
A: Zheng Ming, 30 years old, comes from Hunan Province and would like to find a girlfriend who is about 20---28 years old, unmarried, with a degree of secondary school. He is 170 centimeters tall and works as an IT technician in Shenzhen.
B: Li Zhaoxin, 33 years old, comes from Guangzhou. He is a civil servant, divorced, with a bachelor’s degree. He owns a house in the downtown. He is looking for a companion who is also living in Guangzhou, 23---33 years old, unmarried, with a degree of secondary school. The girl should be at least 156 centimeters tall.
C: Thomas Lee, comes from Sydney, Australia. He is 48 years old, 168 centimeters tall, unmarried. He owns a Doctor’s degree and is now working as an architect in Shenzhen, a house assigned by the company. He hopes to find companion who is about 28---38 years old, without any ill habits. It doesn’t matter if she was divorced.
D: Wang Zhi, 27 years old, comes from Chongqing, Sichuan Province. He is a doctor with a Master’s degree, who is now working in Shenzhen People’s Hospital. He is 175 centimeters tall and looking for a girlfriend between 21---26 years old, unmarried. She should be at least 160 centimeters tall, a music lover and has a college degree, who is supposed to be working in Shenzhen, too
E: Chen Sheng, who is now 66 years old, retired, has a house of his own in Shenzhen. He lost his wife three years ago, who was killed in a car accident. He would like to find a companion who is about 50---60 years old, spouse (配偶) lost, and is supposed to be considerate.
F: Huang Zhong, 24 years old, is serving in the army in Guangxi Province. He is 171 centimeters tall, unmarried, with a bachelor’s degree. He likes playing basketball and football in his spare time. He is hoping to find a girlfriend working in Guangdong Province, 155---170 centimeters tall, unmarried, and with a degree of high school.
51. Sun Mei, 23, is a clerk in a bank, who is an amateur in table tennis. She would like a male friend who is a soldier and not shorter than 170 centimeters. It will be appropriate if he is a sports fan just as she is.
52. Tang Xiaoli, 29, 160 centimeters tall, unmarried, has just come to Guangdong Province and took up a job as an accountant (会计). After graduating from high school, she decided to continue learning for a higher degree while working. She hopes to find a companion who has a house of his own and at least got a bachelor’s degree.
53. Liu Fenghua, 56, a retired teacher from high school. She devoted all herself to teaching while she was at school and earned a high respect from the students that she had taught before. She is now helping taking care of her grandson, whose parents want her to find a spouse after their father’s death of a heart attack 4 years ago.
54. Xie Qun, 24, works as a secretary in a lawyer’s office in Shenzhen. She is 161 centimeters tall and just graduated from college a year ago. She loves listening to all kinds of music, especially classical music.
55. Zhang Ying, 35 years old, married once, is a kindergarten teacher. She is very caring and loves children very much. Besides, she enjoys learning languages in her free time, such as English and French. After divorce, she is willing to find a companion who has no housing problems and devoted to family.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.Scott; I lost a brown leather wallet near a bus stop on March 11th. Reward offered for return. There is a driving license (执照) and some cash in it. If you have found it, please call me at 08966881717. Thank you.
B. Kate: I lost my camera in Prague in July in a street. All my holiday pictures were in it. It was a silver Samsung. Please contact me if you’ve found it. Call 07919896989. Thanks.
C.Nancy: My cat went missing today --- she is an indoor cat, with gray short hair. She had on a pink collar with her name--- Maddy. If you’ve found it, send email to nacy@tdsounds.co.uk. Thanks.
D.Amelia: My boyfriend lost his laptop(手提电脑) yesterday near the library. It was in a black bag with some books and CDs inside. It’s an old Dell model. Please help me to find it. Call 02077513465. Thank you.

