首页 / 高中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 填空题
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1504

Yesterday, as I approached the front door of our public library, a white-haired gentleman stepped back to hold the door for me. You see, I have to go everywhere these days with a walker, and folks are __________ (constant) holding or opening doors for me, so this was not unusual.
However, I told the gentleman that the door had ________ automatic opener, and he did not need to stay to hold it open. He said “Here I thought I would have an opportunity to be _________ (help).”
At that, I backed up, let the door close, and allowed him to reopen the door, not _________ (use) the automatic control this time. His comment then was “Well, now I feel like that I ________ (accomplish) something helpful and worthwhile today.”
We never know _________ someone else is feeling. We seniors seem to feel we can take care of _________ at all times. That random act of kindness brightened not only my day, but to my joy and delight, also the day of that white-haired senior citizen. I felt a glow for the rest of the day, and, ________ (hope), so did he!
So, gentle readers, never hesitate _________ (offer) kindness. You may find to your _________ (amaze) that there is more kindness in your community than you ever believe possible.

