
III. 完形填空:
Many of the world's pollution problems have been 1    by the crowding of large groups of people into cities.Supply for the 2    of the people leads to 3    pollution by industry.If the 4   increase in human population 5    at the present rate(比率),there may be much greater harm. Some scientists speak of the 6   in number of people as“population pollution.”
About 2000 years ago,the world 7   was probably about 250 million.  reached a billion in 1850.By 1930the population was two billion.It is 9      six and a half billion.It is 10   to double by the year 2050.If the population continues to grow at the same 11   , there would be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now.
Man has been using the earth's 12    more and more rapidly over the years.Some of them are almost 13   .Now many people believe that man's greatest 14    is how to control the growth of his population.The 15   in the world will not support the human population,in time to come,if the 16    rate of increase continues. 17   there is over crowding in the 18    and hunger in some countries. Can man's rate of increase 19   ?Many people believe that human survival(继续生存)in the future depends on the answer 20    the question.
1.A.made  B.caused      C.led    D.worked out
2.A.needs  B.satisfies    C.service      D.lacks
3.A.farther       B.less   C.further      D.better
4.A.harmful      B.small C.slow  D.rapid
5.A.stops   B.continues  C.slows down      D.adds to
6.A.increase      B.reduce      C.quality      D.quantity
7.A.people B.situation   C.population       D.land
8.A.They   B.You   C.We    D.It
9.A.now    B.in the past C.in the future     D.then
10.A.hoped  B.expected  C.wished  D.looked forward to
11.A.time  B.year  C.rate   D.period
12.A.place B.oil     C.mines       D.resources
13.A.missed      B.rich   C.gone  D.enough
14.A.problem   B.power       C.plan  D.idea
15.A.food  B.electricity C.energy      D.materials
16.A.past   B.present     C.future       D.slow
17.A.Already    B.Yet    C.Still  D.Often
18.A.villages    B.mountains C.cities D.farms
19.A.continue   B.exist  C.fall    D.keep
20.A.in     B.of     C.to      D.for

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People were asked to comment __28__ scenes from films like Pulp Fiction, TV series like Channel 4’s Brookside and cartoons like South Park. Leeds University concluded that people made a __29__between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those _30__ for children.

A.for B.on C.of D.over

A.destination B.difference C.extinction D.distinction

A.meant B.provide C.intend D.supply

A.pay B.make C.receive D.hold

A.looking B.staring C.looking at D.staring at

A.budgets B.gadgets C.plans D.profits

A.more visually B.less visually C.visually D.visual

A.encourage B.encouraged C.to encourage D.encouraging

A.protect B.protest C.proposal D.promote

A.disagree B.for C.in favour of D.against

A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides

A.Whatever B.No matter which C.Although D.No matter

A.affect B.influent C.damage D.effect

A.stop B.to stop C.stopping D.stopped

A.examine B.check C.test D.look

A.even B.just C.yet D.still

A.suggest B.persuade C.request D.advise

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People were asked to comment __28__ scenes from films like Pulp Fiction, TV series like Channel 4’s Brookside and cartoons like South Park. Leeds University concluded that people made a __29__between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those _30__ for children.