E.  Steve:My lovely wife lost 3 books in Chateau early Friday night. The title of one of the books is Butterflies of Sri Lanka and it is important to my wife. If anyone has found them, please send email to steve@.com.. Thanks.
F.  Rebecca: I lost my mobile a week ago. I want the messages in the phone. Please return it. Just leave it at the reception desk of peace Hotel. Thanks a lot.
46.  I found this when I was wandering in a street. There are many pictures in it and
they’re surely records of wonderful memories. Hope the owner can get it back as soon
as possible.
47.  When I found this cellphone, I was in a hurry and just put it in my bag, but that
was a week ago .I’m sorry I forgot about it, as I’ve been too busy these days. Hope
the owner will get it back soon.
48.  Why are some people always so careless? Thousands of things have been left
since I came to work at this bus stop. No matter how much money is in it, this wallet
may be important to its owner.
49.  I found this bag under a tree when I got out of the reading room. It feels like a computer or something like that. It must be valuable to its owner. Hope it can be returned to the owner soon.
50.  I found this poor animal in the street, and it looked like it couldn’t find its way home. Well, it was dangerous for it to be there due to the heavy traffic. So I took it home and hope that I can return it to the owner.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
56. Mary, 24 years old, comes from Scotland and would like to find a pen pal who comes from East Europe. She likes playing the piano and listening to jazz music. She is interested in history but does not like discussing politics.
57. Kim Lee, 19 years old, comes from Seoul, South Korea. Kim loves travelling and hopes to visit Great Britain in the future. He would like a pen pal who is interested in discussing the differences between life in Europe and life in Asia. He loves listening to pop music and playing football in his free time.
58. Pietro, 42 years old, comes from Argentina. He is a businessman and would like to find a pen pal who is also a businessperson and lives in North America. He is married with three children and likes using the Internet in his free time.
59. Helga, 33 years old, comes from Germany and speaks French, English and Russian. She would like a pen pal who is interested in exchanging ideas about language learning. She does not like using computers for learning and believes that language learning can only happen in a classroom.
60. Jennifer, 18, comes from Cardiff in Wales. She is interested in discussing the political differences between East Europe and the United Kingdom. She loves riding her horse, Jackie, and listening to jazz music.
Piotrek Kowalski, 18, comes from Poland and would like a pen pal who is interested in discussing the current political situation in the world. He likes jazz and playing tennis in his free time.
Tom Hendrix, 36, is a businessman from Toronto, Canada. He would like to find a pen pal from a different continent to discuss business practices and differences between his country and others.  
Olga, 32 years old, comes from Moscow, Russia. She is a historian and would like to find a pen pal who is interested in discussing the history of Russia before the communist regime. She is not interested in comparing different political systems.
Jack, 27, is from London. His favourite pastime is learning languages. He goes to evening German and French classes and uses his computer to improve his German and French by visiting Internet sites.  
James, 22, is from Dublin. He loves travelling and wants to visit Asia in the near future and would like a pen pal who likes playing football and who can tell him about the differences between life in Asia and Ireland. 
Ela, 35 years old, comes from Sydney, Australia. She likes learning languages, but does not like using modern technology. She is interested in finding a pen pal who also enjoys learning languages in a traditional manner.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS)
In the employee benefits and compensation field, the most widely recognized and respected professional credentials (资格证书) is CEBS. It was established in 1977 through a partnership of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsyvania.
B. Professional Financial Planning course (PFPC)
The objective of PFPC is to fulfill the educational requirements for the Professional Financial Planning (PFP) designation. This course will assist students to enter this demanding and expanding field by becoming qualified professional financial planners. The PFP fosters an independent and multi-disciplinary approach to financial planning.
C. Registered Health Underwriter (RHU)
The RHU program is designed to provide students with the knowledge they need to become an expert in the area of living benefits. The program provides an overview of the historical development of living benefits. It covers the future trends in this field and how to take advantage of them. The RHU designation is the premier credentials in the health insurance market.
D. Elder Planning Counselor (EPC)
The goal of the program is to enrich the knowledge and understanding of professionals including insurance and financial adviser, estate agents, lawyers and accountants, caregivers, medical personnel and generally people who work in the 50+ age group through education on topics focusing upon the evolving and specialized needs of Canada’s citizens as they age.
E. Canadian Securities Course (CSC)
If you are just entering the financial service industry, CSC will give you the knowledge and skills that employers demand. If you are currently working in the field, the CSC will enhance your skills, ensuring that you are able to provide the most complete services for your clients, and help you excel in your career.
F. Distance Learning Course (DLC)
With courses that are either instructor-led or self-paced, with or without a live chat or web conferencing component, AACC can assist you with your educational needs. Online courses at Anne Arundel Community College offer students an opportunity to take classes that fit their schedule and learning style. Distance learning students work more independently than students taking regular in-class courses do.
56. Coco would like to enter a distance learning course which provides a convenient, standardized and economical approach for herself to learn. She attempts to attend class from anywhere---in the office, at home, at school, or on the road, and study at a pace that’s right for her.
57. Tom would like to enter a course which allows him to apply for the licence as a mutual fund salesperson. It is also the first step towards the licence for trading stocks and bonds and allows him to proceed into the Canadian Investment Manager or financial Management Advisor designation streams.
58. John wants to enter a course which is involved in living benefits, including income replacement and risk management solutions for individuals, business owners and professionals.
59. Mary prefers a course that is the first all- Canadian elder educational designation program in Canada designed by Canadians for Canadian professionals.
60. Jimmy prefers a course which allows him to meet the regulatory requirements as a newly registered investment adviser and qualifies him to take the Certified Financial Planner exam.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is information about six places(A—F),after the description of these places,there is information about five people who are looking for a place to spend a holiday。Decide which place would be most suitable for the person(s) mentioned in questions56—60and then mark the correct answer on your answer sheet。
A. Brightwood Park
Take you up to Westfield’s natural preserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond. You can look for deer and other woodland animals or go on a nature treasure hunt.
B. Jewark Airport
The airport offers free tours covering the history of the airport, terminal operations, and emergency vehicles and equipment for groups of  15 to 30 persons. The tours are intended for students in grades three and above. See also Newark International Airport.
C. Cheesequake State Park
The Cheesequake State Park features 1,284 acres of open fields, a hardwood forest, a variety of wildlife and about 200 species of birds. Activities include hiking, boating, canoeing, swimming and a variety of winter sports. An Interpretive Center provides live wildlife exhibits and environmental education programs, including nature walks.
D. The Model Railroad Club
The Model Railroad Club is an activity of the Union County Park System. The Club is open to visitors every Saturday afternoon for viewing the model train displays. Every fall, the Club sponsors a Light and Sound Show that will delight the model train lovers.
E. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm
Learn about farming as it was dons 100 years ago at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm. There are weekend demonstrations on planting and harvesting crops as well as special programs held throughout the year. Some of these include wool cutting and carriage driving.
F. Republic of Mauritius
An island country, lies 1, 200 miles off the southeastern coast of Africa. It covers 788 square miles and has a population of 1,100,000. The country can be divided into many parts with different climate all because of its peculiar terrains(地形).Mauritius has many rare and unique animals, such as snakes, parrots and lizards.
Mike, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He likes to get close to nature and enjoy water sports.
Peter and Kate and their two teenage sons, have to take their holidays out-doors. They would like to find a place where they can play games, such as looking for treasure.
Harry, a high school student, wants to travel on weekends, and would like to learn about materials to use when building a setting for the train set.
Maria, a primary school teacher, plans to take the whole class of 20 students for a holiday. The students will graduate this year, so she’d like to organize an activity without charge but it is instructive.
John, a young engineer in a modern car factory, enjoys an adventure journey once a year. This time, he would like to have journeys to the countryside, where he can try to learn about driving a horse and carriage.
出游者                             旅游地点
66.Mike                             A. Brightwood Park
67.Peter,Kate and their sons                B. Jewark Airport
68.Harry                            C. Cheesequake State Park
69.Maria                            D. The Model Railroad Club
70.John                             E. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm
F. Republic of Mauritius

