
Long, long ago, a man had a cat which he loved very,very much.He thought it was such an unusual animal that he decided to name it Sky.

    One day,a friend said to him,"Allow me to (1)  to you that there is something stronger than sky.I mean the clouds,for they (2)  the sky." "You are right," (3)  the man."From now on, I'm going to give my most unusual cat the name Cloud."

    Sometime later, one of his neighbors was drinking tea at his house. "(4)  do you call this unusual animal Cloud? For there is (5)  much stronger than the clouds. I mean the wind that blows away the clouds (6)  it." So from then on the man called the cat of which he was so(7)  by the name of Wind.

    But a week had not passed when the leader of the town noticed this quite unusual cat. "Wind," he said, "seems to me a (8)  that is not worth the quality of this animal. The wind meets his master every day.I mean the wall that it cannot (9)  through." "Ah,so," said the (10)  of the cat, "my most beloved pet will be called Wall."

    A little later, a young man from a nearby school respectfully said to the man that there was something which could beat even a wall ﹣ the (11)  that bit a hole through it."That is (12)  ," said the man. "I will name my most unusual cat Mouse."

    Just then the gardener's little son happened by. "Mouse!" (13)  cried out. "Aha,I know something much stronger than a mouse.I mean the cat that (14)  the mouse and eats him up." At this the man realized his (15)  . And from then on he called the animal by the most beautiful name that anyone had been able to give it ﹣ the name of Cat.

(1)A. carry out

B. point out

C. put out

D. find out

(2)A. hide

B. fill

C. clean

D. decorate

(3)A. asked

B. added

C. replied

D. doubted

(4)A. When

B. Where

C. How

D. Why

(5)A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing

(6)A. as a result of

B. instead of

C. in front of

D. because of

(7)A. scared

B. proud

C. tired

D. sure

(8)A. sport

B. subject

C. weather

D. name

(9)A. look

B. blow

C. walk

D. wash

(10)A. owner

B. seller

C. buyer

D. hunter

(11)A. fish

B. dog

C. mouse

D. bird

(12)A. true

B. wrong

C. necessary

D. interesting

(13)A. I

B. you

C. he

D. she

(14)A. touches

B. finds

C. hits

D. catches

(15)A. kindness

B. foolishness

C. cleverness

D. sadness

  • 更新:2021-01-06
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    When Helen Keller was 19 months old, an illness left her deaf, dump (哑巴) and blind. At the age of five, she began to realize that she was different from other people. Her family members could(1)  with their mouths, but she couldn't talk with her mouth. Sometimes she stood between her parents and touched their (2)  . She could not understand their words, and she could not make any meaningful sounds (3)  . She wanted to talk, but no matter how she tried, her family members could not understand her. This made her very angry. Finally, her parents decided to ask Dr Bell for (4)  

    So just before Helen's seventh birthday, with the help of Dr Bell, her parents hired a private(5)  ﹣Miss Sullivan for her. Miss Sullivan was careful to teach Helen, especially she taught Helen those subjects that she was(6)   in.

    One morning, Miss Sullivan carried a cup in her hand and she took Helen to the pump house (水泵房).(7)  was pumping water (用泵打水) there. Miss Sullivan led Helen to the pump, put the cup in her hand, and let Helen (8)   it under the spout (水泵嘴). Helen's first impulse (冲动) was to throw the cup away. But she liked the feeling when the cool water flowed down over her hand into the (9)  . So she held it there, smiling a little.

    Then Miss Sullivan held Helen's other hand and began to (10)  the word W﹣A﹣T﹣E﹣R on it. Over and over again. (11)   at first, then faster. Suddenly Helen dropped the cup. She stood there quietly, hardly(12)  . Inside her mind, a new idea began to spin round and round.

