
They sold their house for only 12,000 dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful ________.

A.cost B.bargain
C.amount D.value
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The peace talk is going on in a friendly       . Hopefully, an agreement will be made today.

A.phenomenon B.atmosphere
C.environment D.situation
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The old man has a strange way of speaking. Here is a recording of his speech, but no clear _______ of what he has said could be made at all.

A.meaning B.idea
C.explanation D.sense
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mo Yan is the first Chinese people to win the Nobel Prize for his great ______ in literature (文学).

A.interests B.achievements
C.behavior D.observation
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nobody is allowed to go through the      between China and Russia without a passport.

A.booth B.bush
C.border D.buffet
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The CCTV show Chinese Characters Dictation Competition has taken the country by storm, which is partly designed to arouse people’s ______ in the Chinese language.

A.prejudice B.enthusiasm
C.awareness D.desire
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities , where there are lots of _______, like convenient transportation , more opportunities and better environment.

A.amusements B.attractions
C.collections D.achievements
  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

President Xi Jinping made an inspection tour of Beijing Normal University on the eve of Teachers' Day, saying "To become a good teacher, one must have lofty ideals(理想), good     , solid knowledge and a kind heart."

A.interests B.regulations
C.identities D.virtues
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The____of hanging clothes across the street is a common sight in many parts of the city.

A.routine B.procedure
C.reference D.practice
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All _______, whether large or small, has never been lost sight of and is always appreciated by the Hope Project.

A.contribution B.coincidence
C.conflict D.convenience
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell short of our ____.

A.expectations B.advantages
C.opportunities D.contributions
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When she was at home alone last Saturday, my sister gave in to her            by calling the number she saw on TV.

A.brain B.strength
C.curiosity D.ability
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My mother bought a new skirt for me at a            yesterday.

A.pay B.discount
C.cost D.bargain
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He couldn’t afford the fare to Australia, so he worked for his           .

A.adventure B.cabin
C.passage D.harbour
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Scientists have to work hard to keep ________ with modern discoveries and developments.

A.company B.track C.pace D.touch
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

高中英语名词+of 表示数量试题