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A. Commemorative show: To mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, the founder of modern prose drama, a concert titled "Nora's Songs" will be given.
Time: 7:30 pm, March 20
Place: Peking University Concert Hall
Tel: 6275-2279, 6275-9637
B. Feel the mood: Jonathan Lee will host his 2006 concert in Beijing. As the master of music in Taiwan, Lee is famous for his unique annotation of love, mood and life.
Time: 7:30 pm, March 24, 25
Place: Capital Gymnasium, Baishiqiao Lu, Haidian District
Tel: 6835-4020
C. Chamber music: The chamber concert series of China Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will greet audiences with a woodwind quintet, a string quartet plus Bach's piano concerto and suite.
Time: 7:30 pm, March 25
Place: The Concert Hall of the Central Conservatory of Music, 43 Baojiajie, Xicheng District
Tel: 6641-4759, 6642-5744
D. Pop star: Singer and composer Emil Chau, one of the most admired music idols in China and Southeast Asia, will perform a solo concert in Beijing. Chau was born in Hong Kong and attended college in Taiwan. He has released more than 30 albums in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
Time: 7:30 pm, March 31
Place: Capital Gymnasium, Baishiqiao Lu, Haidian District
Tel: 6833-5552
E. Music for children: Some 50 colourful music-related performances will be staged until August 28 in an "Open the Door to Music" series of concerts, in a move to foster Chinese children's taste for art. The concert series will be held in several venues, sponsored by the Forbidden City Concert Hall and supported by the Beijing Municipal Culture Bureau.
Tickets: 10-100 yuan (US$1-12)
Time/date: 2 pm or 7:30 pm, July 20-August 28
Location: mainly in the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Zhongshan Park, some in Peking University Hall in Haidian District and in the China Puppet Art Theatre and Poly Theatre
Tel: 6506-5343, 6506-5345
F. Beautiful timbre: Jasmine Leong will meet her Beijing fans next month. Singing with beautiful timbre, Leong will present a series of love stories to the audience. To highlight the theme of love, 200 sets of lover's tickets, valued at 1800 yuan will be presented.
Tickets: 180-980 yuan (US$22-121)
Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 9
Location: Workers' Gymnasium, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District
Tel: 6501-6655
56. His platinum albums such as "You Make Me Happy and Sad," "Flowery Heart," "Music Brings Us Together" and "Emil & Friends" have brought him numerous awards in Singapore, and China's Taiwan and Hong Kong.
57. Jonathan Lee represents the creative spirit of the past 20 years in Taiwan and many renowned singers like Sarah Chan (Chen Shuhua), Sandy Lam (Lin Yilian), Emil Chau (Zhou Huajian) and Karen Mok (Mo Wenwei) draw great inspiration from Lee's works.
58. Jasmine Leong is a Malaysian singer who is very popular on the Taiwan music scene. Focusing on lyrical songs, Leong's Beijing performance will also tap into rock & roll music.
59. To remember Henrik Ibsen, with pianist Wolfgang Plagge, violinist Annar Folles and soprano Gao Xia, the Norwegian Ibsen Trio will present the classic works of the celebrated playwright.
60. The mix of musical treats for children in Beijing includes various kinds of art forms, including Western classical music and Chinese traditional music, as well as puppet plays, crosstalk shows, and highlights of Chinese local operas such as Peking Operas and Kunqu Operas.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Toyota Electron - 2006 (new): Toyota's new car is both powerful and economical. Using a combination of fuel and electricity this car will not only save money on petrol bills, but it will also save the environment. Has air conditioner and leather seats. Price: $17,500
BMW Series 7 - 2006 (new): Judged the "Car of Year" by Wheels Magazine this is the best high-class car on the market.  It is big enough for 5 people but is smooth and fast.    Has all the latest safety equipment and computer mapping system. Price: $84,900
Porsche 911 - 2006 (new): This newest Porsche is packed with the latest safety equipment and engine technology.  It can hold 2 people and the roof can come down automatically for you to enjoy the fresh air. Has DVD entertainment system and computer mapping system. Price: $72,000
Chrysler Minibus - 2005 (second-hand):  With its unique seating design, this vehicle can hold up to 14 people.  Silver outside with black leather inside and in excellent condition.
Has 2 automatic sliding doors plus DVD entertainment system. Price: $19,200
Ford Fairlane - 1998 (second-hand): With a traditional Ford design, this car is dark blue and is an ideal second car for the family. Mechanically in good condition. Has air-conditioner and CD player. Price: $6,900
Honda Civic - 1996 (second-hand): This small, white, two-door car is easy to park and cheap to run. Inside and outside both in excellent condition.  It uses very little fuel and is the perfect car for city driving. Has CD player. Price: $2,500
Robert Anderson.  Robert has just been appointed the manager of a large international company. He wants to get a car that will impress his business colleagues yet is also suitable for transporting his wife and three children.
Julie Sunderland. Julie has recently moved into the city where she is studying. She needs a car that is cheap to buy and run so she can get to university and to her part-time job.
Bill Woodward. Bill is the coach of the local football team and needs a car that can take the players and equipment to and from their games.
Mary Alderson. Mary's rich dad promised he would buy her a new car for graduating from university. She wants something that is safe, that will allow her to enjoy listening to music and show off to her friends.
Kate Power. Kate needs to get a car to travel to her new job. But she feels guilty about the pollution she will cause so she wants a car that will do the least amount of harm to the environment.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here are five letters from readers listed in 1-5. All the greetings and signatures are left out. Suppose you are a secretary of the magazine CR (Crazy English Reader), for each one find a suitable reply from A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra reply which you don’t need to use.
51. I am a reader of CR. Recently I found students translate some articles of CR. I appreciate your offering an opportunity to us beginners to practice using English. So I want to ask how they can obtain these articles and translated them for you, and what qualities you require. Thank you.
52. I love your Crazy English Reader magazine! It provides valuable data for work in our English teaching. My wife and I are teaching Conversational English so I’ve been giving you a bit of a plug at our middle school. I told the students to “get a copy!” It’s good stuff! Fantastic!
53. I’m one of Yao’s fans from Guangzhou. I have read the Yao Ming articles in No.7 Crazy English Reader. I want to know his correspondence address and the official website. Could you please tell me? Thank you very much indeed.
54. First of all, I must say thank you very much to all the CE Reader editors who gave us a really good English magazine. Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. In each passage, you gave us some new words with their Chinese translation. However, as far as my knowledge, I think you should give us not only the Chinese meaning but also the English meaning so as to know the words more accurately. Thank you!
55. I am an editor of the English Monthly of our school. I have a question that is how to say the position of the paper e.g. and so on. I hope you can help me to tell me the word in English. The more the better. Thank you so much! I love the book very much. Now, I do this work, I need study more information about this work, if you have time, please email me. Thank you.