A.for B.on C.of D.over

A.destination B.difference C.extinction D.distinction

A.meant B.provide C.intend D.supply

A.pay B.make C.receive D.hold

A.looking B.staring C.looking at D.staring at

A.budgets B.gadgets C.plans D.profits

A.more visually B.less visually C.visually D.visual

A.encourage B.encouraged C.to encourage D.encouraging

A.protect B.protest C.proposal D.promote

A.disagree B.for C.in favour of D.against

A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides

A.Whatever B.No matter which C.Although D.No matter

A.affect B.influent C.damage D.effect

A.stop B.to stop C.stopping D.stopped

A.examine B.check C.test D.look

A.even B.just C.yet D.still

A.suggest B.persuade C.request D.advise

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

II.Fill in the blanks(10)
The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is   16   great importance. Proper _17__(choose) will get rid of one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often, careless use of words___18___ (prevent) a meeting of the mind of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may cause __19___(favor) reactions in the listener_20__interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down. Moreover , inaccurate or indefinite words may make _21__ difficult for the listener to understand the message which __22__(transmit) to him. The speaker_23__does not have specific words in working vocabulary may be unabe to explain or describe in _24_ way ___25_ can be understood by listeners.
Nobody wants to appear fat. Many girls who care too much about their self-image(个人形象) choose to eat less food to  26   themselves from gaining weight. Some even take medicine to achieve their goals. Those unhealthy ways may lead to being   27  to a certain drug and the addiction is usually very   28  . There is little difference to committing suicide (自杀). I used to eat   29    a lot, which is said to be high in protein but low in calories. But the moment bird flu   30   out, I stopped eating this kind of meat. To me, health always comes first, because no matter how wealthy you are, your   31   will deprive(剥夺) you of the right to   32   your life, so why should we put ourselves in danger and suffer? However, you’d better keep it in mind that whether you go on a calorie-restricted (限制热量的) diet or not, exercising and   33   eating are excellent ways to keep your body in good   34. Their emphasis is that the healthy way to lose weight is   35   to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.
26. A. protect                     B. make                      C. promise                  D. keep
27. A. used               B. addicted             C. exposed             D. devoted
28. A. painful        B. useful             C. cheerful              D. sorrowful
29. A. fruit           B. vegetable           C. chicken              D. pork
30. A. let             B. set                C. gave                 D. broke
31. A. medicine             B. weight             C. diet                 D. disease
32. A. enjoy          B. make             C. change                D. take
33. A. regular        B. healthy            C. good                 D. normal
34. A. size            B. shape              C. situation             D. style
35. A. usually                B. generally          C. quickly                D. gradually

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

  At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the sports of canoe (划船) racing was added to the list of international competition. The  31  team in the four-man canoe race was the United States team. One member of that team was a young man named Bill Havens.
As the time for the Olympics  32 , it became clear that Bill’s wife would give birth to their first child at about the  33  that the U.S. team would be competing in the Pairs games. In 1924 there were no planes form Paris to the United States, only  34  ships. Bill found himself in a dilemma (左右为难的困境).
Bill’s wife insisted that he go to Paris.  35 , competing in the Olympics was a lifelong dream. But Bill felt  36  and, after much soul-searching, decided to remain home, where he could  37  his wife when the child arrived. He considered being at her  38  his highest priority (优先考虑的事), even higher than going to Paris to fulfill his  39 .
The team won the gold medal in Paris. And Bill’s wife was  40  in giving birth to their child.  41 , Bill could have competed in the event and returned home  42  to be with he when she gave birth.
People said, “What a shame!” But Bill said he had no  43 . For the rest of his life, he  44  he had made the better decision.
Bill Havens knew what was most important to him. Not everybody  45  that out. Not everybody has the strength to say no to something he or she truly  46  in order to say yes to something that truly  47 . Peace begins to  48  our lives when we learn to say yes to the things that really matter.
Twenty eight years later, Bill  49  a telegram. It was from Finland, where the 1952 Olympics were being held. The telegram read, “Dad, I won. I’m bringing home the gold medal you  50  while waiting for me to be born.”

