
Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their      (life). However, rescue operations are       (prove) difficult. If explosives are used, vibrations will cause the roof of the mine      (collapse). Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. They intend to bring the men up in        special capsule.       there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would have completed the job in a few hours. As it is, they have been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go. Meanwhile, a microphone, which     (low) into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives. Though they are running out of food        drink, the men are         (cheer) and confident that they will get out soon. They have been told that rescue operations are progressing     (smooth). If they knew how difficult it was to drill        the hard rock, they would lose heart.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think _    __, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind.
See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmark's best­known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of the Sea in search of a human soul in one of Andersen's popular _     __(fantasy). From the harbor you can get a feel for the
  _    _ (attraction) “city of green spires”. At twilight(黎明) or in cloudy weather, the spires of old castles and churches lend the city a dream­like atmosphere. You'll think you've stepped into a watercolor painting.
Churches and castles are almost all that are left over in the original city. Copenhagen became __    __ capital of Denmark in 1445. During the late 16th century, trade grew, and so did the city. But fires in 1728 and 1795 __       _(terrible) destroyed the old wooden structures. Much of what we see today _      __(date) from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Copenhagen was the first city _      __(declare) a street for pedestrians only. The city has the       _ (little) traffic noise and pollution among European capitals. __      _ you're from, you can come to dance, dine, and take in outdoor and indoor concerts. Even without money, you can still enjoy the proud old trees, the colored night lights and the beautiful gardens. You might feel as if you      .

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Nowadays, millions    lonely singles are now going online instead.       World Wide Web is quickly becoming the world’s most popular matchmaker(媒人).Singles are flocking(涌向) to the Internet       because their busy lifestyles leave them little time to look for a significant other. Using dating sites(约会网址) is quick and convenient. Many singles say the regular dating scene         (just lead) them from one bad experience to ________  and are ready to try something else. Dating sites also make       easy to avoid someone         you are not interested in. In the real world,         , ignoring someone you don’t like can be difficult.
Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents its own set of problems. People aren’t always those who they declare to be in their online   (describe). Safety is another concern. You are just       (like) to find a criminal online as you are Mr. Or Miss Right.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Everyone has a childhood and childhood experiences are often very ____ (interest). Children often make us laugh.
I often remember my childhood, the years ______ many funny things happened. When I was a two-year-old child, both my parents were always very busy______ their work. My mother worked as______ sales manager in a company while my father served in the army. So I _____ (live) with my grandma in a village. I was always waiting for my parents at home. Once my father sent us a photo of ______ ( he ) in a soldier’s uniform, which ____ (post) on the table reminding me of him.
Once my mother came to see me and we were _____ (go) to the downtown together. On the way we saw a group of____ (soldier). And when I saw them, I became very excited. I shouted in a big voice, “This is my father; that one is my father; and he is my father, too…”
Hearing this, my mother laughed and said______ she would remember that moment all her life.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
My wife is addicted to shopping on the Internet.        seems that she can’t controlherself well, just clicking constantly with the mouse. Let me tell what happened last night.
It was the fourth time she        (shop) online for hours. I had already reminded her           (think) twice before buying anything, but my wife ignored what I said and replied
confidently, “With the New Year       (approach), preparation is necessary. Besides, I haven’t bought things on the Internet for a WHOLE week.” Hearing her words, I was really       (speech). In most cases, the things she bought aren’t good value for money. Maybe she just enjoys        process of buying online.
Nowadays,     the development of technology, online shopping is becoming more and more convenient. Those        stay at home can buy whatever they want. In the meanwhile, it causes a series of      (problem). One of them is more spending, because people are      (easy) attracted by the discount. So how to keep a good state of mind in front of temptation is an important lesson many people need to learn.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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When I looked out at the white blanket      covered the ground, I couldn’t help but smile a bit. It was so beautiful. It softened the bare trees and hid the dead grass. In the       (distant), I could hear the sound of the snow falling on the road, the barking of a happy dog, and the laughter of children playing outside, enjoying their day off from school.