A.Thank you for your suggestion. We may try that in some future issues of CR. I think the best way to improve your reading vocabulary is to be able to guess the meaning of the word from the other words around it. Also, if you have an English dictionary, it’s good to look up the words and then mark them down in a notebook and review them later on. Then if you really want to learn how to use the words, try using them in conversation or in writing. Hope this helps.
B.The best way for you to learn the different positions in a newspaper or magazine is to get a copy of an all-English magazine or newspaper and then copy down the different positions. There are also titles such as Managing Editor, reporter, Copy Editor, Photo Editor and Layout Editor. I hope this helps. If you have some more specific questions, you can send them to me and I’ll try to answer.
C.The best way to reach Yao directly is through his home team, the Shanghai Sharks. You can write him at 2570 Xietu Road, Shanghai. For more information on Yao, you can look at the sports section in sina. com. I hope this helps. Another idea is that you can try to write Yao while he’s living and playing in Houston. You can try to reach Yao in the US at: Yao Ming Compaq Centre 10 Houston, TX 77046
D.Thank you for being such a careful reader of CR. Yes, you’re right we made a mistake in the writing of that Chinese word. Each issue we try to read very carefully each article and its translation to make sure there are no mistakes, but unfortunately a few mistakes always get by. But you encourage us to keep improving, so thank you.

E. Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. We contact these translators directly after interviewing their translation work. Afterwards we assign the articles to them for translation. If you are interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself and a sample of your translation work.
F.  Thank you for helping us to promote CR. We’re glad it’s helpful to your students. We always try to include articles that reflect real life. It’s our hope that CR will not only improve student’s English but also open up a different worldview.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A.Vista’s Enrichment Program Helps Shay Find Role Models and Alter Bad Attitudes. At a time when arts education is disappearing in public schools, Vista’s enrichment programs are thriving, providing residents and students valuable outlets for creativity, allowing them to express themselves, boosting their self – esteem, and helping them to heal.
B.The Child Car Program is a comprehensive program combining child care, child development services, mental health services, and family support services to income eligible families. Child care is provided in a network of 20 State licensed family child care homes located in the Hollywood and Mid – Wiltshire areas. The program enables low – income parents to work or attend school or job training programs, thus supporting and enhancing parent / family self – sufficiency and self – esteem.
C.The Family Project is a prevention and treatment program for families with young children and their siblings who are at – risk for child abuse and neglect. Clinicians make weekly home visits to provide counseling / family therapy, parent education, child development guidance, family support services, mental health services, and case management.
D.The Teen Parent Project serves pregnant and parenting teens at local high schools by providing a combination of education, case management, and counseling. The Teen Project is designed to help students stay in school, be good parents to their children, and avoid continued involvement in high – risk behaviors.
E.Family Service of Santa Monica, Home SAFE. Julia Ann Singer Center, Reiss – Davis Child Study Center and Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services – are always looking for caring dedicated professionals to be part of a team that truly makes a difference in the lives of troubled children. For students pursuing degrees in family / child oriented psychotherapy, Vista Del Mar also offers a Family Therapy Internship Program
F.Community Services – We’re here to assist you in growing your Family through Adoption. Vista Del Mar’s adoption services, established in 1948, is one of country’s largest, state licensed, private, non – profit adoption services. We help over 200 children each year find a permanent home through Domestic, International and Foster Adoption opportunities.
56.Anderson is a firefighter while his wife is a cleaner.They are too busy to look after their two—year-old daughter so they look for someone else with child.care experience to look after her, but they are not well.paid.
57.John is a high school student who lacks confidence.He is very tamed and always fellow others,but he never tries to create anything new, because he believe he himself is low in ability.Now, his parents desire to find role models to inspire him.
58.Charles got married 5 years ago However, his wife lost the ability of giving birth after an accident Now’ they want badly to adopt a child to color their life.
59.Catherine is a girl of 16 studying in a high school of Ohio As a single mother of a two-year-old child,she is suffering from high pressure How she regrets her risk behavior in the past Now, she needs others to teach her to be a good parent as well as give her some advice on coping with different affairs
60.James was born in a low—class family His father is always drunken and beats him while his mother can do nothing but complain.Though is eager to receive a good education but is given no chance to go to school. He hopes to live in a harmonious family where he is cared and respected.He longs for help.
人物                           服务机构
56.Anderson         A.Vista’s Enrichment Program
57.John             B.The Child Care Program
58.Charles         C.The Family Project
59.Catherine         D.The Teen Parent Project
60.James           E.Family Service Of Santa Monica
F.Community Services