A.new B.favorite C.special D.weak

A.arrived B.passed C.neared D.ended

A.moment B.opportunity C.time D.promise

A.fast B.old C.small D.slow

A.In all B.After all C.As a result D.As usual

A.honored B.worried C.conflicted D.delighted

A.persuade B.accompany C.support D.satisfy

A.place B.side C.door D.mercy

A.duty B.promise C.dream D.demand

A.favoring B.successful C.safe D.late

A.In addition B.For example C.In fact D.At last

A.on time B.in time C.on purpose D.in need

A.judgments B.excuse C.choices D.regrets

A.believed B.wished C.wondered D.proved

A.puts B.takes C.figures D.gives

A.trusts B.wants C.understands D.respects

A.matters B.happens C.appears D.continues

A.turn into B.look into C.settle on D.rely on

A.discovered B.wrote C.sent D.received

A.grasped B.offered C.took D.lost

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
It is so easy for us to overspend our income. Credit cards are    21    to obtain, especially when you pay your bills on time. Companies will try to make you keep    22    until you can’t keep up and then they will make your life very    23   .
You can avoid major    24    in several ways. Have a plan. Set up a budget (预算) with measurable goals and stick to it, which will save you a lot of frustration (沮丧) later. Set up a saving account that you can use only in case of    25   . Set up another account for your    26   . Do it as early as you can and don’t touch it until you retire. Decide which bills are to be paid out of each check and pay those first.
If there is anything left, you can buy groceries, go out to    27    or go to the movies. Consider setting up an account that automatically pays your bills each month so that you don’t have to do it every month. You could have a household account. Have your check deposited in the household account and don’t    28    money out of the household account if the balance falls below the account that you set    29   . In my opinion, it’s wise for you to have health    30   , which can really save you money. As we know, a broken leg can save you $20,000 or more!
21. A. eager            B. easy                    C. fast           D. hard
22. A. charging       B. working           C. studying       D. saving
23. A. colorful          B. unhappy               C. hopeful          D. energetic
24. A. arguments        B. cases             C. problems      D. negotiations
25. A. fire              B. danger           C. emergency    D. disease
26. A. promotion        B. retirement         C. family        D. development
27. A. study           B. walk                  C. eat           D. rest 
28. A. take             B. drive            C. pull          D. keep
29. A. regularly         B. afterwards       C. earlier        D. finally
30. A. guard           B. insurance          C. check         D. information

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

II语言知识及运用 (共两节,满分35分)
完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Switching public spending from “grey” projects such as roads and airports, to “  21  ” schemes such as parks, tree planting and vegetables gardens, would not only   22  the government billions of pounds, improve health, and cut climate emissions(排放物),   23   it would create jobs and make British cities more attractive.
The analysis comes from two groups of government advisers, Natural England and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, and is supported by   24  from other countries. It shows that  25  cuts are made in those areas that add to pollution, waste and ill health, and money is invested   26   in projects that save energy, improve health and reduce waste, the benefits are seen quickly.
For instance, the £10.2 billion budgeted by central government for   27   building in Britain this year will increase traffic and emissions and leave the public purse to clean up the pollution and waste. Just half of that money would pay for a new park in every local authority. Equally, the £1.28 billion   28   for widening the M25 by a single lane would benefit drivers by perhaps a few seconds a journey, but it would buy and maintain more than 3 million new street trees.
Government figures show that road traffic has increased 25% in the past 15 years, at the same time as obesity and public health costs have soared. Research also shows that in the place where people have direct   29   with the environment via animals, plants or landscapes, they are more   30  to be mentally and physically healthy. Hospital patients with views of trees rather than of brick walls stay in hospitals for far less time.
21. A. white           B. pink                  C. green                D. purple
22. A. waste           B. save                  C. spend                D. earn
23. A. but                     B. and                   C. so                  D. or
24. A. accident              B. evidence            C. statistics            D. survey
25. A. if            B. while                C. as                     D. where
26. A. however          B. instead                     C. thus                  D. besides
27. A. apartment    B. airport                     C. road                  D. car
28. A. put aside             B. put down           C. set aside         D. set up
29. A. contact               B. communication  C. effect                D. benefit
30. A.     possibly          B. probably           C. frequently         D. likely

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
You've probably heard the expression, "What you see is what you get." My grandfather used to say. "If you   41   a tree long enough, it will move." We see  42  we want to see. Psychologists tell us that   43   controls our life more than our self-image. We live like the person we see in the   44  . We are what we think we are. If you don't think you'll be successful, you   45   . You can't be it if you can't see it. Your life is    46  to your vision. If you want to change your   47  , you must change your vision of life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous when he   48   a newspaper reporter. The reporter asked Schwarzenegger,“    49    you've retired from body building, what do you plan to do next?” Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and   50 : "I’m going to become the No. 1 movie star in Hollywood. ”The reporter was  51  and amused at Schwarzenegger's plan. At that time, it was very hard to    52   how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a     53   actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Australian accent, could ever   54    to be Hollywood's No. 1 movie star!
So the reporter asked Schwarzenegger    55   he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said, “I'll do it the same   56   I became the No.1 bodybuilder in the world. What I do is create a vision of who I want to be, then I start living like that person in my   57   as if it were already true.” Sounds almost childishly  58  ,doesn't it? But it    59   ! Schwarzenegger did become the No. 1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood! Remember: “If you can see it, you can   60  it.”
41. A. look after          B. live with          C. look at            D. care for
42. A. what                 B. where              C. that                        D. why
43. A. something         B. everything       C. nothing           D. anything
44. A. water                B. picture            C. novel              D. mirror
45. A. don't                 B. won't               C. can't                D. will
46. A. limited              B. contributed      C. devoted           D. offered
47. A. idea                  B. image              C. life                        D. vision
48. A. turned into          B. met with          C. acted as           D. worked as
49. A. Now that           B. Even if            C. In case            D. Only if
50. A. proudly             B. anxiously         C. confidently      D. happily
51. A. surprised           B. excited            C. disappointed    D. scared
52. A. report               B. imagine           C. find                D. judge
53. A. famous             B. good               C. professional     D. popular
54. A. hope                 B. have                C. fail                        D. happen
55. A. when                B. why                C. what               D. how
56. A. chance              B. method            C. way                D. effort
57. A. film                     B. play                C. family             D. mind
58. A. foolish              B. simple             C. funny              D. clever
59. A. succeeded                  B. worked            C. did                         D. completed
60. A. move                B. leave               C. get                         D. touch

