permission to start a recycling programme in schools    28    the public library, hospital, and churches. With help from her family, friends and local waste-management    29   , she gathered containers, arranged transportation, and made a(n)    30    video.
Over the past two years, she collected four tons of batteries and drew the attention of officials, who were in charge of a battery recycling programme but had made    31    progress.
When asked    32    she feels like a hero, Haggerty is quite    33   . “Not really. Well, maybe for the fish I saved!”
Every year the Gloria Barron Prize is    34    to young Americans aged 8 to 18 who have shown leadership and courage in    35    the public and the planet. Each year ten winners receive US $ 2,000 each, to help with their education costs or their public service work.
16. A. had             B. gave          C. wrote            D. discussed
17. A. enough     B. safe           C. much          D. polluted
18. A. asks             B. orders         C. hopes           D. ensures
19. A. good           B. strong         C. important          D. unreal
20. A. especially        B. sometimes     C. even          D. seldom
21. A. boys              B. others           C. students       D. grown-ups
22. A. collecting           B. selling       C. buying                 D. using
23. A. things              B. chemicals      C. water               D. air
24. A. making        B. recycling       C. reducing        D. handling
25. A. uses            B. has           C. throws          D. needs
26. A. tell               B. increase       C. spread         D. inform
27. A. talked to   B. listened to         C. heard from     D. thought about
28. A. and             B. besides              C. as well as        D. as good as
29. A. officials          B. workers         C. clerks          D. experts
30. A. industrial        B. agricultural     C. scientific      D. educational
31. A. much            B. no            C. some         D. little
32. A. if            B. how             C. when         D. why
33. A. proud        B. glad            C. modest          D. worried
34. A. praises         B. helps          C. supports        D. honors
35. A. awarding            B. saving         C. serving          D. favoring

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every August on the island of Heimaey, off the southern coast of Iceland, young people often take a walk along the streets throughout the night. What’s more, their parents allow them to    16   .Why? The children of Heimaey are going to  17  young puffins—small black-and-white seabirds.
The cliffs(悬崖)above the town are    18    to a large group of puffins. The birds dig holes all around the cliffs. These holes are their homes. Their    19   stay in the holes for about seven weeks. Then they begin to leave. Some move slowly on their    20    wings and feet down to the northern Atlantic Ocean that surrounds Heimaey.  21   , they swim, which they can do naturally, and learn to dive for fish.   22   , however, may lose their way at night and    23    themselves in the town instead. On the ground, the young seabirds are    24   . Because their wings are not fully developed, they cannot    25    quickly to sea and safely. The birds then become a good    26    for cats and other animals. For many years, islanders have    27    many young puffins. Early at night in late August, children    28    thick paper boxes and lights hurry to the seashore to catch puffins. They spend most of the night    29   after the birds. They put the birds they’ve caught in   30    and take good care of them. The next morning the children take the puffins to the ocean and set them    31   . The birds will live    32    until they are at least two years old. Then they will    33    to the cliffs to build homes of their own for their families.
34    the children of Heimaey always come to save puffins? “Yes,” answer the boys. “We look forward to it. The    35    time for us is setting the birds free.”
16. A. take a walk    B. stay out      C. come back      D. make friends
17. A. kill              B. watch         C. catch            D. save
18. A. home          B. close       C. dangerous      D. falling
19. A. brothers        B. friends           C. parents           D. young
20. A. undeveloped     B. strong        C. beautiful      D. ugly
21. A. However         B. There          C. Therefore    D. Again
22. A. These          B. Those          C. Others           D. Puffins
23. A. make               B. send          C. bring       D. find
24. A. at ease         B. in trouble    C. at rest        D. in safety
25. A. take off        B. give off      C. send off       D. run off
26. A. friend          B. toy          C. meal               D. game
27. A. caught         B. eaten      C. helped         D. observed
28. A. making          B. buying        C. tearing        D. carrying
29. A. running         B. walking       C. playing        D. flying
30. A. water         B. pockets      C. paper            D. boxes
31. A. off         B. free            C. out                 D. away
32. A. on land       B. at sea          C. in cliffs     D. in town
33. A. stick         B. devote            C. return    D. fall
34. A. Will          B. Man             C. Must           D. Did
35. A. first         B. last            C. next        D. best

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
