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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 125

My dad, “Mutt” Mantle is       a father to me, sometimes more like a good judge of talent—“故选A”
He was         about baseball. He made his living working in mines. But he played baseball in several town teams.
From the day I was born, Dad said he wanted me to make my living as baseball player. He named me Mickey       a catcher he liked. He hoped I would play for the New York Yankees.
Dad often         a toy baseball to my crib(摇篮). One day,      . I caught one. Then he was sure that I’d be a ball player!
I learned about the         on a ball field before I learned my ABC’s. When I was three, Dad had Mama make me little uniform. He liked to         around town in it.
When I five, I started school. That same day, I had my first         in switch-hitting(左右手都能击球)
Dad and Grandpa were in the yard when I came home from school. They had a small bat and two   “Mickey,” said Dad, “ Grandpa and I have thought up at a new        . Take this bat and try to hit our
pitches(投掷).I’m left-handed. When I throw, you swing right-handed         you always have. Grandpa’s right-handed. When he throws, turn around and swing left-handed.”
Dad was going to make me a         ! He knew that a player who can bat both right and left has a good         of making hit.
That day I tried and tried. But I couldn’t swing left-handed. After about 15 minutes, I yelled to Mama for help. She said, “ I know it’s easy. But please try.      , to make Dad happy.”
So, every day after school we had switch-hitting        . After two weeks, I didn’t         it any more. My         were getting trained. I began to hit a few.
After a year or two, Dad and Grandpa began throwing as         as they could. And they put real curves(曲线)on those tennis balls. Then as I grew older, they began to use baseball       .
So you know      I, today’s baseball star Mickey Mantle, got my star as a Switch-Hitter.

A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.less than

A.curious B.crazy C.nervous D.particular

A.after B.with C.for D.in

A.hit B.swung C.tied D.threw

A.on purpose B.by intention C.by chance D.without accident

A.limits B.positions C.experiences D.hits

A.see me off B.take me off C.carry me off D.show me off

A.lesson B.period C.lecture D.shift

A.baseballs B.tennis balls C.uniforms D.cribs

A.trick B.attack C.game D.match

A.as B.when C.like D.although

A.baseball star B.good pitcher C.baseball player D.switch-hitter

A.benefit B.potential C.chance D.percentage

A.somehow B.anyway C.someway D.somewhat

A.drills B.arrangements C.lessons D.exchanges

A.miss B.train C.hit D.mind

A.hits B.throws C.muscles D.legs

A.far B.close C.possible D.hard

A.instead B.indeed C.either D.immediately

A.why B.how C.when D.what