    "W﹣A﹣T﹣E﹣R! W﹣A﹣T﹣E﹣R! This lovely, cool thing. W﹣A﹣T﹣E﹣R?" She wildly groped (忙乱地摸索) for Miss Sullivan's hand. Her trembling (颤抖的) (13)   began to spell the word on Miss Sullivan's hand, W﹣A﹣T﹣? She didn't finish spelling the word W﹣A﹣T﹣E﹣R, then she felt that Miss Sullivan agreed with her by patting (轻拍) her on the shoulder. Helen was (14)  ! That was "water"! For the first time in Helen's life, she "talked" with another person in this (15)   way! Miss Sullivan's eyes were wet as she cried,"Helen, you're right! You've got it!"

(1)A. drink

B. talk

C. eat

D. bite

(2)A. mouths

B. eyes

C. noses

D. ears

(3)A. himself

B. yourself

C. myself

D. herself

(4)A. food

B. wealth

C. help

D. trouble

(5)A. teacher

B. worker

C. driver

D. writer

(6)A. rich

B. interested

C. successful

D. strict

(7)A. Someone

B. Everybody

C. Anyone

D. Nobody

(8)A. find

B. hold

C. break

D. collect

(9)A. bottle

B. plate

C. bowl

D. cup

(10)A. spell

B. read

C. say

D. explain

(11)A. Easily

B. Carefully

C. Slowly

D. Heavily

(12)A. breathing

B. dancing

C. laughing

D. singing


B. fingers

C. legs

D. knees

(14)A. polite

B. friendly

C. honest

D. right

(15)A. special

B. modest

C. tidy

D. common

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I sat in the same seat every day on the school bus, just in front of Jessica and Cory. One day, they asked to see my lunch box. "Wow, it's really cool," they said. I couldn't(1)  the two ninth graders liked me that much. They returned my lunch box and thanked me for letting them see it. "Oh, my pleasure," I said, filled with(2)  both inside and out.

    When I opened my box at noon, my lunch was gone. The empty box seemed to be(3)  at me. I never even tried to think of another possibility. In one single moment, everything made such a painful(4)  . They were never interested in me, they were not my friends, and this whole time I was some kind of(5)   to them. I felt like a fool. That was how they saw me; that's who I really was. Some little stupid seventh grader thinking she was fitting in with the(6)   kids.

    I never cried. I never said a word. I didn't tell the teacher because I didn't want to get them in trouble.They(7)   thought I was stupid. I didn't want to add "unkind" to the list. I just closed the box and sat in(8)   for the rest of the lunch period.

    The next morning I tried not to even look to the back seat, which of course I did(9)  . It was only Jessica alone. As soon as I sat down in the front seat, someone patted me on the shoulder. It was Jessica. I turned around and(10)  a slight smile. "Look," she said, "I'm so sorry about the lunch thing. Cory has been making a lot of trouble lately and gotten kicked out of school." With that, Jessica handed me a brown paper bag filled with a freshly made lunch. "Hope this would make up for it."

(1)A. accept

B. believe

C. expect

D. prove

(2)A. tricks

B. fears

C. smiles

D. ideas

(3)A. shouting

B. pointing

C. looking

D. laughing

(4)A. effort

B. sense

C. cause

D. mess

(5)A. joke

B. star

C. wonder

D. enemy

(6)A. richer

B. poorer

C. older

D. newer

(7)A. once

B. only

C. almost

D. already

(8)A. silence

B. support

C. surprise

D. success

(9)A. anyway

B. anytime

C. instead

D. indeed

(10)A. missed

B. managed

C. refused

D. remained

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, a 7﹣year﹣old boy held a dollar coin in his hand and asked the shop owners along the street, "Excuse me, do you sell God?"

    All the day, the stubbom(倔强的) boy went in and out of many stores, asking the(1)  question, but each time he was(2)  

    Then, at the sixty﹣ninth store, a 60﹣year﹣old grandpa(3)   and asked the little boy, "Why do you want to buy God?"

    The boy told him that his parents had died when he was still a baby and his uncle was now(4)  him.But several days before, his uncle fell off stairs and was unconscious(昏迷) in hospital.The doctor told the boy that only God could save his uncle.

    "How much do you have?"the old man asked.

    "One dollar, "(5)  the child.

    "My boy, God's price is(6)  one dollar, "said the old man.