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第一节: 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
In the United States, students need more than good grades to impress teachers and employers. They also need to     21     social and practical experience. Many students do this by     22     clubs. These clubs can be related to academics or recreation, everything from math to chess and music.
Students     23    seek internships(实习) and jobs. Internships usually do not pay, but they help students learn more about a     24     that interests them. For example, students who are interested in politics    25    to work on a local politician's campaign.
Students are often taking stress. They are     26     running from class to club, to community service, to internship, to Starbucks and     27     to class again and again and again. These experiences also give students     28     contacts inside a particular industry. They often get letters of recommendation and win more employment     29    . However, extracurricular responsibilities can affect students'    30     in the classroom. If they are not very organized, they can easily become lost in their schoolwork and overwhelmed with pressure.
21. A. learn        B. gain        C. win           D. serve
22. A. attending    B. opening     C. contacting    D. joining
23. A. also         B. either      C. never         D. ever
24. A. subject      B. society     C. lesson        D. field
25. A. pretend      B. volunteer   C. continue      D. expect
26. A. fast         B. busy        C. active        D. right
27. A. thus         B. forever     C. often         D. then
28. A. valuable     B. formal      C. remote        D. regular
29. A. relationship B. friendship  C. opportunities D. campaign
30. A. homework     B. assignment  C. performance  D. understanding

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Editors of newspapers have responsible jobs because they have to make sure that their newspaper gets  36  on time ,sells well,and everything that goes into it ,including  37 ,is acceptable.Some newspapers  38   local or national affairs ,some  39 international and economic matters while others are  40   serious and aim to enterain with more human interest  stories.
Sometimes particular stories “sell” newspapers. In America and Europe ,ordinary people seem to  41  by the lives of pop stars ,film stars and the remaining  42 families .These people really have two lives ,a public life and a private life.So the reporters can be too interesed in getting a good story and try to   43  famous people in their private lives which can then get their newspaper into trouble  44 they get printed.
There was a recent  45  when a reporter climbed a tree and took a photograph of   46 in a swimming pool without her knowledge .She didn’t  47  being photographed on public 48 but she objected to being photographed while she was spending private time with her personal friends ----and  49  in a swimming pool.
The photograph was in the newspaper  50  ---“The Alganian Princess having a good time in the embassy pool with her friends”----and all hell broke loose .The editor of The BEACON(the newspaper that had printed the photograph)immediately received a strongly worded letter of  51  from the Royal Palace press office  52  that the reporter had been “interfering in her private life” and that “something would be done about this.” Of course the damage had already been done but the newspaper must have sold a lot of   53  copies because of the photograph. All the editor could do was to print   54 on the front page to the Alganian Princess and hope that   55  would be accepted and that he wouldn’t lose his job.
36. A.to print    B.printing       C.  print          D.printed
37. A.charts     B.photographs    C.subtitles         D.advertisements
38. A. focus on   B.come out      C.draw attention to  D.look into
39. A. of        B. for           C.with            D.on  
40. A. more      B.less          C.most            D.least 
41. A be favorite  B.appeal to      C.be fascinated     D.be adapted
42.A.good       B.happy        C.rich            D.royal
43.A.keep an eye on              B.take photographs of
C.benefit from                 D.write fictions about
44.   A. if        B.even if        C. since          D. although
45. A. report     B.article        C.case            D.story
46. A.a friend    B.a flim star     C.a princess       D.an officer
47. A.like       B.know         C.want           D.mind
48. A.occasions  B.surroundings   C.atmosphere      D.places
49. A. eventually B.actually       C.especially       D.angrily
50. A.one day    B.the other day   C. the next day     D.to this day
51. A. comment   B.complaint     C.attack          D.disagreement
52. A.explained   B. added        C. to stress        D.saying
53. A.latest       B.interesting     C.attracting       D.extra
54.A.an apology   B. a response    C.another picture   D.a letter
55.A.she         B.he           C.it              D.there

