It was ____ (freeze) cold as I was waiting at a bus stop in my hunt for a job. The bus had just pulled __
_ when a young woman walked up to the stop. She had on a T-shirt and slippers. When we talked she told me she lost her job and had no family in the area. I __
_ (dig) into my purse and took out $ 5 so she could get something to eat. I then took off my jacket and gave it to her. After I got on the bus, that was _
__the miracle(奇迹)of spreading kindness happened. I stepped up to pay _
__ fare and the bus driver told me in a big smile that it was on him. A lady called me __
__ to her seat and said, “What can I do for you to give back
_ I just saw?” I said_
_ (joke) a job would be nice. The lady said she had an assistant position vacant (空着) in her company and wanted me to meet the manager. _
__ turned out that the lady was _
__ (heading) of HR at this company. I went in for the interview and started working there. I never expected to get so much back in return!