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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 685

Finished school for the summer? It’s great to kick back and relax after the school year-and you deserve it! -but it might also be the time to start building that resume(履历)  to help you impress the college of your choice.Having a great resume doesn’t just mean getting a summer job; lots of activities can help you stay active and gain valuable experience over the summer months.

Getting a job is one of the most practical ways to build your resume and impress colleges, even if working during the school year is not an option(选择), look out for specific holiday jobs, like residential(寄宿的)summer camps that look for help during the summer months.Any job is good, but working in a leadership position or in an academic area looks particularly good on your resume.The more a job challenges you, the more it builds the skills that colleges and future employers are interested in seeing in applicants(申请者).


Give back to gain resume points.Community service is another great way to gain valuable work and leadership experience.Nonprofit(非利益性) organizations such as soup kitchens and animal shelters are always looking for volunteers, and it shouldn’t be difficult to find a volunteer organization near your home that could use an extra pair of hands for a few hours a week during the summer.


This may not be a viable(可行的)option for everyone, but if you can afford it, summer travel can be an exciting way to enrich your mind and improve your resume.Visiting and exploring(探索) foreign places will broaden your horizons(视野), allowing you to expand your awareness of other people and cultures.It’s also a great chance to develop your language skills.


·Take Classes
“School” might be the last thing you want after a hard year of studying, but summer school isn’t always a bad thing.Colleges may look kindly upon applicants who take the initiative(主动)to further their education over the summer.There are a variety of options available for high school students wishing to take summer courses, both at their own schools and at local colleges.If your high school offers summer classes, they could be a great way to advance your math or language skills, two areas that are often lacking on students’ college applications.Local community colleges also offer summer courses for high school juniors and seniors that cover a variety of introductory-level topics.They not only look great on your transcript(成绩单),but also provide a chance to improve your preparations for college and allow you to explore possible career options.

What is the main benefit of summer activities according to the text?

A.To enjoy yourself to the full.
B.To enrich your resume.
C.To develop certain skills.
D.To improve your academic performance.

What is the most practical activity to do during summer vacation?

A.Getting a job.
B.Traveling overseas.
C.Doing volunteer work.
D.Attending classes.

According to the text, “soup kitchens and animal shelters”          .

A.are places that you can travel to
B.might be included in summer courses
C.are recommended(推荐)as part-time jobs for the summer
D.can be good volunteer jobs

Why is “taking classes” recommended in the article?

A.It only takes a few hours a week.
B.It can enrich your career experience.
C.It can prepare you for further study.
D.It can raise your cultural awareness.