     Then the storekeeper took a bottle of "God" from the shelf."(7)  it, boy! When your uncle drinks it, he will get well soon."

    The little boy(8)  to the hospital and shouted happily to his uncle, "Uncle, I bought God back and you will get well soon."

    The next day, a medical team(9)  the world's top medical experts(专家) came to the hospital.The(10)  was very successful.

    When the little boy's uncle saw the large medical bill, he almost passed out.(11)  ,the hospital told him the bill had already been paid by a rich elderly man.

    The little boy's uncle went to the(12)   to thank the old man.But he was away on holiday,(13)   a letter.

    "You don't need to thank me.The bill has been paid by your nephew(侄子).To save you, he brought a(14)   and went into every store lo buy God.Thank God,(15)  was the one that saved you!"

































(9)A.made of

B.made from

C.made up

D.made up of
























D.the storekeeper

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Swedish couple on holiday were traveling around Italy, and wanted to go to Capri.

    Capri is an island in the south of the country,(1)   for its beautiful coastline and a popular tourist destination (目的地).The couple put their destination into their car 's GPS(全球定位系统),(2)   they made a spelling mistake. They(3)   typed CARPI instead of CAPRI. There is a real place called Carpi in Italy, but it is a small town in the(4)  of the country.

    The couple followed the GPS directions. Although they were traveling to an island, it didn't(5)  them that they didn't even cross a bridge or see the sea.When they arrived in Carpi, they went to the tourist office. They asked(6)   they could go to the Blue Grotto,a well﹣known sea cave in Capri. Of course, the office worker there couldn't(7)  them. He thought they wanted to go to a(8)  called the Blue Grotto for dinner.

    When the man realized that the couple thought they were in Capri, he(9)  their mistake.The couple got back into their car and started driving south. The office worker said, "They were(10)  , but not angry."

    It was a spelling mistake that took the couple 600 kilometres from their destination.

(1)A. suitable

B. useful

C. good

D. famous

(2)A. and

B. so

C. or

D. but

(3)A. slowly

B. carelessly

C. patiently

D. clearly

(4)A. north

B. south

C. east

D. west

(5)A. satisfy

B. relax

C. worry

D. touch

(6)A. how

B. where

C. why

D. what

(7)A. refuse

B. control

C. doubt

D. understand

(8)A. museum

B. restaurant

C. station

D. library

(9)A. continued

B. accepted

C. explained

D. repeated

(10)A. interested

B. surprised

C. excited

D. pleased

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Slowly, I opened my eyes and found my legs hard to move.

    A jar and a whip (鞭子) were in my sight. I smelled old plants. Stinky! I looked inside the jar. It was a dark liquid (液体).I guessed this gift might be able to make people get(1)  .I tried it.It tasted awful, so it must be good for us!

    Wow! It(2)  . I wasn't tired any more! I held a rope with one hand and slid all the way down. Then I tied the rope to the top of the cliff and slid down again with its help.

    "Woohoo!" I screamed to my friends. They got out of my way quickly. I(3)  the ground and bounced (反弹) back up. "I met the Emperor of Medicine, and he looks like all of you!" I shouted with excitement. "I've got medicine…and…a whip. Not sure(4)  the Emperor of Medicine gave me a whip, but it's lots of fun! Let's go!" At my words, they were very(5)  , but followed me.

    We hurried toward the(6)  but took a path that ended in a bush. There were too many grasses and other plants for us to move forward. I used my whip to cut through the bush. Then I tasted the juice of the plants I had cut. Suddenly, my tongue (舌头) (7)  feeling anything.

    I now knew the value of the whip. "This juice would be useful for(8)  ." I said. "My tongue is unable to feel." I turned to my friends. "See, all the medicines people need are already here,(9)  . We only need to find and share them."

    Our friends worked in groups. Some went on to take the medicine jar to the village. Others explored with me. In that bush, I began to(10)  .My friends helped me make detailed notes about every plant, including my feelings.

    We travelled together, looking for(11)  . We found the red mushroom which cured me after I couldn't breathe because of a poisonous (有毒的) plant. And every night, we wrote down what we had learned. "This plant can cure a bad stomach." "Don't have this, or it may hurt you."

