. This is a very frightening number. Most of the time, it will not be noticed until it becomes a large problem. Yet, hopefully, more and more people are learning about it. Parents as well as friends should pay attention to these things and other things such as:
Sudden changes in their mood, appetite or weight can be indications of depression. While these things can also happen to an adolescent, when it is followed by other conditions, it should be taken note of.
A loss of interest in doing the things that they used to love to do can be depression. Now, this is not necessarily something from their childhood, but something within the past few months.
. For example, divorce or separation of their parents, death, or even just friendship. Often, teens blame themselves for these conditions.
. If they do not seem happy any more, there must be something troubling them.
. There are many sad stories of young teens harming themselves because they are suffering from depression and no one took notice.
Finally, to our joy, those teens that do get timely treatment for their depression can actually recover quickly and completely and get back into doing the things they used to love to do. Talk to your doctor if you feel that you have been in any of these conditions or you know someone that is.
So learn more about teen depression and depression in general and get help now or help a friend in need.
A.They can decide what is happening, and get life back on track to you. |
B.Because of depression and lack of notice, many sad and painful cases happen to young teens. |
C.A lack of emotion is a sign that something is definitely wrong. |
D.One thing that must be said about teen depression is that this is a serious condition. |
E.Sad situations can cause teen depression to appear fast.
F.Teen depression makes up one in five children.
G.There are many ways to deal with depression.