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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 617

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第21—40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
Have you ever watched an artist paint a picture? He or she works close to the canvas(画布) ------________ small sections at a time in the process of completing the whole painting.
But every once in a while, the       must step back from their work and look at the whole picture. Only by stepping away from what they’re working on can they       the proper perspective(角度). The proper point of view is       to the end result.
There is no difference for any other creation.       it’s a business, a project or your life, you need to step back       in order to get it right. From a       , you can see things you can’t see when you’re close. The difference is in working on your project     working in it.  It’s all too easy to focus on something but        the important parts needed to create a satisfying result.
Stephen Covey calls it “       the saw(锯)”. It would be       to keep sawing away without stopping from time to time to make your       sharper. But unfortunately, that’s what too many of us      .
Just as in music --- we need spaces       the notes(音符) in order to create the lovely melody(曲调).  A continuous collection of notes with no spaces is not good --- it’s      .
You may need to take a vacation --- to       work or study. At other times, it’s best to take a course or attend a meeting to        some new complete break, to go away and just do something totally       --- do a voluntary work, build a house for Habitat for Humanity or some other worthy cause.
The important thing is to take the breaks. Without them, we are not          and we don’t enjoy our work or our life as much. Our pressure          and both our work and our health suffer.

A.picking B.painting C.losing D.Enjoying

A.scientists B.teachers C.physicists D.Artists

A.turn B.change C.gain D.Give

A.important B.special C.ordinary D.Popular

A.Although B.Where C.Because D.Whether

A.finally B.sometimes C.immediately D.Slowly

A.height B.depth C.distance D.Length

A.instead of B.together with C.such as D.less than

A.meet B.destroy C.collect D.Miss

A.repairing B.sharpening C.touching D.Hiding

A.foolish B.interesting C.clever D.Practical

A.way B.mind C.tool D.Sense

A.notice B.do C.find D.Lose

A.through B.before C.behind D.Between

A.music B.noise C.sound D.Pollution

A.look forward to B.catch up with C.get away from D.work hard at

A.get B.prove C.desert D.Explain

A.difficult B.necessary C.common D.Different

A.native B.creative C.attractive D.Sensitive

A.reduces B.disappears C.increases D.Improves