    We also knew what we had to do. I had to try every plant. My friends had to(12)  the knowledge. Then people would live and be healthy. We all knew that one day I would eat a plant that would(13)  me. And my friends would write everything about it. Then(14)  else would die from eating that poison. We didn't talk about what would happen, but we knew.


    I happened on top of a cliff. I took a bite of a plant and felt my insides(15)  . My friends ran to me.Their faces were the face of the Emperor of Medicine.I could not look away from my last view.There was too much beauty.

(1)A. smart

B. well

C. curious

D. interested

(2)A. moved

B. smelled

C. appeared

D. worked

(3)A. cleaned

B. visited

C. hit

D. set

(4)A. when

B. why

C. where

D. how

(5)A. excited

B. touched

C. relaxed

D. surprised

(6)A. forest

B. mountain

C. village

D. farm

(7)A. began

B. continued

C. stopped

D. risked

(8)A. pain

B. hunger

C. mood

D. sleep

(9)A. growing

B. guarding

C. changing

D. passing

(10)A. dream

B. wait

C. plant

D. eat

(11)A. fruits

B. medicines

C. friends

D. doctors

(12)A. accept

B. avoid

C. share

D. shape

(13)A. kill

B. bite

C. cure

D. save

(14)A. somebody

B. nobody

C. anybody

D. everybody

(15)A. wake

B. breathe

C. reduce

D. break

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    According to several recent surveys,some people fear public speaking more than anything else.(1)  , this fear can be overcome(克服)with two simple methods:practice and using positive(正面的)energy from the audience.Practicing for a speech is essential.(2)  the task of writing the speech is complete, speakers must practice, practice, practice.The more times they practice the speech,the more(3)  they are discussing the topic.Using(4)  such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they look and sound like to the audience.Video is particularly helpful as it can be(5)  many times, with the presenters focusing(集中) on one part at a time.Another(6)  of dealing with public speaking fears is using the audience's positive energy.Speakers need to remember that the audience wants them to(7)  .Something as basic as a small nod or a smile from a member of the audience should give(8)   to the presenters behind the podium.While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation,using the audience's(9)  will(意愿)helps much in making a speech better.

    All in all, these two strategies are sure to help with fear of public speaking.With proper practice and audience empathy(共鸣) ,it is(10)   to overcome the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful speech.So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.















C. signs












C. suppose












C. interesting


  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is hard to imagine how a person is to spend the whole life when only the head and hands are able to move.

    Xu Ruiyang, an 18﹣year﹣old student from Kunming, has suffered(遭 受) from spinal muscular atrophy(脊柱肌肉菱缩)(1)  she was 2 years old. At that time, the doctor said that most children with spinal muscular atrophy will only live a few years.

    The family did not give up, or even just (2)  . To help Xu Ruiyang live with dignity(尊严),her parents (3)   her living and learning skill strictly. Opening a book or raising hands,some very easy actions for common people,(4)  , are big challenges for Xu. She had to use her head or(5)  to work together with hands to finish these actions.

    When she started learning to write ,she couldn't even(6)   a pen.But she never gave up.Once she lost the pen, she picked it up and (7)  writing. Xu finally could write 500 Chinese characters before becoming a primary school student, after(8)  thousands of times.

    Over the past few year,Xu has overcome(克服)many problems,including the(9)   caused by the disease. Her parents worried about her health and(10)  her to drop out of school,but Xu's answer was no."(11)  I read a book and do my homework, the pain is gone,"said Xu.

    When asked by reporters on how to deal with difficulties, Xu calmly said, "Patience.When you can't change anything, crying is useless, so just be(12)  ."

    In Xu's opinion, her sunny and self﹣confident(13)  comes from the love of her parents.

    "If we are not able to make her live longer,we can make her life wider,"said Xu's father.They travelled across China and more than 20(14)  over the world,including Italy,Thailand and Singapore.During these trips,she developed an interest in learning a(15)   language."I think it's cool to learn about other countries' culture and express your feelings to others,"said Xu.