The sweet music of that laughter  (bring) back a hundred memories of past winters. I remembered    (catch) snowflakes on my tongue, building snowmen, making snow angels, sledding down hills, and always losing the snowball fights with first      brothers and then my own children. Standing there in that warm coat of remembering made the wind   (little) cold. I looked up, stuck out my tongue, and      the first time in years caught a snowflake on it. It tasted so fresh       clean. It tasted like youth, like joy, and like love. I looked up to the heavens and thanked God for all of my memories and for the simple            (true) that you are never   old to be young again.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Today, after finishing dinner in town, my husband and I were driving back home. As we pulled over, we saw a couple painting their furniture.
I went inside our home,_______ (change) and then went back out again to ask our neighbors if they needed any help. While leaving my home, I was plagued (困扰) by thoughts of _______ (embarrass), denial, or being received. ______, I gathered the courage to go down and ask ________ ,anyway!
Initially, the woman denied. Then, the man said, “Sure”, and he handed me a spray paint bottle. We got into some good conversations ________ painting with great effort.  When we finished, I briefly chatted with them before leaving.
In the end, not only________ I enjoy helping them, but also learned about my neighbors. _______ the way home, I must admit, I couldn’t help but wonder _____ they might be thinking about me. ______ is tough to do a good deed for others and not expect that they will be thinking good about you.
Today’s experience taught me some ______ (value) lessons in my life! Hopefully, these lessons will help me continue my acts of kindness in future.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Imagine falling towards the planet Earth at          awesome speed of 300 kilometers per hour. You start your fall from over four kilometers above the Earth. And you have less than one minute before you pull your parachute (降落伞)cord. You are falling       fast that just turning your head can send you off       a different direction. This is the wild side of a sport that has not found its limit—freeflying.
Freeflying       (base) on the more traditional skydiving,      of which are eye-catching. However, it is more terrifying to watch freeflyers create formations and movements. Freeflyers,       the name suggests, enjoy the more spontaneous(即兴的)thrill of doing their own things.
The wildest trip for a freeflyers is falling ‘head down’. Falling ‘head first’ requires a great deal of control, which means          (travel) not only fast but also steadily. Even the    (slight) movement has a great effect on your direction.
They wear the amusing jumpsuits, strange helmets and smaller parachutes.      (actual), their parachutes are about one quarter the size of the traditional skydiver’s parachutes. It is only in the last few years        freeflying has gained any real public acceptance.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Creating good habits can be as tough as breaking bad habits. From my experience, one of the most important factors         make forming a new habit hard is that a lot of willpower           (require), at least in the beginning, and that alone can prevent many people correctly developing their desired habits.
Now instead of just using willpower and reminding          (you) to start the new habit each day, why don’t you just link it to an existing one? I have done          experience. It started with just 20 pushups (俯卧撑), something easy. So before I showered each day, I would do the pushups.        a couple of days, I increased the amount just to make it a bit more challenging.
Gradually, over the course of about 3 months, I’m now doing 100 pushups. And as the habit grew stronger, it got easier to do so          (natural). Now I know the habit is pretty much ingrained (根深蒂固), for I feel like something is missing         I don’t do this before showering. I found it pretty easy         (create) this habit and not much willpower was involved.
I think the key, apart from using an         (exist) habit, is to start out with something really easy. Once that starts becoming part of your     (day) routine, add on to it.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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      in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated from Southeast Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice       (be) his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great       for increasing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a        (disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. Yuan Longping grows       is called super hybrid rice, making        possible to increasing rice harvest without      (expand) the area of the field. Yuan Longping has been considered the first agricultural pioneer in the world       (grow) rice that has a high output.    to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world         hunger.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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Rachel Simmons, 22, from Boston, rescued her father by miraculously      (lift) an SUV from his leg.
Adam Simmons was repairing his daughter’s brakes when the jacks (千斤顶) keeping the car overhead      (fall) down and one of the axles landed on his leg. Mr. Simmons’ daughter Rachel heard her father’s yelps of pain from inside the house and ran to his rescue.
Rachel saw that the car       weighs around 2,600 kg was crushing her father’s leg and in order to free      , she lifted the vehicle with her bare hands.
Rachel said she didn’t know       she managed to lift the large vehicle from her father’s leg, “I ran out    the house and I saw him under my car. So I just went and lifted       wheel arch to set him free,” she said.
Doctors arrived at the scene and Adam      (rush) to hospital where X-rays were taken. He made a lucky escape and came away with just a few cuts and bruises.