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the fifteenth century in Nuremberg ,lived a family with eighteen children .They were so poor that two children ,who wanted to pursue their talent for  41  , knew their father would never be  42  able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
So they tossed(掷)a coin. Albrecht Durer, the younger,  43  the toss and went off to Nuremberg .Albert went down into the dangerous 44   and ,for the next four years ,financed his brother , who did so well that his works were even better than those of most of his  45 . By the time he graduated ,he was beginning to earn  46  fees by drawing for wealthy people.
When Albrecht returned home, at dinner he drank a  47  to his beloved brother for the years of    48  that had enabled him to fulfill his  49 . He said, "Albert ,my blessed brother ,now it is your      50  to go to Nuremberg to pursue your dream ,and I will take care of you."
With tears in his eyes ,Albert held his hands close to his right cheek and said, "No ,brother. I cannot go . Look... look what four years in the mines have done to my  51  ! The bones in every finger have been  52  at least once. Lately I have been suffering from arthritis(关节炎)so badly in my right hand that I cannot even hold a  53 to return your toast ,much less make delicate lines with a pen or a brush. No ,brother... for me it is too  54  ."
Deeply moved ,Albrecht painstakingly drew his brother's  55  hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skyward .He called his powerful drawing  56  "Hands" , to which the entire world immediately opened their hearts and later they  57 it "The Praying Hands."
The next time you see a copy of that  58  creation, take a second look. Let it be your  59  ,if you still need one ,that no one ever makes it  60   !
41.A.assistance       B.art       C.science D.dreaming
42.A.fundamentally       B.frequently   C.financially   D.flexibly
43.A.won       B.lost      C.ended   D.started
44.A.mountains      B.oceans  C.deserts D.mines
45.A.classmates      B.colleagues   C.professors    D.brothers
46.A.concrete B.considerable       C.considerate  D.confidential
47.A.beer       B.drink   C.drop    D.toast
48.A.donation B.education    C.sacrifice      D.experience
49.A.attempt   B.ambition     C.assignment  D.assessment
50.A.turn       B.dream  C.kindness      D.hope
51.A.health     B.body    C.mind    D.hands
52.A.injured   B.strengthened       C.sharpened    D.used
53.A.knife      B.spoon   C.glass    D.pen
54.A.urgent    B.unnecessary C.messy  D.late
55.A.abused    B.dark     C.wide    D.fragile
56.A.seriously B.simply C.carefully     D.gently
57.A.sold       B.bought C.found   D.renamed
58.A.longing  B.touching      C.challenging  D.disturbing
59.A.reminder       B.aid       C.guide   D.coach
60.A.along     B.aside    C.alone   D.aware

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It seems as if cell phone could be the protection that parents expecting the kids to have freedom and be safe have been looking for. Let's  41  your 11-year-old son is going on a long bike ride with a friend, so they take along your cell phone   42  they need help. Not only could they call you if necessary, but  43 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipped on many mobile phones today, your son and his friend could also be  44 easily. Plus, with an additional service, you could track the boys'  45 location. Or consider this: If your daughter is  46  herself and three friends to a concert, she could  47 out exactly how to locate the concert location and get back home by using her equipped cell phone.And through a(n)  48  software package,you could   49  her whereabouts (行踪).
  50 tracking devices as we all consider useful, however, have  51 .If the boys urgently needed help during the ride,  52 might be too late by the time someone found them. And if they wanted to, the concert-going girls could deviate (偏离) from the  53 route and go to a night club after the  54 -they could turn off the phone or leave it in their own car and drive with someone else.
Cell phones and their accompanying programs are tools for   55 children safely today, but all of them are  56  extremely reliable. Under no circumstances does  57 else replace a well-established parent-child relationship  58  love and trust.
If you do decide to let your kids use these devices, don't rely  59 on them for protection. Your children need you watching them-  60  will never take the place of your time, attention, eyes, and ears when overseeing your child's whereabouts.
41.A. pretend                  B. see                         C. prove                     D. say
42.A. even if                   B. only if                   C. in case                    D. so that
43.A. with                       B. as                          C. also                        D. for
44.A. called                     B. observed                C. contacted                D. located
45.A. obvious                  B. clear                      C. exact                      D. safe
46.A. leading                   B. driving                   C. heading                  D. guiding
47.A. map                       B. make                     C. work                      D. get
48.A. additional               B. universal                C. another                  D. exceptional
49.A. learn                      B. know                     C. follow                   D. search
50.A. These                     B. Such                      C. Some                     D. Few
51.A. faults                     B. shortcomings          C. difficulties              D. disadvantages
52.A. parents                   B. it                           C. policemen               D. we
53.A. considered              B. established              C. located                   D. planned
54.A. drive                      B. ride                       C. show                      D. party
55.A. guaranteeing           B. providing               C. caring                    D. parenting
56.A. never                     B. always                   C. usually                   D. merely
57.A. everything              B. nothing                  C. anything                 D. something
58.A. relied on                B. based on                 C. laid on                   D. kept on
59.A. specifically            B. believably              C. only                       D. particularly
60.A. relationship            B. cell phone              C. protection               D. technology