    Last June, she finished China's Gaokao and received an offer from Sichuan International Study University.

(1)A. since

B. before

C. after

D. until

(2)A. discuss

B. depend

C. complain

D. change

(3)A. managed

B. trained

C. praised

D. expected

(4)A. moreover

B. perhaps

C. especially

D. however

(5)A. legs

B. feet

C. mouth

D. knees

(6)A. hold

B. drop

C. pass

D. find

(7)A. stopped

B. continued

C. succeeded

D. regretted

(8)A. imagining

B. counting

C. recording

D. practising

(9)A. cancer

B. fever

C. sadness

D. pain

(10)A. warned

B. forced

C. advised

D. allowed

(11)A. As well as

B. As soon as

C. As a result

D. As usual

(12)A. patient

B. quiet

C. relaxed

D. active

(13)A. personality

B. appearance

C. disability

D. achievement

(14)A. cities

B. countries

C. communities

D. colleges

(15)A. standard

B. modern

C. foreign

D. common

  • 更新:2021-01-07
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was sunny last Friday. I arrived at the railway station at three in the afternoon. I would take the(1)  to Shanghai to see my old friend Jack.But it was two hours(2)  my train left. I thought it was the perfect time and place to look(3)  an act of kindness to do.

    Outside the station, there was a girl having(4)  for sale. I told her that I'd like to buy flowers for someone else, and that she could(5)  who she will give the flowers to. She looked a little puzzled(困惑的),(6)  I suggested that perhaps she could give the flowers to someone who looked a little(7)  . That was because the flowers might cheer him or her up.

   "That's a crazy idea!" said the girl. But then I explained a little more about the idea of doing something for a(8)  , and she understood.

    "I'm leaving for Shanghai and then I'll(9)  know how it turns out," I said. "But you will have a good(10)  to make someone happy.(11)  good deeds(善举)we do, they always come back to us."At that time, she started to seem excited about it.

    She went to(12)  the flowers out of the water, and I explained, "You'd better leave the flowers there until the person(13)  ."

    At that time, I thought she was(14)  surprised and happy, because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I(15)  for the flowers, said goodbye, and walked into the station.

    How wonderful the day was!

(1)A. bus

B. train

C. plane

D. underground

(2)A. when

B. before

C. while

D. after

(3)A. for

B. at

C. up

D. into

(4)A. tickets

B. snacks

C. fruits

D. flowers

(5)A. decide

B. follow

C. change

D. praise

(6)A. or

B. but

C. so

D. yet

(7)A. happy

B. sad

C. proud

D. nervous

(8)A. customer

B. visitor

C. passenger

D. stranger

(9)A. often

B. never

C. usually

D. seldom

(10)A. plan

B. time

C. chance

D. promise

(11)A. However

B. Whatever

C. Whenever

D. Wherever

(12)A. take

B. put

C. carry

D. make

(13)A. leaves

B. goes

C. appears

D. stands

(14)A. between

B. from

C. among

D. beyond

(15)A. prepared

B. asked

C. cared

D. paid

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A window is a common but powerful tool ﹣ a patch(小块) of the world, from which our body is separated. The only thing we can do is look. You have no(1)  on what you will see. However,your brain may make an assumption(猜想) out of whatever happens to appear.

    One day,I was taking a nap(小睡)in my office when I woke up to the(2)  of a car crash.I looked out of my window. A car had just backed into a fence(围栏)and damaged (毁坏)it.

    The driver got out of the car. He was short without hair on his head. I(3)  him at once.

    To my surprise, the man tried to(4)  the damage he caused. However, his efforts all failed. Once he even funnily fell onto the road when trying to pull the fence. I(5)  a lot. The failure of this terrible man was brightening my whole day.

    About 10 minutes later, the man left.

    That, I thought, would be the(6)  of his efforts.The man ﹣ that villainous(可憎的)man ﹣ was going to(7)  all the mess behind for someone else to clean up.