Adam says his daughter is his “here” and that it was still     (clear) how Rachel managed to muster the strength to lift a Jeep.
She added that she was glad her dad wasn’t      (bad) harmed and that she was happy she only had a sore back.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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I will never forget the night  my mom left.She walked out and left me standing at the door      (cry),“Come back !” The next morning, tears filled my eyes as I walked from room to room calling for her.When I went into the kitchen and saw my dad preparing breakfast,he told me she was gone and wouldn’t be coming back,but I still believed she’d be returning from work that afternoon.
Day became night and my mom had not returned.I asked my dad again  she was and when she was coming home.
“Baby girl, Mom is not coming back,she left and went       (live) with someone else.”These were his exact     (word).I asked if she did not love me anymore,and then I cried myself to sleep.
My mom came home a few days later and I was very happy,    when I ran to hug her,she acted as if she did not know me.She said she had only come for the rest of her stuff ( 东西 ).When she left this time,all the pain and sadness came down so hard on me   all I could do was to lie in my dad’s arms.
The next month brought     (much) sadness for my dad and me. We had to move because I would cry all day,searching each room for Mom.My dad said a new house would be good for me.
I have not seen my mom for five years.She has missed my entire childhood and now she   (miss) my high-school graduation in a few weeks.No matter how long she’s gone,though , there’s a part of every child that needs a mother. There’s still a part of me that(true) wishes to reunite with her and try to build a relationship.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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The Amber Room     (put) up in 1709. It used to belong       Frederick William I, the first King of Prussia. Peter the Great fell in love with the room on a visit, and in 1716 the King of Prussia sent it to Peter the Great as a gift.
The Amber Room was shipped to Russia in 18 large boxes and put in the Winter Palace in St Petersburg as a part of a European art collection. It was first open in 1746 in the Winter Palace,       it was housed till 1755. In 1755, Czarina Elizabeth ordered the room     (move) to the Catherine Palace in Pushkin. An Italian      (art) Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli redesigned the room to fit into its new larger space,      (use) extra amber from Berlin.
   seems hard to believe that boxes of several tons of amber could go missing, and many historians have tried to solve the mystery. Most of them believe      the boxes were destroyed in the Second World War. One of the more extreme theories is that Stalin     (actual) had a second Amber Room and the Germans stole a fake (赝品).
The history of the new Amber Room, at least, is known for sure. The reconstruction (重建),       was based largely on black and white photographs of the original Amber Room, began in 1979 at Tsarskoye Selo and was completed 25 years later.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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It was a busy day at the grocery store and the old couples were in line behind me with birthday balloons.
They were chatting together about their rush to get ready for the party. From       they said, I knew their nephew had a twin and something bad happened to the baby at birth. Though they did all they could     (help) them but times were still tough for them.
They seemed to be too nervous and were too      (anxiety) to leave, so I asked       they wanted to go ahead of me or not. They didn’t understand what I      (mean) at first. After knowing it, they were very appreciative. But they stood behind me.
At that time I knew it had to be a significant day to them. Nothing could be      (good) if someone offered to help them. So I told the cashier to add the balloons to my purchases. The old couples refused at first       I insisted. I said, “You tell your sweet nephew that there are always nice people who want to give them     hand in this world.” They thanked me over and over and the cashier got teary-eyed,   (say) there was an angel in her line today.
That little act of   (kind) made everyone who saw it feel good—but it made me feel the best of all!

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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One day a young man was walking along the road     he heard a cry. It seemed to be coming from underneath a bridge. As he approached the bridge, the sound got       (loud) and then he saw      pitiful sight. There, lying in the muddy riverbed was a little dog about two months old,     front legs were tightly tied with ropes. It had wounds on its head and    (cover) with mud.
The young man wanted to help the dog,    as he approached, the dog started to bark. The young man did not give up. He sat down and started      (gentle) talking to the dog. It took a long time but eventually the dog     (stop) barking and the man was able to touch it. The young man carried the dog home, cared for its wounds, and gave it food and water. Even with all of this, the dog was still      (friend) every time the young man approached. But the young man did not give up. Weeks went by and the man continued attending to the dog. Then one day, as the young man approached, the dog wagged its tail.
It was consistent love and kindness   _won a lifelong friendship of loyalty.

  • 更新:2020-03-19
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