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

61.Anna: I get really frustrated easily, and sometimes I end up yelling at people I love.I'm not very sure why it happens, but I have no control over it.How can I stop?
62.Smith: Some kids are making fun of me because I'm doing very well at school.Isn't that something to be proud of? I need advice.
63.Wilkins: I can't sociaize.I am really shy, and I am already a freshman in high school. I have some new friends, but I am still shy to the cool kids.Can you help me, please?
64.Crick: I always say what I feel immediately and without thinking.Sometimes I get in trouble for it or feel sorry about it later.Is speaking your mind a good or a bad thing?
65.June: I love to read! But I don't have any time to read because of all of my activities.I don’t want to quit anything.What should I do?
Instead of feeling upset, you should definitely be proud of yourself.Intelligence is a quality that everyone wants, and as you get older it's going to be what people love and respect about you.Still water runs deep.I'm sure as time goes by, some of those kids making fun of you might realize how cool you actually are.
Everyone has to leam how to adapt to society and mix socially with others.No man is an island, as the saying goes.To become a sociable person, you must be naturally friendly.Besides, do something for a social situation.A teacher once gave me this great advice: Prepare a conversation in your head before going into an uncomfortable social situation.It sounds like a lot of work, but it's easy and it works! Get involved in activities that interest you and you will make new friends fast.
Always keep a book with you so that you can read during pockets of free time.Turn some of your TV or computer time into reading time.Read for a little while right before bed, and find time to read on weekends.Also, talk to your parents about your schedule.You might not want to quit anything, but you might need to find more free time in order to have a happy balance in your life.
That feeling is your conscience, and it's telling you that you need to confess what you did.Be brave and tell your parents.Even if they get upset when they hear about it from you, they would be even more upset to hear about it from your friend's mom.So pick a quiet time and say.Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something, but I'm afraid.Then spill the beans.No matter what they say, you'll be relieved not to have this secret any more.
First, identify what is frustrating you, then learn to calm yourself down.The next time you start feeling frustrated, stop what you're doing and breathe deeply.Count to ten.Get up and walk around.Clear your mind before you come back to the frustrating task.If you keep a cool head, you'll be less likely to snap at others.And if you do yell at someone, apologize and admit that it's not that person's fault.Then calm down and try again.
Speaking your mind can be a really good thing.Far too many people don't, except when talking about someone behind that person's back.However, there are times when honesty does more than good like when a girl asks if she looks fat.So in situations in which there's no real good, you are better off keeping your thoughts to yourself.In situations in which that is not the case like when your brother asks if his breath stinks feel free to tell the truth.Just be prepared to take it in return.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

61. Desmond is a young and promising athlete. He decides to buy a car to develop a brighter future. Of course, the car must be extremely fast and is especially fit for him, a sportsman.
62. Carla has just been admitted to a famous university and has been permitted to buy a car. As a young girl, she certainly put safety factors above all.
63. Russel, a farmer in a mountainous area. To transport his goods to town timely , he wants to buy a car.He hopes the car will run very fast and, first of all must meet the natural conditions.
64. Fighting in the commercial circle, Malcolm got a great success. With an aggressive ambition, he decides to buy a luxury car to develop an even brighter future.
65. Warren likes travelling to different parts of the country in any weather situation,good or bad. He expects to have a satisfactory car to make his career better.
A  Provided by an advanced-design Triton engine, with a perfect cooling system, and plenty of pulling power. Passenger safety is excellently strengthened by second Generaion double airbags.
B  Equipped with the first four-cam,32-valve V8 engine offered in an SUV(运动型多功能车).An advanced source of power generating 320 twisting force and 230 horsepower.
C  An aggressive, confident look, one that is backed by impressive dynamics.Engaging all the senses in driving experience.
D  Maserati with style, quality and high technology is able to create some of the fastest and most advanced road cars in the world. It’s quite good at climbing mountains.
E  The new Lincoln Aviator is equipped with 302-hp best –in-class V8,3rd-row seating and available climate-controlled front seats.Magnificence comes in all sizes.
F  The land-based rocket ships with cockpits full of computers and video screens. You can talk to the car and it can respond. The car is invisible to the wind.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节信息匹配(共 5小题,每小题 2分,满分10分)
Li Hua has just come back from the US and intends to give some of his relatives mentioned in 61-65 some books as gifts. He brings back six books (A-F). After the description of each person, decide which book is the most suitable one for the people and then mark the correct letter(A-F)on your answer sheet. There is one extra book,which you do not need to use.
_______61. Li Hua’s uncle is fond of reading story books. He reads all kinds of stories such as love stories, historical stories, detective stories, etc. However, there is no doubt that science fiction stories are his favorites.
_______62. Li Hua’s mother works for a local newspaper. She used to write a column (专栏) about love but now she is making a survey about how much foreigners know about Chinese people and culture. She has been collecting materials in China and from abroad.
_______63. Li Hua’s father is an history teacher who is very interested in the history of China, especially China’s modern history. What’s more, he pays special attention to the development of China’s minority areas.
_______64. Li Hua’s cousin is a senior middle school student who is going to take the College Entrance Examination next year. But she is not good at English, especially English grammar. So she is looking for some books which are helpful.
_______65. Li Hua’s little brother is studying in a Middle School. He as well as some other students is going to pay a visit to an American middle school and stay there for three weeks. He is a little worried because he knows nothing about American school life.