    But this is the(8)  of windows. They contradict(与…矛盾)your easy assumptions. The man appeared a few minutes later with some(9)  . For the next hour,I watched out of my window as he kept on fixing the fence(10)  it was extra safe, stronger than before.

    This man was a hero. My(11)  assumptions, I realized, were all about myself. I would be(12)  and run away if I came across such a messy situation.

    My window had woken me up from a nap to teach me a lesson, a lesson that changed my whole day and even my whole life.

(1)A. agreement

B. influence

C. discovery

D. impression

(2)A. symbol

B. sight

C. sound

D. sign

(3)A. accepted

B. remembered

C. disliked

D. greeted

(4)A. confirm

B. avoid

C. cover

D. repair

(5)A. complained

B. laughed

C. learnt

D. thought

(6)A. end

B. fun

C. problem

D. lesson

(7)A. hide

B. push

C. move

D. leave

(8)A. quality

B. shame

C. power

D. truth

(9)A. friends

B. tools

C. medicines

D. plans

(10)A. until

B. when

C. after

D. since

(11)A. ugly

B. friendly

C. proper

D. possible

(12)A. encouraged

B. pleased

C. scared

D. relaxed

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. When they stopped, the young daughter saw an old man(1)  selling apples. She asked her father to buy her an apple from the old man. The father bought two apples and(2)  them to his daughter. His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand.Then the father asked her(3)  she could share one apple(4)  him. When the girl heard this, she quickly took a bite of one apple. And before her father could(5)  a word,she took a bite of the second apple quickly, too.

The father was(6)  . He wondered why his daughter did like that. He thought maybe his daughter was(7)  young to understand about sharing and giving. The(8)   had gone from his face. But suddenly his daughter said, "Dad, please have this one. This one is much(9)  ." The father's smile came back after knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite of each apple.

Don't judge(判断)(10)   too quickly. Always spend more time understand things better.


B. having

C. selling

D. picking

(2)A. got

B. passed

C. borrowed

D. lent

(3)A. if

B. how

C. why

D. where


B. in

C. by

D. with

(5)A. say

B. tell

C. talk

D. speak


B. excited

C. relaxed

D. interested

(7)A. so

B. too

C. very

D. pretty

(8)A. trust

B. truth

C. smile

D. cloud




D.the sweetest





  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For thousands of years, people farmed the land. They grew fruits and vegetables. They hunted and fished for meat. They(1)   cloth, dyes(染料) and paper from plants. They used stone and metal for weapons and tools.

    People progressed to making machines powered(2)   water and steam(蒸汽), and even later, by coal, oil, and petrol. Large cities were built. Factories(3)   of machines created jobs in the cities for thousands of people. The Industrial Revolution(工业革命) changed the lives of many people because, for the first time, more people lived in cities than on(4)  

    Companies built power plants(工厂) to make(5)   to run the machines, factories and cities.

    People did not realize these activities were(6)   the Earth. They didn't realize bow(7)   oil,gas,coal and minerals were being used up.

    (8)   cities grew bigger and spread across the land,plants and animals began to disappear. Their nature homes were destroyed(破坏) as people moved into new places.

    As time passed, people began to(9)   the need to protect the Earth and its natural resources(资源). They saw that plants and animals needed protection, so they wouldn't disappear forever. People joined together to tell(10)   around the world to conserve(节约) our natural resources and care for the Earth. And so. Earth Day was born. Each year, more and more people take part in Earth Day. What can you do to help?

(1)A. separated

B. washed

C. made

D. mixed

(2)A. as

B. for

C. with

D. by

(3)A. full

B. proud

C. sick

D. short

(4)A. mountains

B. rivers

C. grasslands

D. farms

(5)A. metal

B. water

C. electricity

D. oil

(6)A. helping

B. harming

C. wasting

D. losing

(7)A. clearly

B. hardly

C. quickly

D. slowly

(8)A. Before

B. If

C. As

D. Though

(9)A. forget

B. see

C. remember

D. get

(10)A. them

B. other

C. another

D. others

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's March 12th. Li Li and Lin Tao are digging on a hill not far from their school.In China,people across the country plant trees (1)   on this day.

