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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1256

“Gold Rush Alaska” has given America gold fever. A lot of young men put everything at risk to find gold in Alaska. They face problems with their machines and the Alaska wild animals. They’re just ordinary people out trying to realize a dream.
Todd Dorsey is one of them. He spent $100,000 on it and prepared for a year before going to Alaska. He brought his family and friends to help him out. He must get them mining (开矿) and a place to stay. He also had to keep their spirits up and kept everyone working as a team. They had to run off bears sometimes from their camp.
They had to face the fact that their lead mechanic’s (机修工的) health was not good. They called him Harness, and he was on medication that was hard for him to take, because out in Alaska it was not easy to get to the hospital and so he didn’t enjoy good health. He was the only one who could keep things running the way they were supposed to. There was one guy that didn’t seem to get along with anyone. But didn’t there always have to be someone that didn’t get along and messed things up?
They got excited when they found a few small pieces of gold, but they needed a lot more to cover the cost of mining every day. It cost Todd $1,000 a day to run everything they needed to mine. They had to make money before the Alaska summer came to an end or they would go broke(破产).
We learn from the text that the young men joining the gold rush ______.

A.knew Alaska well before they set off
B.were poor before they went to Alaska
C.faced the threat of wild animals
D.got along well with each other

According to the text, Harness ______.

A.was the leader of the young men
B.never messed things up
C.was very important to everyone
D.had to be taken to hospital

What does the author think of “Gold Rush Alaska”?

A.He thinks highly of what Todd did.
B.He believes Todd can realize his dream.
C.He thinks Todd lacked team spirit.
D.He thinks Todd was taking a chance.