A.Into Tibet: The CIA’s First Spy and His Secret Expedition to Lhasa (by Thomas Laird)
This book introduces the identity and specific spy activities of Douglas Mackiernan, the first CIA agent (中情局探员) who was killed on duty by armed Tibetans. The author of the book based his description on detailed research based on the memories of former CIA agents and interviews with related eyewitnesses in Tibet and India.
B.Practical English Usage (by Michael Swan)
This book is a practical reference guide to language points. It deals with over 600 points which regularly cause problems for foreign students of English. Most of the points treated are grammatical, but there are also explanations of a certain number of common vocabulary problems. Being a reference book, it contains information at various levels, ranging from relatively simple points to quite advanced problems.
C.Battlefield Earth (by L.Ron Hubbard)
An intelligent and creative masterwork of adventure in the far future, L.Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth describes an Earth controlled for a thousand years by an alien invader (入侵者)—and man is an endangered species. New York Times best-selling author L. Ron Hubbard has created a vast, unforgettable and exciting world in Battlefield Earth.
D.Xu Ling’s American Adventure ( by Mary Williams)

Xu Ling is an excellent Chinese student from Hangzhou. As his father goes to America for a one-year training, Xu Ling, as well as his mother goes with his father and begins his new life in Eisenhower High School. The book consists of 21 chapters, each reflecting Xu Ling’s life in America in a different aspects. The book is written in the most fundamental words and is intended for Chinese middle school students.
E. Chicken Soup for the Couple’s Soul (by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
This is a book for husbands and wives and lovers and anyone who dreams of finding their soul’s true mate (配偶). Each story in this book was written by someone who has been transformed by love. Some stories will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. But above all, the stories in this book sing high praise for love’s ability to endure, beyond years, beyond difficulty, beyond distance, beyond even death.
F. Where’s the Duck in Peking? ( by Cliff Schimmels)
Whether you are a China expert or a novice, this book will give you insight into the hearts and minds of the Chinese people. Cliff brings the reader to tears on one page and belly laughter on the next. This profound look into China’s everyday life is a must-read for anyone interested in working in China or working with the Chinese people.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 信息匹配(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)


The Antidepressant Survival Guide: Beat the Side Effects of Your Medication
by Robert J. Hedaya, M.D,
Robert J. Hedaya, M.D., is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Hospital's Department of Psychiatry.
Motto: Live well.
B.How Fear Limits Us

On Becoming Fearless... in Love, Work, and Life
by Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington was raised in Greece by her fearless mother. She has written this book for her two daughters in the hope that they will lead fearless lives.
Motto: Overcome the obstacle, get over the next hill.
C.Determination: How to Set Goals and Go After Them

Fight Your Fear and Win
by Don Greene, Ph.D.
Don Greene, Ph.D., was a nationally ranked high school diver. He was the sports psychologist for the U.S. Olympic Diving Team.
Motto: Determination is drive.
D.The Anger Business

Anger : The Misunderstood Emotion
by Carol Tavris, Ph.D.
Carol Tavris, Ph.D., was senior editor. she now teaches from time to time in the department of psychology at UCLA
Motto: Reduce Stress!
E.In the Presence of Danger

The Gift of Fear
by Gavin de Becker
Davin de Becker, America’s leading expert on violence, is the bestselling author of the Gift of Fear: Survival Signals.
Motto: Trust and act on our straight instincts.

63.This useful, popular book shows that if you are gone broke and lose love, please hold yourself back. If you look fat, just face it calmly. If you are in survival thinking, the most important is that you get rid of all the difficulties in front of us, life will be safe, perfect. If your daughters are to take their rightful place in society, they must become fearless.
64.In this book, the author calls the nation’s leading experts on violent behavior, and shows you how to spot even tiny signs of danger before it’s too late. Most violent acts are unpredictable. It points out that true fear is often a signal that can save your life. Believe the threat of violence surrounds us every day. But we can protect ourselves by straight judgment.
65.This book based on his years of clinical experience. It says about twenty-five million Americans take medicine to avoid depression. Despite the advances in the treatment of depression in recent years, many patients, even with the best medical care, feel that they are not living rich and fulfilling lives. This book will direct you how to survive well.
66.This interesting book tells us that annoyance is as much a political matter as a biological one. And anger is a definite message: Pay attention to me. I don’t like what you are doing. Restore my pride. You’re in my way. Give me justice. This book suggests that when you’re angry, just let it right out.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
Desmond, Carls, Russel, Malcolm, Warren正计划买一辆小车。阅读他们的情况和下面六种小车的介绍(选项A、B、C、D、E、F),选出符合各自需求的最佳选项(选项中有一项是多余选项)。请将答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔写在非选择题答题卷标号为56—60的相应位置上。
56.Desmond is young and promising athlete. Having won a champion in an important international game, he decides to buy a car to develop a brighter future. Of course, the car must be extremely fast and is especially fit for him, a sportsman.
57.Carls has just been admitted to a famous university hundred of kilometers away from her hometown and has been permitted to buy a car. As a young girl, she certainly put safety factors above all.
58.Russel, a farmer in a mountainous area, is growing hundreds of acres of crops. To transport his goods to town timely, he wants to buy a car. He hopes the car will run very fast and, first of all, must meet the natural conditions.
59.Fighting in the commercial circle (商界) and getting a great success, Malcolm makes a fortune. With an aggressive ambition, he decides to buy a luxury car to develop an even brighter future.
60.Warren is a merchant traveling to different parts of the country in any weather situation, good or bad. He expects to have a satisfactory car to make his career better.
A                                       B

