
How many time do you spend with your parents?             1.___________
Your parents are your dearer people in the world                     2.___________
when you are young. And they always care of you                   3.___________
deep. But even though many children still love their                   4.___________
mum and dad, families may become more close                         5.___________
as you get older. The end of the year is a time for                 6.___________
families to get together. Have you ever thought of                     7.___________
how you can show your parents that you love them?                8.___________
Find a chance and do something for them or to have               9.___________
sincere talk with them. If you can do this, your parents            10.___________
will be very happy.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today is Sunday, The sky is full of sunshine, so does my life. 1.___________
At about 9:00a.m, I go to the bookstore with my friends, there     2.___________
was a lot of new books, I didn’t know which one to buy, because     3.___________
these books were all useful to me. At last, I chose two.          4.___________
At 10:00, we went to the cinema, the film calling Titanic was 5.___________
very popular. It took us about 3 hours to see. Having seen the     6.___________
film, and everyone was deeply moved. Some friends even         7.___________
burst out tears. From the story, I understand that love is noble      8.___________
and valuable. That’s a really wonderful film, It is very worth    9.___________
seeing again.
What a happy day! I hope tomorrow I will be even happy!    10.____________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Behind my apartment, there is used to be a dirty and                1.___________
messy comer. Bits of plastic bags hanged on the trees.              2.___________
Broken bottles were left laying here and there. There was         3.___________
a damaging car in the center. The whole comer gave off an     4.________
unpleasant smell. One year ago, we decided to turn it in a       5.___________
beautiful park. Since then, great changes have been taken place       6.________
in that comer. All the rubbish have been cleared away. Flowers      7.____
and young trees have planted all over. Now birds come            8.___________
here to sing, children come here to play, and adults come here       9.________
to enjoy our peaceful life. It has taken on a new look.             10.__________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The English Corner in Zhongshan Park is where people             1.___________
go to practise their speaking English. Every Sunday afternoon    2.________
they gather around, talk to each other in English. Among           3.___________
they are students, teachers, doctors, and so on. I first went to an   4.____
English Corner when I was in Junior Grade Two. I went there on  5.____
every Sunday and chat with some people in English. In the       6.________
past three years I had never been absent. I’m sure I’ve made  7.________
some progresses in my listening and speaking. And I have         8.___________
made many friends there. The English Comer is really good       9.________
place. I hope that more friends will join in us.                            10.________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it is         1. ______
my best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with a  2. ___
bike. Ride gives me not only exercise but also pleasure. I                 3.________
use my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm                4._______
and dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and           5._______
rain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of course             6.________
I will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are not           7.________
the only problem. One day I went to school and come back           8._________
to find his front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to                9._______
the repairer’s shop. Now I have two strong locks.                             10.________

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last winter vacation, some of my classmates decide to               1.           
travel with their friends, while I chose to take par-time job         2.           
to gain experience and earn some money. I learned from my       3.           
teacher that a nearby company was looking after students        4.           
with good handwriting to write address on envelope. The       5.           
pay were 10 cent per envelope. I headed for the company,       6.           
feeling sure I would easy finish 300 envelops in five hours and      7.           
to earn the money. Actually, I only finished 200. Now, I         8.           
fully understand how hard is to earn money. Getting out        9.           
of the classroom is indeed necessary for we all.                10.           

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Time flies as an arrow. I'm already in the second half        1.______
of senior grade 3 before I realized it. It is only a little more        2.______
than three months before I graduate middle school. At       3.______
the present, I'm busy reviewing my lessons in order to      4.______
take the college entrance examination. I hope to go to        5.______
Beijing University, that is one of the best universities not    6.______
only in China but also in the world. I'll try my best to turn 7.______
my dream to reality. Most of my classmates are also 8.______
studying very hard to realize our wishes. I do believe everyone   9.______
will be able to enter a very good university and college.         10._____

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Should students make friends on line? Some people think the Internet help make 1._____
many friends .Chatting online ,students can express his feelings             2.______
and opinions more freely ,and even get help at their foreign                  3.______
language studies Others ,therefore ,think students should not .                4.______
They say making friends online is waste of time ,                          5.______
which should be spent more meaningfully on study .                       6.______
Besides ,some students get cheat on line .                                 7.______
It is my opinion whether students should place their study,                 8.______
health and safe before other things .                                     9.______
After all ,we can find friend in our classmates..                           10.______