    The idea of planting trees was first put forward in 1911 by Sun Zhongshan,the great (2)   in China's history.He said more trees were needed as a (3)   against flood(洪水)and drought.

    In 1915,April 5th was named as Tree Planting Day.Then,in 1979,the day was (4)   to March 12th,to (5)   the date on which Sun Zhongshan died.

    "Everyone has heard of the Great Wall of China," says Li Li. "But have you heard of the Green Wall of China?That's the biggest tree planting (6)   of all." The Gobi Desert in the north of China was (7)   every year.So in 1978,a tree planting project was started to (8)   Gobi spreading.The government and local farmers have been planting millions of trees to build a great green "wall" along the edge of the desert.

    "Tree planting has become a tradition in China now," says Lin Tao. "Almost everyone does it on March 12th.Many people also plant a tree on a (9)   day.My parents planted a tree when started school.And my cousin planted (10)   on his wedding(婚礼)day.We do it for the environment and for ourselves."









































  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Tips for being a super organized student

Posted 2hours ago by Amy

I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time and never(1)   to do it.Me ,on the other hand …OK ,I'm not good enough.I'm(2)   at getting myself organized(有条理的)!

But lately I've started keeping a small study(3)  .I write down(4)  I need to do and when it needs to be done by.Then I write a reminder(提醒单) a few days before the date just in case.It's helping.

So(5)   are your tips for getting organized ?Post a comment below.I'm hoping we can share tips to teach us better study skills.



Good question, Amy.I(6)   spend about five minutes at the end of the day (7)   the desktop on my computer.I make a copy of important documents I delete things I don't need any more and put everything useful into the (8)   folder(文件夹).The most important thing is to start studying a few weeks before the (9)   and not leave it (10)   the night before ! That's just common sense , I think.


Hi ,Amy.My tip is to have a big noticeboard …

(1)A. prepare

B. continue

C. regret

D. forget

(2)A. sad

B. good

C. angry

D. terrible

(3)A. bill

B. diary

C. score

D. promise

(4)A. all

B. each

C. both

D. neither

(5)A. how

B. when

C. what

D. where

(6)A. always

B. never

C. seldom

D. sometimes

(7)A.making up

B. tidying up

C. putting up

D. setting up

(8)A. real

B. similar

C. correct

D. natural

(9)A. exams

B. holidays

C. meetings

D. parties

(10)A. after

B. until

C. since

D. as

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Black was a wealthy businessman, but he was not (1)   with his life. He always tried his best to make more money for his company. He did not sleep well and his food did not agree with him. The situation lasted for some time. Finally, after a number of sleepless nights, he (2)     to see his doctor.

    The doctor advised a change of surrounding (环境). "Go abroad," he said.

    "But I'm not good at foreign languages," said Mr. Black.

    "It doesn't matter," said the doctor. "It won't hurt you if you talk (3)  . Go on a trip. Take plenty of exercise. Try to (4)  your weight. Avoid eating rich food. "

    Mr. Black went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to (5) __    himself through gestures(手势). He took part in a physical training course. The instructor (指导者)(6)   him shake his head, swing his arms, stretch his neck and bend his knees. He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs in turn. (7) __  some time his muscles (肌肉) grew hard and firm. He almost put aside his financial (金融) worries and (8)   forgot the importance of making more money. He even began to (9)   trees and birds. He ate and slept well.       Finally he returned home. But unfortunately (不幸地) his (10)   did not last long. Soon he was a normal businessman again, worried about his wealth, his savings, his success in a competitive society, and things in general.

(1)A. good

B. interested

C. satisfied

(2)A. decided

B. refused

C. suggested

(3)A. too much

B. a little less

C. a little more

(4)A. add

B. increase

C. lose

(5)A. express

B. say

C. talk

(6)A. forced

B. asked

C. made

(7)A. While

B. After

C. Past

(8)A. nearly

B. never

C. not

(9)A. think

B. avoid

C. notice

(10)A. worries

B. improvement

C. friendship

  • 更新:2021-01-08
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
