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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 122

Eco-friendly Vauban,Germany,located in the southwest part of the country,is a city where less than 20 percent of the residents own automobiles.Most of the people get around the town by using bicycles and their feet,according to an article (with video) by ABCNews.com.Can an eco-friendly city like Vauban be a model for Americans to stop their over-reliance (过度依赖) on the automobile?
Anytime I watch a news report,what’s often in the back of my mind is what isn’t reported or stressed.While this eco-friendly city is inspiring in that it shows residents getting their exercise and more fresh air through the majority use of bicycles,rollerblades (轮滑鞋),as well as good old-fashioned walking,common sense would tell you that even for a place like Vauban it owes its existence to the automobile.
Do you think that bicycles were able to transport all the construction materials that were needed to build the eco-friendly homes and businesses in Vauban?Were rollerbladers able to move all the materials needed for the sidewalk and bicycle path construction?It took automobiles to help build this place.
I myself haven’t owned a car for more than 14 years.I mostly get around town via running,walking,and use of public transportation.Although I’m glad lots of walking and running has helped to keep me fit and healthier,there are times I wish I had an automobile because it would make things really easier.
In order for America to get even close to being like eco-friendly Vauban,we need to change the way we live,starting with huge investment (投资) in public transportation,etc.Yet ending Americans’ dependence on the automobile will be virtually impossible during my lifetime.At best,one will see more Vauban-like areas in the USA.
It can be hoped that Americans will consider using their feet more to get around when possible,which would cut down on some pollution and provide some health benefits via exercise.
The first paragraph serves as a(n)    .


According to Para.2,the author believes that    .

A.Vauban is not so eco-friendly as the media says
B.automobiles will disappear in Vauban soon
C.residents in Vauban still need automobiles
D.life in Vauban is not comfortable and convenient

From Para.4 we learn the author seems to stress    .

A.the great value of walking and running
B.the disadvantages of owning a private car
C.the benefits of using public transportation
D.the need of allowing automobiles to exist

Which of the following opinions would the author accept?(  )

A.American cities can become as eco-friendly as Vauban soon.
B.It is unnecessary for Americans to depend on bicycles.
C.Americans are still heavily dependent on automobiles.
D.The model of Vauban suits American cities very well.
