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  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 书面表达
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 91

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Becoming an Attractive Employee

   The 2008 financial crisis created an unstable job market. Fast﹣forward to the present, and the economy has not fully recovered. Thus, it's of vital importance for job seekers to carefully strategize their approach to job application. And it's especially important for those new to the work force. They should look at making themselves as attractive as possible to employers.

   For young people, information technology skills will play an increasing role in the future. As the generation to have grown up in the Information Age, they are quite confident when it comes to showing off their interests and skills in this field. This makes them a natural fit for companies seeking expertise (专业技能) in technology, marketing and networking. They should emphasize these skills when applying for jobs that require the ability to multitask.

   Another attractive quality is experience. It's important that an applicant's resume list any activities that involved teamwork and goal﹣driven responsibilities. Membership in a sports or social club and participation as a volunteer are good examples of this. These activities involve goal management and planning along with the ability to focus while competing on a team. When hiring committees see this, they see a candidate who is capable of working in a variety of environments.

   Finally, an attractive quality when job﹣hunting is a great attitude toward a potential job. Young job seekers are known to be overconfident because they have been praised for everything they have done. But they must realize that the employment market is about how an employee will be a good fit for a company, not the other way around.

   In fact, in an interview, an important question to ask is: "What would be expected of me as an employee?" In today's tough job market, young job seekers need to provide a potential employer with good reasons to hire them.

