瑞典皇家科学院于2000年10月10日宣布,美国科学家艾伦·黑格尔、艾伦·马克迪尔米德以及日本科学家白川英树由于在导电聚合物领域的开创性贡献而荣获2000年度的诺贝尔化学奖。碘掺杂的线型聚乙炔是一种导电聚合物,下列有关它的说法不正确的是( )
It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting _______ .
My friend showed me round the town, ______ was very kind of him.
They use computers to keep the traffic _______ smoothly.
If you leave the club, you will not be_____back in .
What I need is_____ book that contains ______ABC of oil painting.