完成句子 根据所给汉语,用英文完成下列句子 李老师以前经常坐地铁上班。 Mr. Li _________________________________________________________. 政府已经制定法律来阻止人们砍伐树木。 The government has made laws ______________________________________. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化, 还是不错的。 Anyway, ________________________________________________in the town. 因为突如其来的大雪,许多人不得不尽可能小心地开车。 Many people had to ______________________________ the sudden heavy snow. 为什么汽车出故障的时候你一点也不紧张? Why weren’t you _______________when the car________________________? 在本周余下的时间, 阳光和蓝天将代替雨水伴随我们。 Sunshine and blue sky will ______________________________ the rest of the week.
完成句子。 谢谢你帮助我们打扫房屋. Thanks _________ __________ __________clean the house. 他每天大约花半个小时做家庭作业. He __________ about half an hour ___________ his homework every day. 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛有害。 It _________ ___________ ___________your eyes __________ __________ in the sun. 大卫放学后喜欢玩电脑游戏和听音乐。 David __________ _________ computer games and __________ _________ _________ after school. 这是他们第一次为贫困地区的孩子们募集钱。 It’s ___________ __________ time _______ ________ some money __________ the children in poor areas.
根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。 Eating enough vegetables is good for our ________ (health) . I think the bookshop is ________ (close) now , for it’s too late. Amy is a good swimmer . She is a member of the school ________ (swim) Club. Is Grandfather at home now ? I want to say hello to ________ (he). You must brush your ________ (tooth) every day.
A: What ________( be) that? B: It’s a red jacket. A: Can you spell “red”? B: Yes. R-E-D. I can ________( spell) jacket, too. A: Can you? B: J-A-C-K-E-T. A: Good! Now, ________(say) your ABCs, please.