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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 541

Think about a time you went someplace that you had never been before. It seemed as if it was very            and it took a really long time to get there. Then you noticed that th         trip did not seem to take nearly as long,          it was exactly the same distance. Scientists have studied these common observations. They have come to the           that our feeling of how time passes is sometimes based on the           of information we are dealing with. The more information we are getting, the more slowly time seems to pass.
On the way to a           place, we are faced with unfamiliar sights,         , or even smells. We may be reading directions,          landmarks, or trying to find a(n)          road sign. We are repeatedly processing the information we are           .There may be others in the car asking. “Are we there yet?” In fact, the         experiences the same things as the passengers.
On the return trip, we are somewhat familiar with the           . Now much of the information is not           to us. Our brain now processes the information more           . We don’t have to take notice of a lot of what we see and hear. We know what to           and we screen out the rest.
The process could be           to the first and second days of school. On the first day           is new and different and time seems to pass slowly. On the second day, you know what to         , and your brain spends less time processing new information.         , the second day of school usually seems to go forward at a more rapid pace. Thus, in a sense, time         when our surroundings become more familiar.

A.far B.long C.fast D.deep

A.boat B.field C.school D.return

A.as if B.so that C.even though D.long before

A.decision B.conclusion C.introduction D.description

A.amount B.value C.types D.characteristics

A.quiet B.crowded C.strange D.dangerous

A.toys B.books C.gifts D.sounds

A.building B.looking for C.protecting D.missing out

A.old B.real C.particular D.handwritten

A.receiving B.discussing C.mentioning D.providing

A.guest B.guide C.partner D.driver

A.car B.route C.map D.alarm

A.new B.helpful C.enough D.important

A.closely B.directly C.quickly D.carefully

A.take care of B.catch up with C.look down upon D.pay attention to

A.added B.compared C.sent D.contributed

A.everything B.nothing C.someone D.nobody

A.choose B.believe C.expect D.answer

A.Instead B.Besides C.However D.Therefore

A.goes by B.speeds up C.runs out D.stops over
