Woman: How was travelling in the 1960s different that in the early 1900s?
Man: Well, in the 1960s people (ride) in cars on wide roads. And, they could also fly in planes from Europe to America in
few hours.
Woman: What about the 1900s?
Man: In the early 1900s there were very few planes. To see one was unusual that the people of a town stopped working to watch it
(fly) overhead.
Woman: But today is quite different, isn’t it?
Man: Yes, today you are able to travel to many (place) very quickly because of the development of the plane. You turn on
(electricity) lights because someone invented ways to make use
electricity. They made history.
Woman: Is our life also changed by history?
Man: That’s right. The history was made by people before you were born changes your life.
Woman: I see. Thank you, Dad.