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Alone in the wheel of light at the dining room table, surrounded by an otherwise darkened house, I sat in tears
Finally, I'd   26   in getting both kids to bed.A relatively new single   27   , I had to be both Mommy and Daddy to my two little children.
A   28   divorced man with full custody (管理) of his children, I was   29   to give them as normal and stable a home life as possible.I   30   a happy face for them.
I had risen slowly, gingerly (活跃), trying to   31   making even the least sound which might start them up again.   32   more songs and more stories.I tiptoed out of their room,   33  the door partway,
and went downstairs.
And loneliness.I felt as though I were at the   34   of a great sea of loneliness.It all came together and I was at once lost,   35  .Unexpected, convulsive (突然) sobs overtook me.I sat there,   36   sobbing.
Just then, a pair of little ,   37    went around my middle and a little face peered up at me.I looked down into my five-year-old son's   38   face.
I was    39   to be seen crying by my son."I'm sorry, Ethan, I didn't know you were still awake." I don't know why it is, but so many people   40   when they cry and I was no exception."I didn't mean to cry.I'm sorry.I'm just a little   41   tonight."
"It's okay.Daddy.It's okay to cry, you're just   42  ."
I can't express how happy he made me, this little boy, who in the wisdom of innocence, gave me   43   to cry.He seemed to be saying that I didn't have to always be   44  .that it was occasionally possible to allow myself to feel weak and let out my   45  .
Somehow, it was possible for me to get to sleep that night, too, Thank you, my son.
26.A.succeeded       B.managed C.failed       D.insisted
27.A.mother    B.worker     C.parent      D.stepfather
28.A.hopelessly       B.recently    C.carelessly        D.shyly
29.A.forced      B.obliged    C.persuaded        D.determined
30.A.put on     B.took on     C.put down  D.took in
31.A.escape      B.stop C.avoid       D.imagine
32.A.speaking out    B.asking for       C.making up       D.insisting on
33.A.locked     B.fixed       C.opened     D.closed
34.A.bottom    B.surface     C.middle     D.side
35.A.covered    B.frightened C.drowned D.disturbed
36.A.loudly     B.eagerly     C.slightly    D.silently
37.A.arms        B.legs   C.hands       D.eyes
38.A .tearful    B.sympathetic      C.lovely       D.anxious
39.A.surprised  B.embarrassed    C.moved      D.discouraged
40.A.explain    B.complain C.apologize  D.pretend
41.A.worried   B.uneasy      C.tired  D.sad
42.A.a person   B.a male      C.an employee    D.a green hand
43.A.reason      B.limit  C.permission      D.understanding
44.A.experienced     B.strong      C.skilled     D.able
45.A.opinions   B.thoughts   C.words       D.feelings