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We have done a survey recently to find whom students will turn to 1.______
when they in trouble .The following are the results .   2.______
Most of students will go to their friends ,because  3.______
they are almost the same age and are able to  4.______
understand each other easy .Some students will tell  5.______
their parents or teachers about their troubles for the reason that they all 6.____
have too much experience that they can be trusted   7.___
by their kids and students. Only a few students    8______
prefer to solving the problemsall by themselves .They hate to talk with others  9______
and can’t get on well with others .As a result ,they have more friends . 10._____

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Alice,
I have just got some good mews to tell to you.   1. ______
I win a national prize for painting last week.         2. ______
My father was so pleasing that he suggested         3. ______
I go to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying     4. ______
There for half a month, visiting place of interest      5. ______
Or practicing my English as well. We’ve been      6. ______
Writing to each for nearly a year now. I have         7. ______
often dreamed of talk face to with you.             8. ______
I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that       9. ______
Time. Perhaps we could go out to do some         10. ______
sightseeing together.                           

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Ms Smith,
I am secretary of the City Student Union (CSU). We were organizing an art1. _____
exhibition for high school students in city. 2. _____
This will be held on the 9th of July3. _____
in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. More than 1000 painting will be on show, 4. _____
but high school students and teachers from all the eight districts will come to the event. 5. _____
As you are very popularly with us Chinese high school students, 6. _____
we’d like to invite for you to the exhibition. 7. _____
We would be grateful when 8. _____
you could join them that day. 9. _____
Looking forward to hear from you soon. 10. _____
Li Ming

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is important to do with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be     1.____________
treated properly. Thus, it may cause a lot of prob­lems. It may pollute  2.____________
the air and water. When people breathe the polluted air or drink polluted   3.____________
water, we may get ill. Our city has begun to pay attention to the roblem.   4.____________
As far as I know, some rubbish is sorted and sent to different facto­ry. 5.____________
Rubbish, such as old newspapers and glass, are recycled. Some harmful      6.____________
rubbish is sent to a certain place and buried. Waste air is cleaned after it  7.____________
goes into the air. Waste water is treated before it poured into rivers. To    8.____________
protect from the environment, the government has passed laws to   9.____________
prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. We should do our    10.___________
best to take good care of the environment and fight against pollution.

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The others day, on his way back from school, Li Ming                  1._____
found a strange-looked toy car lying on the grass.                   2._____
Curiously, he picked it out and played with it. To his                   3.______
great surprising, suddenly ,the toy became larger and larger .             4.______
Finally it changed into a real car .A moment Li Ming               5.______
got into the car ,from a speaker above coming a stranger’s                6._____
voice: “Please input your address on the screen in front of             7._____
you, and fastened your seat belt. You will go wherever                   8._____
you like ”. As a boy full of adventures, Li Ming decided to                  9._____
take a risk and try on this magic car ….                               10.____

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although the first computer was only introduced
to China in the mid-1950s, since then ,a number of computers       1._____
used in different fields has been grown rapidly.                     2.______
Computers are now affected millions of people in countless ways       3.______
every day. They are used to predict the weather, examine the           4.______
ocean,and to develop defence systems. They depend more and more   5._____
heavy on computers. There is no reason to think that their use         6._____      
will decrease.By the contrary ,they will develop more rapidly            7. ______
as you think.If you are among those who still don't know much               8.______
about computers, you will lost in the future.                               9.______
You should learn what you can while you still have the chance               10.______

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Sue,
Well, I am here in the Beijing! I'm staying at a            1.         .
very comfortable hotel the same like ours in Britain and        2.         .
enjoy Chinese food, though I miss my English break
fast.                                                          3.         .
It has been very kind and helpful for everyone to               4.         .
help me everywhere. Yesterday I visited the Summer            5.         .
Palace where the Emperors were used to go in the                    6.         .
summers. Today I'm off to see the Great Wall,it is one            7.         .
of the wonders m the world. In a word, all are very               8.         .
interesting, so I do wish you could go to visit China.              9.         .
Hope everyone home is well.                                            10.         .

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