Provided by an advanced – design Triton engine, with a perfect cooling system, and plenty of pulling power. Passenger safety is excellently strengthened by the Second Generation double airbags and side door intrusion beams. Luxury packages with deluxe accommodation (良好的空间).


Was it wind? Or was it fear? Chances are the both. Equipped with the first four – cam 32 – valve  V8 engine offered in a sport – utility (实用) vehicle. An advanced source of power generating 320 Ib – ft of twisting force and 230 horsepower.




A spirited package that takes the zoom – zoom (疾行声) ethos into the mainstream(主流社会). An aggressive, confident look, one that’s backed by impressive dynamics. Engaging all the senses in the driving experience. Bottom line: If you’re in the market for a sedan, stop by our store and ask to try on one of ours Good luck will be with you!


C                                        D

Style quality and high technology are the ingredients (要素) which have enabled Maserati to create some of the fastest and most advanced road cars in the world.
It’s one thing to climb a Mountain. It’s quite another look good doing it.



E                                          F

The cars with shapes we’d seen only in our dreams. The land – based roeket ships. With cockpits (驾驶座) full of computers and video screens. The cars that are invisible to the wind. Where are the cars we were promised?


302 – hp best – in – class V8 3rd – row
seating. And available climate – controlled front seats. The new Lincoln Aviator. Like Navigator, just smaller, Proof that magnificence comes in all size. There are those who travel. And those who travel well.



计划买车的人         供选择的汽车
56.Desmond           A.Car A
57.Carls                B.Car B
C.Car C
58.Russel              D.Car D
59.Malcolm           E.Car E
60.Warren             F.Car F

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. http://www.ddff.com
The site enables users to keep track of where their friends are and get informed of who is visiting their hometown. Users put in their travel plan and contact their friends. It allows them to see where everyone is.
B. http://www.euke.com
A New York-based Internet businessman once said it was “your place to buy and sell all things handmade”. You can sell everything made by yourself from clothes and furniture to music on Euke.com. The site was founded in 2005 and now has more than half a million users and 60.000 sellers.
C. http://www.momo.com
Created by a London games firm, Momo combines computer pet games with social communication and questions. Players keep “pets”, and look after them by answering regular questions. “Pets” can play with each other online, providing “pet owners” with chances to socialize. With its funny pictures and attractive qualities, Momo wants to become the next craze for young people.
D. http://www.png.canwest.com
The site provides a platform for companies and individuals that try to satisfy every need of today’s customers. The practice has moved from the office to the customer’s kitchen and beyond. And the services provided include everything from dog walking to laundry. Founded this year, the site already has more than 5,000 users.
E. http://www.cosm.com
Instead of marketing videos, Cosm centers on online video diaries. The site has not gone public yet, but has had positive reviews from testers. The website’s founder was once an Internet advisor to an international company.
F. http://www.ttter.com
Ttter enables you to text messages to large groups of people at a time, and for free. Sign up and send it a message, from a phone or the Internet, and it will be sent to receivers. The message is limited to just 140 characters. Set up in March, 2006, Ttter.com has already attracted over 500,000 users.
51.Tara has got a new video camera and is crazy about it. Wherever she goes, she’d like to take it with her and record everything she finds interesting. She thinks it cool to share her life with others through the recordings.
52.As a newcomer to this city, Claudia wants to make new friends with people around her. She likes this city except for one thing, that is, she is not allowed to raise any pet due to the flat rules. That’s too much for an animal lover like her.
53.Monica is clever with her hands and likes making toys. She wants to find a way to show her work to others and share the pleasure with them. If possible, she’d like to make pocket money by selling the toys.
54.Terry worries about his phone bill every month. As he has lots of friends, making phone calls, sending and receiving messages are a necessary part of his life. Sometimes he has to say hello to each of his friends by mobile phone. It costs him lots of time and money.
55.In his spare time, Tony travels a lot. It’s hard for his friends to get in touch with him when he’s away. He’s like to find a way to share his travel experiences with his friends and let them know where he is.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