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Chinese tennis is entering a golden time. In recent years there has been an explosion (激增) of 36 female tennis players bursting onto the global scene. And this couldn't have come at a 37 time with the 2008 Beijing Olympics just months
 38 .
These young girls have both strong will and talent. 39 the way is Li Na, who may have the 40 name in women's tennis, but she has a big reputation(名气). Li Na is China's top ranked player and the first to have 41 into the world's top 20.
After 42 nearly six months of the season with a serious injury, the 25yearold 43 an impressive comeback by winning the Australian Women's Hardcourt Tennis Championships.
In the world of professional tennis, Li's refreshing sense of humor proved to be a hit both on and 44 the court(球场).
“My husband said he had a special gift for me 45 I won,” Li Na said after lifting the prize cup. “That’s  46 I tried so hard today. I wanted a special gift.”
The Wuhan girl 47 tennis at the age of eight after being discovered by a coach who had 48 her playing badminton. After years of hard training, Li Na turned 49 in 1999 and has become one of the most successful Chinese tennis players.
With her solid groundstroke (击落地球) and aggressive (攻击的) mindset, she 50 the first Chinese tennis player to win a WTA Tour 51 .  Then two years later, she was the first Chinese to make 52 into the last 16 of Wimbledon, which led to her being 53 number 16 in the world last January.
Li is now looking forward to winning a 54 at the Olympics. “The Olympics are very important for us,” she said. “I am more motivated after my recovery 55 I feel my desire for the Olympics is bigger than ever before.”
36.A.pleased  B.talented  C.excited  D.interested
37.A.good  B.better  C.best  D.well
38.A.along  B.before  C.away  D.later
39.A.Knowing  B.Leading  C.Showing  D.Finding
40.A.biggest  B.longest  C.smallest  D.shortest
41.A.broken  B.walked  C.dropped  D.changed
42.A.playing  B.wasting  C.sparing  D.missing
43.A.returned  B.made  C.kept  D.brought
44.A.over  B.off  C.in  D.around
45.A.unless  B.if  C.whether  D.that
46.A.what  B.how  C.because  D.why
47.A.went on  B.met with  C.took up  D.set out
48.A.spotted  B.heard  C.minded  D.persuaded
49.A.competitor  B.player  C.professional  D.coach
50.A.found  B.became  C.got  D.helped
51.A.event  B.team  C.project  D.race
52.A.one  B.this  C.that  D.it
53.A.praised  B.ranked  C.received  D.announced
54.A.reward  B.score  C.gold  D.prize
55.A.and  B.or  C.but  D.while

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered a small hotel in Philadelphia(费城). Trying to get out of the   36  , the couple went to the front desk hoping to  37 for the night.
“Could you   38   give us a room here?” the husband asked.
The waiter, a   39   man with a big smile, looked at the couple and   40   that three conventions(大会) would be held in the town and lots of visitors had come here.
“All of our   41   are taken,” the waiter said. “But I can’t send a   42   couple like you 43   into the rain at 1 o’clock in the morning , what’s more, it’s raining hard outside . Would you please be   44   to sleep in my room? It’s not exactly a suite(套房), but it will be good enough to make you   45   for the night.”
The couple said “ no” politely.
“Don’t   46   me. It is just fine with me,” the waiter told them. They agreed and thanked the waiter later.
The next morning, the elderly man said to the waiter, “You are so __47__ a manager that I think you should be the boss of the best hotel. Maybe someday I’ll build   48   for you….” The three of them had a good laugh and the couple then left.
Two years passed. The waiter had almost forgotten it   49   he received a letter from the old man. It recalled that stormy night and a round-trip   50   to New York was in the letter ,too, asking the young man to pay them a visit. The old man met him in New York, and   51  him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then pointed to a great new   52   there, a palace of reddish stone. “That,” said the old man, “is the hotel I have just built for you to   53  .”
“You must be   54  ,” the young man said.
“Of course not,” said the old man. In fact, the name of   55  was William Waldorf Astor, and the magnificent building was the famous Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The young waiter, George C. Boldt became its first manager.
36. A. rain B. sun C. snow D. hunger
37. A. leave    B. work C. stay D. play
38. A. surely   B. possibly C. really   D. freely
39. A. lazy B. bored    C. nervous  D. friendly
40. A. shouted  B. explained    C. believed D. agreed
41. A. hotels   B. desks    C. streets  D. rooms
42. A. nice B. famous   C. rich D. poor
43. A. beyond   B. out  C. up   D. under
44. A. kind B. willing  C. good D. generous
45. A. enjoyable    B. careful  C. hopeful  D. comfortable
46. A. worry about  B. take care of C. make use of  D. carry out
47. A. bad  B. interesting       C. kind            D. confident
48. A. one  B. it   C. them D. those
49. A. after    B. as soon as   C. while    D. when
50. A. ticket   B. bill C. check    D. picture
51. A. led  B. told C. treated  D. invited
52. A. building B. car  C. bedroom  D. place
53. A. live B. sell C. manage   D. rent
54. A. lying    B. joking   C. dreaming D. cheating
55. A. the building     B. the waiter   C. the man  D. the manager

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
